Tenth Knot

By DarknessAndLight

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What do you do when you're caught on a kiss cam with the latest boyband's heartthrob? You write to the queen... More

Hello, hello.


410 41 21
By DarknessAndLight

Chapter 20

I'll be working with Frank tomorrow and I'm kind of freaking out.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Should I ignore what happened between us? Should I act like nothing changed and everything is normal? Should I be like a cool kid that thinks kissing people randomly is no big deal? Kinda like Jae...

Yeah. No, not going there.

Anyway. I can't start acting like we're boyfriend and girlfriend either. Even if he thought that after a kiss, I don't actually want that.

The problem is. I have no idea what I want.

It was nice kissing Frank. But just kissing him. I don't think I'd want a relationship with the guy.

Sometimes it's just nice to kiss someone. I'm not a whore for liking that? Right?

Ugh. I hate this.

This is why it's easier to not go out and have interactions with people. I don't need to think about useless stuff like that when I spend all day hidden in my room.

I don't need to try to go over every little bit of interactions Frank and I had the other night to try to figure out the best way to act around him now.

If I don't go out, I can just live my peaceful life.

But then I don't kiss people. And kissing people is fun.

I really hate this.

My phone rings.

It's my cousin.

I welcome the distraction and answer. "Hi Dot," I reply, my voice still a little groggy from sleep. I slept till one in the afternoon. I'm not exactly proud of it, but I also feel very good with being a slob.

I enjoy the slob life.

"You have to come over tonight. I shall not take no as an answer," Dot replies, skipping the greetings.

"What? Why?"

"Because Jae will do one of his infamous lives, and we gotta all be together to do that."

I frown, sitting up in my bed. "His what?"

"Infamous lives. They happen anytime Ford and Jae get together."


Every time I think I'm all caught up on everything Nine Knots related, I get hit with something new.

"Oh right! Have you watched Seven Rainbows yet?"

"That other Netflix show?" I reply. I think I know this. It's essentially season two of Seven Wonders.

"Yeah, when they tried to redo Seven Wonders," my cousin replies, confirming my thoughts.

"No, I haven't. I never really cared much for True Colors," I reply. True Colors is the name of the band that they formed on that show.

They do pop music, but a little too generic. I've never really heard anything actually catchy from them.

Maybe I shouldn't judge them too quickly though. Look where that got me with Nine Knots.

"Ford was in that show," Dot continued to explain, "He didn't make it into the group. But Nine Knots made an appearance once, and the guys became friends with Ford. You might have heard some of his solo songs. He's not super popular, but I know some of his songs are like viral on Tik Tok. Anyway, some fans saw Jae and Ford at a concert last night. There's like a couple of videos circulating online."

A lot of info dumping once again, but it somewhat made sense. And also, it meant I was going to have to watch Seven Rainbows if Nine Knots where in some of the episodes.

"So, they're going to do a live?" I ask, going back to the reason for her call.

"Yeah! That's the thing. They do it on Ford's account, and it's always a loooot of fun. They do this thing, it's like ding-dong-ditch but on people's lives. Basically, we all get together, and then we find random people doing livestreams. And we all go on them together. And then we put like one specific emoticon, or we ask a random question in the comments. And the people freak out because they have like ten thousand people appearing all of a sudden, and then we just ditch when Jae and Ford tell us to leave."

I chuckle. Sounds like something crackhead Jae would do. "It sounds ridiculous."

"It is, but it's super funny. It's like we're kids playing a prank together. And usually the people's reaction are hilarious."

"And it's gonna happen tonight?"

"If we follow the usual pattern, yes."

"Alright, I'll come over," I agreed. Whether or not that live was going to happen, I would enjoy the company.

It would be better than lying in my bed and freaking out about Frank.

"Great! We're meeting at Marisol's place at around 7PM. Bring snacks!" she says and then hangs up.

Dorothy is really a no nonsense person.

After a few more minutes of being useless in bed, I get up and take a shower, trying to turn myself into a presentable human being.

I eat, ignoring my family members, and then hide in my room again.

I should leave around 6PM to get to Marisol's house, so I still have like four hours to waste.

I know exactly how I'm going to spend that time.

First off, I go on social media, hunting for the videos of Jae at a concert. I have issues. I'm fine with them.

There's a lot of stuff circulating already. I wonder how I missed that.

My fall down the rabbit hole starts with pictures of a small group of people waiting outside the concert venue. They're all wearing masks. I can only see their eyes, but I recognize Jae right away.

I'm not sure what that proves about my already unhealthy obsession, but here we are.

Then, there are videos inside the concert hall. The people filming are on the ground floor, and they're recording people on a mezzanine.

I can recognise the people from what they were wearing outside. Jae has a black hoodie, with the hood on, and he's still got his mask, and he's dancing around with the other guy who I assume is Ford and they look like they know all the lyrics to the songs playing, because their dancing to the beat like they know what's going to happen.

Jae really looks like he's having the time of his life.

They're a little group of five.

Luan is there too, with Erin I think, and there's another girl. I don't know her, but people in the comments are calling her Georgie, and when I look a bit more, I figure out that she is apparently a Nine Knots manager.

She doesn't look like a manager in that video. She looks like she's partying with her friends.

She looks pretty darn comfortable with Jae too.

The second I think that, I want to slap myself. Where is that jealousy coming from? I have literally no claim over Min Jae-sang. Just because I kissed him once means nothing. I don't actually know him.

Like, I know everything about him now, but I also don't know him.

It's very strange to be someone's fan. I've never felt this before. I have nothing to compare it with.

When I have a conversation that lasts just a few minutes with strangers on the bus, I don't have any kind of attachment to them.

So, it should be the same thing with Jae.

Just because my whole life is almost essentially centered around Nine Knots does not mean that I have any claims on these boys.

I think loving Nine Knots is going to mean that I have to often mentally slap myself.

I don't want to be delusional. I know kissing Jae-sang was a fluke. I know it's not going to happen again.

So I reaaally shouldn't close my eyes at night and think about scenarios where that could happen.

Still, I spent the next hours watching all the videos I can find and look at people's comments, trying to convince myself that even if everyone is saying Jae is not dating Georgie, it shouldn't even bother me to begin with.

It's a losing battle. 


Hi my Pretzels. I've been a very bad uploader with this story. SORRY!

But that's going to change. One of the reason why I took a while to start again is because I wanted to be able to comeback with an actual uploading schedule. I want to start uploading this story weekly again.

So. With this in mine. Do you guys have a specific date you'd prefer to see this story uploaded? XD

Also, I didn't put any media stuff because I need to have Eve do them on photoshop and she's been too busy. XD Anyway! We things should come back to normal in a couple of weeks.

But yeah. Uploading date?

Oh also. Ford and Georgie. hehehehe.

Did you guys think I had introduce all the characters? hehehehe ;P

You'll get more Ford in the next chapter. He's fun. 

Anyway! I'm going to sleep now! Thanks for being patient with me! <3

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