delightful mistakes

By black_orchids90

498 44 32

park sooyoung is an accomplished managing editor in one of seoul's biggest fashion magazine. her life is head... More


2: [m]

183 19 10
By black_orchids90

18+ MATURE CONTENT: small sexual scene

"Are you kidding me? This is a horrible decision, Soo. Nothing good comes out of allowing yourself to be near the Kim brothers."

"Your best friend is Jin."

"Exactly, which is why you should listen to me. Convince him to stay with Jimin and Jungkook. They can't be as bad as he's making them sound."

Sooyoung sighed, facing Irene. There were so many questions she wanted to ask her older friend. The most important being why she had such a strong, negative, reaction to her helping their friend. The other prying question she wanted to ask had to do with Taehyung's older brother that had recently gotten engaged.

Irene may have thought she had been subtle, but she thought her to be anything but. The moment their engagement had been announced, Irene kept her distance from Jin. She never mentioned him, when they spent more time together than anyone else before his engagement — maybe even when he had begun his new relationship. She never mentions his fiancé Jisoo, either. She acted as if Jin was a thing of the past and not in her life anymore. Sooyoung desperately wanted to know, but she respected Irene's privacy.

"Jimin stole the pictorial from Hwan's new magazine spread because they stole our concept. That only happened because while clubbing he met this woman, he took home and slept with. She happened to be a worker from Hwan. I think they're as bad as Taehyung thinks they are. You don't understand the headache I had to deal with, yesterday."

"I thought you had a headache now because you drank with Tae yesterday."

"I meant at work!" she hissed as Irene chuckled.

"How did that go? The drinking? Did he open up? I heard in passing from..."

"Jin?" she looked towards Irene with a teasing look as her friend flushed.

"I didn't stop talking to him, not when he kept bothering me and leaving voicemails that I was the only person he could go to about this. Everyone makes it seem as if I don't talk to him anymore. We talk. We're just — busy — yeah, that's the word..."

Irene was speaking in circles, more to herself than anything else. Blabbering whatever she could and playing with the hem of her shirt. In all honesty, Sooyoung had stopped paying attention to what she was saying and picked up on the small smile that played in the corner of her mouth as she spoke about Jin. Every utter of his name made the elder's eyes twinkle and lips turn up with a hidden secret — a secret Sooyoung clued in on.

"Oh god," she exclaimed, making Irene stop talking and eyes widening, startled by her, "you love him. No wonder you kept your distance the moment he started dating, even more, when he got engaged. You're in love with Jin."

"I – what? No, I'm not!"

Irene proclaimed; eyes big in fear of being found out. She avoided making eye contact and fanned her face as if she was shocked by such a pure and ridiculous assumption. Her actions only reaffirmed what she noticed.

"How did I miss it? How long have you been in love with him?" she ignored Irene's pathetic attempts at moving the conversation along, away from her.

"We're not talking about Jin," Irene answered sternly. "We're talking about Taehyung and how he refused to tell anyone why he's divorcing Hani. Did he tell you? Did you know he's the one that filed the divorce papers? It was months ago. I guess it took this long to have Hani sign the papers because the process started recently. We're not talking about how I've always been in love with Jin."

"You what?!"

"Sooyoung, please not now. We're focusing on Taehyung."

"Fine," she resigned, slouching a bit because this news about Irene and Jin held more excitement than she'd have in months. "Taehyung didn't say much. He was quiet and the more we drank the quieter he got. You know how he is; he gets whiny and wants comfort."

"In other words, he said nothing as to why he filed for the divorce."

"Nope and honestly, I don't want to ask. If he wants to tell me or anyone, he will. In his time. The most we can give him is time. He doesn't say anything, but his eyes show how broken he is. I saw it and it's devastating seeing him like that. I'm not going to push him for answers. I can see why he didn't want to stay with Jin or his parents."

"You're the only one who wouldn't push. He knew that and I'm sure that's partly why he went to you and nobody else."

"But I do want to pry with you. Why didn't you say anything? Jin was in love with you too!" Irene made to speak, but she raised her hand to stop her. "I want the truth, no excuses or lies."

"What did you want me to do? Mess up our friendship? It's not the same since he confessed, and I rejected him."

Sooyoung had been taking a bite of her croissant when Irene dropped that new information. She dropped the croissant and her mouth hung open.

"I'm sorry, what?! Irene! Why did you reject him if you love him?"

"I didn't back then, okay! Back then," Irene pouted looking at her hands before speaking, "at least I thought I didn't feel the same. It happened before he met Jisoo."

"That was two years ago."

"I know. Soo, I was afraid. I rejected him because there was no way I loved him as more than a friend. He told me it was okay, and he'd wait. He did, but when Jisoo came, I still didn't think I had more than platonic love for him. It broke me when they began to date. That was when I finally realized I did love him, the moment he moved on. I'm devastated Sooyoung. I lost my chance. If he hadn't met Jisoo, I would be able to tell him how I feel."

"That's why you've been distant, haven't you?"

"Yeah," she slumped, her pouting and red-rimmed eyes made her look younger than she was. "I wish I could ignore him. I avoid meeting face to face. It's so hard to avoid his calls when he constantly calls until I pick up. That's why run Sooyoung. Don't allow Tae into your life. Nothing good will come out of it."

"I'm not going to fall in love with him, Irene. He's getting a divorce. That's fucked up."

"I'm trying to look out for you. They're charming."

Sooyoung smiled in understanding. She knew how charming they were. If Taehyung wasn't so charming, she would have never helped him woo Hani in the first place. She knew those charms; she wasn't dumb and she still wondered if this was the best decision she could have made.

"I know. If you want to know, he blackmailed me and that is why I agreed."

"With what?"

"Doesn't matter, that's not important. What is important is all our lives are falling apart. You're in love with Jin, who's getting married in ten months. Kyujong broke up with me. Tae is getting a divorce. The first woman Jimin has found an interest in turns out to work for our rival company. No one knows what's going on with Joon. Hoseok is living his bachelor life, as is Jungkook. We're all in our thirties! Some are even in their late thirties. What is wrong with us? We should be settled, like Wendy and Yoongi!"

Irene nodded, stopping at the mention of Yoongi and Wendy. Facing Sooyoung, she took her hand, making her face her with wondering eyes.

"You haven't heard, have you?"


"Yoongi and Wendy."

"No! Don't you dare tell me they are getting a divorce or are having marital issues? I aspire to be them! Don't give this horrible news. I will lose all hope of everything." She proclaimed, making Irene chuckle before her face fell and looked somber.

"They're having some marital problems, not with each other. They've been trying for a child for years now and haven't had luck. Wendy's fallen into a depression. IVF has failed twice. I don't think she could take it anymore. Yoongi doesn't know what to do. So, it's a good thing Taehyung didn't show up at their door. This may tear them apart. Not because they don't love each other – it's a hard struggle to have as a couple, you know. It can break marriages apart. I think you should visit Wendy soon. She asked about you."

Sooyoung nodded, taking it all in and wondering what was happening with all their friends.


Footsteps were heard coming closer to his office. He watched his door, preparing to see the wide eyes of his overly excited workmate, roommate, and one of his best friends. Jimin was right, seconds later Jungkook burst in. His eyes wide and mouth open as if in shock. How long had he been holding it in? He was sure Jungkook may have wanted to talk about his attempted phone call to Taehyung in the morning since they arrived at work. Now that Sooyoung was at lunch and Jungkook's photoshoot finished, he prepared himself. He minimized his next article he was working on.

"Did you hear about Taehyung?"

Jimin's face showed how unamused he was. "JK, we all heard about him. Yesterday!"

Jungkook waved him off, sitting on the chair in front of his desk. "I worded that wrong, sorry. I meant did you hear what Hani said about Taehyung?"

He had not. In fact, he never talked much to Hani. Not when she was dating Taehyung—especially not when she was married to Taehyung. He had never been a fan of her. She showed too much possessiveness over Taehyung. She wanted to control him and had successfully done so for many years. Eight to be exact. During their courtship and marriage. Too close to a decade to live with such toxicity if you were to ask Jimin.

"No. I don't care what she has to say. It's probably a lie."

"Hear me out, I thought so too." Jungkook slipped him his phone, having pressed play on a podcast.

"Hani, is the news true? Are you getting a divorce from your husband? If so, we would like to give our deepest condolences. We have spent the past four years as your team and loved seeing the both of you together."

"Yes, the rumors are true. It's not the best of time emotionally for me, so forgive me if I seem off."

"Is it too much to ask what happened?"

Jimin shared a look with Jungkook—yes—it was too much to ask. The reasons for a divorce were personal and knowing how Hani loves the attention she has gained from her followers when her podcast went viral, he knew she would answer.

"Usually, I wouldn't want to delve into it, but I feel wronged. I was served the papers months back. I wanted to fix this and there was no way to fix it. He cheated. Taehyung cheated on me, and I think I know with who. Someone from his past. He's been distant for some time. It hurts to know he would rather divorce than try to better our relationship. He refused couple's therapy. Everything I gave as an option other than divorce was shut down by him. It hurts and so, I am announcing a semi-hiatus from the podcast and future projects. I would like to resolve this issue as privately as possible."

Jungkook took his phone back, pausing the audio and facing Jimin. Jimin stared at him, eyes narrowing. As privately as possible after having told all her followers and anyone who would come across was keeping things private for her? He was livid.

"You don't believe her, do you?"

"Listen," Jungkook began, being cautious.

"You hate Hani! You've always hated her since you saw her 'accidentally' spill her drink on Sooyoung at Jin's birthday party."

"Just hear me out, first." Jungkook pleaded, trying to get his words out. Jimin tried to calm himself, thinking of how not to stalk Hani down and murdering her. If he did, how to get away with it. "I'm not saying I believe her. Fuck no. She's a pathological liar who's been jealous of Sooyoung for the longest time, never considering that Sooyoung helped Taehyung with wooing her. All those things he did were Sooyoung's idea. She's an ungrateful bitch and an attention seeking whore. I know I shouldn't speak of someone like this—but you do realize what she's implying, right?"

"That Taehyung cheated on her and he's leaving her for the other woman. That was loud and clear, Jungkook."

"No, okay first I should backtrack to this morning. You know how I called Tae to see how he was doing? I forgot about that with work and finding out the daughter of Kim Jewelers is going to be the main model for this upcoming spread—a rookie that was given this role because of her parents—that's another issue. When I called, Tae answered, but he didn't speak. It was a small hum of a response when I said his name. What I heard was a muffled female voice behind him telling him to make sure to drink water and the hangover medicine she left on the bedside table. Also, that she had prepared him breakfast that he would need to heat up. He's staying with a woman and although I don't believe Hani, isn't it suspicious? Jin doesn't know who he's staying with. He hasn't heard from him. I thought Tae would've stayed with his parents."

"That's not enough reason to think Hani's words hold an ounce of truth. You know how he likes his privacy. I bet he's with someone that would give him just that. We're all too intrusive." Jimin pointed out, thinking, and knowing exactly who Taehyung could be staying with.

Before Jungkook could speak, a knock was heard on his door. Jimin looked up to see Sooyoung. She was holding some coffees and looked from him to Jungkook. She rolled her eyes, walking past Jungkook as she handed him a drink and placing the other on his table. She had gotten them drinks as she usually did when she would come back from lunch.

"I take it you two have not taken your lunch, yet."

"Why are you back so soon?" Jungkook asked looking down at his watch and eyes widening. "It's been an hour?! Screw that, why are you so late?!"

Sooyoung smacked the back of his head. "I was with Irene. I haven't had time to catch up with her and I told her about Kyujong. Please keep your voice down, I am still nursing a hangover. This is the last time I drink on a weekday."

"Well, you weren't expecting for Kyujong to dump you on a Tuesday." Jungkook muttered, sipping his coffee. Sooyoung sat on his other chair, smiling endeared at Jungkook's smile after sipping the coffee she brought—his eyes wide and eyebrows furrowing. He liked the drink.

Jimin had been watching her. Hearing her words, his assumptions were correct and soon his smile was growing as he looked at his cousin. Sooyoung soon started to squirm in his gaze, most likely used to seeing that look whenever he would ask her to do something for him that could get her in trouble—or when he caught her in a lie. She wasn't lying. He doubted that if he asked, that Sooyoung would lie. Her reactions were reminiscent of those times for him and he chuckled, shaking his head. Jungkook faced him, confused and gazing back and forth between the two of them.

"Soo, did you happen to drink with someone or alone?" he asked, smirking as she slightly flushed and broke eye contact. She sipped her coffee.

"You got yourself a rebound?" Jungkook asked, intrigued and with a teasing grin as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"No!" she exclaimed, facing Jimin with a stoic face. "Yes, I did drink with someone, but not like how you may be thinking."

"I'm not thinking anything—at least I'm not. I'm sure Jungkook here thinks you may have hooked up. I know you too well. The both of you."

Sooyoung sighed, rolling her eyes as she relaxed back in the chair. "How did you know? Did he tell you?" he shook his head. "Then how? Also, did you two forget we have a meeting at 4? If you don't take lunch now, you won't have an hour for lunch."

Jimin waved her off, not caring about lunch. "How could he possible tell anyone when he's ignored all our calls? Well, maybe he did answer Jungkook's, and I blame the blurriness of sleep and his hangover as to why he answered. He's been screening all our calls and I don't blame him."

Jungkook placed his coffee down and moved to the edge of the chair before looking at both. "I am genuinely lost here. Who answered what? Who did Sooyoung drink with?"



They both replied at the same time. Jungkook dropped the hold of his phone. The loud clutter sound startling Jimin who sent him a glare. He had been smugly looking at Sooyoung who shrugged in his way, sipping her coffee, and not seeming bothered by how he knew his best friend and cousin too well.

"You're housing Taehyung? You were the voice I heard this morning?!" Jungkook was losing his mind, gaping as he tried to make sense of what he had just found out.

"If you're the person on the other line, then yes that was me. Why are you so shocked? I knew Taehyung before you met him in college."

"It's not that!" Jungkook stood up, pointing at her and then at his phone that still laid on the floor. He did it a couple of times, his mouth moving as if trying to find the right words to say what he wanted to say.

"Jungkook, spill it out. You look ridiculous." Jimin expressed in a bored manner, sipping his coffee, and looking at what place delivers food the fastest. He was hungry.

"Hani thinks you're the other woman!"

He choked on his coffee as Sooyoung scoffed, looking away and then back to Jungkook.

"That's ridiculous, you know it is. The last time I heard from Tae before he showed up at my doorstep yesterday was more than a year ago. At least, not from him personally. It always came from you guys or someone else. Besides, how would you know that?" Sooyoung inquired, looking down at her fingernail—as if uninterested by it all.

Jungkook on the other hand was scandalized for her. Jimin didn't blame him. He saw how Hani made Sooyoung's life a living hell. They all did, and they kept a lot of the things Hani had done from Sooyoung. Taehyung had been too blind by his love for him to see how badly she treated one of his closest friends. If he could go back, Jimin would do anything in his power to stop Hani and Taehyung from ever meeting.

"She accused him of cheating on her. That's why they are divorcing. She announced on her podcast."

"Yeah, but she never mentioned Sooyoung's name. Why do you think she's accusing Tae of cheating on her with Soo?" he asked, lost as to where Jungkook had gotten the idea from.

"Didn't you hear?" Jungkook picked his phone back up and seemed to search for the exact moment on the podcast. He found it, playing it for them. "'He cheated. Taehyung cheated on me, and I think I know with who. Someone from his past.' Aka, you!"

"She never said my name."

"Who else from his past would she accuse? Irene? Wendy? Last I checked, Wendy is married, and Irene is better friends with Jin than with Tae."

Jungkook made a valid point and now Jimin was seething in anger. How dare Hani accuse his best friend and his cousin as cheaters? Sure, she had not dragged Sooyoung's name through the mud, but anyone who knew them from college could assume the same thing Jungkook had.

"I honestly could care less what she says. Does Taehyung know she said this?" Sooyoung asked, looking worryingly to Jungkook who shrugged.

"I don't know.  I was surprised that he answered my call, and I was surprised to hear a female voice. Knowing it's you, I'm not surprised anymore. You'd be the last person to pry into his reason for divorcing Hani."

"Exactly, that is why don't expect me to ask and don't expect me to ever bring up what she said. Taehyung is hurting. Last night was enough for me to know that. A man who cheated and fell out of love would not have drunk as much as he did.  I don't remember much. I was drunk too, but I do recall him calling out for her, and asking why. He was vague and clung to me like a child. She's lying—that bitch."

Jimin sighed, trying to ignore how Jungkook continued to ask if at least Taehyung was holding up well and as to why he was staying with her in the first place. Sooyoung answered, but he didn't care. He cared about what Hani had done. He wondered when Namjoon would be back from his trip. He was a lawyer for a top company in South Korea. He would know what to do. First, he had to tell Jin what Hani had said and hopefully his family would sue Hani for defamation because from what Sooyoung had said about Taehyung having no money to pay for a place to stay—he had a feeling this wasn't the first time Hani had said this and may have cost Taehyung his job.


The day did not seem to get any better. Seulgi was still sending him angry text messages about how she was on the line for her job and blaming him. He promptly ignored all her messages. He didn't tell her to do such a thing for her job. She had chosen to steal their idea and go through with it. She had had enough time to back out of it.

Still, his mind was tired from speaking to Jin after their meeting about what Hani had done and needing to calm down his older friend. From the way Jin yelled and spoke quickly, had he not been with Jisoo, Jimin was sure that Jin would have run out of his home and given Hani a piece of his mind. Jimin did not tell Jin who Taehyung was staying with. He had a feeling that Taehyung did not want to be found. Not with how his messages had continued to be left unread by his friend.

         I know you're staying with Soo; a simple period would be enough as a reply Tete.

"I guess it really was luck that he answered my call while sleep deprived. He has not read any of my messages." Jungkook complained beside him. "I've been trying to send him memes to hopefully make him smile. Do you think he'll be okay?"

Jimin smiled, letting out a small laugh. "He picked Sooyoung to stay with. Do you think she won't act like a mother hen if he's not feeling well? You know how caring she is with all of us. Remember the time you had a fever during a shoot in Jeju? She flew all the way down to yell at the stylist and art director for not allowing you to rest and proceeded to baby you for the night."

Jungkook smiled, reminiscing. "Yeah, she's the best. That's why I think this weekend we should all stalk Kyujong down and make him pay. Do you think he knows? Would he join? Remember her college crush that stood her up? We had to stop him from hitting him the next day. It failed though, I never thought Yoongi would have been the one to hit that guy."

"I thought Irene slugged him across the face." Jimin thought back, had it been Yoongi that hit first or Irene. Either way the male had been left bruised for having messed with their beloved friend.

The elevator arrived on their floor as they continued to reminisce and head to their apartment. A laugh stuck in the back of his throat the moment he looked ahead and was steps away from their door.

What Jimin had not been expecting—although in retrospect he should have seen it coming—was Kang Seulgi waiting for him outside of his door. She hadn't seemed to have heard them, looking down at her phone. Jungkook at once backtracked at spotting her and left him alone the moment he burst through the staircase door. The loud banging made Seulgi face him, removing an ear bud.

Her anger showed in her eyes. They were narrower than they already were. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stalked towards him. She easily cornered him into the wall nearest his door. She poked at his chest. For her short stature, she held an intimidating aura. Jimin felt shame in knowing his attraction and libido for her still existed. Showing her commanding attitude made his small friend twitch with excitement that should not be there.

"You almost cost me my job." Seulgi hissed, her cheeks aflame from the anger she held.

He smirked, bringing a hand up to push hair that had fallen in front of her face, behind her ear. His actions surprised her, making her mouth gape in a flustered manner and take half a step back. His smirk deepened while tilting his head to the side.

"Pity, considering you would have cost not only mine, but Jungkook's job. I'm guessing you had no clue as to who I was. You were after Jungkook weren't you?"

Seulgi stepped back, slapping his hand from where he had cupped her cheek.

"Shut up!"

"What happened? Did Jungkook reject you? What kind of company makes their workers do this kind of extra work? It's illegal, Seul."

"Shut it, Park!" she had slapped his mouth shut. He jumped from the sudden act, trying to match her stabbing glare. "I put my job on the line for this. You try and go up in the ladder of success without doing something shady. Not in this dog-eat-dog world. Not all of us have connections like you. I did need Jungkook, but he's harder to approach than you think."

The playfulness he felt and showed in his eyes while she spoke, fell. It hurt to know that she only approached him because of his closeness to Jungkook. She had caught his attention from the moment she walked into the club. He pushed her hand off his face, grasped her shoulders and pushed her away. She pushed back, pressing her body against his. His eyes widened.


"I also was not attracted to him. I hate you. You put me on probation at work. I wanted to come here and slap you, cuss you out as I did through text."

"Then do it. I'm not stopping you. You played me dirty. I have reason to cuss you out as well."

"I hate you."

"The sentiment is the same, darling."

"But fuck, you are so hot."

His brain short-circuited. He froze and Seulgi groaned, moving back. She shook her head, mumbling and sounding as if she wanted to take back what she said. Yet, he heard her, and he didn't think he could ignore her words or see them as a mistake. Frozen in his spot, he tried to make sense of her confession, feeling elated. His face broke out into a smile. Seulgi's flushed, not from anger and he knew that.

She snapped her head to look at him. He relaxed, taking a step forward when she turned. Her breathing was heavy. "I hate you so fucking much." He shrugged. "I was supposed to lure Jungkook in."


"I was supposed to approach him, seduce him and have him take me back to his apartment. Then I would drug him and hack his laptop, leaving before the night was over. But then I saw you and we made eye contact. You approached me and fuck, you were so charming and hot. I forgot about what I needed to do and let you take me home with you. It was pure coincidence that you lived with Jungkook."

"You didn't approach me because I am Jungkook's friend and roommate?"

"I didn't even know who you were. I only knew you were so alluring and ..."

"Hot?" he quirked a brow. "You said that twice. This changes everything."

"No, it does not. You got me in trouble. And I hate you because I'm attracted to you!"

"I still don't see the problem." He shrugged again, walking closer and cornering Seulgi into the front of his door.

"We work for rival companies."

"Then we can have some escapades, sexual ones because I'm also attracted to you."

"I—What? That sounds like a horri—"

Jimin didn't let her finish, swooping down to kiss her. For how much she had been against it, she quickly kissed back, wrapping her arms around him, and moaning when he picked her up from her hips, not removing his lips from hers as he managed to open his door. Their lips parted when he stepped out of his shoes. Seulgi made a noise of complaint to remove hers, but he ignored her, shushing as he walked into his room, closing the door behind them.

A yelp came out of Seulgi's mouth as he threw her on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt. She watched, he smiled seeing her gulp when he removed his shirt, looming over her. She moved back, making him crawl up to her, raising his brows teasingly when she touched his tattoo.

"I wasn't sure if I imagined it. You really do have this tattoo here and those on your back. You're so hot, Jimin."

He smiled, raising his brows in a teasing manner. "Do you like what you see? Do my tattoos turn you on?"

"I—ah—yes," Seulgi flushed, sitting up and removing her shirt as if trying to distract him. It worked. He watched her remove her shoes, throwing them on the side of his bed. She undid her pants, taking them and lying back on his bed, lowering her gaze. He watched her, eyes scanning her body and growing with desire. "Do I turn you on, Park Jimin?"

"Fuck, yeah." He leaned over her, smiling as he watched her move up, wanting to connect their lips.

"Impatient much?"

"Shut up and kiss me."

Seulgi gripped the back of his neck, crushing his lips down on hers in a fervent kiss. His lips would bruise.

Maybe, no, he knew this was not the best idea. To become involved with Seulgi who worked for their competition. But he was a weak man and Seulgi wanted him in the same ways he wanted her. He'd worry about it later—or not at all. No one would know. Jungkook left him to burn the moment they spotted Seulgi. He'll just lie and say they argued—with their bodies while rolling around in his sheets.

Moving back, he kissed down her jaw and neck, leaving his mark on her, feeling how she grinded against his erection, making him groan while he laid kisses down her neck and collarbone, working his way lower. Seulgi was breathing heavily, he peeked at her, seeing how her eyes were closed, her arms around his shoulders, thumbs massaging the skin under them. He chuckled before he continued to kiss lower, the noise of his lips meeting her skin mixing with her soft mewls. He cupped her breast, kissing above her exposed skin. Briefly, his lips had grazed her hardened nub over her bra when Seulgi paused, grasping at his hair, and pulling him away. Her eyes wide, realization of what they were doing dawning on her. She didn't have to say it. The look in her eyes was enough for him to know he would have to fix his situation on his own. Seulgi was going to leave him; he could feel the anxiety rising from her.

"I shouldn't be here." Seulgi pushed him off her, gathering her things. She hurriedly put her shirt back on and picked up her shoes. "I shouldn't have come. I didn't come for this—I—I need to go."

He sat on his knees, flabbergasted because it didn't matter if he knew she would say this, it still hurt. Her neck was peppered with his kisses, some already turning purple. If her only excuse was their job, she was ignoring the connection between them.

"A-ar-are you serious?" he breathed, closing his eyes, and trying not to get angry.

"It's wrong." She mumbled as if trying to make herself believe those words.

"How is this wrong? We're two adults that are attracted to each other, Seulgi. Two consenting adults! This isn't wrong."

"We work for rival companies."


"I backstabbed you just now and you're okay with this?"

She had a point. It was valid and he knew from the determinations in her eyes, that nothing he could say would make her change her mind. He sighed, resigned, and shook his head. Annoyance crept inside of him.

"Fine," he met her eyes, "leave. I don't care. I'll pretend as if I don't know you if we ever cross paths again. We work for rival companies, as you said."

Seulgi's jaw dropped when he stood, opening his door, and showing her out. The confliction was visible in her eyes. He understood where she came from, but he also couldn't be with someone who would always bring up the fact they worked at rival companies and how what they were doing was wrong. He wouldn't mind the risk. It excited him. It bothered her, and he wouldn't force her into complying.

With a pout on her lips, she made her way towards the door. She stopped in front of him, looking up. He wanted to laugh, seeing her inner battle. She moved closer, getting on her toes to kiss him, but he turned his face away. She didn't scoff at his reaction. She moved back, muttered a sorry and ran out of his home.

Groaning, he hit the back of his head against the door frame. This was the worst day ever. How was he supposed to forget someone like her? She came in like a storm, wrecked him, and now he had to pick up the pieces and act as if his attraction had not been more than superficial.

"Fuck this."

p.s here's the second chap ... how is everyone feeling about this story so far?

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6.3K 194 33
Milly and Joon are first year students in high school and have been best friends since they were three. After graduation, Joon suddenly lost all cont...
48.2K 1.3K 69
Kim Y/N is a normal girl living her life on her own along with her beloved friends and family. Suddenly,a guy named Jeon Jungkook showed up in her li...