Aglahad and the Dead City (In...

By arteithon

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Siriondil, now in the service of Dol Amroth, has been dragged along by Aglahad on the future Prince's latest... More



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By arteithon

From The Annals of Círdan

Herein are collected the events of Cemendur Siriondil's life, such as is known, with reference to the events related in those tales known as Fire from the Sea, The Gift of Men and Aglahad and the Dead City. To give some historical context, pertinent entries from the Tale of Years (as set out by Prof Tolkien) have been collated and are shown in italics. Where the date of such entries is unspecified in the Tale of Years, it is here confirmed and is left unitalicized.


1050 Magunzigil, Father of the Broadbeam Dwarves of Belegost created by Aulë

1100 Belegost founded

1300 Menegroth founded

1348 Magunzigil dies; second Lord of Belegost crowned

1496 Cemendur Siriondil born in Tol Galen to parents who were among first of the Nandor to cross the Blue Mountains, lives peacefully in Ossiriand for many years

1497 First Battle of Beleriand; Return of the Noldor; Battle under Stars; Siriondil meets Caladuin for the first time after they both go home to Tol Galen

1500 Creation of the Sun and Moon; end of the Years of the Trees


1 With the first rising of the Sun, Siriondil grows restless and travels southern Beleriand, reaching the Mouth of the Gelion

60 He accompanies Caladuin to Nogrod

79 Siriondil leaves Nogrod, travels to Nargothrond

233 He returns to Ossiriand

257 Azaghâl born

335 Siriondil serves Finrod in Nargothrond

375 Battle of the Gelion-Ascar Stockade; Siriondil serves the Haladin in recompense for their previous ill treatment by his people

414 Siriondil travels to Brithombar, meets Caladuin for the last time

439 Azaghâl crowned 17th Lord of Belegost

444 Azaghâl's son, Bodruith is born

459 Glamdring and Orcrist forged in Gondolin

460 Death of Caladuin

472 Nirnaeth Arnoediad, death of Azaghâl; Bodruith is crowned Lord of Belegost

475 Círdan begins the Annals of Balar

495 Siriondil survives the Sack of Nargothrond, escapes to Andrath

506 He meets Tathariel for the first time; Second Kinslaying, death of Dior

508 Siriondil serves as healer at the Mouth of the Sirion

510 Fall of Gondolin; Glamdring used by Glorfindel to kill a Balrog; after he too is slain, Tuor takes up the sword

511 Tuor, Idril, Eärendil and other refugees from Gondolin arrive at the Mouths of Sirion; Siriondil meets Eärendil

525 Eärendil weds Elwing; Eärendil's father Tuor gives him Glamdring

534 Eärendil takes Glamdring with him to Valinor

587 Destruction of Beleriand; death of Ancalagon

590 The War of Wrath ends; Morgoth cast out into the Void; end of First Age; Lord Bodruith is killed in the Ruin of Belegost


1 Founding of Lindon; Siriondil settles in Forlond, becoming a chronicler and archivist in the service of Círdan

2 Gostir settles in Belegost

40 Belegost abandoned; most of the Firebeard and Broadbeam clans migrate to Khazad-dûm

600 First ships from Númenor arrive in Lindon

750 Lond Daer founded

770 Tharbad founded

900 Widescale deforestation of Minhiriath begins; First Haladin Uprising

1200 Númenóreans begin to construct permanent havens in Middle-earth; Siriondil is in Mithlond when Annatar meets Gil-galad

1203 Siriondil visits Tharbad for first time; he is caught up in the Second Haladin Uprising, in which Governor Ostoher is slain; the rebellion is ultimately unsuccessful as Númenórean logging continues and increases over the following centuries; most of the Haladin leave Tharbad and settle in the Deep Forest

1600 Deforestation of Minhiriath and Enedwaith almost complete

1693 War of the Elves and Sauron begins; Siriondil serves as healer in Lindon and Eregion

1695 Sauron invades Eriador; orcs start a campaign of burning the remaining forest

1697 Sack of Eregion; death of Celebrimbor; Imladris founded; Khazad-dûm closes

1699 Sauron overruns Eriador; by this time, almost all of Minhiriath's forests have been destroyed

1700 Battle of Gwathló; Tharbad partially destroyed

1701 Sauron driven from Eriador; Siriondil travels to Rivendell

1702 He returns to Lindon from Eregion via Tharbad

1731 Tharbad slowly rebuilt, mainly Haladin population with Númenórean governor

1950 Gostir dies

2350 Pelargir is built

2449 Siriondil sails to Pelargir

3320 Arnor and Gondor founded; Siriondil serves Gondor as a healer; Tharbad grows in size as an important inland port; Bridge of Tharbad and walls built

3325 Tharbad becomes a garrison of soldiers, mariners and engineers

3430 Last Alliance of Elves and Men founded

3434 Siriondil serves in the Battle of Dagorlad as a healer

3441 Defeat of Sauron at the Siege of Barad-dûr; end of Second Age


1 Siriondil serves Gondor as a healer and chronicler

231 He travels to Imladris, where he meets Elladan and Elrohir for the first time

861 Death of King Eärendur; Arnor is divided into Arthedain, Rhudaur and Cardolan; Amlaith of Fornost becomes the first King of Arthedain; Siriondil serves Prince Amdir of Cardolan as a healer and advisor

862 Barrow Downs become capital of Cardolan

1300 Witch-king founds Angmar

1356 Siriondil returns to Lindon

1409 The Witch-king invades Arnor; Cardolan is ravaged; Tharbad overrun by evil Men from Angmar; Siriondil returns to the service of Amdir until the Prince is slain; Dúnedain flee Tharbad for the Barrow Downs

1415 Elves from Lindon subdue Witch-king; Tharbad retaken and resettled

1637 The Great Plague; Tharbad is depopulated

1820 Haladin farmers settle in the ruins of Tharbad

1851 Battle for Cardolan

1852 Siriondil's service in Angmar Wars ends

1900 He settles near Tharbad

1903 Tharbad attacked by wights from Talath Gorthad; Bridge of Tharbad destroyed by Corsairs

1952 Siriondil returns to Lindon

1974 He serves as healer during the Battle of Fornost, Angmar destroyed; end of the Kingdom of Arnor; Tharbad becomes a free town, inhabited mainly by Haladin

1980 Durin's Bane awakes in Khazad-dûm; Rangers and other Dúnedain settle in Tharbad

1981 Death of Náin I; Dwarves flee Moria

1999 Erebor founded

2035 Birth of Thorin I

2050 Death of Eärnur, last King of Gondor; Mardil becomes the first Ruling Steward of Gondor; Siriondil travels to Pelargir by ship

2063 Sauron flees Dol Guldur; the Watchful Peace begins

2071 Siriondil begins his service in the House of Dol Amroth

2460 Sauron returns to Dol Guldur; the Watchful Peace ends

2463 The One Ring discovered by Déagol who is slain by Sméagol

2480 Orcs make secret strongholds in the Misty Mountains; Sauron sends Orcs to Moria

2570 Dragons appear in the North

2590 Following the War of the Dwarves and Dragons, Thrór returns to Erebor and becomes King under the Mountain; Grór establishes his realm in the Iron Hills

2644 Birth of Thrain II

2670 Pipe-weed introduced in South Farthing

2710 Dunlendings capture Isengard; Lóni and Lofar born

2740 Tharbad is fortified; orcs invade Eriador; Siriondil travels to Lindon via Tharbad

2746 Birth of Thorin Oakenshield

2748 Orcs driven from Eriador

2757 Birth of Argonui

2758 Corsairs from Umbar attack Gondor; Siriondil called to Minas Tirith to serve as healer

2759 Saruman settles in Isengard; Siriondil returns to Dol Amroth

2770 Smaug descends on Erebor

2785 Girion, father of Aglahad born

2790 Thrór slain by orcs in Moria

2793 War of the Dwarves and Orcs begins

2799 Battle of Nanduhirion

2802 Founding of Thorin's Halls

2810 Siriondil given leave to return to Lindon

2824 Birth of Finduilas, Ranger of the North

2827 Birth of Aglahad

2840 Siriondil returns to Dol Amroth by ship, meets Aglahad for first time

2841 Thráin II sets out to revisit Erebor

2845 He is captured and the Ring of Durin is taken from him

2848 Death of Arathorn I; Argonui becomes Chieftain of the Dúnedain

2849 Cirdan and Elrond learn that Glamdring is in Belegost; orcs from Angmar begin to invade parts of northern and western Eriador

2850 In search of Thráin II, Gandalf explores Moria; he travels to Dol Guldur; death of Thrain II; Siriondil passes through Tharbad; Aglahad and Siriondil enter Belegost; Glamdring and Orcrist recovered

2859 Girion becomes the eighteenth Prince of Dol Amroth

2866 Birth of Aglahad's son, Angelimir

2899 Death of Girion; Aglahad becomes the nineteenth Prince of Dol Amroth

2912 Devastating floods in Minhiriath and Enedwaith; Tharbad abandoned; death of Chieftain Argonui

2932 Death of Aglahad

2941 Gandalf meets Thorin Oakenshield in Bree; the Quest of Erebor; Gandalf finds Glamdring in a cave in the Trollshaws

3019 Gandalf slays Durin's Bane

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