Little Bit Yours 💜

By ashbrat488

35.4K 2K 298

~~COMPLETED~~ Audrey Parker grew up in Boston and worked at the DA's office during her last semester of law s... More



1.3K 83 9
By ashbrat488

"Have you seen Audrey?"

David asks Andy as he enters his office on Friday where she waits, hiding under his desk. "If she isn't in her office, then maybe she went for coffee or lunch."

David sighs as Andy sits in the chair, tensing immediately as he feels Audrey's hands on his thighs. He glances down at her quickly, shaking his head slightly as she only smirks, stifling a giggle. He regrets David following him into his office immediately as she unzips his pants under the table.

"How's it going, working with her again? I heard you broke up with Lily."

"Yes." He grips the arms of the chair as he feels her take his half hard cock into her mouth, it growing to full length as she does. "Audrey and I are getting along well." Too well, he thought quietly to himself.

"Good. And you'll let HR know if something happens between you?"

"Mm-hmm." He groans slightly, clenching his jaw hard as she takes him farther into her mouth. "I'll let her know you were looking for her if I see her." The door shuts and Andy moves his chair back slightly, but she doesn't let him go. He places a hand on her head, pushing her down onto him. "I forgot how much I miss your fucking mouth. You're going to make me cum in that pretty mouth if you don't stop."

She takes it as a challenge as she takes him to the hilt, contracting her throat around him as he moans just before there is a knock on the door as it opens again. He moves forward, pushing her back under the desk and she doesn't stop bobbing on his cock.

"Brian," he hisses annoyed. "What is it?" He's so close as he grips her hair tighter under the desk, silently begging her not to stop.

"Just seeing how you were. And um... I was wondering what you thought about me asking Audrey out."

Andy chokes slightly as Audrey pauses and he shakes his head adamantly. "No!" She rolls her tongue around the crown, licking up the pre-cum dripping for her as he moans softly only for her to hear.

"Why not?"

Andy begins to breathe heavy, trying to hide it as a groan as he shakes his head. "Because, we are..." He feels his entire body tense as his balls draw up, the pleasure rushing through him as his cock swells. Audrey takes him to the hilt once more to swallow down his cum as he hits his fist on the top of the desk, causing Brian to jump slightly.

"Dude! It isn't that big of a deal. Are you guys a thing?"

"Yes!" He pants. "Get out."

Brian huffs as the door shuts and Audrey tucks Andy's cock neatly back into his pants. "We're a thing?" She teases as he pulls her to her feet between his legs.

He pulls her into a deep kiss, his hand still in her hair as she moans against him. He chuckles when he pulls away and she rests her hands on the arms of the chair. "Well, you just swallowed my cum. I think we're a thing, aren't we, princess?"

She giggles, nodding. "Maybe."

"What are you doing in here? Not that I have any complaints."

She shrugs, leaning against his desk. "I think what I just did was self-explanatory, don't you think?" She grins as he laughs. "Remember when I used to sneak into your office when I was your secretary?"

"Oh yes." He nods, raking his lip through his teeth. "I remember. Now get out. I have work to do. I'll see you tonight."

"Yes, daddy." She turns back to him from the door as she hears him laugh.

"You can't call me that anymore. It's weird now."

She laughs, nodding her agreement. "Yeah, sorry. Thought I'd try."


Braeden makes it to the front door before Audrey and she carries his backpack for sleeping over at Andy's for the weekend. They open the door to find Andy standing with Jacob on the porch. He had changed out of this suit and into jeans and a short-sleeved henley. She shakes Jacob's hand while Andy greets Braeden. "Hey Jacob. It's nice to see you."

He gives her a small smile and nods. "You too, Audrey."

Audrey turns to see Andy and Simon staring each other down and Jacob just looks between them. She rolls her eyes, smiling at Simon. "Don't wait up."

He shrugs, smiling in return. "Enjoy your night, love."

She follows them out to the car and climbs into the passenger seat. "I don't mind sitting in the back with Braeden."

Jacob shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. Gives me a chance to get to know my brother I've only known about for a week."

She winces slightly at his words, but Andy was the only one to notice, resting his hand on her thigh. She sighs, leaning her head back to stare out the window. Not only was Andy angry at her for keeping Braeden away, but now she had to repair the damage for Jacob as well. Especially if her and Andy had any sort of chance of being together. They pull into the parking lot of an arcade and Braeden is excited right away. Once they find a table and order a pizza, Andy hands Jacob some money and he disappears with Braeden. "Are they okay together?"

Andy shrugs, nudging her to sit down. "Jacob is an adult, and he wants to get to know his brother. They'll be fine, I promise. Now sit."

She sighs, scooting into the booth beside him as he puts his arm up on the back of the booth. "Jacob hates me, doesn't he?"

"Of course he doesn't. He's just mad about knowing about Braeden too. Look at me."

She looks up at him to find him watching her intently. "What?"

He brings his hand up to her cheek and she can't help but lean slightly into it as he smiles. "I love you, Audrey."

"Andy..." She begins to shake her head to keep him from continuing, but he grabs her chin and leans in to press small kiss on her lips, making her go silent.

"I wasn't done. I love you. And I'm not sure exactly what's going on with you and Simon other than he is still staying at your house. But I want to be with you." He gestured to where Jacob was helping Braeden play a game. "We could have this. I want this. All the time. You and me. And maybe another kid."

"You said before you didn't want any more kids after Jacob."

He sighs, dropping his hand to hers on her lap. "That was before Braeden. Before I got a little slice of what having a family with you would be like. I want to give you everything you could ever want. If that includes more kids, then I want more kids. I want whatever you want."

"Simon has offered me all the same things, Andy." She groans as soon as she says it out loud as his demeanor changes. He tenses, hurt, as he clenches his jaw, moving away from her to lean back in his spot. "I'm sorry."

"He may offer you the same, but he will never be Braeden's father. Not really. Do you still love me?"

He looks back at her and she can tell he genuinely isn't sure if she still does or not. Her heart clenches in her chest at his unsure, yet hopeful look. "Andy, of course I do. I never got over you. I'm still not. I just... I don't know."

He nods, looking past her at the boys approaching the table. "Well, I've waited this long, I can wait a bit longer. I won't wait forever though, Addie."

"Hey..." Jacob quickly assesses the tension at the table before looking at Audrey. "Braeden says he needs to go to the bathroom. I wasn't sure if you were comfortable with me taking him or not."

"I'll take him." Andy is out of the booth, scooping up Braeden before she even has a chance to respond, and Jacob takes his place.

"I don't know what you're doing, but you can't keep stringing him along. He's in love with you and never got over you. I know he tried to settle for Lily even when I told him not to, but you can't keep trailing him along. Especially if you're planning on choosing the other guy. It will kill him."

She shakes her head, a little shocked at Jacob's candor. "Jacob, you don't—"

"I know everything," he interrupts with a sigh. "I know that he was essentially the bad guy in the situation. That he hurt you and that he hurt my mother. But I also know that he isn't a bad guy, he just went about things in the wrong way. That doesn't condone you keeping his son from him for so long though, or my brother from me. He was a wreck after you left, and he still is even if he's better at hiding it. So, if you have no plans on a future with him, let him go sooner rather than later, I'm begging you."

She turns away from him to hide the tears that threatened to escape as Andy approached with Braeden and the pizza arrived at the same time. She discreetly wiped her eyes knowing that Andy noticed by the way he was watching her but didn't say anything as they started dinner.


"What did Jacob say to you?" Andy leans against the railing on the front porch after driving her home after their family dinner. His arms are crossed over his chest and she know that he's annoyed, but she doesn't want him to take it out on Jacob.

"Nothing I didn't already know." She places my hands on his chest and he relaxes, dropping his arms to his sides. "I'm sorry if I'm hurting you, Andy. It's just that—"

"It's just that I hurt you and you're having trouble letting it go. I know, baby. I'm trying to show you how it could be. I wish you would let me."

She nods, moving to rest her head on his chest, "I want to, Andy. I love you. So much."

He sighs and wraps his arms around her. "I love you too. We'll fix it. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? For the party."

"Okay." She pulls away and looks up at him as he grins and leans down to kiss her before walking back to his car. She stands and give him a small wave before heading inside to find Simon asleep on the couch. She doesn't disturb him, going into her bedroom to sleep alone.

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