Arthur The Midland Engine

By SubiTNK

412 3 2

Dear Readers, Knapford is once again in a pickle as its station pilot Duck now runs his own branch line. This... More

Spotless Record
Wet Slide
Saving The Red Engine

Something Fishy

97 2 0
By SubiTNK

The Fat Controller was in his office at Knapford station where he was having a meeting with a member of BR's board of directors.

"So you see sir, we the board just don't see Norramby as profitable. As such, we made the decision to end our services there."

"I see." The Fat Controller replied.

"But since your railway also does services there. We decided to allow the Norramby branch line to open under your operation. But if you don't want to do your services there. Then we can just simply close it down. What do you say, Sir Charles?" Asked the director.

The Fat Controller is having a thought. He knows that Norramby has a fishing village. Unlike BR, he sees the fishing industry there as profitable.

"No, I'll keep doing the operations there." The Fat Controller said

"Great, I'll get the papers out of my suitcase and once we both sign, the agreement will come into effect immediately." Said the director as he was opening his suitcase to get the paperwork.

Soon the two men sign the papers. Once that was completed, the two men got up from their seats.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you Sir Charles." Said the director.

"Likewise." The Fat Controller replied as the two men shook hands. 

The director then looked at his watch.

"Oh look at the time. I should head back to the mainland. Again, it's a pleasure doing business with you, Sir Charles. Goodbye." Said the director as he is picking up the papers from The Fat Controller's desk and put them in his suitcase.

"Goodbye." The Fat Controller replied as he watched the director leave his office and head to Gordon's express.

Once the door is closed. He sat back down in his chair.

"How on earth does this director see the fishing industry not being profitable?" The Fat Controller said to himself.


Soon, news of the agreement spread throughout Sodor. The fishermen at Norramby were thankful that the line wasn't closed down unlike the other branch lines on the mainland.

Arthur was sitting in a siding. He had nothing much to do as he already shunted most of the trucks at Tidmouth Yard and another ship wouldn't be arriving for the next 2 hours. The Fat Controller came up to him.

"Arthur, would you take me to Norramby, please? I want to check the line out as well as talk to some fishermen."

"Certainly sir," Arthur replied.

The Fat Controller climbed aboard Arthur's cab. Arthur then chuffs away to Norramby.


When Arthur arrived at the fishing village. He was flabbergasted. The sun made the water sparkle and the seagulls called across the harbor. Arthur being a midland engine never really saw the sea. He loved it one bit as he find it very relaxing.

The Fat Controller climbed out of Arthur's cab and started meeting up with a few of the fishermen.

While waiting, Arthur looks across the horizon. He sees the seagulls flying across the village and fish swimming across the sea. He then smelled the fish. He likes it despite what the other engines say.

"Wow, I've never seen something like this so beautiful before," Arthur said happily.

He then overhead The Fat Controller saying something to the fisherman.

"So you need an engine to work here all the time?" The Fat Controller asked

"Precisely sir. As you see the industry is starting to get very busy as we have a few more fishermen this year meaning we have a lot more fish to catch. I just don't understand why BR sees this as non-profitable. But I'm glad you did." Said one of the fishermen.

"My thoughts exactly. But I'll try to get one of my engines to work here. I just need to decide on who could it be."

Arthur is surprised by this. He then thought of what Duck said to him back at the Works.

"If you show some hard work and dedication, maybe he will give you his own branch line. I'm not saying you shouldn't be a station pilot but consider this as an opportunity for more adventure like what me, Edward and Thomas had." Said Duck in a flashback.

Arthur then thought that it would be perfect for him to run this branch line. But he doubts that The Fat Controller will choose him. After all, who would take care of Tidmouth Yard and Knapford station?

His thoughts are interrupted when The Fat Controller climbs back into his cab.

"Alright Arthur, back to Tidmouth please." The Fat Controller said

"Yes sir." Said Arthur as he is heading back to Tidmouth though sad to leave the fishing village.


That evening, Arthur and the other engines were at Tidmouth Sheds when Thomas arrived and backed up to his birth. He was exhausted.

"Tired Thomas. Is age finally getting to you?" Percy teased

"Rubbish, just a bit busier than normal that's all." Thomas huffed

Arthur looked at Thomas. He hasn't spoken to him ever since his second accident. He thought of what Duck said and thinks it is a good time to make amends with him.

"Say Thomas I..." But before he could finish. The Fat Controller walked up to the sheds.

"Good evening engines. As you heard, British Railway is no longer running their operations at Norramby so I need an engine to work there permanently. I decided that I'll trail a few engines there for the next few weeks. Then after that, I and a group of fishermen will decide and announce who will be the engine to work there permanently."

He paused impressively.

"Do I have any volunteers to work on the line as a trail first?" The Fat Controller asked.

Thomas and Percy looked away. They had enough work to do and they both don't like the smell of fish.

This could be Arthur's chance to make his dream come true. He was about to speak up when The Fat Controller spoke up.

"Alright, no volunteers ha. I guess I'll have to choose myself."

He then pointed to Thomas. "Thomas, you will work on the new line."

Thomas was shocked "But what about my branch line sir." He asked.

"Daisy can take care of your passengers and Percy or Toby can take the trucks to the yards. Don't worry Thomas. As I said, it is a trail. You will only work there for one week until I get another engine to do the trail after you." The Fat Controller reassured.

"Alright, sir." Said Thomas. But he really didn't like the smell of fish.

"Right it settles then. I'll see you all in the morning. The Fat Controller said as he got in his car and drove off.

The other engines started teasing Thomas for his job with the fish.

"Have fun swimming with the fishes." Percy teased.

"And watch out for bird poop". James teased.

Thomas just huffed crossly and immediately left the sheds to head back to Ffarquhar Sheds. Percy then follows suit.

Arthur was disappointed. Not only did his dream of running his own branch line at the fishing village toast. He also misses the opportunity to make amends with Thomas.

"Oh well. Guess I'll have to wait another day." He sighs.

Arthur then went to sleep and started dreaming of him running the Norramby branch line.


The next day is normal for everyone except for Thomas as he is pushing a line of fish trains to take around Sodor. He hates the smell.

"Yuck." Thomas cringed as the smell of fish is getting stronger.

That evening, Arthur was puffing to Tidmouth Sheds to get a washdown after shunting some coal trucks for Henry to deliver.

In the distance, he can see Thomas taking a washdown. He thought it could be another opportunity to make amends with him. But as he is getting closer. He can see that James is talking to him.

"Do I smell a fishy engine?" James teased.

"Yes." Huffed Thomas. "Smelly fish, smelly new line."

Arthur can see that Thomas is already in a bad mood so he decided to wait until the right moment. But at the same time, he wished that he could go to the fishing village. He'd be much happier there than Thomas.


The next morning, Thomas was still grumpy. The fishermen had caught lots of fish and started loading them into the vans. However, Thomas is being impatient as he wants to get this job done and over with.

"Hurry up." Said Thomas. "I'm a busy engine."

"And a fussy one too." Said the fisherman. "Just enjoy the fresh salty smell of the fish."

"Pee-eew!" Puffed Thomas.


Thomas steamed as fast as he could along the line.

But there was trouble ahead.

Some faulty points sent his vans one way and Thomas onto the old pier rail.

Thomas tried to stop but it was too late as he fell from the edge of the pier into the tidal pool below.

'He's falling in the water!" Laughed the vans.

Thankfully, Thomas wasn't hurt and the fish vans stayed on the tracks.

His driver and fireman managed to jump clear before Thomas went off the rails and soon went to the telephone for help.


When The Fat Controller heard the news he checked his timetable.

"Arthur is the nearest engine. I'll send him right away." said The Fat Controller to Thomas's driver on the phone.

"Right, thank you, sir." Thomas's driver said and soon ended the call.


It was a hot day. The ice that was keeping the fish cold started to melt.

"I hope someone comes quickly." Moaned Thomas. "That fish will go off soon."

Arthur then soon arrived and was surprised to see Thomas in the tidal pool.

"Are you alright Thomas?" Arthur asked in concern.

"No." Thomas replied, "But I'll be much better when you take these fish away."

"The breakdown train will be here soon." Called Ian.

Arthur then coupled up to the vans and soon puffed away. He knew he had to hurry.

He raced along the line to Brendam Docks and arrived there just in time.

"Right on time." The manager said proudly.

"Ha, just like what The Fat Controller said on my first day." Arthur giggled to himself.


Later, Arthur went to see Thomas at Crovan's Gate Works to see how was doing.

"Hi Thomas how are you holding up," Arthur asked.

"Fine consider that I'm now smellier than ever thanks to the pool." Thomas huffed. "Thank you for rescuing me. I don't why you did that even after what I did to you on your first day here."

"Hey, I couldn't leave you stranded there and let the fish go off. Besides, I'm over with this spotless record. I realize that I couldn't hold the record forever. Speaking of which."

He then has a sad look on his face.

"Thomas, I want to say that I'm so sorry that I give you such a cold shoulder for so long. I know you try to apologize to me so many times but I let my stubbornness get the better of me because of that. I refuse to listen to you about my sandbox and look at what happened. I can assure you that I don't care about my spotless record anymore as I learn from a certain Great Western engine that you don't have to be 100% perfect in order to be a really useful engine. So will you forgive me?"

Thomas thought for a moment until finally have a response

"Apology accepted. But once again. I am so sorry that I cause you an accident and ruined your spotless record. As I said, I was jealous of your record, but it was no excuse for the action I did." Thomas said sadly.

Arthur smiled. "Apology accepted. Do you think we can start our relationship again? But this time, on a better note?." Arthur asked.

Thomas smiled. "Of course."

Arthur smiled. At last, after so long, he and Thomas finally make amends.

Thomas then spoke up. "Oh and by the way. The Fat Controller said that I don't really have to go back to Norramby for another day and so at the sheds. He is going to pick another engine to go for the trail."

Arthur was surprised and thought that this might be his chance to make his dream come true.

Thomas looked puzzled. "Everything alright Arthur." He asked in concern

Arthur snap out of his thoughts and looked at Thomas. "Oh sorry Thomas, it's just that. Ever since I saw the branch line for the first time. I was amazed by everything it has. The beautiful sea, the wonderful sound of the seagulls, and the great smell of fish. I really want to run the branch line but I don't know if The Fat Controller will choose me considering that I'm only here to be Tidmouths pilot."

"Looked Arthur I know from experience that when I was station pilot years ago. I really want to see the world. It was my biggest dream at the time but the other engines with the exception of Edward were having doubts and thought I was being silly. Then one day in 1925, I rescued James from his first accident, and The Fat Controller, which was Sir Charles's father awarded me by giving me my own branch line at Ffarquhar, and thus I finally get to see the world."

Arthur is amazed by Thomas's backstory.

"What I'm trying to say is Arthur is that. If you are trying to make your dream come true then try to make it happen. I have doubts that my dream will ever come true but I press on as I was not ready to give up and really want to make it happen despite what others said. Don't let yourself and others tell you to give up. Prove them wrong and show that you're an engine that can hopefully make your vision come true. I know that not all dreams come true but hey, you don't know unless you try."

Arthur was flabbergasted. He never expected an engine like Thomas to be so wise like that.

Arther smiled "Thanks Thomas, I really need that."

Just then, Ian came to Arthur's cab. "Come on boy. We got to go back to work."

"Right," Arthur said and he then looked back at Thomas. "Thank you, Thomas. You are a really good friend indeed." He said happily and soon went off back to Tidmouth.

Thomas smiled as Arthur went off to the distance. "No problem Arthur and good luck." He said to himself. He was glad that he and Arthur are finally friends.


That evening, The Fat Controller came to the sheds.

"Since Thomas is now at the Works. I need another engine to do the trail. Do I have any volunteers.?"

This was Arthur's chance.

"Me sir." Arthur blurted out. "I would love to work in the village."

"Then it's settled then. You start working there in the morning and Percy will take your place in the meantime." The Fat Controller said.

Arthur was delighted.


The next morning he puffed into the fishing village right on time. The smell of fish was everywhere.

In the next few days. Arthur has been working hard delivering fish across Sodor and bits of the mainland. The fishermen were very impressed with his performance.

Sadly Arthur's time was up and he had given the line to another engine. He was sad but still had hope that he would be chosen.


A few weeks later, the engines that went to Norramby for trail gathered at Tidmouth Sheds to wait for Mr. Anderson the fishermen, and The Fat Controller to come and announce who would be the engine to work at Norramby permanently.

The engines were nervous. Ones like Thomas were hoping to not get picked while others like Arthur were hoping to get picked.

"This is it. Let's see if my dream will come true." Arthur thought to himself.

At last, The Fat Controller and Mr. Anderson arrived at Tidmouth Sheds. The Fat Controller spoke first.

"First off, I want to say that I'm very proud of all of you. Your engines put their best effort into your time in Norramby for the last few weeks. Now I can see that all of you are eager to find out who the engine is. Well after some discussion. We made the decision. I will hand it over to Mr. Anderson to announce the engine.

Mr. Anderson then came forward.

"Thank you, Sir Charles. After some discussion. We made the decision on who will work on the line permanently. That engine is.....Arthur."

Arthur was surprised. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Before Arthur took his turn. He managed to help Thomas to deliver the fish on time before they went off. When he got his turn. He always managed to deliver the fish on time without any issues. That is why myself and the other fishermen agreed to pick him as a new engine to work in the Norramby Fishing Village." Said Mr. Anderson proudly.

Arthur was just lost for words. He turned to The Fat Controller. "You ok with this sir?" He asked in shock.

The Fat Controller smiled "Indeed I have. With what Mr. Anderson said, you've been working very hard to deliver the fish on time. I also think you deserve it after your excellent work as Tidmouth's pilot. And let's not forget you saved James and the children from the hijacking incident. That Arthur is why I agree with Mr. Anderson and the other fishermen to have you work there permanently. I'm very proud of you Arthur. I'm glad I purchased an engine like you."

Arthur was in tears. His dream finally came true. "Oh thank you, sir." Said Arthur happily

And soon the rest of the engines congratulated Arthur with a delightful toot of cheers and whistles.


The next morning. The engines were at Knapford to see Arthur taking a line of vans to his new home.

"Goodbye Arthur. Enjoy your new home. We will miss you. Enjoy your new adventure." Said Thomas

"Indeed. I'm so grateful to you for saving me that I just don't know how to repay you. Good luck with your new job." James said.

"We all will miss you," Percy said in tears.

Arthur smiled. "Thank you all. I'll try to see you all as often as I can." Arthur said. He was about to go when he heard a whistle. He realized who it was.

"No way," Arthur said in surprise. And indeed he's right as Duck pulls up to the station.

"Duck, you're here too," Arthur said happily.

"Of course I have. It wouldn't be the Great Western Way to not say a friend goodbye now wouldn't it." Duck chuckled.

"No, I suppose it is not." Arthur chuckled. "Oh, I want to say thank you."

Duck was confused "For what?"

"For making me realize that hard working and dedication is what makes an engine truly really useful."

Duck smiled. "It was my pleasure. Now you go down there and enjoy your new adventure."

Arthur smiled "I will. Thank you all!" Arthur said as the other engines toot their whistle loudly as they watched Arthur depart from the station. They all watch as Arthur disappears into the distance to his new home.


Soon, Arthur settled in his new home at Norramby and was hard at work delivering fish to Sodor and the mainland.

He loves to watch the beautiful blue sea with the sound of flying seagulls. He finds it quite relaxing. He also doesn't mind the smell of the fish.

The fishermen took a keen liking to Arthur and soon Arthur made good friends with the fishermen as they all shared the same view of the sea.

Arthur doesn't see the other engines too often. But as a quiet introvert. He doesn't mind.

Arther even has his own shed. When he finished his work for the day. He comes to his shed and gets to watch the sunset on the horizon of the ocean. His eyes twinkled with amazement. And soon shut his eyes to sleep as the sun dozed upon him.

But what about Tidmouth? With Arthur gone, who will be the new pilot there? Will, let's just say that Sir Charles Topham Hatt II got a friend at Southampton Docks that is willing to sell him a diesel locomotive.

But that's another story.

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