Bride From Hell

By shadowBonniez0

16 4 0

Amanda a 14 year old dicedes to scare her younger sister by telling her an old urban legend about a bride tha... More

Movie night.
Gift baskets
New girlfriend

The phone call

4 1 0
By shadowBonniez0

It was one in the morning. Amanda was sleeping on the sofa with a pink pillow and blanket when she heard her dad opening the front door. He peered into the sitting room to see her lying there looking right back up at him. "Amanda what are you doing sleeping down here again. I told you it was fine I would get home safely" he switched on the light. Amanda coverd her eyes with her pajama sleeve. She opened her eyes and got a proper look at him. Something was off about him. She took a closer look as he walked into the dark kitchen and took out a frozen meal kit. He was wearing is light blue work shirt and his white apron. He's collar was unbuttoned and his apron wasn't tied properly at the back. He was also carring a plastic bag. Amanda yawned. "What's in the bag dad?" Amanda's dad stuck the meal into the microwave. He stayed silent for a moment. "Just some dry cleaning I got done" he shined a nervous smile at Amanda. "Oh what did you get done?" She walked closer to the plastic bag on the table but her dad snatched it before she could look inside. A nervous sweat broke out on his face. "Just the usual you know" He patted Amanda on the head. "You better run along up to bed it's late. You know your sister wakes up early" Amanda knew something was up. She headed out the kitchen door "alright night dad love you" the microwave beeped. "Love you to Amanda" her father called back. Amanda walked up the grey carpetd stairs bringing her pink pillow and blanket with her when she suddenly heard her fathers phone ring in the kitchen. She stopped and listened to the conversation. "Thanks for getting back to me Noah. Just wanted to tell you I won't be coming in tomorrow" Amanda continued to listen to the phone call. "Yeah. Yeah. Oh the kids? Well I haven't told them I was planning on telling them tomorrow I have everything planned out. Amanda was confused. Her father never called into work saying he could never make it. Even when he was at his lowest he did all the shops orders and stock ups from home. What made him ring in? Her father continued. "Thanks again Noah I really owe you one" He hung up his phone and put it back into his pocket. Amanda walk quietly the rest of the way upstairs to her bedroom. Her walls where light blue with a night stand and a desk with a chair. Shelves filled with teddys and a wardrobe. She got onto her bed and put the covers over herself. She was thinking to herself. Maby he was calling in to spend more time with them. Like Misty said he promised to come home early before her bedtime. Maby this was his way to making it up to her. Amanda snuggled into her cosy blanket and before drifting off to sleep exited to spend some quality time with her family.

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