Butterflies and Puppets

By Kimmi369

3.5K 88 0

Mayumi Inuzuka. She's not really an Inuzuka but Tsume pretty much has raised her best friends daughter. Mayum... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61.

Chapter 27

60 2 0
By Kimmi369


The dark night sky still plastered above them with little light from the stars and half moon above them luminating the ground below them. The small breeze sending a chill down her spine as stands in front of her uncle arms crossed, emotionless expression on her face.

They stay quiet a little while longer taking each other in, it had been years since they actually talked. It always came out with hurtful words. But this time, Asuma wanted her to hear what he had to say, to help reconnect after all these years. Pain in his heart every time he saw her. What he did, was to protect her, from any more danger that could possibly come.

He takes a deep breath and steps closer to her staring into her eyes, eyes so different than the Sarutobi family, taking after her mothers side with the bright blue, still unsure how about her left eye, looking at such a mystery just waiting to be unfolded any moment in time.

"I want to know everything you know about your father." He says.

"Asuma.. we don't have to do this."

"No May, we do. It's time I finally talked to you about this. I missed years.. years of you growing up."

She stands there for a few moments feeling the wind blow through her hair. "I know he wasn't good to people. He has killed innocent men."

"Mayumi... there are something's, I need to tell you." He starts off, she just looks at him like she's ready to break down at any moment. He lights up his cigarette and takes a quick drag. "I'm not good at this sentimental shit, but I don't know how else to put this other than to just say it."

"Then just say it." She tenses her jaw staring hard at him.

"I blocked your memories of your dad."

"You- what?"

He takes another drag of his cigarette and looks at her a moment longer. "I blocked your memories, a few years ago, you asked the Hokage about blocking memories. He couldn't bring himself do it, so I did.. so you would hate me instead of him.. I regret it everyday. I have for years."

"Asuma.." she says softly a tear threatening to fall down her face. "Why? Why would you do that?"

" I wanted you to have a normal happy life. I didn't want... I didn't want him to change the precious life that your mother brought into this world you were too pure." He says softly looking down at his niece. "I wanted you to be strong, I wanted you to grow up happy... and.. and I was wrong.. I made such a big mistake.. I thought I knew what I was doing.." he sniffles and looks at her with clouded eyes.

"Asuma... I have a question.. what did my father do?" She asks stepping closer into arms reach.

"Do you want to know it all?" He asks lifting his hand up, she nods lightly. "Are you sure.."

"For me to trust you again Asuma I need you to do this... I want to know everything." He gently places a finger on her forehead and holds it there for a moment watching her face change from sadness to complete fear, tears falling down both their faces. "He.. he.."

"He abused you..daily.." Asuma said scanning her face. "I didn't want it to ever bother you again.."

"Then why did you leave?"

"I felt guilty, I couldn't help you, I tried to help you and your mom. But she kept denying that you were being abused. Then one day, I saw you running to me, you had a black eye, I couldn't take it anymore. I did what I had to do.." he takes a shaky breath before continuing.

"He didn't know you knew.." She whispers.

He shakes his head. "No, he didn't May, I made a deal with myself. He wanted to get out of the village. So I agreed to help him, I vowed for him to be in the Special Forces along with your mom. To keep him far away from you, for as long as possible. And when Tsume started taking you in, everything seemed so much better. I knew that I did the right thing. I'm sorry I left, I felt so guilty and I regret it so much. But I couldn't see you hurt any longer. I did it for you."

He studies her face hard. Trying to search for anything a reaction. "You tried to protect me.." she says softly he nods. "'Suma.. why did it take you so long? Did grandfather ever know?"

"He threatened me.. if I were to say a word to anybody, he would kill me. And we both know he would have without a second thought, and no.. he never knew..."

She takes a step closer to Asuma looking up at him. "Thank you." She whispers. "I hope for now on, you will be here for me. I need you now, more than ever."

He pulls her into a strong hug as they stand there under the stars for a while longer until they retreat back to their homes and she falls asleep on the couch.


Standing in front of her mirror Mayumi looks at herself. Her long blonde hair reaching past her waist, her black dress hugging her hips her tired eyes staring back her. She grabs some make-up and puts a little on hiding the bags under her eyes.

She turns around when she hears a knock on her door slowly walking to it she opens it slowly. She sees Kiba standing there in black dress pants and a black button down shirt.

"I figured you didn't want to walk alone." He says softly offering his arm for her to take.  She locks her doors and takes his arm as they start to walk to the cemetery where everyone is standing. He nudged her forward and whispers "you're supposed to be standing in front with your grandfather and Asuma."

"Please tell your mom to look out for my apartment while I'm gone." She says he nods then walks off.

She stands beside the last of her remaining family members as one by one everyone comes up and places a rose onto the two caskets. She sees Kankuro and his siblings walk up placing a rose each onto the caskets.

"I'm suprised you all are still here." Mayumi says softly.

"Well, I figured we could pay our respects before we leave." Kankuro says looking down at her gently touching her arm and stepping close. She looks up at him a stray tear falling from her face as she swallows a lump in her throat he takes his thumb and wipes it away then steps back letting go of her arm. "See you next time?"

"Always" she whispers giving him a half smile.

"Bye bye butterfly." He says softly.

"Our condolences." Temari says behind him Mayumi gives her a weak smile then looks down at her feet.

After the ceremony her grandfather stops her for a moment putting his hand in her shoulder.

"Remember who you are Mayumi. You are braver than you believe. Smarter than you think. Stronger than you seem. Remember... you were born to raise hell." She gives him a small smile and looks at Asuma and gives him a hug.

"Go raise hell May!" Asuma shouts as she runs off.

Mayumi walks over to the green eyed woman that offered to train her.

"Ready?" Kumiko asks.

"I need to go change, pick up my weapons and my bag." She states looking up.

"Meet me at the gate in 10 minutes." Kumiko states as she jumps off.

Mayumi rushes home and changes and grabs her things then rushes to the gates.

"You're late." Kumiko says standing there with her arms crossed.

"My apartment is on the other side of the town." Mayumi retorts.

"You are a wind user, take advantage of it."


"You heard me."

"So where are we going?" Mayumi asks irritated.

"To the Sand Village first. We are waiting for a team to meet us here so we can travel with them."

"Why the Sand?"

"Because we have to go through it to get to where we are going."

Mayumi just looks at her then sighs. "Fine."

"Yumi, what are you doing here?" Gaara asks walking up to them. "Afternoon Kumiko-Sensei." Kumiko bows slightly at him.

"Training. Please call me Mayumi." She says turning to Kumiko.

"Looks like we're ready." Kumiko says. "Let's go."

They travel for a while in silence. Kumiko and Gaara in the front, Temari and Kankuro in the middle then Mayumi in the back. She pulls out a book and an apple and starts to eat.

Kankuro falls back to her side. "I see you got your bag I left you." He says looking at her.

"I did. Thank you." She says still reading her book.

"Is it enough for the trip?"

"I'll get more when we reach the village." She replies taking another bite and turning the page of her book.

"Are you okay? I mean really okay?" He asks.

"Of course I am. I'm here, I'm alive. More than what other people can say."

"Mayumi, cut out that crap." Kumiko says over her shoulder.

"Why? Afraid the three people following us is going to say something?" Mayumi says putting her book up and finishing her apple and throwing it into the woods where she felt someone moving around causing a ever so slight wind.

"What are you talking about?" Temari questions.

Mayumi quickly pulls out her sword and swings it at the direction of where she threw her apple sending a big gust of air to tear apart the bushes. Screams are heard from the bushes.

"What the hell? Why didn't none of us know they were there?" Kankuro shouts.

"Put your sword up Mayumi. I'll take care of them." Kumiko says walking in front of her. She huffs then puts her sword back in it place as she watches Kumiko takes on the tree ninjas with ease. She finishes the last one off and walks back to Mayumi standing in front of her.

"You're not allowed to fight until I say you can. I know you jump in for the first sight of a fight. You're going to get yourself killed." Kumiko states then turns around proceeding on their journey.

"Whatever." Mayumi mumbles pulling her book back out.

They travel until it starts night fall setting their bags down in one pile. "Alright, who's doing what?" Kumiko asks looking around at the kids.

"I'll set up the tents." Mayumi mumbles grabbing the tents and quickly setting them up. Temari and Kankuro go out to find water and firewood. Kumiko quickly starts the fire by flicking her fingers creating a spark between her fingers and the wood. Sitting by the fire for a while after eating Kankuro yawns.

"Who wants to to take the first shift?" Kumiko asks. Both Gaara and Mayumi stand up.

"You need to rest." Gaara states looking at Mayumi.

"I'm fine, I'm used to taking watch all night." She replies.

"Sota isn't here Mayumi, you don't have to do everything like you did with him. Trust me, I was in his team. I know how he is." Kumiko states. "Gaara can take watch."

"Whatever." She mutters picking up her sword and swinging it onto her back and walking off between some trees where she comes across a small river she sits down next to it and watches the river flow in silence.

Letting out a sigh she looks up into the sky watching the stars. "The stars are prettier the higher up you are." Kankuro says walking up to her and sitting next to her. They stay sitting there in silence.

"Why are you nice to me Kankuro?" She asks finally breaking the silence looking at him.

He looks down at her. "I don't know. You make me laugh and when I first met you, I've never had a girl make me speechless before. Normally I'm the one causing the trouble."

"You don't even know me.."

"So? You don't know me either."

"I know enough."

"Like what?"

"You don't like little kids, you're  cocky, and you avoid fighting if you have too."

"Eh, that's just a few facts about me. But really, you don't know me either."

They stay silent watching the stars until they hear a rustle in the bushes turning and Temari appear. "We should be getting rest. Kumiko said we're leaving before the sun comes up." She looks at the two at how close they are together smiling to her self then turns back around walking back to camp.

She lets out a big sigh Kankuro already standing up with his hand out. She declines his hand and gets up by herself walking back to the campsite Kankuro looks at her one last time then goes into his tent for the night. Mayumi sits back at the fire with her knees to her chest and stays like that until time to leave in the morning.

"Mayumi, you didn't sleep." Gaara said walking up next to her.

"Couldn't sleep."

"You didn't even try."

"So? I'll be fine." She states pulling out an orange and starts peeling it.

"Let's pack up and go. I want to get to the Sand Village before dark." Kumiko states.

"We'll have to travel fast then.." Temari remarks.

"Oh we are." Kumiko says as they pack up quickly. "I need every moment I can get with Mayumi this month."

Being tired and hungry they finally get to the Sand Village before night fall. "Let's get a few things then we are leaving." Kumiko tells Mayumi.

"I just need some fruit and that's it."

"Leaving so soon?" Kankuro says a little bit saddened.

"She has lots of training to do, she won't be back until the morning of the finals."

"Why pushing the time like that?" Mayumi asks shocked.

"Because I have a lot to teach you and lot of places to go."

"Places? Like, as in more than one?" Mayumi's eye twitches as Kumiko just smiles at her.

"I'll see you next time." Kankuro smiles at her.

"Always." she winks back at him.

"Bye bye butterfly."

They get their supplies and hurry out of the village.

Hi guys! I hope everyone is liking the story so far!

I hope you all are taking care of yourselves, remember to drink water and eat! 💙

Happy Memorial Day, and be safe 💙 it's pouring down rain here and thundering. So today me and the kids are going to cuddle up and watch movies!

Also, the next like 3-4 chapters I think will be posted at the same time.

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