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By -eeclipwze

178K 4K 694

หšโœงโ‚Š ๐๐€๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐Ž๐…๐… ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐„๐“๐…๐‹๐ˆ๐— ๐’๐„๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’: ๐๐‘๐„๐“๐“๐˜ ๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐“๐‹๐„ ๐‹๐ˆ๐€๐‘๐’ หšโœงโ‚Š Quinn Mon... More

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Authors note: updates
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2.4K 54 0
By -eeclipwze


"SO this party..." Ledger began as he grabbed the TV remote off of the coffee table and sauntered over to me.

"Is it going to be like themed or just a casual party?" He asked, slumping down beside me and throwing an arm loosely over my shoulder. I nestled further against his side and brought my legs up to my chest.

"It'll be casual, Kenji throws like five parties every month." I laughed lightly. Ledger flicked through the channels before settling on some old western film.

"I'll see if I can make it, though I might be put on a late shift tomorrow." He sighed heavily and relaxed back into the softness of his sofa.

"I hope you can, I'll be lost without you." I teased, watching as he turned his head to smirk down at me I used the opportunity to lift my head up and peck his nose. A light blush dusted his cheeks.

"If you need picking up afterwards though I'll happily do so." Ledger smiled softly, I nodded before resting my head back on his chest.

We spent a lot of time at Ledgers apartment, mainly because my house wasn't the place to be as my parents were home during the evenings. Monday night I introduced my Mother and Father to Ledger at the grille and we had a meal together, Mum gushed over him all evening, asking questions about his job, his daughter, clutching her heart and fussing over Diem as Ledger showed her photographs and videos on his phone.

"He's a keeper that one, I like him." My dad muttered in my ear as we had headed towards the restaurant exit.

My parents knew that I took the breakup with Jason hard, I never told them the full story behind it, I lied and said it was mutual because I was moving to Philly for College. They still talked about him a whole lot after the breakup but eventually stopped once they realised I couldn't bare to listen anymore.

I didn't know whether they'd be okay with me dating someone who's had a child before, I figured they might see it as problematic or it could interrupt our relationship in case there was any bad blood between the two parents of Diem. But I did reassure them that we're all adults and everything is mature and well, they must love Ledger as much as they love me.

"Diem drew me a picture at school today." I mumbled against Ledgers chest as I briefly shut my eyes due to exhaustion of the day taking over.

"She told me about it in the car, she really does love you." Ledger chuckled, giving my shoulder a light squeeze before leaning the side of his head down on top of mine.

"She is a sweetheart." I smiled softly before letting myself doze off in his arms.

I hadn't had a message from A since yesterday, the threat that they had sent me about exposing the fact that Jason and I were together on Saturday night, not like that! But still.

It's not exactly a major thing that he was around mine, but the girls have their suspicions about him and I don't want them thinking bad of me for spending a little time with him, not that it's going to happen again but you get the idea...

Kind of like how Emily spent time with Toby, then brought him to the frickin' homecoming with her, that was extreme, Toby was on the hotlist of our A suspects. But now we're unsure.

Spencer has applied to be his tutor to see if she can dig up some details and information about Jenna, I don't believe that Toby will talk much though, he still seems shifty to me.

"I mean, I see where she's coming from, but you did stop Ella from getting there so why's she so mad?" I asked Hanna, waving one of my halloumi fries around as I spoke before placing it in my mouth.

Hanna paced around my office, running a hand through her blonde locks every so often and sighing heavily. "Han, stop you're making me feel queasy." I grimaced slightly, she stopped immediately then threw herself into the chair opposite me, the other side of my desk.

"I don't know what to do Quinn!" She groaned.

"Well I mean, you did almost ruin her life..." I shrugged, munching down another halloumi fry before reaching over for my can of lemonade.

"But it didn't happen! Why doesn't she get that! I did everything I could to stop it and I did!"

Turns out that Ella received a ticket to the same Art exhibit as Aria and Mr Fitz, I mean, Ezra, in her faculty mail box; but Hanna was the one that put it there because A has leverage on her that none of us know about. So basically Hanna almost ruined Aria's relationship with Ezra and her Mother.

"Han, just talk to her, sit her down, be honest." I reached forward to rest my free hand on top of hers. She sighed and looked up at me with heavy eyes.

"I'll try talk some sense into her too when I next see her okay?" I reassured her before leaning back and continuing to eat my lunch.

"Will you come over to Em's tonight?" Hanna asked.

"I can't, I've got a party." I mumbled through a mouthful of food, using the back of my hand to cover my mouth.

"Whose party?" She asked.

"Kenji Lerone, you might remember him?" I raised my brows lightly, Hanna thinned her eyes for a moment in thought before realisation hit her and she nodded.

"Will Jason be there?" Han asked.

I almost chocked on my lemonade as it slipped down my throat but I held it down. "Yeah." I placed the can back onto the desk and scrunched up the empty wrappings from my food.

"I still can't believe you two were a thing!" Hanna laughed.

"God don't remind me." I groaned and covered my face in fake-pain.

"How did Ali not know?" She asked, I remember when I first told the girls I had a thing with Jason, I lied and told them Alison never knew, but really, she did.

"I don't know." I lied once more, shrugging lightly.

"Crazy...anyways, I got bio' now so I'll see you later, have fun tonight!" Hanna called as she stood from her seat and headed towards the door.

"I will do, love you!" I called after her.

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