Duality [H.S.]

By E_L_C_01

51.3K 1.6K 8.3K

DUALITY - the sequel to IT'S YOU! [Mature] *Please note: There will be spoilers for the first book from below... More

Chapter One | Prologue
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six | Epilogue One
Chapter Thirty-Seven | Epilogue Two
Chapter Thirty-Eight | Epilogue Three
Chapter Thirty-Nine | Epilogue Four
Chapter Forty | Epilogue Five

Chapter Nine

1.2K 43 143
By E_L_C_01

Sunday, 4th July 2021 (continued)

Emerging from their bedroom, they whiled away a couple of hours happily pootling around the villa.

After chasing the now crawling and into everything twins around the patio, they donned their suits to let them splash in their private plunge pool.

Having settled them down for their morning nap and sat down to enjoy a leisurely late breakfast, Harry finally revealed his surprise.

Whilst she was showering and then after she fell asleep, he had been making arrangements to treat her to a day trip. Wanting to make amends for last night, he's also very conscious that he's about to head out on tour for over three months.

Eloise feels guilty leaving the twins with Nina again, but can't deny an afternoon aboard a yacht is more than a little appealing - both the prospect of lapping up some Mediterranean rays and having Harry all to herself.


"H, you shouldn't have gone all out!" she joked as they found the little tender waiting for them at the far end of Porto Ercole's marina.

But it was all part of his plan to avoid arousing any suspicion - the sunglasses and hats, and the discrete little inflatable boat to get them to the yacht, moored out of sight in the next bay.

The Diennea is a sleek fifty-four-foot motor yacht with a white hull and black sun canopy. White lounger cushions line the deck and there's a wide swimming platform to the stern.

Having boarded and greeted the small crew, they set off for the nearby Isola del Giglio.

After a thrilling lap of the island, they dropped anchor in a quiet cove and dined on a light lunch of fresh seafood and salads, lingering over a perfectly-chilled bottle of the local Vermentino.

With the sparkling Med too tempting to resist, they jumped and dived in to cool off.

After drying off during an impromptu slow dance around the deck, then dutifully attending to suncream, they settled down, intent on soaking up some sun and each other.

Despite their best intentions, neither has paid much attention to their book. Enjoying each other's company and undivided attention, the afternoon has flown by.

Relishing the privacy and peace and quiet, they're tender and tactile, stealing kisses and sweet touches as they chat quietly about everything and nothing.

They trade lingering looks, appreciating each other's newly-honed physiques in swimwear as they work on their tans.

Mindful to avoid any unsightly tan lines before filming on Thursday, Eloise keeping the straps of her skimpy bikini down gives an appreciative Harry an eyeful each time she shifts position.

And she's not the only one flashing some flesh. Harry grabbed the wrong shorts back at the hotel and this flimsy pair of Nike runners doesn't leave much to the imagination, either. Whilst he's fidgeting and adjusting them as they dry off, she's not complaining given how the high slits up the sides have all his ink and the contours of his abs and obliques on show. 

She's not entirely sure if the crew realised they snuck below deck earlier and successfully added another couple of orgasms to his ongoing tally for the day. Wholly appreciative, she can't quite bring herself to care if they did hear anything.

It's been a perfectly carefree afternoon, just the two of them.

She doesn't look away from her book, but can feel his heavy gaze on the side of her face again. "You're staring, you little creep."

"Thought I bruised your neck for a sec, little freak." 

She gasps, slapping a hand to it.

"I'm kidding," he chuckles, twining their fingers to tug hers away. "You're fine." Shifting closer, he leans in and presses a kiss against her pulse point, suctioning playfully until she squirms away.

Head pillowed on his bent arm, he gazes at her as he strokes his fingers up the groove of her spine.

Closing her book yet again, she stays on her front to tan her back but twists her neck to face him. Lifting a finger to boop his slightly pink nose, she makes a mental note to dig out the sun cream again. "What are you thinking?"

He smiles lazily, feeling content. "Just that this is all I need in life."

"Aww...", she coos, but her lips tug into a teasing smirk. "What? A fancy yacht? A slice of the Med all to ourselves? Expensive wine? No responsibilities for the day? An orgasm? And a nearly naked blonde to perv on? No one can call you a cheap date, Styles."

"You knob, you know what I mean!" he huffs, swatting at her bum for the cheek. "And you're not a cheap date, trust me, Styles. They fleeced me for this being so last minute... But you're worth every penny." He cranes his neck to steal yet another kiss before settling back down. "I meant just you and me... That's all I need. And Dylan and Freya and family, too, obviously. But this," he gestures between them, "This is all that matters... Us, time together. It's that simple. Everything else is just fucking noise. We can't let that distract us."

He's not wrong. Given the frantic demands on their time and all the craziness in their lives, it's appreciating the quieter, simpler moments and the stability of their everyday lives that will keep them afloat - or at least treading water - despite the chaos around them.

"I'm sorry that I've been so distracted," she admits, lips tipping downward. "Making time for each other is so important."

He interlaces their fingers, squeezing reassuringly. "Me too. And I'm tired of missing out on so much... I hate that your dad assumed we wouldn't be able to make your mum's celebrations." He sighs dejectedly. "But I'm going to set some boundaries to protect this stuff. I've already spoken to Jeff about trying to find a way to reduce the extent of travelling for my next tour... Amazing opportunities and offers come our way and I'm not saying we need to move to a remote island and be hermits - although the prospect definitely has some appeal after shit like last night. There will always be life and work and stuff and noise to contend with, but as long as we're a strong unit at the heart of all that chaos, I know we'll always be fine."

His resolve gives her confidence. "We will; I believe that wholeheartedly... I love you, H, so much."

"I love you, too. Always."

"None of it would mean a thing if it weren't for you. I'd give it all up tomorrow to safeguard what we have. Without a doubt." She's not sure why, but it feels important to say it.

"I would, too." He doesn't hesitate. "I'd turn my back on it all if need be... One day, I'm sure I will, and maybe that remote island will become undeniably appealing." His dimples pop as he grins, but she knows he means every word.

"I know how much you love it - not just all the spoils, but being creative and creating. I don't want you to ever stop doing what makes you happy and makes your heart sing."

"You have my heart warbling like fucking Pavarotti, trust me." But instead of O Sole Mio, he treats her to a rendition of the version from the famous old Walls ice cream ad jingle. "'Just one Cornetto, give it to me / Delicious ice cream, from Iii-ta-lyyy.'" Feeling carefree and lapping up her undivided attention, he gives it some welly, singing with his full chest and holding the final note in a warbling belt.

Crumpling into giggles, she drops her head, shoulders jigging as she swats blindly at him. "As if we were being all serious and mature for once and you just-" She trails off, shaking her head. "Hey, you know what?"


"What would really make this afternoon perfect?"

"Just say the word, Principessa... We're in the middle of the damn Med, but I will make it happen."

"A delicious ice cream." She practically purrs it.

"Too easy, surely," he scoffs, promptly launching himself up to stand. "Hang on." Stepping over her, he pauses and stoops to press a kiss to the nape of her neck.


Sitting up, plaiting her still-damp hair against the breeze off the water, she grins as he reappears just a few minutes later.

True to form, he pulls it off. Emerging from below deck, he juggles two bowls and two little espresso cups on saucers.

"My hero! Bravo!" she coos, clapping her hands in eager anticipation.

As they eat spoonfuls of delicious stracciatella gelato and sip their coffee, they gaze out at the uninterrupted sea views around them with the pretty little island and the Med sparkling in the balmy afternoon sun.

She notices him tapping the tiny spoon against the end of his nose, deep in thought. "You have your thinking face on again..."

Shaking off his distraction, he grins guiltily. "Just thought of something new."

"You'll never finish the album if you keep at it. You're such a perfectionist."

"Stop inspiring me then!"

She rolls her eyes at his predictable protest. "Well, what is it? A new lyric for something or a whole new song?"

"I'm not sure... Maybe both?" He shrugs, hesitant. "It's about like domesticity getting you through the chaos. But using just, like, random everyday things to paint that picture, you know...? I'm not making any sense am I?"

"Like the rough and the smooth and facing things together?"

"Yeah, I think so... Because that's the stuff that really matters. That stability gets you through."

"Well, what have you got so far?"

"It's very rough..."

"Hit me!"

"Okay, so the chorus is something like... Hang on-" He stretches for his phone to start recording a voice note, just in case. "It's just a super simple melody for now, and I might be mixing metaphors." He hums it for her before he starts singing, low and slow. "When there's darkness in withheld clouds / A small concern with how the engine sounds / Something... Something... Something... / Should we just keep driving."

"Oh, yes, okay! I get it... And what kind of things for the everyday stuff?"

Grinning, he looks pointedly around for inspiration. "Black and white film camera / Yellow sunglasses."

"Passports in footwells" she chips in, alluding to her momentary panic whilst checking in yesterday after her bag spilt on the drive from Rome.

Head bobbing, riffing, he ad-libs... "Wine glass... A puff pass / Moka pot Mondays."

At her giggles, smiling at the sweet memories evoked, he gets predictably cheeky. "Side boob..." Spilling out of her untied bikini, laying splayed on her front, he pokes at her.

"Hey!" She swipes his hand away.

"That's nothing...", he snorts. "Choke her with a sea view."

"Shut up!" She hisses, laughing even as she cranes around to check where the crew are. "You wouldn't dare." Then it's her turn to be clever. "Kiss her and don't tell!"

Thinking, they both quieten down... She grins at his intent focus - tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as he squints at the notes app on his phone screen, contending with the glaring sun and refracted light bouncing off the water and all the white of the boat. She'll always relish any opportunity to see him in action, but it's particularly nice to see the furrow in his brow be due to creativity again, rather than all the stresses of late. Long may it stay that way. "It's definitely worth working on, Babe... Keep going with it."

"Keep driving?" He nudges her, being punny.

Earning a wry grin back, he scoops an arm over her waist and tugs her closer. "I like driving with you... I'll always keep driving with you." He whispers it against her lips, between kisses.

Craning back, she barks a laugh. "Oh, you bloody cheeseball...! But me, too." His lips split into a grin as she admits it against his.

Inevitably, things hot up... And the thin material of his shorts isn't leaving much to the imagination.

"Okay, time to cool off, hot rod."

As the crew prep the inflatable tender and snorkelling gear, she shoves him in and then leaps in after him. Splashing and playing around, they happily indulge their inner big kids.


Monday, 5th July 2021

Upon checking out the day after their boat trip, they headed a couple of hours further into Tuscany, to another luxury resort.

Crispin had arranged a family trip as a surprise for Elin's sixty-fifth birthday.

Eloise had batted her eyelashes for a late check-out, trying to sync their arrival closer to Ben and Mer's from LA, but they still arrived a while before them.

She's probably being overly sensitive, but her mum definitely seemed more excited about their eventual arrival than she had theirs. But at least Ben and Mer and the girls were happy to see them...

It has felt like a lot has changed in the few months since the Grammys - and not least with the twins. Now nine months, they still nap for almost a couple of hours each morning and afternoon, but are notably more alert and inquisitive when they're awake. Now mobile, confidently crawling, they like nothing more than exploring their surroundings - ever-changing, to be fair.

With their top front teeth through and able to pull themselves up to stand with support, they seem worryingly grown-up. But, in comparison to Ruby - three-and-a-half, but with the sass befitting a thirteen-year-old - and Grace, now nearing two, they're still very much the babies of the family.

In no time, they're eager for cuddles with everyone - letting it be known when they're eager to wriggle off one lap and on to the next. Despite the help of their attentive bigger cousin, it's been a case of all eyes on them as they dart about.

But constantly trying to pre-empt their curiosity in the distinctly un-baby-proofed environment of the luxury resort - all sleek marble and glass and sharp corners - has had Eloise on edge.

After she eventually managed to settle them and find a shady spot for the pushchair, Nina stepped in and offered to take the twins back to the suite for their nap.

Tucked into a corner of the quiet bar, Harry and Eloise kick back and enjoy a relaxed couple of hours catching up with her family.

Beyond all the football fever - with England due to play Denmark in the Euro's semi-final at Wembley on Wednesday - Ben and Mer regale them with the COVID restrictions they encountered flying over from LA.

Harry and Eloise are more than aware. Between the complexities of tour logistics and film production, they're as sick of the C-word as everyone else by now.

With the international restrictions still in flux and subject to change at short notice, they've lost count of which iteration of the shoot schedule they're on by now. The latest amends have her dates for Stockholm and Oslo clashing with Harry's tour kicking off in Vegas. She has promised him she'll fly over for a visit as soon as she can, but with testing pre- and post-travel, she's not yet in any position to confirm exactly when.

Despite being so far from home for months, his tour being confined to North America is actually proving something of a blessing in at least limiting the complexities of international travel. Truth be told, he's still not entirely convinced it's a great idea...

He knows the fans are desperate, and there has been huge pressure from US venues to reschedule last year's cancelled dates as soon as possible, and he needs to protect those relationships. Given he paid his team regardless during the pandemic, there's real pressure from his financial advisers, the label, and various insurers to get back out there.

The restrictions within the US are far more relaxed than in the UK and Europe, but he feels undeniably wary... What if things flare up again and international travel locks back down and he gets stuck away from Eloise and the babies? What if he or any of the band or key crew catches Covid and has to isolate and miss dates? What if there's a spike in cases after a concert and the whole tour gets pulled? Or what if, God forbid, anyone - crew or attendee - gets sick and dies? Even if he wasn't held liable, that would sit heavy on his conscience.

Seeing him getting antsy just talking about it all again, tugging at the collar of his t-shirt at all the 'what if's,' Eloise calls time and says they should head back to their room to attend to the twins' dinner and bedtime before getting ready themselves.


At Harry and Ben's suggestion, Eloise had to ask a slightly reticent Nina to watch Ruby and Grace. With the twins already asleep, and their cousins not far off, they hadn't thought it too much of an imposition.

Getting them all settled, they and Mer are late heading to the hotel's restaurant for dinner.

Caught near the entrance by a couple asking for them to say hi to their daughters via FaceTime, Mer slips off, pointedly mentioning she'll let the others know they'll be along in just a minute. Ben hangs back, ready to step in and usher them along if needed.

Lucas and Ollie's heckling just about detracts from Elin's stink eye as they sheepishly take their seats, begging apologies.

Eloise reaches behind Mer to flick Ollie's ear. It's a fancy restaurant and they're drawing attention, making heads turn.

His howl of pain is anything but subtle. "What did you do that for?!"

"Can you cool it, please? We could do without a repeat of the other night." Seated next to Harry on their circular table, she squeezes his thigh placatingly.

"Oof, I caught some of that on Instagram." Ben winces apologetically as he stretches to fill their wine glasses.

"Good to see you standing up for yourselves though," Lucas pipes up, nodding at Harry.

"Why? What happened?" Crispin and Elin are unawares.

"It looked like a pretty intimidating crowd." Mer frowns. "Didn't this mystery movie arrange security for you, Lol?"

"Not until Naples... Although I'm not sure everyone else's spouse has quite so much clout," she admits, before catching Harry's brow furrow deeper. "But it was all okay, H dealt with it and got us out of there."

"Dealt with what? Were you mobbed?" Crispin pushes.

"We probably shouldn't have ventured there alone. It was my fault." Noticing the flatness to Harry's tone, they can all tell he's still riled. "But it hasn't been like that for a long time, and never here in Italy... It caught us, me, unawares. I'm sorry." Ruffling his hair and tugging at his lip are two more obvious tells.

"Don't be... No harm, no foul." Eloise tugs his hand from her lap and presses a kiss to the back of his palm. "Anyway, this place looks lovely... Has a waiter been by to run through the specials yet?" Trying in vain to redirect the conversation, she receives an appreciative squeeze in return.


As they chat amongst themselves after finishing their mains, they're interrupted again.

However, this time, it's an older gentleman and evident rugby fan - fawning over Crispin and then Lucas and Ollie, too. His embarrassed wife loiters behind him, trying to tug him away, muttering apologies on his behalf.

Viewed from across the table, his genuine enthusiasm and excitement feel refreshing - and not least seeing how her dad and brothers seem to enjoy it, larking around with him good-naturedly.

After a quick photo, he bids them goodbye and it proves to break the ice a little. "That was nice; he was nice." Harry smiles wistfully, looking after the man as he walks off, laughing off a talking to from his wife. 

"H, you absolutely had the right to tell those kids off and ask them to leave the other night." Ben claps a hand on his shoulder. "There will always be arseholes lurking in the seedy corners of Twitter, but it wasn't arrogant or entitled at all. Don't sweat it; it's already blown over."

Neither he nor Eloise had realised quite how big the crowd was that gathered outside the restaurant in Porto Ercole and in the town square afterwards. Seeing the grainy footage on social media was a little jarring. Had they been aware, they wouldn't have risked lingering in that alleyway.

"Well, at least Dyl and Frill weren't with us. It's inevitable that it will happen, but I'm dreading it already."

"What will you do in Naples whilst Lol's filming?" Mer asks. "It's too beautiful a city to hide yourselves away the whole time, surely?"

The distance has made it easier to keep her and Ben's curiosity at bay, but just a couple of hours in their presence has Harry and Eloise squirming already. "Umm..."

"Well, he'll be with-"

"Ol!" Eloise cuts him off. Her pointed look is even sharper than her tone. "Err, can you pass me the water please?" The realisation that her dad and Ollie know but the rest of her family are in the dark feels duplicitous.

Clocking her mum's haughtily raised brow and the curious tilt to Mer's head has her sweating.

Awkwardly avoiding everyone else's eye, her dad might not be the best actor, but he's closely attuned to her, as ever. "How about some more wine instead?"


Tuesday, 6th July 2021

Harry and Eloise are the last to arrive at the pool the next morning.

With the twins and Nina in tow, they're laden down with the double pushchair, sunshades, pool floats, towels, and the changing bag stuffed with extra swim nappies and spare clothes. The days of travelling light and moving around discretely are long gone.

Huffing and puffing, Harry drops his wares and makes to unstrap Dylan and Freya, both eager and excited.

"Hang on...." Eloise cranes around, assessing the pool deck. "Does anyone mind if we set up over there, instead?" She gestures to the two cabana day beds and surrounding loungers in the far corner. "Sorry to be a pain."

"Careful, Mum was down here at dawn to nab this prime spot," Lucas stage whispers, clueing her in.

Tipping her head back to look out from under her wide-brimmed sunhat, she shrugs, unbothered. "Well, that's fine; sit wherever you want... But we need the shade and that back wall will help in trying to corral these two." The hotel doesn't seem too busy, but it should be a more private spot, too.

"That's a great shout, Lol. We'll come with you. A man was hogging it earlier." Mer signals to Ben where he's in the water already with Ruby, Grace, and Ollie.

"Let's all move. Here, let me give you a hand. You look like packhorses!" Crispin chuckles, spurring Lucas into action, too.


It took her a while, but, after tanning her back, Elin eventually sidled closer, too.

It's a lovely pool area, but notably less relaxing than it would have once been. Harry and Eloise have barely even managed to sit down. Despite having carefully positioned the loungers to fashion a blockade, the twins are into everything and show no interest in settling down for a nap.

Their irrepressible uncles don't help. Swooping them up to splash around in the water with them, Eloise clocked the women they were trying to impress immediately. They're utterly shameless.

The men inevitably succumb to a competitive game of keepy-uppy with a beach ball. A squealing Ruby sits atop Ben's shoulders amid the action, and Nina has Freya in a little floatie, watching on from the edge.

Eloise and Mer commandeer the shady corner of the pool. They splay their legs to box in the shallow lounging area, forming a makeshift paddling pool for Grace and Dylan. Splashing and giggling happily, the girls keep them entertained, passing various toys between them as they catch up.

"Christ, is that actually a proper six-pack?" Mer gasps, poking at Eloise in awe as she stretches to drag Dylan back from trying to crawl over her shin. "Training must have been brutal?"

Eloise quickly parks Dylan back in front of her again. It's certainly not the first comment - they'd all been crowing over them as they stripped off their layers earlier. Even her brothers admitted Harry's eight-pack and beefy pecs, arms, and shoulders were impressive. "And then some..." she admits. "Exhaustion doesn't come close, but the hardest stuff is done." She breathes a sigh of relief.

"And how are you really? And don't fob me off with a 'fine' like over the phone."

Eloise shoots her a look.

Mer lets go of Grace to hold her hands aloft. "I'm not going to grill you, don't worry! You're NDA'd and I respect that... Besides, I'm far more interested in you and how you're doing than any juicy gossip, trust me."

At the weight of her gaze, Eloise focuses on straightening Dylan's hat for a beat.

"It's just me, Lol..." Mer squeezes her foot reassuringly.

Momentarily wishing she had her dark Celine sunglasses to hide behind, Eloise squares her shoulders and takes a deep breath. "I'm running on fumes, I can't lie," she admits with a shrug, still not quite meeting her eye. "There's a lot of pressure..." She trails off, stretching to catch the wayward beach ball and lob it back to her dad.

"And how's it been with Nina?" Mer changes tack, treading carefully. "She's quiet, but seems nice enough... How has she settled in? Faring okay?"

"Better than me, I think." Eloise snorts, self-deprecatingly. "She's a godsend, really... I, we, couldn't do it without help, and she's so good with them." Her eyes automatically cut to where Nina coos attentively over Freya.

Mer cocks her head. "But?"


"...You?" she presses.

"I actually really fucking resent it." Eloise slaps a hand to her mouth, surprised at her own admission. "Not her," she hastens to add, "so much as just the time she gets to spend with them. I hate feeling like I'm missing out... And for what?" She sighs, pausing to press kisses to Dylan's head. "Work is a lot right now. There's a lot of pressure. Just trying to shake that to make the most of what time I do have with them takes effort... And I'm just not sure it's worth it."

"It's definitely a big adjustment, but having kids doesn't mean you don't get to be you anymore. You're allowed to retain your own identity and life."

"But I didn't have them for someone else to raise them." Eloise frowns. "I don't know, maybe it's just the scale of B-" She cuts herself off, just in time.

Mer cuts her some slack, even if she won't. "Other than Nina watching them whilst they slept last night, and her having Freya right now, I've not actually seen her need to do anything, though. It's all you and H... In fact, this might be the first time you've even sat down all morning. Rest and relaxation and recovery are important, and she is here to help; you're paying her to help, remember? You don't need to be a martyr or have anything to prove."

"I know." Eloise pauses as Dylan twists and grabs at her strapless bikini top as he pulls himself up to stand, promptly melting against her for a cuddle, nuzzling into her neck. She kisses the crown of his head again, mouthing 'finally' to Mer at his sleepy snuggles. "Maybe it's the competitive streak in me-"

Mer gasps as she admits it. There's a timely howl from the pool as the boys try to assign blame for a lengthy volley coming to an end as the ball skids across the pool deck. The Cadogan competitive streak is legendary... Harry was always a perfect fit for this family.

Eloise continues, albeit lowering her voice and peering over her shoulder to where Elin lies reading in the sun. "I know Mum's sceptical about any help-"

"She 'never had any'... And don't we all know it!" Mer rolls her eyes, conspiratorially. "I don't even work anymore and still have help - with absolutely zero shame about it."

"Try telling Mum that," Eloise scoffs. "She never worked, and we all ran her ragged... I'm not sure she ever enjoyed it much but now touts having done it alone like some badge of honour."

Mer won't have it. The last thing Eloise needs is any of her mum's nonsense adding to the pressure she's under. "But life is so different now - and especially for you! With your crazy schedules and all the attention and sodding social media, a nanny is simply a necessity. Ignore her and all that entirely; you don't need it... Ooh, hiii!"

Her suddenly brighter tone and eyes flitting behind her have Eloise turning around as Harry heads over with a quieter Freya to scoop Dylan off her - optimistic about trying to settle them down again.

"How's he been? Supportive?" Mer nods her head at him as they twist to watch him wade to the steps, cooing softly to the babies bundled in his arms all the while. "Ben mentioned his schedule has been a nightmare recently."

"Yeah, doing double-time to wrap up the album before tour." She bites her lip again; hating the feeling of walking on eggshells to avoid letting anything slip. The only other thing she has ever kept from Mer was the news of her pregnancy initially, and being guarded with her doesn't come naturally. "He's amazing... He gets it. God, if anyone gets pressure, it's Harry."

"What's me?"

She yelps in surprise as he suddenly appears behind her. Peering past him, she sees Nina has evidently stepped in - now heading across the pool deck with the pushchair.

Harry hands them bottles of water before stretching out alongside Grace with his head pillowed on Eloise's thigh. "Oh, wow, hear that?

"What?" Eloise cocks her head.

"Absolutely nothing!" His dimples pop as he grins up at her. "Peace, finally."

Mer chuckles with them. "Soak it up, you two... This little lady probably needs a change, excuse us."


It doesn't last long...

It's over a long lunch in the poolside restaurant that it all kicks off.

Lucas mentions again that he thinks it weird how Nina sloped off beforehand and didn't join them. She's certainly not his type and hasn't paid him any attention, so it seems to be innocent curiosity.

"Maybe she wanted some time out of the sun?" Harry moots. That they're sitting under a leafy pergola shows his distraction, attending to Freya in her highchair - attempting to negotiate with baby sign language for 'more' and 'please' over the last of her lunch.

"She's entitled to breaks, and probably just wanted to avoid any awkwardness... She's not family." Eloise shrugs.

"She's staff, you mean?" Ollie challenges, eyebrow raised.

"Well, umm..."

Mer cuts Eloise off, coming to their defence. "It's really not a big deal-" But she in turn is cut off as a number of phones, face-down around the table, bleat at once.

When Harry and Eloise's keep pinging, trading a look, they can't resist taking a peek.

Her "Oh, shit..." gives her mum even more to grumble about.

But it melts into background noise as her dad and brothers crane in their seats, trying to work out what has captured their attention...

As New York wakes up, Page Six publishes a spread of 'exclusive' images. 

The shots of a shirtless Harry, showering with one of the twins - thankfully at least with their face blurred - at the Il Pelicano hotel's seafront look more like good-quality candid snaps, and the grainy shots from that night in Porto Ercole are fan photos pulled from social media, but the rest are definitely professional.

The shots of them on the tender at the marina suggest they hadn't been as stealthy as they hoped. They must have been tipped off... But how hadn't they noticed another boat or the buzzing of a drone? Just how long can lenses be?

Thinking they were alone, they had let their guard down, and it shows in the suite of shots documenting their afternoon. The lead image is them kissing during their impromptu dance on the deck, but they also caught them finishing lunch, then jumping in the water, snorkelling, and venturing out in the tender. They can't work out how, but they had a clear angle of them on the loungers - reading, then not reading. Laying close, the spread shows their chatting evolve to handsy strokes, palming gropes, and increasingly less chaste kisses...

There's nothing too risqué - but more than either feels terribly comfortable being confronted with in front of her family.

As ever, it's the intrusion that stings the most - particularly when they had such a lovely day because they felt so free and unbothered.

There's a strangled groan from the back of Harry's throat as he thumbs to the end before her. "I, God... I just-"

Whipping her head up from her screen, Eloise can tell from his hunched shoulders how livid he is.

Feeling dread at his reaction, she swipes to the last photo and is puzzled to see a photo of Nina wheeling the twins' pushchair through the hotel grounds. Closing out of the photos, she skim-reads the accompanying article.

They evidently didn't have much to go on. To beef up what's essentially just 'married couple holidays in Italy,' they focus on the reveal of their newly buff physiques, speculate on possible reasons for all their efforts, and mention his upcoming tour. But the penultimate paragraph feels like a sucker punch. 'Between all those workouts, hands-off Eloise palmed the babies off to the nanny again two days running - more intent on spending time with Harry before he heads out on tour.'

The implication that she left them for two full days. That she's disinterested and doesn't care. That she's a bad mother. There's no mention of his parenting or not being with them either... It feels intentional that they included photos of him and Nina with the babies but not her. The narrative feels woefully unfair, but also strikes at the heart of all her biggest insecurities.

Finger hovering as she re-reads that line over and over, she feels paralysed. Breathing raggedly, it's only a squeal from Dylan that snaps her out of it.

As she reflexively whips her head up to check on him, her wide eyes are already swimming with tears.

Harry's seething but pushes his own feelings aside for now, more concerned with hers. "Oh, El... Babe, that's so unfair."

Feeling shamed by the harsh words, her first impulse is to flee. But Harry pre-empts it and clamps a hand over her wrist as she goes to push her chair back. "Please, don't."

She slumps dejectedly back down and her darting eyes lock on his, filled with concern. "I just can't ever win, can I...? Page Six has always had it in for me."

Having scrolled to the end of the article, Mer's quick to jump to her defence. "It's all such bull! What was I just saying earlier? There's no shame in needing help sometimes, but you literally do as much as you possibly can. You are a wonderful mum, Lol; you-"

But she's cut off as Eloise's phone rings. Her hesitant intake of breath tapers into a rueful scoff as she tilts her screen towards her and sees that it's Barbara.

Tossing it back on to her placemat, she scrubs her hands over her face before picking it up again and rejecting the call before turning it off.

"Who was that?" Crispin asks with a frown.

"Bloody Barbara... Our Exec Producer," she explains. "Shit, is it her?" she asks, immediately on edge as Harry's phone promptly starts ringing.

"No, it's just Jeff." He squeezes her hand. "Excuse me, everyone. I should take this, but will just be a second."

Eloise watches over her shoulder as he steps awkwardly around an approaching waiter in his haste to leave the restaurant. Twisting back, she feels hot at the attention, flushing at the various concerned and confused looks from her family, all having skimmed the article and photos.

Even Lucas' blue eyes swim with concern. "It's all nonsense, Lol. But at least you both look great in these pictures and, more importantly, really happy."

But it's Ben that cottons on fastest. "Hang on, what do you mean 'our' EP? Why would she put in a call to H? Wait-"

Eloise winces before burying her face in her hands, groaning. "Please don't-"

Lucas talks over her. "Everything okay, H?"

She whips around, relieved to have him back at her side so quickly - not least if they're about to face a Spanish Inquisition "What did Jeff say? Has she called him?"

"They reached out for comment just before publishing, but he ignored it, as always. We both had missed calls from Babs whilst we were chatting." Thinking of it, he tugs his phone back out of his pocket and switches it off, tossing it alongside hers.

Hating not being in the know, Ben's momentarily distracted, catching the looks Ollie and Crispin trade, but Harry all but confirms his suspicions. "Hold up, Barbara...? Barbara Broccoli?! The Barbara Broccoli? Holy shit! B-"

"Shh! Ben, don't say it," Eloise hisses. Her craning around to check no one's loitering too close only serves to further confuse Mer, Lucas, and Elin.

"Bond?!" Excitedly leaning as far over the table as he can reach, Ben only manages to tone it down to a stage whisper at best. "And both of you?!"

"Mate, seriously, please lower your voice." Harry pleads, worried this might just tip Eloise over the edge.

But if anything, she seems resigned and perhaps even a little relieved that the cat's out of the bag.

"Oh, wow! No way?!"

Lucas gapes at them just as comically as Mer, until he whips around to Crispin and Ollie. "Did you know? You two knew? You told them and not me?" He whines at Eloise, looking genuinely a little hurt. "You're going to be in a Bond film and-"

"God, seriously, lower your voice! I'm actually sweating here." Squirming in her seat, Eloise swipes at her brow. "I mean it, all of you, please... We'll get fired and sued if you let this slip. You have to promise us, okay?"

Harry cuts in, backing her up. "Keeping it under wraps is a huge deal... The big cast reveal is literally the whole marketing plan. The budget is hundreds of millions; the studios are not messing around."

Eloise eyes them all pointedly in turn. "We'll get NDAs printed for you all. And when I tell you it's watertight... Lucas, you'd get sued; understand? Now can we please change the subject?"

"Oh, can you really not tell us anything else? At all?" Mer pouts. "We're just excited for you."

"I know, and that's sweet, but we really can't."

"Not even what roles you're playing? Ooh, tell us who the new Bond is, then?" Ben barters, eyes alight with curiosity.

Ollie snorts a laugh. "You don't understand, she's going to be-"

"Shut it! Ol, I mean it, don't you dare say it."

"Wait, if he knows, that's not..." Lucas trails off as he joins the dots, but Ben beats him to it.

"No way! That's why it's such a big secret!" They stare at Eloise and Harry, wide-eyed.

"It's not a given." She rubs her neck sheepishly.

"What's not?" Elin frowns, confused.

She peeks over her shoulder again before finally whispering it aloud. "Whether I'll be Bond moving forward..."

"Huh?" Ollie whips his head back to her.

"It ends ambiguously, so it's a surprise for the next one. So don't go running your mouths or I'll look like a right idiot."

Ben frowns. "Yeah, but surely your contract gives you some indication?"

"It's just full of extensions and clauses and non-competes. They'll wait to gauge the response from the critics, media, and public before deciding." She shrugs again.

"Will you have any say? Could you back out?" 

Elin's question surprises Eloise, but Ben's continued quick-fire questions distract her.

"Who else is in the running? Not you, H, with your schedule, surely? Who else is in the cast?"

"We really can't say." Harry eyes him pointedly. "Come on, let's change the subject, please?"

"Let's." As Elin says it, clipped as ever, Eloise realises she barely gave any reaction at all. "Although you better get used to articles like that if you've signed on to something so big, let alone together," she tuts. "This will be your new every day, surely?"

Briefly meeting Eloise's gaze, she then busies herself tidying up the kids' paraphernalia from the table. "Is something this big a good idea? I didn't think you liked the attention that much. And so many people will object to a woman in that role; everyone will have an opinion on it and you. And you working together? A big franchise won't make allowances for being a mum, surely? Have you actually thought this through? I never thought you were that serious about acting."

Straining to hear her, Eloise has to bite her lip, but the last comment really throws her. "Sorry?"

But Elin meets her gaze again with a flippant shrug. "Well, I figured you'd do a few films to be known as more than just Harry's girlfriend, then settle down and be a wife and mother?"

Eloise snorts, flabbergasted.

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Elin raises an eyebrow.

Everyone else at the table shifts, wincing at her poking the bear and just waiting for Eloise to predictably blow up.

Her gaze is steely, but her response is quieter and more restrained than any of them would have anticipated. "That's an awful lot of assumptions to make..." After an awkward beat, Eloise reaches to unclip Dylan and Freya from their high chairs. "Is everyone else finished?" She only hopes she manages to mask how crestfallen she feels. How is it her mum always manages to hit her where it hurts?

"Yes, shall we let all these water babies have another splash before some quiet time?" Mer pipes up, in Eloise's corner, as ever. Finishing off her water, she raises her glass to her and Harry. "But cheers to you both... It's wonderfully exciting and such a huge achievement to be involved in something so epic."

At least everyone else manages to be more enthusiastic and supportive - joining in with congratulations, despite Harry and Eloise's attempts to deflect it.

"Can you give us any hints as to what you'll be doing in Naples?" Lucas bats his eyelashes, trying to lighten the mood.

"Nice try, but no! And the more you try your luck, the more stubborn I'll get; trust me." Eloise chuckles exasperatedly before standing and hefting Dylan and Freya up, asking Harry to pop her phone in the bag with their things.


Chatting quietly as they sit in the shade, reapplying suncream to the twins and themselves, Harry and Eloise notice the pool deck seems notably busier. It must be one of the mid-week changeover days.

With a rowdy group comprised of a few families having taken up residence at the other end of the curved pool, they don their hats and glasses before surreptitiously stepping back on to the pool's shallow ledge.

But Harry's tattoos are evidently noticeable enough... It isn't long before they're conscious of being clocked.

With pointing, excited squeals, and phones held aloft, the onlookers don't exactly seem to be trying to be subtle.

With the twins splashing happily between them, they feel torn. It would be unfair to sweep them straight up again and limit their fun by hiding them away, but they really don't want photos of them doing the rounds online.

As they shift position so Dylan and Freya's backs are to the crowd, an attentive Mer cottons on and heads over with Ben and the girls, standing in front of them to block the shots.

But the noisy group won't be deterred. Egging each other on, some teenagers wade over to brave saying hello.

Hoping it will help the novelty wear off, they chat politely but make a point of asking them not to photograph the babies.


Unfortunately, it only seems to fuel their interest. Soon enough, more teens and adults flock over - in the pool and via the deck, standing in amongst their loungers and belongings.

Feeling backed into a corner, Harry and Eloise's hackles soon rise.

Taken aback at the gall and pushiness of some of them, an attentive Ollie and Lucas join the efforts, lending some muscle to try to keep them from getting swarmed.

An indignant Crispin tries appealing to the lifeguard and then a barman before asking for the hotel manager to be called. He expects better from the clientele of a high-end hotel, but apparently, there's only so much they can do with paying guests before there's any sort of altercation.

When an overbearing woman comes and perches right next to Eloise and reaches to stroke Freya's wispy blonde curls, they call time. The adults seem even more pushy and entitled than their kids.

Out of the water and drying off the unimpressed and overwhelmed twins on the cabana day bed, the little crowd only presses closer. Ben steps in, asking everyone to back up and give them space and stop scaring the children.

Crying and kicking up a fuss as she buckles them into their pushchair, Eloise asks Nina to take the twins straight back to their suite whilst they pack up.

Noticing a couple of teens follow her as she leaves the pool deck, Harry jogs off to see them back to the room safely and ensure they don't trail them the whole way.

Ben dashes after him, just in case.

With Harry gone, the crowd eventually dissipates - rowdy and crowing back across to the other side of the pool.

It doesn't stop Ollie and Lucas from loitering close, very much on guard.

Feeling flustered and embarrassed, Eloise sits stewing under the cabana, peeved at other people once again thinking they have the right to intrude and ruin their day. So much for off-duty. Willing the pool floats to deflate faster, she shoves the rest of their things back into their bags one-handed. She shoots a pained smile at her dad as he sits alongside her to lend a hand with the second baby floatie.

He's seen them get attention before, but never like that, and never in a place like this. He's pretty horrified. It's a bolshy, fairly unsavoury group, but the sense of entitlement was galling.

"Sorry, for all the fuss," she mumbles awkwardly.

He waves it off, only worried for them. "How often is it like that?"

"Not very. But it always feels worse without an easy exit or ready excuse to dash off... And way more so with Dylan and Freya."

"Some of them were so pushy, and crowding around babies like that? They should be ashamed," he tuts, still rankled. "You both seem rattled, and fair enough."

"Just under pressure and stressed... All this really doesn't help."

"But why's the interest so hot? From paps to fans, and now random strangers?"

"Well, Harry shirtless does tend to make people lose their minds - even more so now!" She tries to lighten the mood a little, but then just shrugs. "I'm hoping it's just the novelty of being seen out and about again. We've had a pretty good run keeping a low profile for a while now... But if any of those idiots post or sell photos with Dylan and Freya's faces visible, I'll be furious."

Lucas perches alongside them. "Hey, Lol... Look at this." He had captured some footage of them being swamped, cataloguing how inappropriate it was - just in case. "You should post this. It's not right that you have to put up with shit like this."

Returning with Ben, Harry kneels behind Eloise and watches it over her shoulder.

It's pretty shocking to watch back. Distracted at the time with all the questions and requests, neither noticed how they instinctively tried to angle Dylan and Freya away from the crowd. Nor how they shifted closer together, shooting each other pointed looks, communicating silently as they slowly retreated.

Harry hangs his head, pressing a kiss to Eloise's hair for a beat. "Can you send us that, please?"

"It's powerful, but you should probably run it past publicists or lawyers to check the fuckers' anonymity to make sure they couldn't sue you," Ben warns.

"Oh, I can think of a few choice emojis to cover their faces with to reiterate the message quite nicely."

They snort at Eloise's snide suggestion, but Crispin frowns, looking between her and Harry, perturbed. "That this can happen at a classy hotel is shocking. I dread to think what it could be like elsewhere. And things like the bloody Sunday Times 'Rich List' can't help... I know it's a big step, but have you thought more about permanent security for when you're out and about, and to safeguard your home?"

"We've talked about it, but haven't decided yet." Harry rubs his nose. It's high time they had that conversation again.

Prompted by all this talk of posting, Eloise digs in the bags for her phone to switch it back on in case Nina needs them.

As she's trying to clear a raft of notifications, it rings in her hand. It's Barbara again, and she knows better than to ignore her twice. Taking a deep breath, she squares her shoulders, shooting Harry a look before accepting the call.

"For Christ's sake! Is this your idea of staying under the radar, Eloise? What the-" They all wince, hearing her bark down the phone, clear as day.

Rolling her eyes, she nudges Harry to grab the rest of their things as she gets an earful.

With another beefy escort back to their suite, Harry walks close to Eloise, listening in.

It's pretty telling that even despite the dragon lady's best efforts, both actually find themselves longing to get back to work before the end of their precious few days off.

*Please, please remember to vote!! And comments are always hugely appreciated for feedback... To those that do, thank you so much - it really does help motivate me to keep writing for you xx

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