Male reader as Rimuru in High...

By AndrsFernando1

698K 11.7K 4.6K

A man who got reincarnated in the DxD world as Rimuru Tempest.And what he what's is a family that he been wan... More

The Void Dragon God
The Rise of Rimuru Tempest
The Familiar Forest
The Tempest Family
Rimuru new subordinates
The Beginning of the Anime
The Boosted Gear
Rimuru new subordinates Part 2
The Twilight Healing user
Battle between the Fallen Angels
Return to the Familiar Forest
The Fire Chicken Riser
Rimuru vs Riser
The Storm Dragon Veldora
New Characters
Excalibur Arc
The Two Exorcist
The Mask Twins
A Day on the Beach
The Three Factions and Tempest
Battle in the Labyrinth
The Reward Ceremony
The Reward Ceremony Part 2
Veldora vs Great Red
A Visit in Kyoto
New Characters Part Two
A Trip in the Underworld
The Party
A Family Reunion
Talk Between Siblings
The Trihexa?
Everyone meet Kumoko the Spider Goddess
Family get Together
The Mask Heroes
Attack from the Underworld
Juggernaut Drive
Ciel the Truth First Wife
The Fifth Mask Heroes
The Land of the Vampires
Black Numbers
Rizevim Livan Lucifer
The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou
The Rimuru Verse
The Mirror
The Sixth Mask Hero
Kunou visit in the Labyrinth
The Mother in law
Hunting down False Shadow Hero
If anime characters become Power Rangers
Rescuing the Yokai Leader
The Hero Faction strikes again and familiar faces
The Destroyer Milim Nava
The Lizardman and fighting off a Demon army
Power Up! Mask Heroes
Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2
Agent E
The Fall of Cao Cao and the Rise of the Void Dragon Emperor God
The slime assassin Melona
The Jura Tempest Federation
Helping a fellow Spider out
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor part 2
The Rimuru Verse 2
A Faded Encounter
If anime characters become Power Rangers part 2
The Rising of The Shield Loli
Explosion Empress
New Members of the Family

Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen

2.1K 50 22
By AndrsFernando1

I left Tempest with Rarana while Ragna will be look after Kumo. Rarana took me where she lives near in a mountain where there is a cave entrance.

Kumoko: So this is the place where you and your people live?

Rarana: Yes it is, this is where me and my people live near of these mountains. We don't usually have visitors here as we like to keep ourselves hidden from the world, away from the devils for becoming part of their peerage as we don't want to become their slaves.

Kumoko: I see but right now let's get to the matter of hands to deal with.

Rarana: So do you got any ideas how take down Elise?

I think for a moment coming up with a idea until I thought of one.

Kumoko: Rarana you said Elise order you to kill me right?

Rarana: Yes she did, why do you ask?

Kumoko: Hehe I just thought of a perfect idea.

Time skip brought to you by

Elise was growing impatiently for Rarana returning from her mission. She wonder if she might have a got killed in the process and if that was the case then she will deal with Spider Goddess herself. Just wish she was in her thoughts she was snap out from the sudden arrival of Rarana. But then she noticed Rarana was holding something in her hands and it looks like a head of a woman she doesn't recognize.

Rarana: I have returned and I have brought the head of the Spider Goddess!

She showed the head of Kumoko in full view.

Elise: Excellent work Rarana. I wasn't expecting you to make it out alive but you did and you actually killed a Spider Goddess.

Rarana: I did what I was ordered to do. Now let me see my daughter.

Elise: Yes about that you won't be seeing her.

Rarana: What!

Elise: Did you honestly think I was going to let you going to let you see your daughter? I was planning on getting yourself killed by sending you to face Spider Goddess. But it seemed that my plants didn't go as well as I thought but at least the Spider Goddess is gone and I'm just going to kill you.

???: You won't be killing anyone on my watch bitch!

Elise: Who dares to speak to me that way!?

???: Down here!

Elise looks down to see the head of Kumoko as she widen her eyes that the head is alive.

Elise: W-What! But how? You should be dead!

Kumoko: Newsflash lady, I'm immortal so what? I can't really die also you should really watch your back right about now.

Elise was confused but suddenly got it from behind, that's send her crashing to the ground. She was furious as she look to see who hit her and it was the body of Kumoko but with the human half on the top and the spider part in the lower half. The body of Kumoko use the thread control, pulling the head of Kumoko away from Rarana as it put the head back in place.

Kumoko: It's great to be back to my own body. Now miss Elise time for you to say your prayers. Hyper Beam!

As the dust settles Kumoko, Rarana and the other Arachne look at the spot where Elise got blasted from the beam. They all suddenly felt a strong pressure of power that everyone fall to their knees. They all saw a new figure in black armor and four sharp spider legs on their back.

Elise: I was lucky enough to use that orb to boost my strength. And now I feel unstoppable with this new form of mine!

Kumoko: (The hell she survived my attack and her power has increased! And what does she mean by orb did she use something to get herself stronger? Wait I remember my brother had told me when he fought Cao Cao he used some kind of orb that got him stronger, and could that orb be the same one Elise just use.)

Kumoko was too distracted in her thoughts she did not notice Elise already appeared behind her until her dangerous senses were telling her danger, but she got slammed from behind as she begin falling but Elise appear again and kick Kumoko in the face, send me her crashing through the roof of the cave. Kumoko shook off from the debris as she was now outside of the mountains. Elise was floating above Kumoko looking down on her.

Elise: So this is the so call famous Spider Goddess Kumoko? You don't seem to be worthy of that title instead I should be the one holding that title. Spider Queen and Spider Goddess are both titles I am truly worthy of having. You and Rarana are not worthy of having nothing but misery.

Kumoko: (She's a very greedy spider. Taking things for herself from others so she could be better than anyone. I hate those types of people and I'm ready to get some ass kicking from this woman.)

Elise raise her hand as she made a dark red energy ball to throw it at Kumoko.

Elise: Any last words before I end your miserable life.

Kumoko could only smile as she look up to Elise.

Kumoko: Actually I do. A great hero once said, when it's time to go hero, there's also a time to go, Ultimate!

What happens next Kumoko's body started to glow as Elise shield her eyes from the bright white light. When Elise look again she saw Kumoko has change as she has a full human body with four long spider legs on her back.

Kumoko: Meet, Ultimate Kumoko. This will be the first and last you will ever see this form of mine. "Time for you to lose... I'm stronger than you!"

Now playing Bursty Greedy Spider [FULL ENGLISH COVER]

In a blinding speed Kumoko blitz herself and sending a powerful punch at Elise's face, breaking the armor piece from her helmet as she spit off blood from her mouth. The impact from the punch really done a number on her as anger consumer Elise. She began shooting lasers from the four spider legs on her back.

Elise: Die you sorry excuse of Spider Goddess!

Kumoko also used the spider legs on her back and shoot laser from her own. As the lasers collided with each other counter each other out.

Kumoko: Nice try but you're not the only one who can shoot lasers.

Elise: Dammit! I was supposed to be the one called a Spider Goddess! I wanted to have that title, but you are standing in the way for me to have it for myself!

Kumoko: I missed the part where that's my problem.

Elise: Go to hell!

Kumoko: No thanks I already been there.

Elise was really getting annoyed.

Elise: Enough games how about you do me a favor and just die already!

Elise created several dark red energy ball and launch all them towards Kumoko. While Kumoko had her scythe in hand using it deflecting all of the attacks that were coming at her. Using that to her advantage distracting Kumoko deflecting all the dark red energy balls, Elise made herself appeared next to Kumoko and was planning to strike at her from behind but suddenly she had no control over her body as she couldn't move.

Elise: W-What's happening to my body? Why can I not move?

That's where she noticed the threads that were holding her in place. Kumoko slowly turned her head has a grin appear from her face. The next thing that happened Kumoko changed it to spider from and Elise wasn't prepared when this happened.


That was the last straw. Elise finally snap. A large amount of power exploded from her as she free herself from the threads and she was now in full rage. Kumoko can only grin in excitement as she transformed back into her ultimate form then both she and Elise move in the speed of sound, throwing every hit at each other from inhuman speed.

The other Arachne we're watching the battle in awe. They were amazed seen the strength of Kumoko and see her going toe to toe with Elise add more to their amazement towards her.

Arachne 1: Wow! Spider Goddess is amazing she can do things that that our kind cannot do!

Arachne 2: She's spectacular! There's no other words for me to describe how amazing she is!

Kumoko & Elise:

Kumoko seem to have a notice Elise was getting tired and she might not last long.

Kumoko: Do you know if you keep this up you will probably die in exhaustion.

Elise: Shut up! I don't need your pity and I don't care what happens to me! What I need is for you to die by my hands! Neurotoxin!

Seeing the incoming attack Kumoko had both of her eyes wide open, using all her Evil Eyes destroyed the attack to nothing but dust.

Kumoko: It's no use. There's no way home for you to go. I think this fight has gotten long enough.

Using Thread Manipulation to constrained Elise and making sure she doesn't break free a second time. Elise tried to break loose from the threads but it was useless she was worn out and her magic reserves were dropping very low.

Elise: (No no no no this can't be happening to me! My dreams and my revenge for Izis is all been taken away from me I cannot accept this!)

Elise: I cannot lose! I will not lose the likes of you! I AM INEVITABLE AND WHAT ARE YOU!?

Kumoko can only shook her head and gave her a simple answer.

Kumoko: So I'm a Spider, So What? I guess this is goodbye. It was nice knowing ya. Rot Attack.

Kumoko: (I know I should have done this earlier but I wanted a bit of fun.)

Music end

Kumoko floated back down to the cave of the Arachne as change back to her base form. All of the Arachne cheered for their savior, freeing them from the hands of Elise. While they were all cheering Kumoko was looking for Rarana and she happen to have found her hugging a little girl Arachne that looks like her.

Kumoko: (That must be her daughter she looks so adorable. Maybe I should introduce her to Kumo and the two of them can become great friends.)

Rarana: Rachnera I miss you my little arachnid! I'm so happy nothing bad happened to you.

Rachnera: I miss you too Mama! I was scared being alone in that cage I thought I will never see you again!

Rarana: You're not alone anymore I'm here now. Elise is gone and we're safe thanks to the Spider Goddess.

Little Rachnera notice me I walk up to them as she had a lot of curiosity.

Kumoko: So this must be your daughter? She's an adorable one and she has your looks. You raise a fine child Rarana.

Rarana: Thank you Kumoko you're very kind. Say hello to her Rachnera.

Rachnera walk up to me looking a bit nervous.

Rachnera: H-Hello Spider Goddess it's nice to meet you. I am Rachnera Arachnera and I wanted to say thank you for saving us from that bad lady.

I could only just smile at her as I was rubbing her head, which surprise her but she didn't mind she seems to enjoy getting a head pat.

Kumoko: You're welcome little Rachnera. You remind me of my own daughter who likes getting head pats and you seem to be the same age as her. I hope you and her can become good friends.

Rachnera look up to me with a surprise look but then she gave me a cute smile.

Rachnera: I would love too!

Rarana: Thank you so much Spider Goddess Kumoko if there's anything you need from us we will gladly accept any request from you.

Kumoko: Mmm well actually there is something I wanna ask of you.

Time skip brought to you by

Jura Tempest Federation at the Tempest Residence

Tiamat: Rimuru have you already finished the invitations?

Rimuru: I have. Have you also invited your mother to come over as well?

Tiamat: I did. I gave her a call about Falfa and Shalsha's birthday party and since she was done with her mission at the dragon territory she will come and visit us tomorrow. And I almost forgot she will be inviting an old friend of hers and who happens to be my godmother.

Rimuru: Godmother? I didn't know you had one?

Tiamat: Well she used to train me when I was younger and she used to be a former ex-goddess but later stripped of her godhood after consuming a cursed liquor that a friend had given her, which led to a scandalous affair with her sister, or that's what I heard.

Rimuru: (Huh? For some reason that story sounds very familiar. Could her godmother be-)

My thoughts were interrupted as there was a knock at the door. I went ahead and open it revealed to be my sister.

Rimuru: Hey sis what brings you here?

Kumoko: Well I have an important announcement to announce.

Rimuru: Okay and what is it?

Kumoko: I am happy to announce that I have a secretary.

Rimuru: Secretary?

Kumoko: That's right you can show yourself Rarana.

I notice a woman wearing a business suit but the thing that is most noticeable about her is the spider features she has.

Rimuru: (Wait am I dreaming or is that Rachnera?!)

I took a closer look and behind her that there was a little spider girl behind her.

Rimuru: (A little Rachnera?!)

Rarana: Nice to finally meeting you Rimuru Tempest. I am Rarana Arachnera the Queen of the Arachne and the Spider Goddess secretary and this little one behind me is my daughter Rachnera Arachnera.

Rachnera: Hello sir it's nice to meet you.

Rimuru: Um it's nice to meet the both of you, this was it unexpected surprise.

Kumoko: Yeah and it will be more surprising when I tell you that there people the Arachne are gonna be living here in Tempest for now on.

Rimuru: Okay you really have a lot of explaining yourself sis.

Kumoko: I know and how about we come inside then help explain everything.

And so I invited my sister and our two new guests inside my home as my sister Kumoko begins to explain to me what she's been up to without my knowledge.

Unbeknownst location

In a forest far from the city of Kuoh a portal suddenly appeared it came out someone who happens to be a male teen as he looks confused where he was at.

???: Where the hell am I? Where did that teleportation magic took me to? Hey Dire Miralis wake up you lazy dragon do you have any idea where we are?

A voice was heard in the mind of the teen.

Dire Miralis: Rone you idiot do you realize what you've done!

Rone: What I just teleport myself to some unknown location I was wondering if you know where we are.

Dire Miralis: You really have no idea that you just use a dimensional travel technique and we are in a parallel world that is similar to ours.

Rone: Dimensional travel? I didn't even know I can do that?

Dire Miralis: No you fool! The dimensional travel technique it's my technique and you somehow managed to use it by accident.

Rone: Oh. So we're basically stuck in this parallel world?

Dire Miralis: That's right your friends and even your mate don't exist in this world.

The mention about his lover made him go wide-eyed.

Rone: Y-You mean Mizore doesn't exist in this world?

Dire Miralis: Unfortunately yes. I'm sorry partner.

He fall to his knees didn't want to believe the facts.

Rone: No no no no! I can't be in a world without her! I need to find someone who can help me take me back to my own dimension. There's gonna be someone in this parallel world who can help me but who can I go for help?

???: If you want someone for help I may know someone who can return you back home.

Looking up from the trees seeing it was Melona as she jumps down to the ground. Rone took a fighting stance not letting his guard down.

Dire Miralis: (Be on guard partner we don't know what this woman is capable of.)

Rone: (Yeah if she proves to be troublesome I'll go to Balance Breaker just in case.)

Melona: You don't have to be hostile towards me, I don't bite.

Rone: Yeah but I don't seem to trust you.

Melona: But you should.

Rone: And why should I? I hope you're not those type of woman going after my body and I'm sorry to say but I'm already in a relationship with someone else and she's not the type to share.

Melona: Oh you do not have to worry pretty boy this body of mine belongs to another.

Rone: Well that's good to know and also you did say you know someone who can help me return me back in my own world. You seem to be aware I am from a parallel world similar to this one but with a few different characters.

Melona: Yes I am aware of the other worlds thanks to a certain witch. And for your other answer I knew of the person who has the power return you back home his name is Rimuru Tempest the Void Dragon God.

Rone: (Void Dragon God? I thought there were only two Dragon Gods? Or was it three? Does Trihexa count as one? But this is a parallel world and this Dragon God could help me return me back home.)

Melona: By the way my name is Melona. I am an assassin and former aide to the Swamp Witch and the Witch of the Mirrors. And would you might tell me who you are.

Rone: Right sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Rone Miura and where I'm from I'm known as the Magma Dragon Emperor and the leader of the Kaiser Heroes.

Next part Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor

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