Arthur The Midland Engine

By SubiTNK

438 3 2

Dear Readers, Knapford is once again in a pickle as its station pilot Duck now runs his own branch line. This... More

Spotless Record
Wet Slide
Something Fishy

Saving The Red Engine

102 0 0
By SubiTNK

Arthur had been in the Works for 2 days. His wet rail accident caused some damage to him. But thankfully, he is repaired and expected to leave the Works tomorrow.

But Arthur had been miserable during his time at the Works. He really screwed up. What was supposed to be a moment of redemption but instead the opposite as he refused to listen to Thomas's message and because of his stubbornness, he got into an accident and felt he really failed The Fat Controller. Now Arthur doesn't know what to do to make things right.

"Maybe I'm just not fit to be on this railway." He said sadly to himself.

Just then, Arthur saw a green tank engine backing up beside him.

"Hello there, who might you be?" the engine asks.

"My name is Arthur." He replied

The engine then realized his name. "Ah, you must be my replacement." He smiled.

Arthur was surprised. "Then you must be Duck."

"Indeed I am." Duck replied

"What are you in the works for?" Arthur asks.

"Well," Duck smiled. "Sir Topham Hatt is so proud of my hard work at The Little Western that he decided to give me a new coat of paint as an award."

"The Little Western?" Arthur questioned.

"Is the nickname we give to our branch line." Duck replied.

"We?" Arthur questioned

"I worked alongside Oliver, Donald, and Douglas. We also work with Oliver's brake van Toad and his auto coaches Isabel and Dulcie." Duck replied

"Isn't Oliver the engine that Douglas saved him from scrap? I heard stories about that." Arthur questioned

"Indeed he is." Duck said. "Though he did travel through the mainland to escape to Sodor from BR before being caught and taken to the scrapyard on the other railway near Sodor." Duck replied.

"Wow," Arthur said, amazed. "Would you mind telling me more of The Little Western please?" He said pleaded

Duck chuckled. "Of course." then he tells Arthur all of his adventures on his branch line like the time Oliver's accident with the turntable or tricking Donald with an actual duck.

Arthur couldn't help but laugh when hearing Donald's Crew put eggs under Duck to make it look like he lay eggs.

Duck laughs as well. He then stops and looks at Arthur curiously. "So what are you in the works for?"

Arthur smiles drops and looks down at his buffers. He then looked back at Duck and told him everything about his first accident with the fruit and his second accident with the wet rails.

Duck, while shocked, remains silent.

Arthur looked down at his buffers. "Maybe I'm just no longer the engine to work for The Fat Controller. Maybe it would be best if he just sent me away."

Duck then spoke up. "Nonsense, you're just talking rubbish. Sure the second accident was your fault but not every engine is perfect. Heck, I have flaws myself but I still can be a really useful engine."

Arthur was surprised by Duck's response.

"The problem with you Arthur is that you think that an engine has to be 100% perfect in order to be a really useful engine but the truth is it isn't! A really useful engine is to show that you are hardworking and reliable and when a really useful engine makes a mistake, they learn from that mistake. That is what a really useful engine truly is and it is different from The Great Western Way.

Arthur is lost for words. He definitely did not expect Duck to speak in such wisdom.

"I can assure you, Arthur," Duck continued. "Sir Topham Hatt will not send you away just because you only made one accident at your fault. He can see that his engines are not perfect but try their best to overcome their mistakes and work their hardest to become really useful. I believe this is why he chose you to be a part of his railway. He can see that you are hardworking and a dedicated engine."

Arthur's face smiled, he now clearly saw that Duck was right. An engine doesn't have to be 100% perfect to be really useful, it is the dedication and hard work that makes anyone stand out. Though he is concerned about one thing.

"Man, I can't believe I gave Thomas the cloud shoulder for the past few months because of the first accident he caused. I even refused to listen to him when he tried to tell me to fill up my sandbox to avoid getting into an accident. Look where that got me. I can understand that Thomas wouldn't forgive me." He said sadly.

"Look, Arthur," Duck said "After all of what happened, I can assure you that Thomas will accept your apology. He understands that you are very upset at him because he knows how much that spotless record means to you. Thomas can be a prick on some occasions but he means well as he does get his comeuppance, regret, and apologies."

"But what about James? I know he still held a garage against me for making him into a laughing stock." Arthur sadly questioned.

"I know James is a type of engine that holds a garage for a very long time, no matter how many times we try to talk to him. And remember, the accident is not your fault. He is just to blind to see it. I can assure you that one day, James will change his views on you. Just like when he, Henry, and Gordon changed their views on me when I had my accident with the barber shop at Crosby."

Arthur was surprised "You had an accident with the barber shop?!"

"That is what I just said." Duck replied.

"Sorry, just shocked that's all." Arthur apologized. "But how was that accident got James and the others to change their views? And as a matter of fact, what did you do that got him and others to see a negative view of you?"

Duck closes his eyes and sighs. He then opened them and looked at Arthur with a natural look on his face. He then explains the events that happened between him and Diesel in 1957. With his big-headedness causes Diesel to pull the wrong train and he gets back at him by spreading lies about him to the trucks in the yards, which causes a standoff between him and big engines and ends with him getting sent away to help Edward at Wellsworth for a while. Then a runaway train chases him down the hill one day, he almost crashes into James with the red coaches until he was diverted onto a siding, causing him to crash into a barber shop at Crosby. The Fat Controller praised him for his heroic action. The Fat Controller tells him that he will return to the yard once he's mended and tells him that he never believed Diesel and sent him back to the other railway. He returned to the yards a few days later and welcomed him back with happy whistles and the big engines apologized to him.

When Duck finishes telling his story. Arthur was flabbergasted. "Well, that was quite a story, Duck. But if I have to be honest. From what I can understand. Both you and Diesel are actually at fault. Diesel for obvious reasons but you Duck, you caused him to do this because of your trick."

Duck was surprised at Arthur's response. But the more he thought about it, the more he started to understand Arthur's point.

"Yea, looking back, what I did to him is not The Great Western Way." Duck admitted. "I should have just immediately told him that there were the wrong tracks. But instead, I watch silently for him to get his comeuppance for saying he is revolutionary. I guess I got big-headed when I got to talk to City of Truro and laughed at Gordon for losing his dome. I guess I did get my comeuppance ha. Thanks for making me realize that Arthur."

"Hey, it's what friends do, right?" Arthur smiled.

Duck smiled back. He was glad to have an engine like Arthur to have for company.

Duck then looked to the sky. He was shocked that it was sunset already.

"I guess time does go fly when you have fun, ain't it Arthur?" Duck chuckled

"Yea, I suppose it is," Arthur replied, also chuckling.

And the two engines started to giggle at each other. Duck then thought of something.

"Say, Arthur, do you interested in running a branch line?" Duck questioned.

Arthur was surprised at Duck's question. He had thought until finally got a response.

"Well, while it would be nice, I don't really see myself running a branch line like you, Thomas, or Edward. I highly doubt The Fat Controller gave me my own branch line as he only purchased me to be the pilot engine at Tidmouth."

"You may never know." Duck replied "Maybe Sir Topham Hatt can give you a branch line or not. Both I and Thomas were station pilots and then look at where we are now. We basically earned our own branch line. If you show some hard work and dedication, maybe he will give you own branch line. I'm not saying you shouldn't be a station pilot but consider this as an opportunity for more adventure like what me, Edward and Thomas had."

Before Arthur could reply, a workman came up to Duck.

"Your paint is now dry Duck, you can leave now."

"Thank you, sir." Duck replied as his Driver and Fireman steamed him up and he was soon puffed away.

"Goodbye Arthur. It was nice having a chat with you." Duck said loudly as he soon disappeared into the distance. 

Arthur smiled. He was glad an engine like Duck came by and told him a lot of things. He definitely has a lot to think about. He soon shut his eyes and slept as the star twinkled above the clear night sky.


The mourning came to Tidmouth Sheds as the engines started to steam up to get ready for work for the day. The Fat Controller then came to the sheds to tell the engines their first job of the day. He then turns to James.

"James, I have a special job for you. You to take a group of school children on a school trip to the Vicarstown Railway Museum."

"Yes sir," James said excitedly. He can't wait to show the children and the people that are in the museum his shiny red paint.

"But," The Fat Controller continued, "since Arthur wouldn't be back till then so you're going to have to shunt your own coaches. I believe there wouldn't be a problem.

"No sir," James replied and soon puffed away to collect his coaches. Even though he hates shunting his own train. He didn't want to be stuck in the sheds again, just like what happened to him, Gordon, and Henry back in 1926.


While shunting his own coaches to the station, he grumbled to himself.

"This is ridiculous, Arthur should be shunting my coaches, not me. Oh, I know that engine is trouble."

James then put his coaches into place and soon went off to be in position.

He soon backs up to the coaches and then couples up to it.

The school children climbed aboard the coaches and the doors were soon shut.

James is just waiting for his Driver and Fireman while they are talking to the teacher.

There were two men in black clothes standing on the platform.

"Come on Tom, if we don't do something, the police will find us. they already raided our home with all the money we stole at Tidmouth Bank." said one man.

"What else do you think I'm doing Jerry, we just need to find an engine and drive it all the way out of this island and then go into hiding on the mainland and we can think of our next step there," replied Tom.

Tom saw James steam up and ready to go. "Will take this engine. He is already steamed up."

Jerry then looked at the engine. "Do you know how to drive a steam engine?" He asked.

"My father used to work here as a driver so he usually teaches me how it works. Right, enough wasting time, let's get out of here."

And so the two men sneakily hop onto James's cab. Tom opens the regular and soon James starts to move. James is startled by this.

"What's going on?!" He panicked and then looked back to see that his driver, fireman, and the teacher were running up to him but stopped as they reached the end of the platform. James now realizes that he is now a runaway and he has the children with him. The children had no idea as they were confused as to why the teacher was not with them.

The station tried to call the signalman but the signalman didn't receive the message in time as he saw James and switched him onto the mainline. By the time he switched James onto the mainline, his telephone rang, and by the time he answered. It was too late as James is long gone.


"HELP!!!" James cried as he went faster and faster. The children in the coaches were terrified and some were crying. But the hijackers didn't care as they were laughing knowing that their plan is working.

"Please!" James pleaded "You don't have to drag the children into this! Just stop at the station and let them go!

"And get arrested in the process. No way! Jerry shouted. "Now, how about you do both of us a favor and SHUT UP!! Shouted Tom.

This scared James. The only thing he can do now is waiting for a miracle to happen.


Arthur was heading back to Tidmouth. He was thinking of what Duck said to him yesterday when he heard a whistle in the distance. He realized that the whistle belongs to James. He can just see James in the distance and saw a panicked look on his face. James saw Arthur in the distance and used the opportunity to yell at him.


Arthur was shocked and knew he had to do something. Arthur then saw the points that lead from his track to James. He then has an idea.

"Ian, can you set the point to the line where James is? Arthur said to his driver.

Ian is flabbergasted at Arthur's request. "Are you crazy! You could get hurt!

"It is the only way. I'll use my brakes to slow James down and you walk on my running board to get to James's cab and apply his brakes. Come on, it's the one chance we got." Arthur determined.

Ian, knowing it could be risky, agreed. He climbed out of Arthur's cab, switched the point, and ran back to Arthur's cab.

Arthur then moved and was diverted onto James's line.

As James is getting closer. He saw Arthur on his line.


But before he could finish. He collided with Arthur and their now buffer to buffer. Jerry and Tom tumble down but the children are in their seats, most of them prepare for any impact they can encounter.

Arthur is now going at James's speed and he applied his brakes. Ian then took a breath.

'Ok, here goes nothing." He climbed out of Arthur's cab and soon walked on his running board. He then jumped to James's running board and walked on until finally, he climbed inside James's cab. He then saw Jerry and Tom as they were getting up.

"Oh, what happened?" Tom questioned. As his version is clear. He saw Ian standing in front of him.

"Oh hello." Ian waved

"Get him!" Tom orders as he and Jerry start to throw punches at Ian. But to their surprise. Ian is a very good fighter.

Ian throws a left hook onto Jerry's face. His impact was so hard that Jerry collapsed.

"Idiot." Groaned Tom as continued to throw punches at Ian. Tom is a bit better of a fighter than Jerry but he is no match against Ian. Ian uses a strong uppercut to his chin. It knocked a few of his teeth out. Tom finally collapsed.

"And stay down." Said Ian. He then applied James's brakes and soon James began to slow down. Arthur, now finally seeing that James is under control, releases his brakes and soon the two engines make their way in a slow paste.

James had never been so relieved since the time Edward saved him from a runaway back in 1952.

"You alright James?" Arthur ask in concern but James had nothing to say as he was out of breath. Seeing this, Arthur respectfully stayed silent.


The two engines arrived at Cronk Station. The children came out of the coaches. Some of them were crying in fear of what they had just gone through while others ran to Arthur and thanked him for his heroic effect.

Ian came out of James's cab carrying the now-out cold Tom and Jerry. The station soon called the police. By the time the two hijackers wake up. They were already handcuffed and were escorted to the Police car.

"Wow Tom, you are uglier than me now," Jerry said cheekily.

"Oh shut up," Tom said as he bump into him.

Soon a blue car pulled up to the station. The people that came out of the car were the teacher, James's crew, and The Fat Controller.

The teacher ran up to the children, crying, and started hugging them.

The Fat Controller then came up to the two engines.

"James are you alright?" The Fat Controller asked in concern.

"I am now sir. I feel safe now thanks to Arthur." James said with a sigh of relief.

The Fat Controller then turned to Arthur. Arthur was worried.

"Oh no, what will he say?" Arthur thought worriedly.

But The Fat Controller smiled. "Arthur, I can't even begin to subscribe to how much I'm proud of you. You fought off a heroic action that could lead to a risk for you and your crew. And yet, your plan works as you and your crew stop the hijackers, and James and the children are now safe thanks to you. You Arthur, without doubt, are a really useful engine."

Arthur was very happy indeed. He never felt this happy ever since when his spotless record was declared.

The Fat Controller then continued. "You would like to take the children to Vicarstown Railway Museum with James?" The Fat Controller asked.

Arthur thought about it and looked at James. He can see that James is giving him a reassuring look.

"Yes, I would love to do it, sir," Arthur said. His boiler tingles with excitement and joy.

Three cheers for Arthur." Said one of the children, "Hip Hip Hurray." Said the children as Arthur is in tears of joy. He finally got the redemption he was looking for.


Arthur turned around, he then backed up to James and soon coupled up with him. The children and the teacher got on. The guard blew his whistle. James and Arthur blew their whistle and soon chuff off to Vicarstown.

They both chuffed cheerfully through the countryside. The children were singing songs. The two engines were having a great time.

At last, they arrived at the Vicarstown Railway Museum.

The children were having a wonderful time. Arthur can see that James is asleep so he uses the time to have a chance to talk to the preserved engines there.

At last, it was time for the children to go back to Tidmouth. They climbed aboard. Arthur and James whistle goodbye to the preserved engines and soon make their way back home.

10 minutes after they left. James decided to speak up.

"Say, Arthur, thank you for saving me. But why did you save me even after that horrible garage I held against you for the last few months?"

Arthur smiled. "Because it is the right thing to do. I wasn't going to stand there and let you and the children suffer with these horrible hijackers. I would do anything to help you and the children, James, even though it could get me injured or worse."

James is flabbergasted. He never expected Arthur to not mind risking himself in order to save him and the children. James now felt awful from holding a garage against him for an accident beyond his fault and making fun of him for his accident with the wet rails.

"Arthur, I am so sorry for holding an awful garage against you. That accident wasn't your fault. I was just so upset about my red paint getting ruined and being a laughing stock at the time. I'm also sorry for making fun of you for your accident with the wet rails. I can understand you don't forgive me." James said in guilt.

Arthur thought about it. He gives James a stern look. James is worried that this is a sign that Arthur won't accept his apology. But then Arthur smiled.

"I forgive you, James. I know from a certain Controller that holding a garage is an unhealthy relationship. And I get my comeuppance from my accident with the wet rails as it is my fault for not listening. I want to move on from this and become friends with you, James."

James smiled. "Then friends we shall be."

Arthur couldn't agree more as he and James whistle to each other as a sign of amends.


Arthur and James return to Tidmouth Sheds with a warm welcome from the other engines and give Arthur a three cheers whistle.

When Arthur turned around and back up to his birth. The engines prized him for his heroic action. While being prized by the other engines. Arthur couldn't help but think that he still had to make amends with Thomas. But that thought was gone when Gordon spoke up.

"So Arthur, how did you driver put up such a good fight.?" Gordon questioned.

Arthur smiled. "He went to a boxing club when he was a child. From what I heard, he is one of the best students there."

The other engines soon dive in and start asking Arthur a bunch of questions.

Arthur chuckled as he did his best to answer all of the engine's questions.

Thomas was leaving Tidmouth Yard after delivering his last train for the day and was heading back to Ffarquhar Sheds for a good night's sleep.

As he was passing Tidmouth Sheds. He saw Arthur smiling as he was answering questions from the other engines. He then saw James smiling at Arthur. 

Thomas heard about Arthur's action and it is more likely that he and James made amends. If James could make amends with him, then surely he can. But Thomas is having doubts because of how much that spotless record means to him and having an engine like him ruining it. Thomas has a lot to think about as he disappeared into the distance.

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