Far Away Reality

By 24azentner

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I don't own BBC Merlin or any of their characters. I only own any added storylines and my OC's. Arthur Pendra... More

Cast of: "Far Away Reality"
Chapter One: Ealdor
Chapter Two: Welcome to Camelot
Chapter Three: The First Meeting(s)
Chapter Four: The Dragon's Call
Chapter Five: Tournament
Chapter Six: Snakes
Chapter Seven: Talks with a Dragon
Chapter Eight: Morgana
Chapter Nine: The 'Plague'
Chapter Eleven: Arthur and Carly
Sneak peak at chapter twelve
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (Part One)
Chapter Seventeen (Part two)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter Ten: The Afanc and Nimueh

216 9 5
By 24azentner

A/N: Sorry, in the previous chapter I was spelling Nimueh's name wrong as well as the afanc.

Carly POV -

We arrived back in the quarters where Merlin was full of questions. He was filled with wonder, and I tried my best to answer what I could. Not wanting to tell him about anything in the future. I don't want him worrying about that, especially the potentially tragic end to everything. He is only my age (17/18) and no person needs that on their shoulders, not even me. But, better me than him.

"So... you know about the dragon then?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes, I do. And he has a name", there is no harm in giving Merlin the dragon's name right..? "Kiligarah"

"Have you met him?"


"Really! When?"

"I love you like a brother, Merl... but can we stop the 20 questions and work on finding information on the Afanc please?"

"Oh, right, yeah. Of course" he flushed with embarrassment. See, a pure innocent boy... doesn't need more pressure about his 'destiny'.

"What all do you know about an afanc, Scarlett?" Gaius asked.

"Uhhh, well... I know that they are made of clay and water and in order for one to be created powerful dark magic has to be used. The only way to stop one is with wind and fire. It's almost elemental. But first we would need to find it"

"Before that we need to find evidence that it is an afanc," Gaius added.

"How are we meant to do that?" Merlin questioned. Suddenly, the door was busted open by Arthur and his men.

"Over there" Arthur directed some of the knights, "I'm sorry, Gaius. We're searching every room in town".

"What for?"

"The sorcerer"

"And why would he be here?" Gaius asked, clearly upset by the sudden search of his home. Then, I remembered that Merlin's book was lying on the floor in our room.

"Merlin," I whispered to him as I went to stand by him,"where did you put that book?"


"Their going to search our room next dufus"

"I'm just doing my job" Arthur stated. I know of course that it is true, he is only following orders from his father.

"Well, we've nothing to hide. Go on then, search", they rummaged through the room. I was pleased to see that the Prince and his men were being respectful in the way they handled Gaius' belongings.

"What are these papers over here?"

"My life's work, dedicated to the understanding of science. You're quite welcome to read through them if you wish", Arthur's face contorted in slight disgust at the thought of reading about science. I tried my best not to giggle at the sight.

"What's this room up here?" , and here we go. Merlin also got distracted I suspect and forgot to hide the book. Not that he really could with the knights in here.

"That's ours" I answered and received an odd look.

"You two share"

"Yes, we have our own bed and we lived back in Ealdor under the same roof. We basically siblings" Arthur seemed satisfied with the explanation for now.

"What do you expect to find in there?" (Gaius)

"I'm looking for material or evidence suggesting the use of enchantments"

"Merlin, what have you done with the magic book I gave you?" Gaius whispered.

"Merlin, come here" I looked over to see faces of shock. Merlin slowly entered the bedroom, worried about what Arthur may have found," Look what I found, a place you can put things. It's called a cupboard". Merlin let out a strained chuckle. As Arthur searched and was looking away, Merl used his magic to cover up the book.

The Knights gathered around Arthur in the main chambers, as he asked," How long do you think it may be before you find a cure?"

"Depends how many interruptions I get"

"Of course, I'm sorry. We're finished here". With that they all exited the room. Gaius got a book on magical creatures and searched for a while to find the afanc.

"There" as he read aloud to us I zoned out, having already heard this many times in the show. I began to think about all those who have already died because of the illness and it has only been 48 hours. At least Gwen's father has not gotten it yet and Merlin hasn't been stupid enough to use a poultice to try and cure anyone yet. I personally saw to that yet. Maybe I should go talk to the dragon about why I am here, other than his cryptic claim about my destiny. Sometimes I think that dragon has gone mad in his years of solitude. It is still worth a try.

Merlin waved a hand in front, "Hey. Hey!"

"Yeah!" I said louder than I meant to.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just... I need to go do something" or rather go talk to someone. I stormed out of the room and speed walked towards the dungeons and into the dragons cavern.

"Hello, Kiligarah! I've come to visit and talk with you!" I shouted and waited patiently, knowing he likes to make an entrance.

"Welcome back, young traveler. What is it you wish to speak with me about?" The dragon said dramatically as he landed on his rock.

"I was wondering if we could continue our conversation from last time...?"

"Which part?", huh no objections... that's unexpected.

"The part about why I am here and how"

"The Why, I have already told you. It is your destiny to help guide and protect Arthur. As for how.. You were in an accident and nearly died but for some reason unknown to me, you were transported here to fulfill your destiny"

"But, it's Merlin's destiny to protect and help Arthur, why am I needed?"

"You will guide Arthur in a vastly different way than Emrys and you have already shown why you are need"


"You have helped prevent the deaths of so many people with your knowledge of a possible future. The future is moldable and not set in stone. We have a say in how it happens", and with that he flies away.

"You are so dramatic, you know that right!!!" I shouted out as he left and I heard him chuckle. I smiled that he at least has a sense of humor. Once I got back to Gaius' I found that the boys (Gaius and Merlin) had found the afanc shell and Gaius had seen the Mark of Nimueh. Merlin also had gone to get Morgana and Arthur , so I headed to meet them outside the tunnels.

"Scarlett!" Arthur said in surprise and worry. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I'm not going to let you guys go alone. Plus", I held up the sword that I had grabbed from the armory on my way," I have this and know how to use it".

"It's not safe, you and Morgana should stay here", Morgana looked at each other.

"Like that would happen"

"Seriously, you guys could get hurt and father would slam us both in chains if he even knew you were down here, Morgana"

"Good thing he doesn't know then" Morgana smirked while walking past.

"Besides, we can't let you boys have all the fun" I added and followed Morgana. We walked down the hallways of the tunnels.

"You better be right about this, Merlin," Arthur stated. As we got further and further into the tunnels the darker it became. Then after a few moments we all froze at the sound of a growl. "You should stay here".

"I'm coming with you" (Morgana)


"No" (Arthur)

"Scared I'll show you up" (Morgana)

"Father would lock us both up if he know I endangered you"

"Again, a good thing he doesn't know about it then"

" I'm telling you both, turn back. You could get hurt"

"So could you, if you don't get out of my way", Morgana walked past him (again) and I smirked.

"What she said", I smiled at him.

"Scarlett, seriously, don't encourage her"

"Listen, Arthur. I understand that you are just trying to look out for us but we are just as capable as any man. We don't need protection or to be undermine"


"Don't. You may or may have not meant it that way but that is how it came out and was perceived", I followed Morgana further down the tunnel.

"How are we going to find it?" Morgana asked.

"Just hope we do before it finds us", then he turned around quickly,"Stop"

"What?" (Merlin)

We looked around for a minute,"It's just a shadow".

"Are you sure?" I asked, knowing it was probably the creature.

"...Yeah" I gave a deadpan look and he rolled his eyes. Once we got to the water well thing, Arthur told us to spread out so I went with Morgana. But not a minute later we heard growling and the swinging of Arthur's towards... so we ran back.

"What is it? Are you alright?" (Morgana)


"Did you see it?" Merlin questioned as he got to us.


"What did it look like?"

"It's quick" Arthur described and then we heard Morgana scream. Then the creature swung at Arthur and disappeared again.

"Where is it?"

"I think it's gone this way," Merlin shouted. Arthur led the way as we followed the noise and came face to face with the afanc. Arthur and I both took turns taking swings at it with our swords.

Merlin yelled," Arthur, use the torch!" and enchanted a spell under his breath, causing a wind to blow the flames and kill the afanc. With that we made sure we all were ok and headed back to the castle. Where I quickly found Gaius, so I could talk to him before he could go to Uther.

"Gaius, may I speak to you alone for a moment?"

"Of course"

"You know how I said I know about the afanc...?"

"Yes, what of it?"

"That's not all I know" I looked around to make sure no one would overhear us," I know about the nature of Arthur's birth, what Uther did, and who created the afanc as a way to get back at him" Gaius stared at me in shock.

"What exactly do you think you know?"

"It might take a while to explain"

"That's fine, we have plenty of time", I took the next hour to explain what I knew about Uther, Ygraine, Nimueh, Arthur, and how the great purge started after Arthur's birth.

"You know all of that?" Gaius gave me a sympathetic look, knowing that it must be hard... now knowing how much I care about Arthur and the people in Camelot.

"Yes, and so much more... I suppose it can be both a curse and a blessing, having knowledge" I took a deep breath, glad to have gotten that off my chest. "I suppose you should go speak with the King about the afanc" I smiled.

"Yes, I suppose I should... and you should head to bed. You've had along few days"

"Goodnight, Gaius"

"Goodnight, my dear".

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