Protecting Zoey

By Cupolie

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A prize-winning MMA fighter, Mason Arden, is wrapping up his final series across the continent of Obin. Unfor... More

Chapter 1: Gathering the Pieces
Chapter 2: Free Spirit
Chapter 4: Political Alignments
Chapter 5: Meeting Zoe
Chapter 6: Best Friends
Chapter 7: False Alarms
Chapter 8: Building Trust
Chapter 9: The Chaperone
Chapter 10: Homecoming
Chapter 11: Zoey's Concern
Chapter 12 Shattered Routine
Chapter 13: Side Work
Chapter 14: Evening with Zoey
Chapter 15: Home Invasion
Chapter 16: More Problems
Chapter 17: The Den
Chapter 18: Terminated
Chapter 19: Despair
Chapter 20: Impor Issues
Chapter 21: Strange Meetings
Chapter 22: Extraction
Chapter 23: Perdition

Chapter 3: Returning Home

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By Cupolie

The next morning, after a terrible night's sleep, Mason made his way to the airport with Garrett. They both had coffee in hand as they walked through the parking lot to the terminal feeling their escapades from the previous night.

Maybe it would've been a better idea to drink a little less last night. This flight's going to be rough.

Mason thought to himself as they made their way into the airport and Garrett finally opened his mouth for something other than a yawn.

"So, what's the plan when you get back to Impor?" Garrett asked as they passed mobs of people headed to the different ticketing booths.

"I'm going to meet with my dad and see what he can do, maybe he can give me some advice." Mason said as they approached the security line. "Then I'll go drop my things at Millie's place and meet with Mr. Pike like you said last night."

"You're going to meet with your dad?" Garrett replied in disbelief as they stopped in line in front of one of the ticketing counters.

"He's the best lawyer in Impor, disregarding our past issues I could use his help," Mason said as he dropped his bag at the counter. "Maybe I can get him to do it for free." Mason chuckled softly as he pulled his ticket from the machine.

"I know you wouldn't come to the decision lightly, so if you think it's the best thing for you," Garrett said as they headed toward security check point. "I have to get to work, enjoy your flight."

Mason could hear the tension rise in Garrett's voice; he was actually surprised he came into the airport with him after his previous experiences here.

Mason couldn't help but chuckle as he put his hand on Garrett's shoulder. "Awe, what's wrong buddy. Don't want another cavity search like last time."

"Screw you for bringing that up man," Garrett said as his face turned red. "I swear I was holding that shit for Darren."

"You should have been holding it somewhere else." Mason replied again laughing harder this time as Garrett pulled away.

"Yeah, yeah whatever man. Tell my sister I said hi when she gets back from vacation."

"I will, thank you for everything Garrett, I really appreciate it." Mason said as they hugged for a moment and parted ways. He was profoundly grateful to have a friend like Garrett in his life.

He made his way through security and to his gate where he sat down and waited for his flight. Luckily, airlines had evolved significantly in the last few years, so he only had to wait a few minutes before his flight was boarded. He checked his ticket for the first time and was surprised to see he had a first-class ticket, obviously thanks to Garrett.

The next few hours where a blur as Mason made his way back to Impor. Amazingly enough the seats in first class were far more comfortable than Garrett's couch had been, so he was able to get some additional rest on the plan hoping to take a chunk out of the massive hangover he was experiencing.

It didn't feel like long before the plane made its final descent and they all quickly deplaned. As he made his way through the airport, he was surprised to see his father waiting for him when he arrived in Impor with a somber look on his face.

"Mason, I'm so glad you're back," his father said as he pulled him into a tight hug.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Mason asked in confusion as his father continued to hug him. "How did you even know I was going to be back?"

"I wanted to make sure you made it back safely," his father replied. "Your mother has been worried sick about you."

"I'm fine," Mason said as they made their way out of the airport. "That still doesn't explain why you came or how you knew I would be here."

"Did you think Garrett, working as a bouncer could afford a first-class ticket for you?" He asked as they entered the parking garage and walked to a black SUV. "I work for Mr. Pike, and before you ask, Garrett didn't know. I've kept myself scarce around the property so Darren wouldn't notice me."

They got in the SUV and his father began driving. "I need to go to Millie's to drop off my things," Mason stated as his father nodded knowingly.

"I figured it would be too much to ask you to come home the day you got back." He said in a somber tone as they made their way through one of the more run-down areas of the city.

"You figured correctly," Mason replied bluntly looking out over the city and taking notes of the new landscape.

The built-up trash on every corner and the sheer amount of people moving through the streets were almost overwhelming. It took over an hour before they finally arrived in the slimmed-down residential area and the number of people on the streets reduced dramatically allowing them to move faster before eventually reaching Millie's home.

"Millie's out of town, give me a few minutes to drop my bags and we can talk." Mason's tone was gruff but not cold, he knew that everyone made mistakes the last time he was in Impor.

Mason got out of the SUV without giving his father a chance to counter. He grabbed his bags from the back seat and went inside using his phone to unlock the door. As he walked through the house, he couldn't help but admire how well Millie had done for herself. The house was beautiful and spotless, sparsely decorated but there were a few things around that made it feel like her place, at least to him.

He made his way out back and dropped his bags in the pool house before cutting through the side yard and returning to the SUV.

"There's a small coffee shop down the street." His dad stated as they backed out of the driveway.

The drive there was silent and awkward but neither of them had anything they were prepared to say yet. Mason was still angry with both his mother and father over their reaction to Linda and his push to adopt Natalie. Neither of them agreed with him but his mother was the more difficult of the two and said a lot of things he hoped that she regrets.

"I don't know if I'm ready to talk yet," Mason said as they pulled into the coffee shop parking lot.

"I understand, but I need to apologize for my part in what happened." His father replied.

The older man got out of the SUV and Mason followed suit. They made their way into the coffee shop, Mason's father pointed at the table near the wall as he walked up to the counter. Mason walked to the table his father pointed out and took a seat running over the things he needed to ask his father and hoping he could make it through the entire conversation.

Mason's father joined him at the table a few minutes later with two coffee cups in hand. He placed one of the cups in front of Mason before sitting down across from him. They sat there for a few minutes not speaking, just drinking their coffee, and looking around the small shop.

"I'm sorry about what happened," His father finally said with a heavy sadness in his eyes and voice. "I shouldn't have let things play out the way they did. I should have interjected and stopped the situation from escalating. Your mother wanted to be here so she could apologize as well, she regrets most of what she said."

"I'm not sure I can manage that conversation right now," Mason said looking down at the table. "I need some help dad, you know I-"

"I've already started the paperwork," He replied with a soft smile, the same smile Mason had picked up from him over his years of growing up. "It may take a month or two, but I should be able to figure something out."

"I don't even know what to say or how I could thank you." Mason had tears building in his eyes as he took another sip of his coffee trying to force the emotions away. "Hopefully, I'll be able to afford it."

"You don't need to do anything." His reply was soothing, and it was the first time Mason had felt calm in months. Finally, something that could be going right for him. "We're family and we need to start acting like it even though it's been a long time since we have."

"It's almost strange hearing you say that" Mason said as he leaned back in his chair. "But it kinda feels good too."

"We've missed you, son." His father leaned back in his chair as well. "I hope you'll consider seeing your mother at some point. It doesn't have to be soon, but it would make her feel better knowing you'd think about it."

"I can't promise anything yet," Mason said absently. "But I'll think about it. If I do see her, can you make sure she doesn't overdo the apology? You know how awkward our conversations can end up being."

His father chuckled deeply looking back at him. "Yeah, I think I can manage that one. You look like you're doing well Mason, I almost didn't recognize you coming off the plane. I watched all your fights through Obin, and you looked really impressive."

"Years of training and focus," Mason said flatly looking around the coffee shop again the old anger and resentment beginning to crawl back to the surface.

"I was surprised to hear you were retiring after that tour." His father said with a grin not realizing the turned expression on Mason's face. "You could keep fighting for another four or five years without an issue, especially after what that woman Linda did to you. But I guess working for Mr. Pike..."

Mason had tuned everything else he was saying out at this point. The anger and frustration were

overwhelming him, all the things his father would have known if they hadn't overreacted back then. If they had only maintained communication instead of cutting him out everything would have been different now. If not for that, he could still have Natalie with him.

Mason abruptly stood up from the table and began heading for the door. His father's expression turned to shock and sadness, but he knew better than to chase after him or even ask what he could have done to upset him. At least for now.

Mason's father watched him leave, feeling a familiar pain in his chest. It was the same pain he felt every time he thought about his son and the mistakes he had made. He knew that he deserved Mason's anger, but he hoped that someday they could find a common ground again.

Mason began walking back to Millie's house lost deep in thought as he went. Things had gone significantly better with his father than he could have ever hoped, but it wasn't over, and he couldn't help but beat himself up over how he left.

Everything was just beginning, and it would hinge on getting this protection job for Harrison Pike, all he could hope was that he would measure up to their expectations and not make any mistakes during their meeting.

Mason walked back into Millie's home and began looking around again attempting to take in more things than the last time he was here.

This place must have cost Millie a fortune.

Mason thought to himself as he walked through the house to the backyard and looked over the massive pool.

I wonder what she ended up doing for work, or why Garrett never mentioned it? I can't imagine it being too bad though.

Mason continued thinking to himself as he walked into the pool house dropping his bag on the bed and pulling out his suite.

Hopefully, it's not too wrinkled. I'll bring it by the shower, which should help remove some of them. I should have pulled it out when I first got here.

Mason walked back into the house opting to use the bathroom with a shower instead of the bathtub in the pool house. He hung his suit by the shower and jumped in letting the hot water wash over him slowly improving his mood. He washed the hours of plane flights off of him forcing himself into a better headspace before finally cooling the temperature in the shower and sighing deeply.

After his shower, Mason walked back into the pool house and began getting dressed. He put on his shirt and buttoned it up before putting on his trousers and throwing the jacket over his shoulders. He looked in the mirror making sure everything was in place before picking up his jacket and walking back into the main house.

He pulled out his phone and ordered a ride share before sitting down and waiting for their arrival allowing himself to be lost in thought again drifting between his emotions as he dwelled on the upcoming meeting. Even though their house was nearby with the sweltering heat outside he felt it was best to take a quick ride even if it would burn into what little savings he had.

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