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-alldeadalldead tarafฤฑndan

682 38 10

- "๐˜–๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ." ๐‘บ๐’š๐’๐’—... Daha Fazla

- SEASON 3 -
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ‘ : Isolated
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ’ : Tapes
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ“ : Walk at the Park
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ” : Feelings
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ• : Love, Love, Break
- SEASON 4 -
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ‘: Championship
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ’ : Hello?
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ“ : Investigation
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ” : Concern
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ• : K-i-s-s-i-n-g
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ– : Catching Up
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ— : The Upside Down
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ˜ : First Time, Again
canon ending [ unlocked ]
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ™ : We'll Meet Again
head canon ending [ unlocked ]
what if...

๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ™ : We'll Meet Again

23 1 3
-alldeadalldead tarafฤฑndan

Moments passed, the sun has came down. The gang waited inside of the RV, parked somewhere in the middle of the park and the Creel house. Everyone didn't think they were ready, yet their heart tells them that they are, they just have to hold on.

"Okay," Nancy speaks, "I wanna run through it one more time," she turns around to them, "phase one," "we meet Erica at the playground, she'll signal Max and Lucas when they're ready," Robin says, "phase two," Nancy speaks, "Max baits Vecna, he'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance," Steve says, "phase three?" Nancy asks, "me, Sylvie, and Eddie draw the bats away," Dustin says, getting a scrub on the head by Eddie.

"Four," Nancy says, "we head into Vecna's hopefully newly bat-free lair, and," Robin grabs the bottle of flammable liquid, "flambe," she says, shaking the bottle a bit. "Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied," Nancy says, looking at them, "nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what," she continues, "got it?" she asks, "got it," everyone said in unison, they all hopped out of the RV, they then went to Eddie's trailer, to the open gate.

Steve went in and open the door and lights, looking at the gate which was still open, "be careful," Dustin says, "thanks, buddy," Steve nods. "Here goes nothing," Steve climbs up the blanket, he gets down there on both feet, shrugging them off. Robin mutters sarcastically, "oooh, what does he want us to do, applaud?" she asks, looking at Nancy.

Steve grabs another mattress to the open gate, laying it down for a good landing. "alright, lets go," Steve says, Nancy goes in first, with the support of Robin's knee, Steve grabs her and then the others dropped down her stuff in. Eddie then was next, he smiles at Sylvie and heads up, his stuff being taken in too, Sylvie was next, head up and stuff dropped, same with Robin and Dustin.

They then head out the RV, inside the Upside Down. As Dustin, Eddie, and Sylvie went out, Steve turns to them "hey guys, listen, if things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats, keep 'em busy for a minute or two, we'll take care of Vecna, don't try to be cute or a hero or something, okay? You guys are just--" "decoys." both Steve and Dustin say. "Don't worry, you can be the hero Steve," Dustin says, "absolutely, I mean look at us, we are not heroes," Eddie chuckles, "besides, we'll contact you afterwards the distraction," Sylvie says.

Steve nods, but as before he starts to leave, "hey Steve?" Eddie asks, Steve and the others turn to him, "make him pay." Eddie remarks, the gang nod and then went their separate ways, "lets get to work now, boys," Sylvie says, the two follow and make the whole trailer protected, finding anything that can be covered for the trailer, moments passed, they've finished.

"Not bad," Eddie says, "not bad at all," Dustin says too, both of them looked at one another, Eddie smiling, "now for the fun part," they run into the trailer, into Eddie's room, Eddie enters and, "Jesus Chri..." Eddie whimpered, Dustin and Sylvie chuckle, "it's like.. she was destined for an alternate dimension," Eddie says, looking at his sweet guitar. "what do you say, Henderson, Smith?" he asks, grabbing the guitar, "are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" He turns to look at them, "that a rhetorical question?" Dustin asks, Eddie looks at Sylvie, she was smirking.

Eddie wears the guitar leash, "lets do it," he says, putting it in the back.

They then got ready, waiting for the signal, "nice guitar," Sylvie says, "it's the most metal guitar, ever, she's my sweetheart," Eddie says, "and I'm not?" Sylvie asks, Eddie looks at her with a smile, "you're always my number one sweetheart, Sylvie," Eddie says, kissing her cheek, she smiles softly, "I'm excited for this," Sylvie says, "you should see me on the stage, gigs at Tuesday, always." Eddie smirks, "I'll try," Sylvie chuckles, Eddie smiles softly. "Did you two just kiss?!" Dustin squealed, "Henderson! Oh my god how long have you been there?" Sylvie asks, "a few minutes or so," Dustin says, "oh my god, okay just, just don't tell anyone okay? I'll beat your ass if you do," she says, "alright, alright," Dustin chuckled.

Moments later, "She's in, move on to phase three," Robin speaks from the talkie, "copy that, initiating phase three," Dustin grabs the cord and connects it, "lets hope they hear this," he says, the amp starts to whine, Dustin turns on the speaker, giving Eddie a nod, Sylvie goes to Dustin and stays there, watching Eddie. "Chrissy, this is for you," Eddie muttered, grabbing his guitar pick necklace, Eddie yelps and then starts to strum heavy chords, both Sylvie and Dustin crouched down incase of an attack.

Eddie starts playing, it was familiar to Sylvie, Master of Puppets by Metallica, both Sylvie and Dustin headbanged, Sylvie and Dustin had a huge smile on their face, enjoying Eddie shredding the guitar. Dustin stands up to look at the bats with the binoculars, he sees them coming closer, "Eddie!" he yells, Eddie looks at him, "we gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!" Dustin exclaims, Eddie nods and starts to shred the guitar even more.

"T-minus 20!" Dustin yells, Eddie nods and continues to play, Eddie riffs and then it came to the solo, Sylvie couldn't help but stare at him, she felt like her eyes turned into hearts, a knot and butterflies in her stomach, she imagined what he said before, him being on stage, playing his songs with his band and shredding the guitar like now, it was all so perfect, her cheeks became red.

"T-minus 10!" Dustin yells, "go Eddie!" Sylvie exclaims too, Eddie continued playing his guitar, shredding it hard, the bats then came into the park, "5!" Dustin yelled, "1!" Dustin yelled again, Eddie finishes, "lets go come on!" Sylvie hops down, "move! move! move!" Eddie exclaimed, "lets go!" Dustin yelled, the bats were swarming in.

"Eddie come on!" Dustin yelled, "hurry!" Eddie yelled too, all of them were panicking as they saw the bats fly in, "hurry Eddie shut it!" Dustin says, Eddie closes the fences and tons of bats clinged on to it, trying to open. "Hurry, come on!" Dustin says, opening the door of the trailer, Eddie closes it and they all pant.

Eddie looks at Dustin, "dude, most metal ever!" "oh my god oh my god!" both Eddie and Dustin cheered like kids, Sylvie giggles, seeing them jump up and down, hollering so much. "Did you see me Sylvie!? I was shredding that so hard!" Eddie grabs her and twirls her around, "yeah! Yeah! I saw! You were so great Eds!" She looks at him, Eddie looks at her and she bites her lip softly, "you were so great," she repeated, Eddie chuckled softly and kissed her, "okay come on lovebirds!" Dustin says, they both chuckle and now started to guard the trailer.

The bats were banging all sides of the trailer, they kill went into a kill circle, holding their shields firmly and their spears tight. "Hey dipshits! Give up that easy huh?!" Dustin yelled, "shh! Is that really necessary?" Eddie shushed Dustin, the bats started to seemingly go away, or so they thought. Clattering then came upon the roof, "they're on the roof," Eddie uttered, "shit, shit, shit," Dustin gulped, they then moved closer to the living room in the middle.

They were poking their spears and their shields to the sky, they then see an air vent, "they can't get in there, can they?" Dustin asks, and then his question was answered as the bats start to break in the air vent, they all yell and start stabbing the bat with the spears, "die! Die! You fuckin bastards! Die! Die! Die!" Dustin yelled, all of them stabbing the bat spears.

All of the were yelling, trying to kill the bat, "get out of the way! Get out the way!" Eddie grabs the shield and sticks it up to the vent, the bats trying to remove it. "Holy shit, holy shit," Eddie pants, "nice," Dustin says, "thanks," Eddie says, they both high-five, still panting. "Are there other vents?" "oh shit," Eddie goes to the kitchen but then bats were already in the kitchen vents, "shit!" Sylvie yells, Eddie pushes Dustin back and then both him and Sylvie start to attack the bats, they attack it for a bit and then they shut the door, the door then has bits of wood broken due to the bats breaking in.

Eddie grabs Dustin's shield, "that's not gonna hold!" Dustin yelled, "lets go! Lets go!" Eddie yells, Dustin starts climbing up, "come on, quickly!" Eddie yelled, Dustin was now back in their world, "Sylvie, Eddie, come on!" Dustin yelled, "go first," Sylvie says, "no get on!" Eddie yelled, "just go!" Sylvie argued, Eddie throws his weapons down and goes up until he pauses, "Eddie come on lets go! Eddie you're so close come on!" Dustin yelled, "Eddie?" Sylvie asked, he looks to her, swallowing a lump, Sylvie realizes what he was about to do, she nods.

"Eddie?" Dustin asked, Eddie thinks and grabs his weapons, "Eddie! What are you doing?! Eddie, no!" Dustin yelled, Eddie yells and cuts the blanket, "Eddie!? Eddie stop! Eddie stop!" Dustin pleaded, Eddie grabs the mattress and moves it, "Eddie, Sylvie, what are you doing?!" He yells, the two look at him, "we're buying more time," Eddie says, and they went out, "no!" Dustin yelled.

The two then went out and hopped on the bike, Sylvie held tight of him, Eddie pedalled faster, "come get us, you sons of bitches!" Eddie yelled, as Eddie and Sylvie turned, the bats hit them, they both grunt and fall, "Eddie!" Sylvie yelled, he looks and sees Sylvie getting dragged away by the bats, "shit!" Eddie runs, trying to get her, Sylvie falls to the ground and she starts to feel her parts getting bit, she then screams loudly, in pain.

Eddie then stops, thinking. He then grabs his shield and spear and went in the swarm, some of the bats biting Sylvie went to Eddie, "Eddie no!" She yelled, the bats start attacking Eddie, Sylvie screams, she tried getting up but the bats were pulling her back to the ground, her legs weak and wimped. Eddie continues to attack them, killing some in the process, "come on!" He yells, some of the bats then start to leave Sylvie and went into the swarm.

Sylvie grabs one of the bats on her and pins it to the ground, clawing its skin apart, "die you fucking asshole!" She yelled, as she clawed them, she sees her spear and grabs it, stabbing it. But then, she feels the vines tangle around her legs, "shit!" She yells, trying to slice it with her spear, she then gets drag to the nearest car and ties her up, "no! No! No! Stop!" She cries, remembering what had happen before, some of the bats then come up to her and start to eat her sides, she screams loudly, crying.

She sees Eddie fall to the ground as the bat strangles him, she then hears him scream, knowing what it means, "No! Eddie!" She yelled, crying as the bats continued to chew on her. It was all so vivid, screams were everywhere, Dustin crying, Eddie wailing, Sylvie crying too, it was all so fast and painful.

But then, the bats and vines started to slowly stop biting and choking, they then fall down like they have died, "what... oh god Eddie!" Sylvie cried, seeing Dustin there with him, she runs as fast as she can to them.

"Sylvie!" Dustin yells, "hey, hey, Eddie oh god," Sylvie choked, "bad huh?" Eddie asked, struggling. "No, no, no, no, you're gonna be fine, we just gotta get you to a hospital okay?" Dustin said, "okay," Eddie muttered, as they both try to lift him up, "alright alright alright come on," "Dustin be careful!" "I think I just need a second okay?" Eddie grunted, "okay, okay," Dustin put him down slowly.

Eddie looks at the both of them and smiles, Sylvie gasps softly, knowing what he wants, she gulps softly, she then feels him hold her hand, "please, Eddie... lets go," her voice cracks, "wait," Eddie choked, "I didn't run away this time right?" he says, "no, no, no, no, no, you didn't run," Dustin says, sobbing. Sylvie couldn't speak, ashamed she couldn't save him sooner. "You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me okay?" Eddie says, both Sylvie and Dustin yell "no!" In unison.

"You're gonna do that yourself!" Dustin says, "nah, man, say 'I'm gonna look after them,'" Eddie says, "say it," "I'm... I'm gonna look after them..." Dustin says tearfully, "good... 'cause I'm actually gonna graduate, I think it's my year Henderson, I think it's finally my year," Eddie says, chuckling weakly. "Sylvie, take care of him alright?" Eddie asks, "Eddie please stop! We're gonna get you to a hospital please!" Sylvie cried, "no... I don't think they'd want to save a murderer--" "you aren't! Please we need to go!"

"Sylvie, I can't..." Eddie chokes, looking at her, he then tightens his grip on her hand, "I love you..." he mutters, "I... I love you too..." Sylvie cries, "I love you so so much," she adds, "I know you do," Eddie chuckles weakly, he looks to Dustin, "I love you man," he says, struggling, "I love you too," Dustin sobbed, trembling.

Eddie starts to choke, "Eddie..." Dustin says, "Eddie?" Eddie stops choking, "Eddie!" Dustin cried, "come on! Eddie!" Dustin tries shaking him, Sylvie felt Eddie's grip soften, until he wasn't holding on anymore, "Eddie!" Sylvie sobbed, and with that.

Eddie Munson, a wanted murderer in Hawkins, a loving friend, a boyfriend, is dead.

"Eddie!" Sylvie continued to cry, she then hugged Dustin to comfort him, Eddie's corpse in the middle of their hug. Minutes then, they then heard footsteps, Steve and the others finally came back, "Sylvie, Dustin, Ed... Eddie?" Steve asked, coming closer, they all gasp softly to see Eddie's dead body. They all stayed there in silence, Dustin stood up, Sylvie was still there on the ground, "Sylvie..." Nancy crouched down, "Nancy," Sylvie looks at her, Sylvie's face was a mess, "we need to go," she says, "what? No wait, we can still save him, h-help me here," Sylvie says, trying to carry him.

"No, Sylvie..." Nancy tries to comfort her, "No! Nance! We need to save him, we can! Please!" Sylvie said, "Sylvie, we need to go, we need to go," Steve and Robin grab her, pulling her away from his body, "no guys! Please!" Sylvie sobbed even more. Moments later, Sylvie calmed down and let them take her back, leaving Eddie's body. They were all back in the real world, as they were driving, Sylvie was holding his denim vest tightly, still tearing up, but then a huge earthquake happened, "earthquake!" Robin yelled, "shit!" Steve pulled to the side, "what was that???" Sylvie asked, Nancy looked at Steve, "Max..." she muttered. They all had their eyes wide, "Steve, drive!" Sylvie yelled, "okay okay!" Steve drove even though the ground was shaking.

They all arrive at the Creel house. A huge crack was splitting the place, "what the fuck is that?!" Robin yelled, they all got out of the car and tried to yell for the three, "Lucas?! Erica?! Max?!" They all started shouting, "thank goodness you guys are here, something happened to Max!" Erica yelled, they all followed and all their eyes were wide open.

Vecna got to Max, the huge crack was splitting the house in two, a burnt body, and Lucas crying. "Lucas oh my god!" Dustin said, "help me!" Lucas exclaimed, they all carried Max and hopped into the car, "we need to take her to the hospital!" Lucas cried, "don't worry Sinclair we got it!" Steve started to drive. Max then gasped, everyone except for Steve looked at Max, "Max?" Lucas said, "L-Lucas..?" Max shakily breathed, "yeah! Yeah it's me Max! We're taking you to the hospital, we're with the gang again don't worry!" Lucas sniffled. Max couldn't talk properly nor could she breathe properly but she just tried her best to stay alive for them, for Lucas.

They all arrived to the hospital, Max was now being taken care of by the doctors, Sylvie and the others were waiting by the lobby's hallway. As everyone was by the counter, Sylvie was at the hallway where in it was still in construction. She sat there on the floor holding Eddie's denim vest, alone, not wanting the help of the doctors, she cared more for her friends than herself, they needed the help more. Sylvie was just, thinking.

"Hey," Dustin spoke, Sylvie looked at him, "hey..." she smiled at him, he sat down beside her, "candy?" He asked, holding a pack of m&ms in his hand, "no thanks, you eat it," she says, Dustin nods slowly and puts is stuff on the side. "We were right to leave Eddie, it would've been hard for us to depart them both here," Sylvie chuckled, Dustin looked at her, "besides, the doctors would've called the police, and then we'd be known as 'heroes' when really, he was," she added. "Sylvie, it wasn't our fault, it was Eddie's fate and all," Dustin said.

"Besides, I think Eddie would've liked it if you were safe, no reporters at your face asking about this whole thing," he continues, "yeah, but he was... wonderful Dustin, it's like if you lose it - you'll never have it again." Sylvie says, Dustin was silent for a little, she was right.

Their love may have been short, but they knew then and there that they were the missing piece to their love, the key that unlocks the lock, to open the door, to see the beautiful sights. But sadly, he was gone, now, she might never find it again. "I don't think I can ever love again, if I am honest Dustin," Sylvie smiled, "really?" Dustin asked, "yep, from, now on, I'm dubbing myself thee Eddie's girlfriend, until we meet again, I mean that sounds pathetic but it's true, he was perfect, but gone so soon. I could never, Eddie might be yelling at me if I did." That made Dustin chuckle.

"You're a good person Sylvie, he loved you a lot, at least he got to accomplish one of the things he wanted to do before '86 ends," Dustin smiled, Sylvie smiled back, "thank you Dustin, you are too a good person," she says, she rests her head on his shoulder and Dustin sighs softly, "should we head back? I think they're talking about Max," Dustin asked, "sure," Sylvie says.

As the two returned, "Max is... brain-dead, we don't now how but she is, but she is still alive, it's a miracle really," the doctor explained, "so she's alive? Breathing properly and all?" Sylvie asked, "kind of, yes. Her brain isn't working but her blood and heart is still flowing and pumping properly," they explained, as the doctor left, they all sighed softly. "So uh, you guys... killed him?" Sylvie asked, "we thought so, we made fly down the window but then he wasn't there," Robin says.

"Maybe he melted? I mean we did flambe him," Steve says, "he melted and left with that little amount of goop on the ground? I don't think so, he's a big guy, no way he could've melted and just became small amounts," Nancy says. "We'll just have to wait and see if he did melt, if theres no chaos then maybe," Dustin says.

Sylvie didn't like the thought of Vecna out there, possibly alive. She wanted him dead, but even though he is dead, she knew that all the blame would still be on Eddie, Eddie died and all the chaos stopped, that sounds horrible, it all looks like it was his doing all along. She hopes they can just the justice he deserves, what they all deserve really.


Sylvie was at her house, ever since the earthquake, her aunt stayed more at home. "Auntie Caroline I'm going out!" She says, "okay kiddo, stay safe alright?" Her aunt says, "of course I will," she smiles, her aunt gives her a kiss on the forehead before leaving, Steve and the others were waiting by her house, "hey guys," Sylvie smiled softly. "Hey, we're heading to Nancy's for the stuff," Dustin smiled, "thats nice, lets go then," Sylvie sat down and Steve started to drive.

They all arrived and started to fix the stuff, Nancy was talking to her mom about something, "someone order a pizza?" Karen asks, "pizza?" Dustin asks, they all turn to see a surfer boy's pizza van go up their driveway, the car door opens and there Mike, Eleven, Will, Jonathan, and a guy who was working for the surfer boy's pizza head out, they all started to smile and ran to hug one another, all tears and joy were shared. "Hey," El smiled at Sylvie, "hey El," she smiled and hugged her, "how are you?" She asks, "good," El gave her a soft smile. "We're heading to the hospital, wanna come?" Eleven asked, "oh no, me, Steve, Dustin, and Robin are going to the school to donate," she says. "Okay, bye!" Eleven goes with Mike and the others.

Moments later, Sylvie and the others were at the school, opening the trunk of the car, grabbing their own stuff of boxes. They all then headed inside the gym, so many people were harmed, they all looked in pain, some of them had gruesome scars. They all headed to the table for donations. "Hi," Robin smiled to the person in the front, "hi," she says, "uh so these are blankets and sheets, and some.. some clothes and... and some kids toys, oh and also additional food and water," Robin points to the boxes. "Wow, its already so organized, we appreciate that," the lady says, "do you want a tax receipt for it?" She asks, "um, no I don't think that we need one, thank you though, but is there anything else we could do to help?" Robin says.

They then all went to their seperate ways, Sylvie and Dustin giving out food and water, Steve on the clothing rank, and Robin making pb&j's. As Sylvie and Dustin were giving out, "isn't that mr. Munson?" Sylvie asks, Dustin looks to see him putting up another poster of Eddie on the corkboard. "Mr. Munson?" Dustin asked, he turned around to see Sylvie and Dustin, he was eye-ng Sylvie since she had Eddie's vest on, "I'm Dustin Henderson and this is Sylvie Smith, can we talk?" Dustin added, "I can't imagine we got anything to talk about, my nephew is innocent, he's still missing, and it seems that that girl is wearing his vest, I'll put up as many posters as I need until he's found, good day to you," he points to Sylvie and grabs his bag, they both turn around as he was about to leave.

"We were with him," Dustin says, that made mr. Munson stop his tracks, "we were with him when the earthquake hit," Dustin teared up, Sylvie gulped slowly and sniffled, "And... where is Eddie now?" Mr. Munson asked, they both went silent, Dustin's lips were shaking whilst Sylvie was already busting down her tears down her cheeks, Dustin then grabs something from his pocket, and Sylvie takes off Eddie's vest, they walked closer to him and slowly gave it to him. "I'm..." Dustin quivered, "we're so sorry," Dustin says. Mr. Munson takes the necklace and vest, slowly verging into tears, he then sits down on one of the beds, Sylvie and Dustin then sat down beside him.

"I wish everyone had gotten to know him, really know him. Because they would've loved him, Mr. Munson. They would've loved him." Dustin says, "even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie, despite everything - I never even saw him get mad, he could've run, he could've saved himself," Dustin chokes up, "but he fought, he fought and died to protect this town, this town that.. hated him, he isn't just innocent, mr. Munson, he's... he's a hero." Dustin finished, "he loved you a lot sir, he really did, he didn't care what the people said, he was just him, he loved his friends... so much." Sylvie cries softly, mr. Munson weeps quietly, holding his vest and necklace.

Mr. Munson stayed silent for a bit, "Sylvie, right?" Mr. Munson looked at Sylvie, "yes sir," Sylvie said, "I've heard about you before, Eddie wouldn't stop blabbering about how much he wanted to be with you," Mr. Munson said, "I mean, he probably would've blabbered more about how we're together but uh... sorry that I sounded like I was showing off," Sylvie gulps slowly in embarassment, it made Wayne chuckle a bit, "here, Eddie probably would like you to have his necklace more than his vest, he loved this one." Sylvie smiled and slowly took the necklace, "thank you, Mr. Munson, thank you." Sylvie smiled, "call me Wayne," he smiled at her softly.

But after that sweet little relation, the light from the window then suddenly darkened, "what the hell?" Sylvie looked at the window, the three then went out of the gym, it wasn't normal. The skies were grey, black fog was everywhere, red lightning flew through the air like in the upside down. Sylvie felt her scar feel hurt and off, she groans quietly, softly massaging it, but then it hit Dustin when they saw those little dusty-particles in the air.

the huge crack

the red lightning

the dusty-particles

"Oh shit," Dustin muttered, "yeah, shit." Sylvie gulped.

The Upside Down, was leaking into their world.

Okumaya devam et

Bunlarฤฑ da BeฤŸeneceksin

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