If We Were Liars

De hhayatiii_a

405 38 115

" if I said I still hate you, would you believe me?". "Only If we were liar... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 23

19 2 6
De hhayatiii_a

"If I said I still hated you, would you believe me?".

"What time do you want me to pick you up for prom?". I looked over at Nina who was leaning on my locker.

I've been hanging around with them this past week. "Oh, what time does it start".

Nina looked up, thinking for a moment. "Pretty sure it starts at 5".

"Then pick me up at 6".

Nina placed a piece of gum on her tongue before nothing. "Has Jacob talked to you yet?".

I closed my locker and sighed. He hasn't looked at me once, making me feel like shit for rejecting him.

"No, I feel bad for rejecting him".

Nina pulled a strand of hair from her face. "Don't be, you should always be honest in situations like that".

I threw my bag over my shoulder, pulling my phone out of my bra.

"Yeah, I know but I can't help it".

"Just think about something else, other than Jacob".

I nodded slowly as she grabbed my arm, leading me out of the front door.

"So did you find a date?".

I shook my head. I didn't want a date in the first place, but now after the big mess, I caused with Cameron it didn't feel right.

"I decided not to go with Ayden, I'd honestly rather go with my friends".

I gave her a thankful smile. Nina was a nice person, she reminded me of Kaden just more crazy.

"You should know".

I looked at her, "know what?".

"That some of the boys decided to vote for you as prom queen".

I stared at her in horror. "What the fuck?".

"Yeah, apparently they thought it would be funny".

"If I get chosen, you go up instead of me".

Nina smirked. "Nice, I've been meaning to add to my tiara collection".

"You have a collection?".

She did a hair flip and smirked. "I used to do lots of pageants before high school".

"Oh, nice".

"Yeah, it was a pain in the ass though".

I laughed. I could never see myself as a pageant girl. Nina on the other hand looked perfect for it.

"Oh is that your mum?".

I looked ahead to see my mom in her car, right behind Nina's.

"Yeah, text me when you're at my house".

She waved as I got into the passenger seat. "Hey, mum".

My mum flashed me a grin. "Are you excited for prom jaybug?".

"Not really, I'm just going because my friend wants pictures".

"Oh come on, I know you'll have plenty of fun".

I smiled as she pulled out of the parking lot. I looked at the sunken features on my mum's face.


"Yeah, hun?".

"Why did you relapse?".

My mum's cheerfully expression was wiped away by a guilty look. I had to know.

"Things happened jaybug, but I promise I'm better now".

"Mum, how do I know if you're telling the truth?".

My mum looked at me weakly, clear guilt in her eyes. She took a deep breath as she tapped her fingers on the wheel to the beat of the song playing.

"Trust me jaybug".

I wanted to trust her. I couldn't get out of the image of her being sent to hospitals because she would take too much. The days when she stayed in bed and didn't say a word to me.

On the days when I would have to make sure she's eating. I didn't want her to fall back into the lifestyle.


I silently got out of the car as we got home. My mum threw me the Keys and I unlocked the door, letting myself inside.

I threw my bag on the counter and walked up to my room.

"What time is prom?".

"I'm leaving at 6!", I shouted down the stairs so she could hear me.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed. Looking at my reflection, I wished for my hair back.

I tried to style my hair into a bun but the strands were too short. Looking over at my desk, I saw my jewellery box.

I got up and looked through it. Looking for something that would match the dress. Most of the items were band badges and earrings.

I picked up a very simple gold necklace, with a small jewel at the bottom.

I walked over to my dress and compared it to the necklace. It would have to work. All my other stuff is way too out there.

I fastened the necklace around my neck and walked to the bathroom.

I grabbed my concealer and covered what was necessary. I rummaged around for my highlighter and dabbed some in my nose. I placed some right above my top lip.

I grabbed my eyeliner and just made a tiny wing to make my lashes look longer. "Where is it?".

I looked through my makeup bag for my eyelash curler. Smiling face when I came into contact with the metal object.

I quickly curled my lashes and applied mascara, hoping this time I wouldn't come home with a smudgy mess.

I turned my attention to my phone, which started vibrating.

I picked it up to see Kaden was calling me.

"Hey? What's going on?".

"I'm so sorry!".

I felt my heart drop. What did she do?

"What happened Kaden?".

"Cameron knows!".

"Knows what!?".

I prayed it wasn't what I was thinking. I didn't want to think about his disgusted expression when he found out.

"That you like him,.......he forced it out of me jay! I'm so sorry".

"Is he okay?...". I hoped my voice didn't sound as shaky as I thought.

"I don't know, he looked pissed and stormed out of the house...".

I knew it. I ruined another friendship. I felt myself start to tear up. I grabbed a tissue and dabbed my eye so I wouldn't smudge my eyes.

"Oh, I knew it...".

"I'm so sorry...... I was so sure he liked you".

"He's being dumb and that's his loss, you can do so much better than a blind bitch".

"Kaden,...... why am I so unlucky? Why does the universe hate me?".

"You're not jay, this happens to everyone. You have me remember that".

I weakly smiled at my reflection. "Thanks, Kaden, uh I wish you were here".

"Me too, also your dress is stunning. I can't wait for the prom pictures".

"I'll take plenty Kaden, don't worry".

I looked at the time. I had 2 hours left till Nina picked me up.

"I met this girl Kaden and she reminds me of you. You're both a bit crazy".

"I'll take that as a compliment. Is she from your school?".

"Yeah I met her at the party"

"It was so funny, I spilt a drink on my chest and then she licked it!".

"Yeah, that sounds like something I'd do!".

"You have great taste in people thanks to me".

"Oh, shush".

"I need to finish getting ready Kaden, I'll send you a pic when I'm there".

"Okay jay baby, just remember! Think positive".

I hung up and looked in the mirror. I could see how hurt I was.

I blinked away a tear and grabbed a lip gloss. When I was satisfied with how I looked I walked out of the bathroom and into my room.

I put a video on the tv to pass time, I wasn't going to sit in the dress for two hours. That was the whole point of prom.


I slipped on my dress and looked in the mirror. I loved the feeling of the jewels on my skin.

I looked through my wardrobe for my heels. I wanted to wear my boots but I decided not to.

I found my black heels and ran downstairs. My mum was at the stove cooking something.


My mum placed the wooden spoon on the counter and turned to me.

Her face lit up when she saw me. Eyes trailing down to the rim of the dress.

"Oh, you look beautiful jaybug".

She hurried to her bag and pulled out her phone. She brought it up to her face at took a photo of me.

"I'm keeping this photo forever".

I blushed. "Thanks, mum". She looked at the heels in my hand.

"Bring your flats just in case your feet start to hurt". I nodded and slipped on my heels.

I got up and grabbed my bag and shoved the flats in them.

"When is your friend picking you up?".

I looked down at my phone. "She should be here any minute".

My mum nodded and stored the contents in the pot. I sat on the stool, waiting for Nina to knock.

Nina arrived shortly after I put on my shoes. "Oh, you look so nice".

I took in the beautiful dress hanging on Nina. Her dark eyeshadow made the red and orange gems stand out.

"I love the dress, it looks so good on you".

She smiled as we walked to the car. "I wasn't sure about the eyeshadow but it all came together in the end".

"Yeah, it did!".

We got in the car and Nina pulled out of my driveway and drove out of the street.

"You seem off, what happened".

I leaned back in my seat and thought over the events that happened today.

"The guy I like found out my feelings for him, and his sister said he stormed out of the house mad".

"Oh....I'm so sorry jay".

"It's not your fault, I should have expected it. He has a whole girlfriend".

"We'll that's his loss jay, he's missing out".

Nina placed her hand briefly on my thigh, trying to comfort me.

"We'll fuck him! We're going to have fun tonight and that's an order, not a choice".

I chuckled. "Yes, ma'am".

We got to the school and I could hear the music from the gym.

We got out of the car and walked into the loud building. "Let's get a drink".

Nina and I walked over to the drink table. I poured myself a drink and Nina pulled out a flask from her bag.

"It's not prom without alcohol!".

I chuckled as she poured some into my cup, then her own.

I took a sip as she dragged me to dance. We ran into the rest of Nina's friends who started yelling when they saw us.

"Omg, you guys look so good!". I smiled at Carly for the compliment. She was wearing a short dress with a lot of layers at the bottom.

Cassy came over and hugged me and Nina, she stared at the gems on Nina's dress. "It looks like fire.....that is so hot".

Nina blew her a kiss and hugged Mona. She and Cassy were wearing purple dresses.

Mona had an elegant slip-on dress and Cassy had a princess dress, on top of the dress she had a black corset. Which made her chest more visible.

I knew what her style was.

The girls started drinking and dancing. Cassy was at prom with Kaira. The girl I kissed at the party.

I saw her walk over, In a short wrap-around dress. Her heels made her legs look long and slim.

"Oh, it's you from the party".

I smiled and waved. "Yeah, I like your dress".

"Thanks, the blue suits you. It matches the eyebrow piercing".

I traced the piercing, the studs were a pale blue. Almost white.

"Yeah, I didn't even realise that".

I took a seat while the girls stood nearby, just talking with each other.

I brought my cup to my lip and took a sip. Looking at the couples dancing together made my heart hurt.

I was jealous of them, their happiness in particular. Nina sat next to me and held my hand.

"It's okay, trust me jay you'll get over it".

I let my gaze fall on her. "I don't want to get over it, Nina.....".

She frowned and put her cup down, holding my hand with hers.

"If you don't you're going to keep hurting".

"I know but part of me has hope".

"I just want you to be happy".

I placed my hand on her, "I want that too, I just wish it was with him".

She smiled weakly.

"It's funny, the first time we met we were screaming at each other, I punched him and he pushed me off the chair".

"Why were you guys even doing that".

"He was mad that I took his seat, and I was in a shit mood and didn't want to deal with him".

"Sound like you hated each other".

I laughed. "I'm sure he hates me now".

"I don't think so, if he did then he's a dick".

I bit my lip. He used to be a dick to me, now I just hoped he didn't hate my guts.

"Once I thought he posted something about me so I ran up to him and punched him to the ground".

"Wow, I guess you are a fighter".

"I just really hated him....".

I took another sip and looked around at the crowd. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I looked over at Nina who was looking strangely over my shoulder.

"What's wrong?".

She quickly switched her gaze to me. "How long did it take for you to come here, you know from the other school".

"Around 2 hours why?".

She looked over my shoulder and abruptly stood up. "What in the Jesus Christ?!".

I stood up confused. "What's wrong?".

She didn't say anything so I looked over my shoulder. I looked around the crowd before my eyes widened in shock.

In the crowd, walking towards me was him. Cameron drew. I felt my heartbeat skip a few beats before he walked over to me.

"Hey, jay...".

I opened my mouth, wanting to say something but no words left my mouth. I had to be seeing things.

"Jay are you okay".

He placed a hand on my shoulder and I knew he was real, not me just going crazy.

"Wha-what are you doing here?!".

He smiled and looked up. "Kaden told me".

"I'm sorry Cameron, I didn't mean to make you mad".

Why was he here? To show me how mad he was? To tell me he hated me? Why couldn't he do this over the phone?

"Mad? Are you kidding me?".

He looked down and pulled me in for a hug. As my head lay against his chest, I felt so happy. I looked down, trying to hide my red face.

"Your not mad?". I pulled away from the hug. He looked at me and gave me the most genuine smile.

"No, I've never been so happy".

I looked at him with wide eyes, the universe didn't hate me. Cameron wasn't mad. He was happy.

"Wait? Really?".

"I felt so shitty when Kaden said you had a crush on someone, and it just got worse when you left".

"You have a girlfriend Cameron...".

I couldn't forget about Lilyan. The girl he was dating. The girl I was most jealous of.

"Not anymore, I broke up with her when I found out".

"You like me?...".

I didn't believe the words as they left my mouth. The felt untrue and foreign.


I looked down In defeat. At least he didn't hate me. "Jayden, you made me fall in love with you".

I blinked trying to process his words. I looked up at the smiling boy. The boy who said he loved me.


"Yes, how could I not be? Ever since we kissed I couldn't get you out of my mind. Your personality and confidence just made me fall for you even more. The day I knew I loved you was when I saw that photo".

I looked down, feeling guilty. "Sorry".

"No don't apologise, without that, I wouldn't have realised how much I loved you. I wished I was that boy. I wished it was me instead of you. I want you, Jay, now I know what I want".

"And that's you".

I wiped away a tear, he pulled me in for another hug. "Jay, will you be mine?".

I nodded into his chest. I couldn't speak of I'd cry. He pulled away and pressed his lips against mine.

I kissed him back, wanting him to never leave me. He rested his forehead against mine.

"If I said I still hated you, would you believe me?".

He kissed my nose and smirked.

"Only if we were liars".

Thank you so much for reading "if we were liars!". I hope you enjoyed the book, as it is my first proper romance book.

Have a wonderful day💜

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