Burn [Larry Stylinson AU]

By ivoryskinandcurls

525K 15.7K 8.8K

There are things much larger than fate... Louis Tomlinson is a street musician with a minor drug addiction a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note (3.14.2014)
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Four

30.7K 1K 867
By ivoryskinandcurls

Louis stood perplexed beside the frightened Irish boy. He had briefly forgotten about the fallen angel that now occupied his tiny flat. Liam and Zayn were at Niall's side, giving Louis the same questioning look. "Lou, who is that?" Liam hissed, setting a firm hand on Niall's shoulder to give the boy assurance.

Louis gulped, "Well, yeah, you see . . . erm." His wit had lost its way from his mouth and he now stood there not knowing what exactly to say. He couldn't just say 'hey guys this is Harry, a fallen angel who saved my life last night. Yeah, and I've gone to see Andy last night too, that's why I nearly died that night, even though I promised you lads that I was definitely clean now.'

"Hello," Harry's deep voice pierced the silence like a dagger, "'M Harry. I'm, er, a friend of Lou's."

He reached his hand up and extended it to Niall, "I don't know if Louis has mentioned me. You must be . . .?"

"Niall," Niall answered, giving Harry a tiny smile. Louis breathed out in relief, scrabbling to regain control of the scenario.

"Zayn and Liam, this is Harry. Harry, this is Zayn and Liam." Harry went over and shook the other boys' hands as well.

Liam's uneasiness settled down and he smiled kindly to the curly haired lad, "Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm sorry but I can't recall Louis bringing you up at all."

"Yeah, erm, well he's an old friend from Doncaster," Louis lied. "We've recently begun to catch up again."

"Really?" Zayn remarked, looking Harry up and down. "What's he doing here?" Zayn had always been the most intimidated of the group. He didn't open up to strangers completely until he knew enough about them to begin to warm up in a friendly manner. When it came to Zayn, the Bradford born youth, he had to have a file of a person's personal record to even consider them a friend. Heck, Louis was sure Zayn probably knew what his blood type was and just how big Louis' dick was.

"Visiting," Harry chirped. "Louis and I have lots to catch up on." He gave Louis a smile and Louis felt the veins in his blood course hotly.

"Well, if you're a friend of Louis then you're definitely a friend of ours," Niall offered. The Mullingar boy was always quick to add another to his long list of friends, simply because he was just that friendly. He was happy with adding another face to his brain's contacts, hoping in return for someone to welcome him back just as openly. Harry beamed back at him, "Thanks."

"I've got an idea," Liam turned to Louis and jerked a thumb at Harry, "Why don't we all meet up after work tomorrow and grab something to eat? That way we can get to know Harry a little more, and make him feel more at home with the group," He then turned to Harry, "Like Niall said mate, any friend of Lou's is a friend of ours. Right, Zayn?"

Zayn shrugged, "Sure, I guess." He sat down on the bed and began to pet Cece, who was eager for the attention. Those two had some sort of unspoken connection; the fat, ginger cat enjoyed Zayn's company more than her master's and some days when Zayn came over, he would spend most of his time just petting the large mass of fur.

"It's settled then. We'll meet when our shifts end, which should be around 5 o'clock, give or take. From there we'll decide where to eat," Liam explained.

Louis turned to Harry, "You fine with that, Harry?"

"It sounds brilliant," the boy admitted, his happiness written all over his face.

"Why didn't you go to work today, Lou?" Niall asked suddenly, "You didn't blow off making money just to hang out with Harry, did you?"


"I was feeling a bit ill this morning," Harry interrupted, walking over to Louis and slinging his arm over his dainty shoulders. "Louis felt bad for just leaving me here to take care of myself so he offered to stay home to nurse me back to health."

"Sounds like Louis," Niall laughed. "He's like my second mum, minus the boobs and with a, you know, dick."

Louis reached over a smacked him upside the head, "Shut it you git! I'm the one who gets you your bloody alcohol, remember that."

"Wait, Harry you said that you were ill?" Liam asked the taller boy, his thick eyebrows furrowed in worry.

Harry nodded.

"Oh! Well we better get going lads," Liam ushered Zayn and Niall to the doorway. "Sorry Harry, we'd love to stay and chat but we really don't want to catch anything."

"But I want to stay longer!" Niall protested.

"I need a smoke," Zayn grumbled, pulling out his carton of cigarettes as he walked out.

"C'mon Niall, Harry's ill and needs his rest." Liam shoved the boy out into the hall before looking back at Louis and Harry, "See you guys tomorrow. I'll text you tonight Tommo. See you tomorrow Harry!" He shut the door softly and the sound of scuffling retreated down the hall until the flat was once again quiet.

Harry turned to Louis with a grin, "That went well."

Louis laughed, "Yeah, suppose it did." The two walked back to their meals and both pulled a look of disgust at their cold dinners. Louis threw the unpleasant meals out and told Harry he'd make it up to him in the morning with pancakes. "Now that I can cook," he added.

They both sat ontop of Louis' bed (due to the lack of a proper couch), in comfortable silence. Outside, it was already dusk and the snow had once again begun to fall. Luckily though, it wasn't nearly half as bad as the day before.

"Why's your flat so tiny?" Harry looked around the small room. "I mean, I know you live all by yourself and all, but still. There's not even enough room for some proper furniture."

"It's the only one I can afford really," Louis answered, "It is a piece of shit but with money so scarce, I'll take whatever I can get. It's not so bad once you get used to it and you're a bit settled."

"If you need more money, then why don't you get a better job?" Harry offered. "I haven't been human in so long, so I'm not one to talk, but it seems a bit rational doesn't it?"

"It does, but I've never been rational," Louis chuckled. "I like doing things that make me happy Harry. I don't want to be kept crammed in an office stall or stocking food in a grocery market. That's not me. I need to be out there, with the people and the sky. I want to do what I love, even if it doesn't give me much. I'd rather spend the rest of my life doing what I love and barely making ends meet than doing something that I don't and being filthy rich."

"You've always been passionate with what you're doing, haven't you?" Harry implied.

Louis nodded, glancing over at his guitar resting against the wall. "Music has always been my getaway. It's what keeps me sane and anchored. It's what makes the world go round, as far as I'm concerned."

"It's kinda like your religion," Harry said.

Louis smiled in agreement, "Basically."

The angel stared back at Louis with a light smile on his lips. His eyes drooped in exhaustion, but nonetheless they still sparkled. The room began to chill, with the thermostat being turned off temporarily due to the broken heating and cooling system. Really, someone better get that fixed soon or Louis would lose all ten of his toes.

"Harry?" Louis said, breaking the silence.

"Yes, Lou?" Harry yawned, scratching his silky head of curls.

"Why don't we get ready for bed, yeah? You look like you're about to pass out and I need to get up early for work." Louis pulled back the duvets and fluffed the pillows.

Harry hesitated, "You don't mind me staying the night? You don't want me to leave or anything?"

"Don't be silly Harry. It's freezing bollocks out there. Besides, you spent the night once already, I don't see any harm letting you stay another." He slipped under the covers and settled into the mattress. "Can you switch off the lights?"

Harry obliged and paused by the bed, "Do you want me to sleep on the floor or . . . ?"

Louis reached up and pulled the boy onto the mattress. "Hush up and just go to sleep. It's not like I have cooties, Harry."

"Of course not. Everyone knows only girls have cooties," Harry teased before adding, "Goodnight, Lou."

"Goodnight, Harry," Louis mumbled back, before drifting to sleep, happily aware of the warm mass of pale skin that now laid on his mattress.


"Ugh," Louis whined, throwing the covers off of his frame. He blinked at the shy morning sun that filtered through the curtains. He slid out of bed, climbing over the large mound snoring softly under the covers, and slammed his fist on the snooze button. "Shut the fuck up already," Louis muttered to the inanimate object, before slipping back under the covers.

What he had meant to be just five more minutes of sleep had actually been fourty-five. When he woke once again, not feeling any more rested as he had hoped, he had nearly jumped from the bed when he read the glowing numbers on his alarm clock. "Dammit," he cursed, running to the bathroom to start his five minute shower. He mercissly scrubbed at his skin and hair, before scalding his skin under the water as he hastilly slipped out and ruffled his dripping hair in a towel. He slipped the towel over his hips, then ran into the bedroom to the closet to grab boxers, jeans, and a Rolling Stones t-shirt.

He changed in the bathroom, not wanting Harry to wake up and see his naked body. Though he had been unconscious the other time, he thought once was enough, thank you.

He disconnected his phone from the charger and tugged his socks and boots on. Glancing at the clock once again, he decided to slow down a bit and fix himself some breakfast. He browned some toast and made some eggs sunny-side up. He had hoped not to burn them this time, but to his disappointment, he was unsuccessful.

As he was switching off the kettle, bringing the pot of tea to the counter, a wild-looking Harry emerged in the doorway. Louis shrieked and nearly dropped the pot. "Shit, Harry! You can't just startle me like that! Christ."

"Sorry," though judging by the smugness tainted in his voice, Louis knew he wasn't. "What are you doing?" the angel asked, voice low and husky from the early morning.

"What does it look like?" Louis poured the hot liquid in two cups. "I'm making breakfast of course."

"I figured that much Louis. I could smell the burnt eggs in my dreams," Harry said, taking the cup from Louis' outstretched hand. "I meant what are you doing as in 'what are you doing up at this bloody hour?'"

"Oh," Louis fixed two plates of egg and toast, pushing a plate in Harry's direction. "I've got to be heading to the church around 9:30, so I can start making my rounds."

"You're going to work?" Harry asked, reaching around Louis to grab a fork from the kitchen drawer.

"Yep," Louis sighed. "Gotta pay the bills and bring back groceries for the good ol' housewife."

Harry fluttered his eyelashes jokingly, "Such a hardworking man."

"That I am, darling," Louis said, cocking his eyebrows and smiling around his cup of tea.

Harry laughed and dug into his breakfast, making a face at the burnt eggs but not complaining. "You had promised me pancakes," Harry said around his mouthful of toast.

"I know but I woke up late and stuff," Louis frowned. "I promise I'll make it up to you though. Sometime this week I will make you my famous strawberry and chocolate-chip pancakes. The blokes really like them, especially Niall."

They ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes, with the occasional scrapes of utensils on the china plates. Cece had walked in, demanding a can of tuna, so Louis placed her dish on the floor. He was sipping at his tea, thinking over what he had planned for the day before Harry spoke up.

"Can I go with you?"

Louis blinked, and looked over at the boy, who was fiddling with the fork in his hands. His plate was empty, besides the spoonful of cold eggs sitting untouched.

"Go with me where Harry?" Louis asked softly, unsure of what the boy was talking about.

He twirled the utensil in his large hand before he looked up at Louis, biting his lip. "Go to work with you. I won't be a bother, if that's what you're worried about. I just- I really want to see you perform Lou."

Louis heart fluttered at his innocent appearance. He liked the fact that Harry, an inhumanly gorgeous immortal, who's probably fought alongside angels and demons, was being shy on asking Louis' permission to tag along with him. It reminded him of a child asking his father if he could go with him on a big boy fishing trip.

"Of course, Haz," Louis didn't know where the nickname came from but it fit nicely. With Harry's blinding grin, Louis figured the boy liked it as well. "Just get dressed, yeah? I want to leave in a couple of minutes."

Harry nodded in delight, flicking his tangled curls away from his eyes and bounding into the bedroom. "Lou?" he called.

"Yeah?" Louis yelled back, gathering the plates and cups and dumping them into the sink.

"Do you mind if I borrow something of yours?"

"Not at all," Louis walked over to the closet where Harry was busy rummaging. "I'm not sure if it'll fit but, you know, we can't have you wandering around naked now, can we?" If he was being honest with himself, Louis knew he would definitely not mind if Harry opted for the latter option.

'Oh Louis stop being such a pervert,' he inwardly told himself, shaking those thoughts from his head.

Before he could even blink, Harry was stripping down right in front of him, yanking down the sweatpants to slip on the pair of clean boxers Louis had chucked at him.

Louis yelped and looked away, but not before the image of Harry's delicately rounded, creme-colored bum was seared into his memory. "Geez, Harry!" he hissed, walking in the opposite direction toward the window.

He stood looking out the window, taking in the same boring aerial view he had seen for the last two years, before speaking up. "Are you dressed yet, Harold?"

"Harold?" Harry questioned, tugging the zipper up on his jeans. "Where did Harold come from?"

"I'm agitated with you right now, so I decided to give you a proper name I can scowl you with," Louis answered, still not daring to turn to look at the lad.

"Right," Harry chuckled, "And I s'pose I'll have to call you Lewis?"

Louis turned to narrow his eyes at the boy, "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I very much would, Lewis."

"You're a right twat, you know that?" Louis told him, slipping his coat on and taking his keys out of the bowl on his nightstand. He placed his wallet and phone into his pockets, then plucked his beanie from the pile of blankets on the bed.

Before he tugged it over his ears, he glanced over at Harry, and his eyes grew wide with realization.

"Harry," he whispered, reaching out to gently caress Harry's elbow with his impish hands. Harry's brows furrowed in confusion, at the worry in Louis' eyes and his sudden tender caress. "Harry, you don't have a coat."

Harry instantly relaxed, relieved it was nothing serious to worry about. "It's fine Lou."

"No it's not!" Louis pouted. "It's bloody freezing out there and I'm not letting you outside until you've got one."

Louis scowered the closet for some sweaters, but came up with nothing. "You do realize that I'm not going to let you tag along if we don't find you one right?"

"Whether you let me go or not, I am going to go," Harry insisted, watching the smaller boy shuffle through the scarce articles of clothing in the closet rack.

"Oh for fuck sake," Louis complained, looking down at the boy's bare feet. "You don't have any trainers either, do you?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm immortal Louis. I'm much more adapted for the elements than you are."

"Yeah, yeah, you're Mr. Bad-Ass with the halo and wings, but I'm still not letting you walk the streets shoe-less and without a coat. People will look at you like you've gone mad, which I'm starting to believe myself."

Harry stared down at the blue-eyed boy fondly before blowing out a laugh.

"What is it now?!" Louis exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Niall was right," Harry giggled, placing his hand over his mouth, "You do act maternal."

Louis huffed and turned on his heel, "Well then I guess you're going to stay here and I'll just-" Just as Louis was cracking the front door open, Harry's hand came sailing past his head, slamming the door shut.

Louis squeaked when he felt the taller boy's firm body press up against his back. He could feel the boy's jean-clad crotch on his lower back and the tickle of his curls on his neck as he bent down to whisper into Louis' ear, "Not so fast, darling."

His breath hitched as Harry lightly blew words into his ear, "I'm going with you Louis. We can work something out, yeah? There's a nice little clothing shop around the corner. Why don't we stop there real quick to pick me up some proper clothes and then we can be on our way? Hmm?"

Louis gulped and turned around so he was facing the other boy, "With what money Harry? I know for sure that you've got no money, and all of mine was taken by those dealers. How am I suppose to get you clothes if both of us are as broke as a tin can?"

"Check your pockets," Harry said, taking a step back from Louis. Louis looked back at him in confusion, "What do you mean check my pockets? I already did there's nothing in there."

"Just do it," Harry urged, walking over to the bed and throwing on one of Louis' t-shirts. It was a bit more tight than he had wished, with the hem grazing above his hips and the material clinging ludicrously to his broad shoulders. Still, it would have to do for now.

Cautiously, Louis inserted his hands into both of his coat pockets. His hand skimmed over his phone and keys, before finding purchase on thin, wrinkly notes. He gasped, then pulled the notes out of the confindes of his pockets, gazing down at the nineteen twenty-pound notes.

"Wh-Where did this come from?" Louis murmured, eyes locked on the 380 British pounds he now held in his hands.

Harry walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and shrugging, "I knicked it off those two men's bodies. I figured that guys like them didn't just walk around with nothing, y'know?"

Louis nodded before pocketing the bills. He honestly could not wrap his head around the fact that this sweet, beautiful, and somewhat cheeky boy was actually capable of killing someone.

"Alright then. We'll head to that clothing shop first, then we'll go over to the church to start our rounds. Normally, I don't like being off schedule but I'm more concerned about your balls freezing off."

"Thank you for your concern," Harry grinned, nodding his head toward his pelvis, "They really appreciate it."

Louis pursed his lips at him, hoping to downplay his smile but ultimately failing. He walked over to the bed, whipped off the top striped duvet, and tossed it to Harry. "Here. At least wrap this around you. It'll give me piece of mind for the time being."

Harry was ready to object, but seeing the stern look in Louis' cerulean eyes, he decided against it and nodded.

"Good," Louis smiled in satisfaction, "Oh, and put five layers of socks on too. There's still some frost on the sidewalk, and I don't want you catching a cold."

"Alright mum," Harry snapped, walking over to the closet and picking up five pairs of balled-up socks. He tugged them on, and despite the uncomfortable tightness around his toes, he stood up and walked to the door, where Louis stood waiting. "Happy now?"

Louis nodded in satisfaction as he locked up the flat. The two descended down the hall, down the stairs, and through the vacant lobby to the awaiting frosty sidewalks. Snow dusted lightly over benches and street bins, rather tame compared to the blizzard-like weather London had been receiving days prior. At least ten shades of gray painted the sky, allowing brief flashes of sunlight to filter through. Pigeons and other winter birds perched on stiff rooftops and dainty tree limbs, scouring around for a dropped crumb or unlucky insects caught in winter's trap.

They walked silently down the street, Louis' boots scuffling against the frozen concrete and Harry's teeth chattering from the chill seeping into his bones.

"'I'm immortal,' you said. 'I'm more adapted for the elements,' you said," Louis teased, aware of the shivers rolling through Harry's body. The curly-haired lad wrapped the duvet tighter around his frame before he clattered out, "S-s-shut i-t-t."

They turned the corner, and just as Harry had stated, there was a small shop nestled between a tax office and food mart. A quaint, hanging sign attached to the shop called it "M & Sons Vintage Clothing". In the shop's window was a wire mannequin sporting an old tailored suit, dainty jewelry in small boxes, and a few antique watches. There were also newsletters and flyers taped to the windows, ranging from missing persons, lost pets, upcoming concerts and events, to information on fundraisers held by the local schools.

Harry entered the shop, eager to escape the cold, with Louis following after him. The door's bell rang as they walked in, and the store owner looked up and gave them a friendly greeting before returning to the customer he had been assisting.

The shop had brick walls lined with shoes, scarves, and hats with racks of clothing in its center. Indie music streamed through the speakers above, and along the walls were deer head taxidermies and at the front of the shop was a flourescent sign reading 'M & Sons'. The lighting was low and it smelled vaguely of antique leather, women's cheap perfume, and aromatic candles.

"Let's start over there," Louis told Harry, leading them to the rack of coats. They both sifted through articles of clothing, hunting down a coat that Harry would be pleased with. Louis had to shoot down some that Harry had shown him, wondering if the boy had any fashion sense. For the love of God, he even dared to suggest this putrid looking trenchcoat that looked like it had once belonged to his great-aunt.

Louis was singing along to the words of the song that was now playing overhead- The Arctic Monkeys, he thinks. Harry was on the otherside of the rack, skimming and humming softly. Louis flicked through the clothes, grimacing at some, before freezing when he caught sight of brown leather. He examined the jacket and almost squealed in delight when he noticed the faux-shearling collar attached.

"Harry, c'mere!"

The boy walked over with the duvet still hung on his shoulders. He had a few t-shirts draped over his arm, "Found something?"

"I think so," Louis said, holding up the jacket. "Try it on, I'll hold these for you." He took the shirts and duvet from Harry and watched as the boy slipped the jacket on. To say the jacket looked good on him would be the understatement of the century. Let's just say, if that boy decided to walk into a modeling agency right now, they'd give him a spread for Burberry in two seconds flat. It took Louis every drop of resistance in his body to keep him from ravishing Harry against a wall then and there.

"What'dya think?" Harry asked, fixing the collar.

"If you don't buy that jacket we can no longer be friends," Louis said. He was being quite serious about it too.

Harry looked at the small tag attached to the sleeve, "It's 50 quid."

"Buy it," Louis assured him, plucking a black trench coat from the rack. "And this too."

Louis decided he definitely liked hipster Harry, so he added flannels and v-necks that looked like they belonged in a Urban Outfitters catalog to his pile of purchases. He then dragged Harry to the jeans rack, letting the taller boy pick out a few pairs. As they filtered through the washes and styles, Louis randomly sing-songed the lyrics to the song "Thrift Shop."

Harry looked over at him, eyebrow raised questionably. Louis blushed and cursed that stupid song for being so catchy. When they had slipped into the dressing room, and Harry had stepped out to get Louis' approval, Louis' jaw dropped. Harry was nothing but legs, lean and a mile long. The jeans the boy had on looked more like jeggings, with the way they look painted onto his slim thighs and calves. He looked good though, and made Louis feel about 14302% more self conscious of himself.

Finally they got Harry a pair of suede Chelsea boots that were ridiculously cheap and complimented his skinny jeans perfectly. They had a bit of fun when Harry found a faux-mink coat, grabbing a fedora and calling himself a 'true pimp'. The blue-eyed boy whipped out his phone and took pictures of the pimped-out angel, giggling maniacally when Harry would make an upsurd pose or have over exaggerated eye-sex with the camera. Louis had laughed so hard at the ridiculous sight, he got stitches on the side of his tummy and had to force himself to stop laughing because it just hurt too much to keep doing it. Before getting in line, Harry grabbed a pair of Ray Bans that read 75% off and Louis tossed in a wool scarf and beanie for the other boy. They paid for the items, and walked out of the shop. Harry dropped the duvet from his shoulders, shrugged on his trenchcoat, scarf, and beanie, and ripped the four layers of socks off his feet to slip on his Chelsea boots. He then stuffed the socks and duvet into the shopping bag, and turned to Louis with his hands lifted suggestively at his sides, eyebrows risen, and lips curved into a devilish smile.

Louis wolf-whistled, and Harry dropped his hands and eyebrows, but not his smile. Louis thought it looked like the corners of his mouth had been stitched into a permanent grin; one that touched his green eyes and made the dimples in his winter-bitten cheeks pop.

As they began to walk side-by-side down the sidewalk, Louis' realized he had forgotten his guitar back at home. "Shit!"

"What is it?" Harry asked, looking down at the petite boy.

"I forgot my guitar at home," Louis sighed, rubbing his hands on his face in frustration.

Harry stood quietly, looking down at the sidewalk briefly, "Are you gonna go get it?"

Louis checked his phone, "I really don't want to. We're already two hours behind schedule and I don't want to be late when we join the boys later at the restaurant." Louis was torn. He didn't want to go get his guitar, but he knew he needed the money, especially if he was going to pay for his and Harry's meal. He didn't want to mooch off the boys again, despite their reassurances that they didn't mind.

"We don't have to go and get it," Harry said, snatching up Louis' attention. He gave him a sheepish smile, "We can do something else for the next few hours. Just the two of us."

Louis swayed at Harry's last words, feeling his brow become sweaty despite the chill settled in the air. "I don't know Harry," Louis hesitated, liking the idea of the two spending time together, but unsure of the fact that if he did indeed skip work, he would have gone two whole days of doing absolutely nothing.

"Aw, c'mon Lou! We've still got some money left over to last us a day. You can go back to work tomorrow, I promise! I would just like to get to know you a little more. I think it would be nice to spend the day with you, with or without work," Harry pouted out his lower lip and did his best puppy dog impression. Though, Louis had to admit, he looked more like a lost kitten with those large green eyes and head of curls poking out from under the gray beanie.

"Alright! Alright!" Louis gave up, unable to resist the smile that sprang up and the sparkle in Harry's eyes as he admitted defeat. He didn't know how, but for the two days he's known the boy with the wings and broken halo, he's felt as if he's grown up with him. Talking and just being with Harry is easy, and their friendship started off so much smoother than that of Liam's or Zayn's. Louis thinks it probably has to do with the fact that Harry saved his life and they had both basically nursed each other back to health. Oh, and already in the past two days of their newly found friendship, they both knew what the other looks like when naked.

"What place do you have in mind?" Louis asked, the two waiting patiently at a street crossing.

Harry pursed his lips and idly tapped a long slender finger on his naturally pink pout. They began to walk again when the cross sign flashed and when they reached the sidewalk landing, Harry turned to Louis and said, "The park."

"This is nice," Harry hummed, sitting alongside Louis on a cherry wood bench. The bench sat beside a lamp post and faced the frozen pond that sat in silence in the center of the park. The ice was too thin for ice-skating, but Louis didn't mind because he was a total clutz and wasn't very fond of the sport.

"It is," Louis agreed, his breath coming out in thin, white puffs. When the two had first arrived at the park, Louis led Harry through the park's walking trail, showing him his favorite picnic spot when he comes to eat under the trees in spring and pointing out the tree trunk nesting baby squirrels.

But before long, the boys realize that the English weather didn't really keep their legs from feeling frozen, so they searched for a place to rest. They chose this spot of course, since Louis had pointed out it was his favorite, giving one a nice view of the water and surroundings of the park.

They've been sitting here for an hour, neither of them making any attempt to get up. Louis talked about his family to Harry, and how much he loved them and missed them. He went on to talk about his dreams of becoming a well-known musician, selling out arenas and traveling the world to share his music. He treaded lightly over his childhood, not wanting to step on a shard of glass and bleed out words about how he was bullied and tormented. He could open up to Harry, but there were still subjects he was still delicate with.

In return, Harry told Louis about how he didn't remember much about his life before becoming an angel, except for the fact he had been in love and his last name had been Styles. He talked about how his father had left his mother a few months after his birth. He rambled on about how beautiful his mother and sister had been. He had a dog as well, but he had long forgotten the name.

"I wish I knew more about my life before all of this," Harry had told him. "Sometimes these strong memories will come back, but before I can wrap my head around them, they just dissolve like ruined film."

Louis had talked about Niall, Liam, and Zayn. He told Harry about Niall's love for his home country, Ireland, and his passion for food. He told him about the Mullingar boy's amazing talent with a guitar and how his hands were magic when holding a guitar pick. He told Harry about Liam's grown up behavior, but also informed him that the boy also had a care-free side that shown when he was comfortable and content. He told him how the Wolverhampton native was studious and hardworking, and was the one to resolve any conflicts within the group. He told Harry about Zayn's phylisophical ways and mysterious nature. He told him that though Zayn was often judged as the bad boy of the group, he actually had a good sense of humor and was a great listener. He was smart too, often able to strategically come up with a way to get himself out of almost any problem.

Harry had listened intently, letting Louis know he had his full attention with small grunts and frequent eye contact.

When the sky began to turn pink, and the two couldn't feel their fingers, ears, or noses, they decided to leave the park to meet up with the boys.

Louis texted Liam around 4:30, asking where to meet up. He replied fifteen minutes later, telling Louis to meet him at the cafe.

They reached the cafe, where Niall, Liam, and Zayn stood waiting outside, conversing among themselves.

"Where do you want to go?" Liam asked the group, glancing at the four faces looking back at him.

"Nandos!" Niall exclaimed, causing the other three lads, besides Harry, to groan.

"Niall, we ate at Nando's last week," Zayn said. "How 'bout we try something different, yeah?"

Niall frowned, but then started bouncing in excitement, "What about that American diner that just opened a few blocks away? We've never eaten there before."

"That sounds like a good idea actually," Liam smiled and turned to the others. "How bout it lads? Anyone up for some American?"

Liam fetched his car and the lads climbed, eager to escape the cold. Once inside the small car, Harry hovered his ice-like hands over the the car's small vents that were letting out small blasts of heat.

They reached the restaurant, which resembled an American diner from the 1950s, and grabbed a booth. There was a jukebox in one corner of the room, red-cushioned stools lining up the long counter at the front, and an old fashioned soft drink machine. A waitress, a blonde girl who had a smattering of freckles and excited eyes, approached them with menus before asking them what they would like to drink.

Once all of the lads had given her their beverage choices and the girl had walked away, Niall turned to Louis and Harry, who had sat together on one side of the booth while the other three crammed in the other, eager to start a conversation, "So what have you lads been up to?"

"Did a bit of shopping," Harry answered truthfully. "After that we kind of chilled out and hung out at the park waiting for you guys to got off work."

Liam turned to Louis, "You didn't work today, Lou?"

"No," Louis said, "I forgot my guitar at home. Besides, I wanted to show Harry around London a bit."

"Do you like it here, Harry?" Niall asked him, "I know it's a little difficult to go from a small town where all you're family is to a city this massive."

"And expensive," Zayn added, eyes glued to his menu. "Even breathing the air here is costly."

"It's nice," Harry answered. He turned to Louis and looked into his vast blue eyes as he mumbled out, "The view is breathtaking."

oh my god oh my god oh my god

Louis swore he forgot how to breathe for at least one whole minute, his heart hammering loudly in his chest. He blushed, hiding his face behind the menu, hoping the other boys didn't see him act like some giddy teenage girl.

The waitress came back with their drinks before taking their order. They all gave her their orders, though Niall was torn between the hamburger with the shake and the chicken strips. In the end, he decided to get both. As the waitress was taking back their menus, the waitress fluttered her eyelashes at Harry, pointingly telling him that their orders should be out soon. As she walked away, Louis scoffed at how over exaggerately she swayed her non-existent hips.

Harry turned back to the boys, brows wrinkled in confusion and jerking a thumb at the waitress. "Did she having something in her eye? Because I swear she blinked like a hundred times when I was giving her my order."

The boys looked silently back at him for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"Are you serious?!" Zayn howled, pounding his fist on the table.

Niall was in fits, clutching his stomach and laughing even harder when Harry exclaimed, "What? What did I do?"

Louis chuckled, subtly relieved the boy was oblivious to the waitress's obvious flirting.

"She was flirting with you, Harry!" Liam laughed. "She was putting the moves on you."

Harry looked back at him, still not able to understand. "Why would she do that? I don't know her."

"She thinks your fit, mate," Niall informed him, taking a sip from his glass of Coke.

"Oh," Harry looked back at her and shrugged, "She's not my type."

Louis couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"What exactly is your type Harry?" Liam asked, genuinely curious. Louis froze up again, fearing what would come from the boy's mouth next. Damn you, Liam.

Harry hesitated, and out of the corner of his eye, briefly glanced at Louis, though no one else saw. "Erm, I don't really have a type, I would say. It's more like I believe in falling in love with someone, not liking someone for what they look like on the outside. If they're funny, nice, and there's a connection, then I think it'll just happen."

So wait, is he straight? Louis thought, Bisexual? Homosexual? . . . Asexual? I need to know!

"Well I like girls with boobs," Niall said nonchantly. "If she's sweet and also knows how to cook a decent meal, then she's a winner in my book."

"You also have a huge man crush on the President of the United States," Louis joked. "What's his name? President Aloha?"

"President Obama," Niall snapped. "And it's not a man crush. It's just I really, really like him 's all."

"Niall, you have a cardboard standup of him in your room," Zayn emphasized. "I think you've got a man crush on the guy."

Niall shrugged and turned to Liam, "So Liam, what's your type?"

"Danielle," Liam answered quickly.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "Leave it to Liam to say his girlfriend. We know you're head over heels Li, but what we mean is, generally, what do you look for in a girl?"

"My perfect girl has got to be smart," Liam started, "And she has to be sweet, timid, and has a sense of humor. The eyes too. I have to fall in love with her eyes."

"You just described your girlfriend," Louis observed.

Liam smiled, "Precisely why she's perfect."

The waitress arrived with their food and asked them (correction- Harry) if she could get them anything else. When they said no, she winked at Harry and smiled, "Let me know."

Before she could walk off, Louis called out, "Miss?"

"Yes, sir?"

"It seems there was a mistake with my order. See, I ordered a hamburger with cheese, lettuce, tomato, no ketchup or onions, with mayo and sesame-seed mustard ," he complained. "You gave me yellow mustard, not sesame-seed."

"Oh, um," she hesitated.

Louis spoke up, making sure to add a drop of venom in his words, "I suggest you take this back and give me what I had originally ordered. I would really appreciate it."

"Er, yeah. Yes, sir."

"Don't forget to toast the buns!" he added as she disappeared behind the kitchen doors.

"Such a diva," Zayn chuckled, before turning his attention back to the paper he had been reading.

"Am not!" Louis objected.

"You are," Liam, Zayn, and Niall said in union, while Harry looked back at him with a toothy grin.

"I'm paying 15 quid for a burger. Might as well get what I came for," Louis snapped.

Liam smiled and shook his head, before turning his attention to his food. Niall was already halfway through his basket of chicken strips, and Zayn slowly ate through his basket of french fries. Harry didn't touch his food, and Louis frowned at this.

"Harry, why aren't you touching your food?"

"Waiting for yours. I don't want to start eating until you're served Louis," he said, glancing back at the kitchen doors where the waitress had gone through.

"No, Harry, it's fine. Please, you don't have to wait for me. I really don't mind. Besides, I know you're starving cause you wouldn't stop rambling about food on the way over here," Louis insisted.

"No Lou, I want to wait."

Louis huffed, knowing the boy wouldn't budge. Boy, he could be real selfish at times, and not even in the bad way where Louis could scorn him for it.

When Louis' food arrived, both boys thanked the waitress, though Louis might've been more on the sarcastic side when he commented on the "excellent service."

They all ate happily, bringing up topics ranging from favorite animal to movies that had left them sniffling and sobbing like a baby.

By the time their plates were clean, Louis had learned Harry like the color blue, liked to read classic novels, had a wierd taste in music, and preferred cats over dogs.

They left a decent tip for the waitress (Louis threw in a coin) and paid for their meal upfront. As Liam drove Harry and Louis back to the flat, he suggested that they do that again sometime. Niall agreed, telling Harry he was glad he got to know more about him. Louis could tell those two were going to be good friends quickly. Zayn stayed quiet through most of the car ride, nose-deep in an article about deforestation.

When Harry and Louis reached the flat, they waved goodbye to the other boys, and slowly trudged through the hall and stumbled in when Louis unlocked the door.

Harry collapsed onto the bed, toeing off his shoes and dropping the shopping bags he had been lugging around all day by the bed. Louis used the bathroom, and after washing his face and hands, fed Cece another can of tuna.

He made his way to the bed, sitting down on the edge as he shrugged off his coat and dumped it on the floor, too lazy to put it in its proper place by the door. The angel stretched out, sighing in satisfaction when he heard his joints pop. He patted the space beside him, beckoning Louis to join him. Louis did, curling his body into a ball as he laid beside the boy.

Harry turned to his side, facing Louis' direction so that his face was a safe distance from the other boy's. "Lou, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it Haz?" Louis asked, his voice soft and quiet in the still apartment.

"Um, I was wondering if I could . . . well," Harry gulped and continued, "Move in with you."


"I'll get a job to help out with the bills! I'll babysit the cat. Heck, I'll even take over as official litter box cleaner! Just let me stay with you, Lou."

"Harry, are you sure? I wouldn't mind, since I already consider you a friend and all, but it's rather cramped here. You're not going to get alot of privacy."

"That's fine," the angel smiled. "You're really fine with me moving in?"

"Absolutely. You saved my life, afterall. It's the least I could do. Besides, you're a good guy and you're new to this. Somebody has to show you what you've been missing out on," Louis said, climbing under the covers.

Harry joined him, tucking his feet under Louis' legs. He switched off the lamp, emitting the room into darkness. Before he drifted to sleep, he whispered into the sleeping boy's ear, "I'm glad you'll be the one to show me."


A/N: This was 7000+ words, so I hope this makes up for waiting almost two weeks to update. This chapter is dedicated to @simplyhailey, because she made me hurry and get this out to you guys. Fan, comment, vote, whatever! Just enjoy the chapter.

+ I just want to thank you all for the lovely comments! I really appreciate it when you guys let me know you like the fic so far! It keeps me inspired and motivates me to keep writing x

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