The Secret Twin {Zombie Apoca...

By JustineHawes

4K 110 6

This is a Zombie Apocalypse story. Takemichi is a girl and is Baji's twin sister.{She has black hair in this... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 {last part}

Part 2

529 14 4
By JustineHawes

Let's go back to when this first started —>

Months before

Takemichi pov:

It was a normal day on the summer holiday, Sunny and horrible. I never really did well with heat funny huh well today was a day me and my brother Baji planned to go out and have fun. I was finishing getting dressed when suddenly my door slams open "Are you done yet, mum's nagging again" there stands by brother, my eyes widen "EXCUSE YOU, KNOCK NEXT TIME I COULD HAVE BEEN NACKED MORON" I yell before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him, he doges like I knew he would so I charge at him and tackle him to the ground "AHHHHH YOU CRAZY WOMEN, GET OFF ME" he yelled while trying to push me off "I WARNED YOU" I sat on him and started punching him but sadly he kept blocking them all "I WARNED YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU BARGED IN MY ROOM AGAIN" I yelled, we kept fighting on the floor for a while before our mum came and pulled us apart.

"Enough both off you, Baji" she slapped him over the head leaving the poor teen in pain "we said don't barge in your sisters room and you" she turned to me and slapped me over the head too sending a pain through it while I held it "I warned you not to attack your brother again, Jesus just go you two I need time alone" and with that she pushed us both out the house "god if she wasn't our mother I swear" he said looking at me "wait, sis that ain't what you are wearing is it?" He asked, I looked down and nodded.

"Why, what's wrong with it?" I asked only to get a look that could kill "my sister doesn't wear stuff like that, looks like I have to protect you" "ummm no you don't, if I can handle you I can handle myself and second I do wear stuff like this cause I'm trying to get a boyfriend thanks and third I look better then you, atleast my pants ain't halfway down my legs" I say the last bit before walking off, I glance back to see him look down before I start laughing "TAKEMICHI YOU LIER, GET BACK HERE" I start running but I can't stop laughing "I can't believe that worked" I said to myself while trying not to get caught.

I managed to get to the shopping centre before I was grabbed and tickled "Ahhh haha ok ok you got me" I laugh out before I was finally let go "do that again and I will throw you in with the sharks" he laughs out, we finally look around to see what shop we were gonna go in first and see that out messing around has caught peoples attention. A lady walks over "excuse me, sorry to say but you guys are so cute, I hardly ever see a couple messing around lately" she smiles but Baji just goes green like he's about to vomit "Ah ha sorry miss but we ain't a couple, we are twins" I say trying not to throw up myself, she looks at us shocked "omg I am so sorry, well then have fun but a good looking girl like you can get anyone you want" she then looks at Baji "don't scare off too many yeah" she laughs and walks off.

I laugh a bit and grab Baji to drag him away before he can charge after the lady and blow up on her "Jesus came down bro, she didn't know and if you think about it we kinda don't look alike, you have dead straight hair while mine is slightly curly and I have blue eyes" I smile "so, that don't matter, your my sister end off" "SISTER" we hear someone yell behind us so we look and standing there is a blonde boy with a black cat. My brothers face goes pale like a ghost "uhhh who are you?" I asked the boy but he didn't answer so I assume it was due to shock "Jesus, why am I stuck with 2 statues" I said before grabbing my brother and this random person, dragging them to a bench before sitting them down. After awhile they both came back.

"Chifuyu what the hell, I can explain" Baji said only to get a head shake from this dude called Chifuyu "no need, I've been following you for a while and was thinking she was a secret girlfriend" and with that I do a gagging sound taking both their attention "yeah hi, I'm still here" I smile "oh right Chifuyu this is my twin sister Takemichi, Takemichi this is Chifuyu my bestie from high school" he said clearly being guilty by keeping both of us in the dark and with that me and Chifuyu hit it off from the get go and this pissed my brother off so much. The day went on like we planned just with Chifuyu but something catches my eye, it was a dude making noises while trying to bit people who was trying to take him away, that played on my mind all day and I didn't get a good feeling.

After a while Baji and Chifuyu got a call that they had a meeting with the gang and yes I knew about that, I was worried so I grabbed hes sleeve "hey bro....I umm, I don't want you too go" he looked at me before pulling hes arm away "I have to go, don't do this again" he said but I grabbed hes sleeve again "please, I don't have a good feeli-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before he pulled away again and stormed off, chifuyu following close behind. I was stood there frozen "what the hell....he's never done that before" I said to myself before making my way home, my mum greeted me and asked how it was and I explained what happened before going to my room and taking a nap.

Hours later I was shaken awake by my mum "Takemichi, Takemichi wake up quick...something is happening and it's bad" she was scared so it scared me.

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