Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

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Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 20

566 10 0
By Silver-Tigress

Sakura's P. O. V:

I sigh as Miyu trudges through the muddy path alongside Sesshomaru, an umbrella straw hat strapped to my head just like Shinobu and Rin, who is riding A-Un.

Shinobu and I are riding our horses with Karina perched in front of me. We've been travelling for a whole day but it had started to rain earlier.

I nudge Miyu closer to Sesshomaru as I ask, my voice sounding tired, "Sesshy-kuuunn! Can we please stop at the next the next town or village? I'm tired of walking in the rain."

Sesshomaru glances to me as Jaken says irritably, "Hush, woman! Don't irritate Sesshomaru-sama like that! Besides, you're riding, not walking."

I ignore the imp as Sesshomaru says, "I don't see why not."

I gasp happily as I say, "Great! We can stay there till the rain clears up! What do you think, Shinobu, Rin?!"

They grin as Rin chimes, "That sounds great!"

I say in content, "I can't wait to have a normal bath!"

It was another two hours before we come across a quaint village. Our horses were taken to a shelter for the night and I immediately order us food. All of us except Sesshomaru devour the food pretty fast and Jaken is passed out.

I notice Shinobu is gazing at Rin as she eats with a content smile.

I ask Shinobu, Karina passed out on my lap, "What is it, ototou?"

"Ah, it's nothing!" He gasps, as though startled, and looks to me with a blush on his face.

I almost immediately understand what he means. A devious grin appears on my face as I tease, "Oh? What's this? A blush? Are you in looovvee?"

I nudge Shinobu playfully but he scowls and brushes me away. "I-It's nothing like that!"

I say thoughtfully, "But you do think she's cute, right?" Shinobu blushes still as he nods. "And you like Rin a lot?" Shinobu appears flustered.

"Err, well, I—"

"I knew it!" I exclaim, causing the others to glance at me.

"What is, Sakura-chan?" Asks Sesshomaru.

"You have to tell her," I urge Shinobu desperately.

"Wh-What?! But-But nee-chan...!" Shinobu tries to protest, but I cut him off as I jump to my feet, Karina landing on the floor.

"Why wait a moment longer?!" Here, I slap a hand to my large chest dramatically. "As your older sister, it is my duty to make sure you have your own happiness, even if it's with the woman you love! Come with me, itotou!" I snatch Shinobu's wrist and drag him towards the door of the inn.

"Wait, nee-chan!!" Shinobu tries to protest as I yank open the door.

I hear Sesshomaru mutter, gazing after us as I run out with my brother to the garden, "What's gotten into her?"

"Huh? Sesshomaru-sama, where are mummy and Shinobu-kun going?" Asks Rin.

"... I don't know," Was all Sesshomaru responds.


"So, tell me, how do you plan to tell her, itotou?" I ask as I stand in front of Shinobu, my face serious.

"Huh?! S-Sister! I don't think I'm ready..."

"What better time to tell Rin than now? You do like her, right?" I press, the backs of my hands on my hips.

"... I do. But every time I go to tell her, I just get so nervous," Shinobu answers.

"That's why your big sister is here to help!" I tell him with a clenched fist and a wink.

Shinobu sighs, "What's your plan?"

I grin deviously, causing him to appear nervous.


I kneel behind a bush as I watch Shinobu lead Rin into the garden that's littered with twigs and stones.

"Sakura-chan, what are you doing?" I whip my head around to see Sesshomaru behind me. I grab his right hand and tug him down just a little behind me so he's kneeling, too. He frowns slightly. "Sakura-chan..."

"Ssshh!" I say with my finger to my lips before I point to the children. Sesshomaru follows my gaze. "I'm going to help Shinobu-kun express his feelings for Rin-chan."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Sure I'm sure! After all, it's how my parents fell in love."

We watch as Shinobu begins, "Listen, Rin, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now..."

Rin prompts when my brother didn't finish his sentence, "Yes, Shinobu-kun?" He starts, his blush deepening.

"I... w-well, I..."

I face palm softly as my brother fails to form a coherent sentence.

I mutter under my breath, "It looks like he needs a little nudge..."

I feel Sesshomaru gazing at me curiously as I start to sing.

(Sakura sings it exactly as Sebastian does)

There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her"

Rin and Shinobu blink their eyes and gaze around at the sound of my voice.

"And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl"

Rin questions my brother, "Huh? Do you hear something, Shinobu-kun?"

"Uh, n-no!" He stutters, blush returning.

"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wants you too
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl
Sing with me now
My oh my
Look like the boy too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl
Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame?
Too bad, he gonna miss the girl
Now's your moment (ya, ya, ya)
Floating in a blue lagoon (ya, ya, ya)"

Here, Shinobu and Rin take a step towards each other.

"Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better (ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya)
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl
Don't be scared (sha-la, sha-la-la ya, ya, ya)
You got the mood prepared (woah, woah)
Go on and kiss the girl
Don't stop now (sha-la, sha-la-la ya, ya, ya)
Don't try to hide it how
You want to kiss the girl (woah, woah)
Float along (sha-la, sha-la-la)
And listen to the song
The song say kiss the girl (woah, woah)"

They inch towards each other once more.

The music play (ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya)
Do what the music say
You got to kiss the girl
You've got to kiss the girl
Oh, don't you wanna kiss the girl
You've gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl"

Just as their lips are about to connect, Rin suddenly tilts forward with a soft cry. Quickly, Shinobu catches her before she could hit the ground. I glance at Sesshomaru to see he was about to catch Rin as well, but relaxes when my brother beats him to it.

Rin had fallen over a twig.

"Are you alright, Rin-chan?" Shinobu asks as he helps to straighten her up.

Rin nods assume says, "Uh huh." Rin smiles at him, causing Shinobu's blush to deepen. "Thank you for catching me, Shinobu-kun."

"Uh, it was nothing..." He says, stepping back and rubbing the back of his head.

"Damn it!" I hiss under my breath, annoyed that my plan has failed.

I walk back to the inn with Sesshomaru as I grumble in disappointment, my arms folded below my chest, "I was so sure it would work! How could it have failed when it got my parents together?"

"I don't see why you're obsessing over this," Sesshomaru says.

"It's my duty as Shinobu's older sister to help him confess his feelings for Rin! Besides, haven't you noticed that he likes her? Or rather, loves her?" I ask, looking up at the dog demon.

"I have, but I don't feel the need to get involved," Sesshomaru returns smoothly. I pout at that.

I sigh, "I suppose all we could do now is wait and see how things pan out, but I'm still gonna give my itotou a little nudge every now and then." I clench my gloved fists determinedly. "I will get those two together, no matter what!"

Sesshomaru just sighs with his eyes closed.


Later that night, after a nice, warm bath, I was fast asleep with Karina curled up beside me when I hear shouting.

I hold awake and wonder aloud, "What's going on?!"

My door slides open to reveal Sesshomaru. "There's a demon attacking the village," He informs me.

I nod as I stand up and reach for my armor. "Go. I'll be right there." Sesshomaru hesitates as his gaze lingers on me. A blush spreads over my cheeks. "Just go!" I sound flustered but a smiling Sesshomaru closes my door as he leaves.

I let out a sigh before I quickly don my armor. Once I'd strapped my swords to my waist, I run out with Karina and meet up with Sesshomaru, Shinobu, Jaken and Rin.

"What kind is it?" I ask as the villagers run away to safety after having come out to see the demon.

Shinobu tells me, "It's an oni sorceress."

An old woman like figure wearing a purple kimono cackles as she hovers before us. "Prepare to die, mortals!"

(Just without the headpiece.)

The demon throws a lightning attack at us but I step forwards and fling out my hand. The lightning is reflected back at the demon. She screams as she's struck by it.

"What? But how?!" The oni demands.

"Since you're weaker than me, apparently, I can deflect your spells," I explain.

She growls before waving her hands. I gasp as vines from the earth rise up and wrap around me. I struggle to get free but they were strong.

"Mummy!" Rin calls fearfully.

Sesshomaru unsheathes Tokijin and blurs before the oni demon. He slashes forwards and unleashes a blast of blue Kenatsu, but a barrier appears around the oni, shielding her.

Sesshomaru glares with annoyance.

Sesshomaru lunges towards her again and swings his sword in an attempt to hit the oni. Suddenly, she throws her arm forwards and a thick vine swings for Sesshomaru.

"Watch out!" I call.

He dodges and flies back to me. With a swift swipe of his sword, Sesshomaru cuts the vines holding me captive and I let out an exclamation of surprise as I start to fall.

However, Sesshomaru catches me after sheathing his sword and we land as light as a cat.

"Thank you for saving me, Sesshy-kun," I tell him gratefully, kissing his cheek. He smiles at me.

"It's over, Princess!" The oni calls before sending vines for Rin.

"Rin, look out!" I warn as the girl freezes in place.

But before the vines could get to her, they're shredded up by a long sword.

"Archenemy: Slashing Form!" Shinobu grips his sword as he stands protectively in front of Rin. He glares at the oni demon. "I won't let you hurt Rin!"

The demon flings out a dagger from her kimono sleeve and it slashes through Shinobu's right forearm as he's about to lunge at her.

"Shinobu!" I exclaim worriedly as Sesshomaru sets me on my feet.

"Please, allow me to handle this one, Sakura," Shinobu says as he continues for the oni demon in his Strong Form stance, sword sheathed in both hands.

As the oni throws out another lightning bolt, I fling out my arm to reflect it.

Shinobu swings his sword repeatedly towards the oni.

"Is it just me, or does Shinobu look fiercer tonight?" Muses Jaken.

"I think he's just trying to protect Rin," I murmur, proud of how far my brother has come already.

"Strong Form!" I notice Rin watching in awe as Shinobu rams the point of his sword sheathe into the oni, causing her to groan. "Slashing Form!"

With a mighty swing, Shinobu slashes the sword across her chest, killing the demon instantly. She hits the ground as Shinobu lands in a grouch before Rin.

"Wow! That was amazing, Shinobu-kun!" The brown eyed girl praises. Shinobu smiles at her as he pushes himself to his feet. Rin's smile turns into an expression of concern. "But you're bleeding!"

"I'm fine. Really," Shinobu tries to reassure her, sheathing his long sword.

I stomp over to the blue eyed boy and say sternly, "No, you're not. That cut is deep. Let me get your wound tended to, itotou."

He knew there was no arguing with me. Shinobu sighs and nods his head. "Okay."

I take Shinobu back inside the inn to tend to his wound.


The next morning, as it was raining again, I stand with the innkeeper as he hands a sack of money, 2000 ryo to be exact. Shinobu, Rin Andy have our umbrella hats back on to shield us from the rain.

"I can't take this!" I deny, holding up my hands.

"Please, Miss, we insist! We didn't even hire you to slay the demon, but we can't let you walk away without payment of some kind," The man says, pushing the sack into my hands.

"You should just take it, nee-chan," Shinobu tells me. His arm has been bandaged up nicely.

I finally relent as I say, "Alright. Thank you." The innkeeper smiles and bows toys before Shinobu and I return to the rest of our group. We walk beside each other towards the back as we lead the horses, Karina padding beside Shinobu, while Rin is towards the front. Sesshomaru and Jaken are beside me, on my left.

I notice Shinobu is gazing at Rin. I nudge him pointedly, causing him to glance at me. He smiles before jogging to catch up to Rin.

"How's your arm, Shinobu-kun?" Asks Rin as she flicks her eyes to his arm.

"It's better after onee-chan treated it," Shinobu replies.

Rin says gratefully as Sesshomaru glances at them and Jaken raises one eyebrow, "Thank you for saving me last night, Shinobu-kun." The backs of their hands brush against each other.

"Oh, ah, it was nothing. Really. I'm just glad you're not hurt."

To our surprise, Rin turns to Shinobu and kisses his cheek. Shinobu freezes out of surprise with one foot above the ground, body shuddering from the sudden kiss, before he slumps forwards slightly and blushes deeply as Rin runs ahead while laughing joyously.

Those two are definitely cute together!

Jaken wonders aloud, sounding oblivious, "What's up with him?"

I say pointedly, "Isn't it obvious, Jaken?! Shinobu's in love!"

Jaken gives a cry of surprise but Sesshomaru and I ignore him as we continue down the road. I couldn't stop grinning about getting Shinobu and Rin together.

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