It has always been you (✔)

By Rose9972

217K 8.4K 2.8K

Empty hearts, merry eyes; Thin line and pure feelings. It is a tale of two hearts . It is a tale of their f... More



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By Rose9972


"Suhani... Here is your favorite Chole bhatoore"  Mumma passed me the plate and I pretended to be extra happy while devouring my favorite food.

The last time they saw me sad 2 weeks ago... They were concerned if everything is fine between me and Veer... Though it is not but they don't need to know that. They have already done so many things for me now I don't want them to get sad because of me.

I know they can feel my sadness through my eyes but they let it go thinking it's between me and Veer. I don't know till when this will continue.

When Saurabh saw me sad the first day he was ready to beat Veer blue and black but Mumma and Papa persuaded him not to harm Veer. They told him to respect Veer as he is my husband. He scoffed at the thought of respect but nodded in front of our parents very well putting on his "Shareef mask".

" Suhani, I am glad you liked it" Mumma chirped happily.

Chole bhatoore is something to die for... But right now even that was not giving me any kind of piece.

I smiled at her and continued filling my stomach.

As I finished, I looked at my side to find Vaidehi gobbling down large pieces of bhootare.

Chole bhatoore was her second favorite of course first being the Dhokla.

"Make it quick, Vai. We need to leave for the hospital. "

I went to my room to get my bag.

I joined back a week ago... It was getting a little hectic but it was keeping me busy... Away from his thoughts.

It's been 2 weeks since I saw him... Since I heard his voice... His face and my words were continuously roaming in my head... I would have gone mad if I stayed like that for more days.

I wanted to apologize to him but I didn't know how to face him.
He wouldn't even want to look at my face. He must be angry with me.

"Okay, Chalo" Vai burped, picking up her bag.

As we reached the hospital, We were greeted by Aarav. Three of us went to our respective departments and were busy there till late at night. We only met during lunchtime.


I closed my eyes to drown myself in deep slumber but a certain image was not leaving my head.

Aditi had a complicated pregnancy, she conceived after 6 years of her marriage. They were longing for a child to complete their family, she and her husband were beyond happy when they got to know that they are finally going to have a baby.
When her husband got to know about her complicated pregnancy which might comprise her health he said to abort the child without a second thought. Aditi fought with him. Many times her health degraded and she had to be hospitalized, her husband was angry with her he asked her to just abort the child but she was adamant. I  witnessed a few of their fights, Aditi would end up crying and her husband would leave.

In spite of numerous tries, he could not convince her to let the child go. I am happy that God blessed them with a daughter today. By God's grace, both the mother and the daughter were healthy and fine. The moment he saw his daughter he teared up. She was so precious. I remember their family hug. Their grateful smile towards me.

"How can you forgive me so easily? I should have taken care of you but all I did was make you cry. I am sorry " The teary-eyed man looked at her and then his daughter lovingly.

"It was not your fault Rachit, you were just being concerned for me. You wanted to see me safe, I was being stubborn. I am so sorry I said so many mean things that day " She pouted cutely which immediately melted him.

"You should not say sorry, love. Just forget everything. I am glad both of you are safe. " He caressed her head putting their daughter on her lap.

"Yes, I am glad we are together. Life is too short to remember these silly fights. We are together and happy that's all matter. " She said holding his hands and their cute little daughter stared between the two wondering if her parents are talking about her beauty.

We are together and happy and that's all matter.

They looked so happy and content that for a second my heart became selfish to imagine Me and Veer like them.

Will we ever have a happy life? Will we ever be able to forget what happened? Will we ever be able to erase these unwanted moments from our lives?

Will we ever talk?

Will we ever face each other?

I woke up tired. Generally, people feel energetic after getting up but here I was feeling exhausted, I wanted to just stay curled up in my bed.

I sighed knowing now I have to get ready and go to the hospital.

I love my work but sometimes especially in times like these, I wish to go into hibernation.

I was about to get out of my bed my Vai barged into my room.

"Get up lazy ass" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Shut up, I just woke up" I grumbled at her being all tired.

"Why so grumpy? " She slapped my head and I whined.

"We have to go hospital today and I am tired" I slapped her head back.

" It's Sunday miss over smart" She pulled my hair and I tried to reach her hair.

"Let me sleep then, get out" I screamed at her still trying to pull her hair out but she was fast in guarding her hair.

"You are coming shopping with me " She picked up a pillow and smacked my head with that.

" I won't " I picked up another pillow and the World War 3 goes on with pillows of course.

"Trust me, you will" She smirked at me and I knew she won't let me be at peace if I deny her.

Groaning in frustration, I nodded at her.

"Good girl. Now get ready you have 10 minutes" She ran out of the room giggling when the pillow she threw directly landed on my face.

What a good start for the day!

I crawled to the washroom to get ready.


The place we were in didn't look like a shopping mall. For a fact, it was resembling more of a cozy meet-up place with so much greenery around.
Beautiful flowers, fairy lights everything was making it look like a good place to spend some time with loved ones.

I raised an eyebrow at her asking about the setup but she stood there nervously, Shifting from one leg to another.

Does she want to spend time with her 'special someone' and come with me to escape any questions?

I gasped at the possibility but before I could say anything she chirped, "They came"

Who They?

I followed her gaze only to be rooted in my place.

My sleep evaporated and my heart started thumping hard.

What is he doing here?
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Editor:- its_chahat_here ❤✨

Next update :- Tomorrow

Thanks for reading❤.

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