Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

44.1K 867 83

Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 21

614 14 2
By Silver-Tigress

Sakura's P. O. V:

The full moon shines bright red above us with stars as I stand on a hill with Sesshomaru, his lips peppering my neck with kisses, occasionally leaving bite marks. Rin and Shinobu stand nearby as they gaze out at the stars, wolves howling in the distance, while Jaken is with us too.

Sesshomaru wraps his arm around my waist, tugging me closer. I can feel his warm breath on my skin.

After a few heartbeats, I could hear both Rin's and Shinobu's stomachs growling.

Sesshomaru must've heard too because he pulls back and turns to the children as he addresses, "Rin, Shinobu."

"Yes, My Lord?" Rin replies as she and Shinobu look at him.

Sesshomaru instructs, "If you're hungry, you must fend for yourselves."

I frown at that as Rin and Shinobu chime, holding up a hand, "Alright! We're off!"

As they turn to leave, Sesshomaru is about to resume kissing my neck again but I pull away, causing him to look at me in confusion. I say, ""By themselves"?! What are you thinking, Sesshy-kun?! They're just children! They can't fend for themselves!"

Sesshomaru responds, "Shinobu can."

I retort, the backs of my hands on my hips, "That's different! He's spent years training as a warrior, whereas Rin has had no such training! What if bandits or a demon were to attack them?!"

Sesshomaru and I stare each other down, and a few heartbeats pass. Just then, my own stomach lets out a loud growl, causing my face to blush in embarrassment.

"... seems as though the children aren't the only ones who are hungry," Sesshomaru says with a light teasing, causing my face to blush deeper. I haven't had anything to eat in awhile... Sesshomaru turns away. "Why don't you join the children? And since you're so worried, you can protect them. I'll send Jaken with you, as well."

I nod my head as I say softly, "Okay. Thank you, Sesshy-kun." I whisper as I pass him, "We can continue later." I feel the dog demon gazing after me as I get on the back of A-Un, along with Rin and Shinobu. Karina had joined us, too.

As he leads us to the forest, Jaken grumbles, "Oh, my goodness! Sesshomaru-sama has instructed Sakura, Rin and Shinobu to fend for themselves, so why did he then command that I accompany them?"

Shinobu asks, "How far are we going, Jaken-sama?"

He replies pointedly, "Until we find food. What do you think?!" Shinobu hums in agreement.

Rin asks curiously, "Jaken-sama? How exactly are you of any service to Sesshomaru-sama?"

Whirling around to us, the imp yells indignantly, "Hmmmm! I serve him in innumerable ways!"

"You do?!"


I ask, giggling behind my hand, "In what way, exactly?"

"For instance... eh..." Jaken trails off as his gaze drifts towards the red moon behind us. After a moment, Jaken suddenly smiles and giggles to himself.

"Jaken-sama?" Rin prompts, gazing at him curiously.

Jaken says to us determinedly, "Listen here Sakura, Shinobu, Rin! Today, you shall witness the great length I go to serve our lord! No vassal has ever served him as I am about to!"

I say sarcastically while shaking my head and gazing at my loosely curled fingernails, "Sure, sure, whatever you say, Jaken." He scowls at me but I ignore him. I wave my hand dismissively at him. "Just hurry up and take us to some food, already. I'm starving!" I ignore the second scowl he sends my way.


As I wait behind bushes with the children, nekomata, and two headed dragon, the morning sun high in the sky, I hear Inuyasha's group approaching as they chant Rock, Paper, Scissors. Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo say Wind Tunnel as they skip ahead, while Miroku attempts to touch Sango's behind and Sango berates Miroku about not being a poor loser.

I think as I watch them, "They're like a family, despite not being blood related..."

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!" Jaken giggles as he slides down a tree and runs over to a patch of the earth. "Come on out, Noman! What's taking you so long?!" Jaken demands as he jumps up and down impatiently.

Then, out of the earth, a faceless demon in the form of a man emerges. "You summoned me?" He asks in a deep voice.

"Noman," Says Jaken, "Inuyasha and his friends are coming. So get close to them and steal the Tetsusaiga." Noman emerges the rest of the way from the earth. "You are a demon born from the regrets of man. So you should be able to grasp the sword! Now, set out and steal it!"

"Tetsusaiga...?" The faceless demon repeats, tilting his head.

"It's Inuyasha's precious treasure," Explains Jaken.

"Is it valuable?" Asks Noman. Jaken nods his head, humming.

"Find it and bring it back to me!"

Noman leaves and goes to retrieve the Tetsusaiga.

We watch as smoke fills the area and the faceless demon uses that to try to steal the Tetsusaiga, confusing Inuyasha and his friends, which I find to be hilarious.

While we wait for Noman to return, Jaken paces back and forth. Noman suddenly appears, causing Jaken to whip around.


"Jaken-sama! I've brought your treasure," He declares, digging a hand into his kimono.

"Excellent!" Jaken grins. "Did you get the Tetsusaiga?!"

He pulls out what look like some of Shippo's magic items, such as spinning tops and a tiny hammer. "Here."

"That's not it!" Jaken snaps impatiently. Noman pulls out a checkered cloth and a bracelet. "That's not it, either!" Noman pulls out a red tie. "I have no need for those!!"

"What about these treasures?" Noman asks as he pulls out a small blue comb, a pen, some makeup item, bits of candy, and... I gasp at the sight of Kagome's sacred jewel shards in a tiny glass bottle, a cork in the top.

Jaken jumps up and whacks the poor guy on the head with his staff, causing him to drop Kagome's items. Jaken chides, "You fool! These aren't treasures!" Noman groans in pain as he puts his hands to his head and Jaken kicks dirt over the items. He jumps up and down impatiently. "Why didn't you bring me back the Tetsusaiga?!"

""Tetsusaiga...?"" Noman repeats, looking up as his head forms.

Planting the staff in the earth, Jaken climbs up it and explains, "It's Inuyasha's sword!"

"All he had was a rusty old thing," Says Nomad.

"Fool, that's the oooonnneee!" Jaken exclaims as his staff tilts to the ground.

While picking up the items, the demon says, "It didn't look nearly as valuable as these treasures."

"Stop your babbling and go get me the sword!" Jaken commands as he wobbles on the ground before sitting upright. Noman gets to his feet and lets out a groan before turning to go back and retrieve the sword.

Rin, Shinobu, Karina and I step forwards as I question, leaning against the tree with my arms folded, "Jaken, are you certain that the demon can handle this? He doesn't seem very bright..."

Jaken mumbles as he looks down, "If only I had some henchmen. This job would be easier." He lets out a longing sigh as he raises his head. "Ah, for the old days, when I was the commander and had many serving under me! Back then, I had hundreds of demons and controlled the Plains of Musashi. We were at battle with the demons that controlled the Eastern Mountain. Their leader was Bikuni, who despite being several hundred years old, was a formidable foe. Just then..." He then goes on to tell us how he had met Sesshomaru who had saved him from Bikuni by using his Energy Whip. Then Jaken left his tribe and followed Sesshomaru who found the Staff of Two Heads. Ever since, Jaken had followed Sesshomaru. "Several decades have passed since that day, and I have long thought to repay my debt of gratitude." Jaken scowls as he glares. "I cannot leave this to that bumbling demon!"

Jaken jumps up and scoops up his Staff of Two Heads before Jaken runs off.

Rin comments, "He sure finds ways to keep himself busy." Shinobu and I nod our heads in agreement. Karina meows her own agreement.

I mumble, shaking my head to myself, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this...?"

Shinobu mutters, "Well, your hunches are usually right..."

Awhile later, I hear the sound of Jaken screaming in pain.

"Did you hear something?" Shinobu asks, also looking up.

I sigh as I stand up, "It sounds like pain to me. I guess we'd better go." I brush dirt off my pink cherry blossom kimono and we get on A-Un.

"GOING DOOOOWWWWNN!!" Jaken hollers as he descends, flames licking his butt. With me at the reins, my group and I follow the sound of Jaken screaming, to a cliff with a drop off. We arrive to find Jaken having climbed back up the cliff and clenching a fist while glaring, his butt no longer on fire. "Curse you, Inuyasha! You wretch!"

I say with feigned worry, lowering A-Un towards him, "That must hurt, Jaken."

He glares at me as Jaken says in exasperation, "Of course it does!"

Shinobu asks, "Well, I suppose you're giving up then?"

"Never!" Exclaims Jaken as he scrambles back. "Now would you stop interfering and questioning my every move?!" He throws out his arm for emphasis. "Now be off!"

Rin reminds him, "But I thought you said you wanted us to see you in action?"

Jaken huffs, "I said no such thing!" I tug the reins and steer A-Un away from the cliff to search for food. I hear the imp yelling. "Just you wait, Inuyasha! I will take the Tetsusaiga away from you! Just you wait and see!"


I found a nice, wide river with a waterfall and set A-Un down so we could rest. We decide to give him a much needed bath which the two headed dragon seems to enjoy. Karina is stretched out on her back on a boulder as she basks in the sunlight.

I wish I'd brought Miyu. She loves the water!

Suddenly, Rin looks down and I follow her gaze to see a pink flower floating by. She gasps.

"That's a good idea! Come with me!"

I call as she hops off the rock and A-Un growls, "Rin, where are you going?!"

We follow her anyway.

We stop in a clearing with flowers and Rin suggests we pick them for Sesshomaru. I agree and set about picking the beautiful flowers.

We pick the flowers till sunset and Rin and I have a whole bunch.

I announce as I beam, "We've picked all these flowers for Sesshy-kun. We'd better go."

Rin and Shinobu agree and we start to ride A-Un back to camp.

Suddenly, we stop as I seem to be lost...

"Mummy, what is it?" asks Rin.

I sweat drop as I say sheepishly, "Err, we seem to have wandered too far away and I don't remember which is the way back... ehehehe!" I look to Un, the left head. "Can you smell any trace of Sesshy-kun?" With a soft growl, Un shakes his head.

Rin mumbles, "Oh, then we really are lost. We'll have to go back to Jaken."

I let out an annoyed sigh before I turn A-Un around. We take to the sky and as the sun sets further, we notice Mutt and Miroku bathing in a hot spring in the forest.

I also spot Jaken trying to do away with the Tetsusaiga by wrapping Inuyasha's red kimono shirt around it.

How does he plan to get Sesshomaru to touch it if demons are unable to?

We got a little overhead without pausing.

We lower to the ground as Rin calls, "Jaken-sama! We've found you!!" The laughing imp stops and turns to us, sword in hand.

"Rin, Sakura, Shinobu! What are you doing here?!"

I say as we land, "We can't seem to find our way back."

"Stop right there!" Calls Sango. We look to see her on a large Kilala in the skies.

Jaken gasps, "I've been found out!" He glances to us. "Hang on! Sakura is human, so she should be able to hold the Tetsusaiga! Sakura! Hurry and take this to Sesshomaru-sama at once!" Jaken jogs up to us and tosses me the Tetsusaiga while freeing it from the robe of the fire rat.

I ask, "But how?"

Sango throws Hiraikotsu but Jaken deflects it with his flames. He urges us, "Hurry and go to him while I hold off this Demon Slayer!"

Jaken whacks the top of the staff against A-Un's rump and the two headed dragon leaps into the air, growling.

Sango and Kilala were about to cut us off but Jaken sends out flames, blocking their path. Kilala was unable to dodge them in time and tumbles from the sky, Sango screaming.

I steer A-Un back around and make him shoot lightning as Inuyasha stalks towards Jaken. He jumps to avoid the attack but was knocked back.

"Jaken!" I call as I lower A-Un.

"Sakura, you fool! Why did you return?!"

"Inuyasha, are you alright?" Miroku asks as he kneels beside him with Shippo.

"Yeah," Inuyasha says with a sigh as he sits up.

Rin and I throw away the flowers as I land the dragon. Rin holds out her hand for the imp, urging, "Take my hand!"

"Rin!" Jaken exclaims as he grabs on and I raise A-Un. As I do, I meet Kagome's gaze. She spots Rin with me, surprise lighting up her features.

"Hold on tight!" Rin instructs. "I've got you!"

I gaze at the Tetsusaiga as Rin hauls Jaken up the saddle.

With a glance to Kagome, I toss the Tetsusaiga over to her. She gasps but manages to grab it as A-Un lifts higher.

Now sitting against my back, Jaken demands to know, "Rin, Shinobu, Sakura! But why did you come back?!"

"Because we couldn't help but worry about you, Jaken," Says Rin,

Jaken sighs before asking, "Oh, right. Where's the Tetsusaiga?"

I stiffen as I remember chucking it to Kagome. A small sweat drop forms on the back of my head as we turn our heads to look down, seeing Kagome hand the sword over to Inuyasha.

"I don't believe this!" Jaken gasps before slumping against me on defeat.

Shinobu asks, "Is something the matter? Jaken?"


We stand in a clearing with watermelons and we gaze about them excitedly. Jaken seems melancholy, though.

Karina sniffs at them.

I say, "They all look delicious!"

Rin questions the imp, "Which one should I choose, Jaken-sama?"

He says in a defeated voice, "Who cares?! Leave me alone!"

I exchange glances with Shinobu and Rin before we start going through the watermelons.

"Maybe I'll have two, or three!" Rin muses, poking a melon.

Shinobu says, gazing at a chunk of melon, "This one is sweet too!"

Rin says to the imp, "Watch over the other ones for us, okay, Jaken?"

As Jaken looks away sadly, a powerful wind blasts over us. I gasp as a familiar red eyed woman with a fan lands on a melon.

"It's you again!" Jaken exclaims, jabbing a finger at Kagura. Karina growls dangerously, golden fur bristling.

She straightens as she taunts, "Sesshomaru can be so careless! Taking his eyes off his ward..."

I was knocked out before I could move when another blast of wind hits us.

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