If We Were Liars

By hhayatiii_a

405 38 115

" if I said I still hate you, would you believe me?". "Only If we were liar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

9 1 4
By hhayatiii_a

"I think you're my gay awakening"

I ran around my room, looking for something to wear. Something good for a party. "Yes". I pulled out my dark blue club dress from my drawers.

I forgot I had it. It was one of the first things I brought to the party scene.

I slipped it on and looked in the mirror. I had gained some weight so the dress didn't fit me like it used to.

It was good enough.

I grabbed my bag and pulled out a gloss, covering my lip and making them fuller.

I ran out of my room and down the stairs, looking for my boots.

"Oh, you look nice!".

I shot a thankful smile at my mum before putting on a sock.

"What time are you going to get home?".

It was 10 pm right now. "Um, it's a Friday so maybe 2.

"Okay love, bring the rape whistle. It's in my bag".

I nodded and slipped on my boots. I walked over to her bag and pulled out a small red whistle.

"This it?".

My mum looked at it and nodded. I put it in my bag and grabbed the house Keys.

"Okay, I'm leaving now".

I walked out of the door before my mum could say anything.


I looked at the golden boy who was outside my house. "What are you doing here?".

"Picking you up? That would be rude if I didn't".

I laughed as he opened the passenger seat. I slipped in and closed it behind me.

He got in the car and turned on the radio. I waited as he started the car and drove down the street.

"What time do you have to be back by?".

"Oh, 2 am".

"Wow, your mum is nice".

"Yeah, she is".

We drove the rest of the ride in silence. If you count Jacob trying to rap silence.

I got out of the car as we parked in front of the house. The sound of music and drunk teenagers was extremely loud.

The moment we walked inside I was hit with the smell of weed and alcohol. It reminded me of Kaden.

I walked into the busy kitchen and grabbed myself a beer. "Let's go to the living room!".

Jacob had to shout since it was way too loud to talk normally.


He held my hand and lead me to the room, where a bunch of people were playing spin the bottle.

"You wanna play?!".

A girl walked up to us and made us sit down. Jacob looked uncomfortable as they started to spin the empty beer bottle.


I looked at the girl who it had landed on, the guy on the receiving end seemed pleased with himself.

"Yes! I'm going to kiss the fucking lesbian!".

I rolled my eyes at his excitement. The girl sighed and walked over to him.

The guy closed his eyes before the girl gave him the quickest kiss I'd seen.

"Wait! Was wasn't a proper kiss".

"Oh fuck off Landon! That's all your getting". The girl sat down looking pleased with herself.

I got up and spun the bottle. I kept my eyes on it as it landed in front of me....and the girl before.

"Wow, two times in a row Kaira!".

Jacob put his hand on my arm as if we were trying to stop me.

"It's just a kiss Jacob, lighten up".

I stood up and the girl walked over to me. "Finally! Somebody attractive!".

I laughed max the girl pulled me In For a kiss. Unlike Landon's kiss, this was more passionate and longer.

I felt myself melt at her lips and right before I could open my eyes she pulled away.

"I think you're my gay awakening" I joked. Causing the girl to wink at me before sitting down.

I wasn't attracted to her but she was a good kisser.

Jacob smiled at me as I sat down. One of the guys started praying before spinning the bottle.

"Wow Ayden pray to Jesus for a kiss would ya".

One of the guys slapped his back, making her nearly fall over. "FUCK! Johnny quit it!".

The guy who slapped him looked over in my direction, sending me a kiss.

I don't think I've ever felt so disgusted by playing spin the bottle.

I watched a few more people kiss each other, one of the pair leaving the room after having a deep make-out session.

I scoffed as the guy grabbed the girl's ass before they left the room. "Some people weird me out".

I looked at Jacob who had witnessed the same thing. "Yeah, it's like they're waiting for the chance to mate. It's like wild animals".

I laughed at Jacob who decided to wrap his arm around my waist.

I kept my eyes on the bottle as it landed on Jacob... And Ayden.

"Ayden! I guess Jesus answered your prayer!". Kaira pointed at the boy with a depressing expression on his face.

I looked at Jacob, smirking because he looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Yeah Nah I'm not doing that Ayden. Spin again". The boy looked at Jacob and smiled thankfully as he sups the bottle once more.

I felt bored so I got up, knowing Jacob was behind me. "I'm bored!".

"Yeah, I don't think I want to play that anymore".

I stuck my tongue at him and he patted me on the back. I grabbed myself two more beers so I would have to walk back for another.

"Two beers?".

I looked at Jacob and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! I want to get wasted!".

"Then get something harder!". I watched Jacob pull out a bottle of tequila, causing a few girls to run to him.

He grabbed a regular-sized cup and filled it to the top. "I dare you to finish this now".

I smirked as took the cup. I walked over near the bin just in case I couldn't hold it down.

I pinched the tip of my nose and drowned in the contents of the cup. I placed the cup away from me and started to gag.

"Fuck! Wow jay I didn't know you'd do it".

I lifted my head, after the quick feeling of nausea passed. "Yeah, I regret it now".

He handed me a cup of water and I took a sip of it before placing it on a stool.

I looked over to the group of girls, pouring tequila into each other's mouths.

One of them pulled to them, making me open my mouth.

"Say ahhhhhh".

I held back a laugh as I opened my mouth, letting the girl over film it with tequila. I swallowed as the liquid dripped onto my chest.

One of the girls laughed at the liquor on my chest. I started giggling as one of the girls beside me licked it off.

"Oh ! Wow how drunk are you?!".

The girl smirked at kissed my cheek. "Jayden!".

I turned around to see Jacob behind me, eyeing the girl who licked my boobs.


"Let's go sit somewhere".

I nodded as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I sighed as I fell onto his bed.

"Your bed is so soft!".

I snatched the pillow from him and hugged it. "I know, better than your stiff one!".

I threw the pillow at him. "Don't talk about my bed like that!".

I laughed at him and rolled his eyes, throwing the pillow back at me.

"I wanna send a picture to my friends".

I got close to him and pulled out my phone from my bag. "Make sure I look good, your friend before was hot!".

"Jacob, she's gay!". He smirked and started to pose for the photo.

I was close to going face as I put a timer on the camera. As I pressed the timer, Jacob turned my face to him and kissed me.

I have no idea If it was the alcohol but I didn't pull away straight away.

I couldn't help but think about Cameron kissing me instead of Jacob.

I pulled away, regret on my face.


He looked at me, I could tell in his eyes he knew what I was going to say.

"I know, I just wanted to see if there was any chance..".

I put my phone in my bag and got off the bed. "I'm sorry but I think I'll go downstairs".

I quickly ran out of the room, guilty for thinking about Cameron when Jacob kissed me.

I had no feelings other than friendship for Jacob. I could help but feel bad for rejecting him.

I sighed as I made it back to the kitchen. The girls still there drinking.

"You're back!".

I smiled as one of the girls handed me a cup, I looked at the contents not knowing what it was.

"What's in this?".

"A bunch of things!".

I smiled as I took a sip, posing for the occasional picture the girls took.

"I'm Carly, this is Mona, Cassy and the girl who licked your boobs is Nina".

Nina smiled at me when her name was called out.

"I'm Jayden".

"Yeah we know who you are! Everyone is obsessed with your new look!". I gave Mona a thankful smile.

"Did your eyebrow hurt?".

I looked a Carly who was staring at my forehead. "Like a Bitch".

"I want to get my nipples pierced!". I laughed at Nina, who started flaunting her boobs.

"I heard that hurts a lot! You can't let anyone suck on them for a few months!".

Nina rolled her eyes. "So? There other stuff to do in sex Cassy. You should know!".

Cassy's face turned red and she stuck her tongue out at Nina, Who just swatted her away as if she were a fly.

"So what was your other school like? Any hot guys?".

I finished my drink and placed it next to me. I pushed myself onto the counter.

"A few..".

"Ooooo", teased the girls, all in sync.

"Anyone you got your eye on? What about that boy from before? The blondie?".

I awkwardly smiled at the group. "He's a friend".

Nina scoffed. "That's what they all say in the beginning".

"No honestly, I have my eye on someone else".

"Oh is he from your other school?".

I nodded and Cassy let a smile creep onto her face. "Why don't you go for it then?".

"He has a girlfriend Cassy".

Mona smirked. "Tell him and see who he chooses".

I hated the idea. I wouldn't tell him when he has someone, that's messed up.

"Nah I don't do that".

"We'll just see, who knows they might break up?".

Carly gasped, making all of us look at her confused.

"Is he the guy from the photo?".

I bit my lip, embarrassed. "Yeah...".

"He took that with you when he had a girlfriend?".

I shook my head at Mona. "No, he was single then. His sister dared us to take that photo".

"We'll you both looked hot, what happened to your hair though".

I laughed at the memory of Sadie. "It's a funny story, I got into a fight and after beating the girls up, I was hit on the head with a pipe when I turned my back".

"Oh that fucking bitch!".

"What's that gotta do with your hair?".

"I had to get stitches so they shaved a patch off. Then I decided to chop it off and dye it".

"Well, it looks hot as fuck! Especially with the piercings".

I winked at Nina, who just smirked.

I opened my phone to see the picture of me and Jacob. It looked like it was taken from the exact moment he kissed me.

I smirked as an idea formed in my head. I posted the picture with a lovely caption, dedicated to Cameron.

"It's not always about Cameron".

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