Bride From Hell

By shadowBonniez0

16 4 0

Amanda a 14 year old dicedes to scare her younger sister by telling her an old urban legend about a bride tha... More

Movie night.
The phone call
Gift baskets

New girlfriend

2 1 0
By shadowBonniez0

It was six o clock and Amanda was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner while Misty set up the sitting room for the sleepover Amanda said they would do. They had to change it to downstairs as their dad wouldn't be home to late and they didn't want to be upstairs incase something happened. Amanda put the last dish away and headed onto he sitting room where she saw Misty already in her black and white cat pajamas. "I got your favourite pajamas" Misty patted the couch where Amanda's pajamas lay. Amanda smiled and patted Misty on the head. "Thanks" Amanda picked up her pajamas. She headed into the bathroom to get changed and by the time she came back Misty had already closed the curtains and got the snacks. "So what movie do you want to watch?" Amanda said while grabbing the remote off the cabinet. "Ooo can we watch a horror movie!" Amanda sat down as Misty plead. Amanda rolled her eyes. "Fine but a proper one ok?" Misty shook her head as Amanda turned the TV on. After a few flicks they settled on a movie but Amanda and Misty got board of it pretty quickly. "This is so boring!" Misty whined. "It's not even scary" Amanda rolled her eyes while Misty continued to whine. "We've seen all the other movies. This one is the only one we haven't seen but I do agree it is really boring" Amanda clicked the TV off with the remote. Misty walked over to the window and peered through the curtains. Amanda knew what she was doing. She always looked out the window to see if their dad was home yet. It was like a chore for Misty to look out the window and spot their dad. "It's eight now. He said he would be back early" her facial expression turned dull. Amanda came over and put her hand on Misty's shoulder. Misty started to cry. She buried her face in Amandas side feeling embarrassed that Amanda was seeing her crying. "He promised this time" she kept sniffing and sobbing. Amanda tried to calm her down but she didn't want to do anything Amanda suggested. Amanda even offered to nit with her but she still shook her head. Amanda finally got an idea. "Hay. How about I read you a story? You know like I used too" Misty whipped her eyes. She finally spoke. "Really?" Amanda nodded. "How about we go upstairs and pick a book together and grab some blankets to bring down?" Amanda smiled and hugged Misty. "Souds good" Mistys tone was upbeat again. "Right come on let's go". Amanda held Misty's hand as they walked up the stairs to Amanda's room. She had a large book shelf filled to the brim with books. "Can we both choose" Misty saidlookingup at Amanda. "Sure' Amanda smiled with glee. Both her and Misty looked around the book shelf pulling out one at a time debating on which one to choose. "Ooo how about Princess and the frog?" Mist tugged Amanda's shirt. "Nah we already read it like a million times already. See if there's anything new worth reading agin" they both continued to look. Amanda pulled out a book with a green background and a picture on the front. "What about Alice In wonderland?. Wouldn't that be worth reading again?" Misty shook her head. Amanda shrugged and put the book back. "At this rate we'll never find a boo-" Before Amanda could finish a small thin book fell on her head  fell down from the top shelf and landed on her head. "What's this?" She took the book off her head. She held it out infront of her do Misty could see too. "Bride From hell?" Misty rubbed her eyes to see if she was reading it right. The cover had a women holding a knife with blood splatters on it and her pealy white dress drenched in blood. "That one looks interesting Amanda, can we please read it!?" Misty was jumping up and down on the spot. She had such a childish mind for a ten year old. Amanda took another look at the book. "Are you sure you want me to read this one?" Amanda's eyes fixed up and Misty's pleading face. "Yes!" Misty tugged Amanda's shirt agin. "Fine" Amanda picked up her wolf teddy and some blankets. "But don't blame me if you get nightmares" Misty rolled her eyes and followed Amanda to the sitting room. Amanda crashed on the couch while Misty sat on a blanket on the floor   while also having one wrapped around her. Amanda flipped the book open to the first page.

Amelia was her name but she was know as the demon bride. Once a lovly woman then a demon straight from the deps of hell. Created by the devil himself. A woman made from hatred and anger. And most of all a thirst for blood.
Alice had much beauty. Every man that saw her fell instantly head over heals for her. Her long golden blonde hair and pale blue eyes always seemed to catch everyone's attention and every woman that crossed her way would envey her. Little did they know their love for her meant nothing to her and instead made it a game on how fast she could kill him. After a man fell for her she would go along till it was time for her favourite part of them game. The hunt. Once the man would pop the question on the wedding night she would prepare her black handled knife and hide it in her white pearly dress. The same dress she would always wear for the killing. And when the clock struck twelve she would behead her husband leaving him dead on the ground. With her last words to them "May death do us part" The knife would go straight into the man's heart out. The next morning her husband along with his family would be found dead while she was no where to be found. The only traces of her would be a single pearl from her dress cover in her lovers blood. Rumors say she kills them to sacrifice them to the man down below one day to reunite with her long lover One day to rule the world above.

Amanda closed the book and glanced down at Misty who was looking up at her. "That was boring" Amanda stood up and walked into the kitchen leaving Misty trembling in fear. Amanda swung open the fridge and pulled out two frozen desert trays. "Hay mis-" Amanda was cut off by the door bell. Misty peeked through the curtains it was their dad. Misty opend the door and went to hig him the second he stepped into the house. Amanda poped her head around the door and dashed to her dad. "Hi dad" Amanda gave him a big hug. "Nice to see you too" Their dad smiled "I have a surprise for you guys" He put his hand on the door knob. So you know that surprise I was talking about earlier? Well here she is" Amanda's dad opend the door and a beautiful women with golden blonde hair and pale blue eyes walked in. "Amanda Misty this is my girlfriend Alice"

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