Lingering Scent of Yours (Com...

By WriteMeYuna

42.8K 2.4K 896

OmegaVerse: Pete: Beta Vegas: Alpha Porsche: Omega Alpha and Omega can remove their connection before marking... More

Prologue of Pete: Lingering Scent of Yours
Pete: Take My Whole Love, It Belongs To You
Vegas & Pete: This Family I Always Longed For
Pete: Small Scratch on The Glass
Vegas & Pete: Cruel Fall Into Reality
Vegas: His Desperate Ways of Separating Us
Pete: All The Trust I Have Put In You
Vegas & Pete: The Pain Hidden Behind Your Eyes
Vegas: The Heat of The Moment
Vegas: Hope is The Mother of Fools
Pete: The Small Things About You and Him
Vegas & Pete: The Day I Lost Myself
Epilogue of Vegas: Lingering Scent of Yours

Vegas: The Future I Have Chosen For Myself

2.8K 170 39
By WriteMeYuna


All my life, people around have demanded more from me than from others.

As Alpha, also the eldest of my siblings, I was to be responsible and helpful, like a lighthouse that marks the way for ships lost at night. With this quote for years I lived in the belief that my role in life would be based only on a stable job, finding Omega and making a bunch of children, until I met him.

He was sitting on a bench, alone, but he didn't look lonely. Cute darkhaired man hummed a song under his breath, singing the lyrics, and even though I didn't know them myself, I couldn't stop listening to this melodic, gentle voice. Like a mermaid, he drew me to him until, forgetting myself for a moment, I sat next to close, expecting the continuation of this sweet, but also quite intimate performance. When he squealed and his plump cheeks took on a rose tint, I could hardly swallow my saliva, feeling everything going dry in my throat. We introduced ourselves and I knew that I would not forget about him for a long time, so when the opportunity arose, I invited him on a date.

At first he refused, even asked me not to come back with this topic again, but I was stubborn and in the end I was going to fight for what I wanted. Soon after we were already a couple, and I couldn't stop feeling like I had won the lottery. Pete was perfect, charming and caring about others, yet calm and understanding my need to prove myself and prove to my family that I can succeed without connections. Even my brother, Macau, who does not like people, completely fell under Pete's spell. Only my father was not convinced.

"I just mean that you should not get used to it, it's just Beta," he muttered when I dropped in to visit him after class. "You've been so insistent on him, okay, your significant other hasn't appeared yet, but these declarations of love? Unnecessary."

"Very necessary," I growled, for although I cared about my family, I was fed up with how my father spoke about the man with whom I was planning my future.

"Now you think so, because you don't know life yet," he assured me, pushing another big bite into his mouth.

I tried to eat with him at least once a week, and although Pete had also come to our diners before, after a few inappropriate comments from older man, my lover asked me to spend time with my family without him. It hurt to know how much the people I loved didn't like each other, but I couldn't get them to start talking without any prejudice, and even though Pete tried for the first few meetings, my father wouldn't give in. For a while, I considered losing contact with Pa for a little while, until he will realize what he might lose by being so stubborn, but Pete didn't want us to fell apart just like this.

I knew why he was so gentle with my father, after all, he lost his family at a young age, but I didn't want him to think he was second to me. From the day I decided to get him on a date, he was number one for me and that hasn't changed, no matter what.

"Pete and I love each other, Dad. Accept it at last," I asked, sighing loudly.

When I said it, I realized how much I missed him now. I longed for the peace he brought into my life by his mere presence, and though I was about to see him soon, I was so selfish that I wanted it now.

"You don't know what love is," my father assured me, raising one of his eyebrows. "If you find your Omega, you will understand the truth and you will only end up breaking Pete's heart. You can't fool your nature, Vegas. You are the Alpha and you will always be looking for your destiny, and unfortunately he is not it.


"I'm just saying you can afford more than some low-class writer of texts to which teenagers cry. You need to increase your standards, not..."

I slammed my hand against the table, harshly, causing the other guests to turn towards us. I did not want to cause a sensation, however, I could not allow my father to insult in my presence the man who had supported me in everything for two years, loved me with all his heart and helped me achieve what I had dreamed of. Pete didn't deserve to be treated that way, whether he knew it or not.

"Are you crazy? You make a laughing stock out of us!" father growled, grabbing my hand tightly, but I pulled it out and, throwing money on the table, looked at him coldly.

"If you don't respect Pete, don't count on more dinners," I said firmly. "You are my father and I love you, but he is the person I will spend my life with. I don't care if I'm an Alpha and he's a Beta. I'm not interested in some destiny and Omega shit, which is supposed to make me understand what love is. I know what it is. I met love two years ago and since then I've been happy, everyone sees it, but not you. Why?"


Without waiting for an answer, I went outside, allowing the cooler air to fill my lungs and clear my mind. I knew that my words would not change my father's opinion, but I hoped that at least they would stop him from making another hurtful remarks. This topic, so often brought back over by others, drove me crazy, especially since I knew what Pete thought about it. How afraid he is of the day when I will finally meet this so-called destiny. But I couldn't imagine anyone who would fit me better than my kitten. I sighed, lazily steering my steps towards the motorcycle, and soon after I set off on my way to our new apartment.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when I finally pulled up to our sidewalk. I parked carefully, watching out for the flowers that Pete had recently planted next to the concrete, and rushed to the door, surprised that there was no light reflecting in the windows.

"Pete?" I went deeper, looking around, but I couldn't see him anywhere. "Pete?!"

I walked into the bedroom with a quick step, a little worried, when I noticed a movement on the bed, suggesting the presence of another person. It was still early, but he was asleep, tightly wrapped in a duvet.

"Pete, kitten, are you okay?" I walked closer, touching his forehead protruding from under the sheets until I heard a quiet moan. Fortunately, I didn't feel a fever.

"Phi," whispered a tired voice. "My head hurts."

I moved my hand to the place of the temple, massaging gently the sensitive spot. A sigh spread throughout the room, and slender fingers grabbed my wrist, but they didn't pull my hand away, they just held it, as if Pete needed to feel the warmth of my skin under the phalanges. I smiled gently, quickly slipping under the covers and hugging his hot body. I kept massaging, leaving gentle, almost imperceptible touches on the back of his sensitive neck, and Pete sighed, snuggling into me harder.

"How nice..." he hoarse, and I hid a smile that did not want to disappear from my face. "Do not stop, P'Vegas! Did you meet your dad?"

I didn't want to answer that question. I didn't want to bring him to our little sanctuary because I knew we were both aware of what my father thought about our relationship.

"Let's not talk about him," I asked, and Pete turned to me until we touched each other's noses.

"I'm sorry, Phi," he had sad eyes as he said that.

"For what?" I brushed the disobedient curl off his forehead, and he bit his lower lip gently, looking away.

"For the fact that you are arguing with your father because of me."

I shook my head, disbelieving Pete's mind process, and before he added something equally thoughtless, I kissed his mouth, handling his bottom lip much more gently than he did. I wanted to stay like this for a while and not want to break away from this warmth we shared, but I had to explain a thing that had been bothering our relationship for a long time.

"Pete," I began, leaning my forehead against him, trying to calm my unsteady breath "my father is a stubborn son of a bitch who only thinks about the opinion of others. I'm not arguing with him because of you, our conflicts go back to a time when I started to understand what really matters to him and believe me, it's not me."


"I chose you because that's what my heart wanted, and he has nothing to talk about here," I added quickly, this time cuddling his relaxed body into myself.

Pete snuggled his head into my neck, puffing heavily, and I did the same thing until all I could smell was the fragrance of earth, flowers, and ink. I growled, pushing my nose harder into the fluffy hair.

"I can't breathe, Phi!" Pete moaned, so I loosened my grip slightly, yet not enough for him to move away to the other side of bed.

"I'd like to smell your pheromones," I heard and felt a prick inside.

I dreamed about it too. The air filled with the unique flavor of my partner, which changed with his emotions, was one of the most beautiful, for me, forms of connection between souls. However, this was not possible with regard to Beta, as their unique aroma was disappearing over time, until it finally completely went away. Only the fragrance of the body stayed, and although Pete smelled delicious, I wanted more.

"I'd like that too, kitten," I muttered, "but that's not the most important thing in our relationship. As long as I have you in my arms, I am satisfied."

I grimaced because even though I wanted to believe it, I was terrified. Watching the people around me lose their minds to the very appearance of their Omegas brought in my heart fear. How did they abandon everything and everyone just to follow a person they had just met, how could I assure Pete and myself that I wouldn't do it too if I had never experienced it?

Our love was true and sincere, but also delicate in the world we lived in. If there were other realities, could I be with you fully without worrying about the future? I snuggled up again, sniffing on its delicate, peculiar smell, and soon after I fell asleep.


In the morning, I was awakened by the ringing of my phone, which broke through the thin sleep barrier until I realized that I was lying alone in bed, nestled in a pillow that still smelled of Pete. I grabbed my cell, unable to hold back big smile when I noticed my brother's name on the display.


"Phi!" an enthusiastic voice resounded in my ears at the first seconds. "Phi, you won't believe it! I'm going home for the holidays!"

Macau had been abroad for a long time, studying at the best restaurant in France, and I, like a good brother, supported him in everything not only spiritually, but above all financially, as our father laughed at the requests for help we addressed to him. Now, hearing the joy in my little brother's voice, I couldn't wait to finally see him.

"Great, we've missed you so much. When will you be in Thailand?" I asked, sitting on the bed and combing my sleep-stricken hair.

"I managed to catch the plane for tomorrow, we'll see each other soon. I miss you and Khun Pete, like really, really miss you two!" I heard someone calling out his name. Macau said quickly something in French before he spoke to me again. "Phi, will I be able to stay with you? I don't want to go back to Pa, you know what he thinks about me cooking,"

"Your room is waiting for you," I promised, and hearing the joyful thank you, I couldn't help but let smile blossom on my freshly waken face.

I got up, still listening to what Macau had learned to make recently, and went out to the kitchen, where, just dressed in my shirt, Pete was standing, stirring scrambled eggs in a pan.

"I was about to wake you up," he said loudly, but when he noticed the phone in my hand, he fell silent.

"It's nice that you can do so much, Macau, but maybe leave the rest as a secret and surprise us when you arrive?"

At the last words, Pete turned to me, excitement on his face, and before I could react, he snatched the cell from my hands, sticking a wooden spoon in my fingers in exchange. I walked over to the stove, putting everything on two plates, when Pete cute giggles filled whole space, as he was listening to Macau's words.

"Come back to us quickly, Nong. Your room is waiting for you," he assured younger one before finally saying goodbye to the kid and sitting down at the table, in front of me.

"I feel like Macau missed you more than he missed his older bro," I muttered, eating eggs, and Pete shook his head, showing me tongue childishly.

"That's because when he was with us, you were working all the time." I was reluctant to admit that he was right.

Starting a business was not the easiest task, especially when you did not have support from your family. Now, however, I was in such a stable situation that I could afford more freedom in my actions, all thanks to the person who was sitting in front of me. His support saved me from dropping it all, when I thought I reached my limits.

"Now I'll have time, so why don't we go somewhere?" I suggested, and Pete's eyes lit up like coins in the sun.

"Let's go to the aquarium, please Vegas!" he looked at my thinking face with those big, deer pupils, waiting for me to make a decision. "Please, Vegas, Khun Vegas, please!"

"Whatever you wish for, kitten. So the aquarium, it will be nice, going there," I winked at him, and Pete, unable to contain his joy, leaned over, kissing my lips hardly.

We couldn't breath properly, when he finally step back.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet," I stammered out, laughing, and he wrinkled his nose and smooch me again, but this time quickly.

"I'm so happy! Even this doesn't bother me!"


⚙️ If you read my ffs and think "well, this was good, let me buy her coffee or donut or just something small and sweet then now you can but DO NOT feel force to support me like this! I will still add chapters normally! If you wish to support me:



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