your frozen heart (Empires/li...

By Rubylovesjimmy

8.5K 260 312

COVER ART BY NIKIII ON PINTEREST. a story based on alot of different smp things jimmy has done including las... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 9

436 12 23
By Rubylovesjimmy

Lizzie heard the door creek open before it closed shut over her TV program. She knew it must have been jimmy coming home from his date. "Jimmy?" Lizzie said getting up and walking over  to the door.

Jimmy heard his name be called and saw lizzie come out from the lounge and the TV go silent. He looked away from lizzie avoiding her eyes, he didn't want to look at her. His eyes where all red from crying and frustration boiled in his stomach. He pushed past her and ran up stairs to his room where he thrown himself onto his soft patterned dova. "Jimmy?..." lizzie said sighing knowing something had gone wrong from the obvious way he acted. She followed his muffled crys until she got to his room where she him. Jimmy's face was hidden in his pillow while his hand was turned into a fist as he punched the cod plush, scott had begged him into buying.

"Oh jim"lizzie said slowly walking over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder "what happened?"she asked softly. "Go away!" Jimmy shouted into his pillow, his tears stopping so he could catch his breath and his first stopped hitting the cod instead his hand slipt aroud the cods body. Lizzie didn't listen to jimmy and laid herself next to him knowing it didn't go well and jimmy was upset but she knew when he was upset it wasn't best to leave him alone. She sat there in silence before jimmy spoke again and lifted his head knowing she hadn't left, she never did leave him alone when he was sad.

"Why did you lie to me?" His voice cracked as he spoke, his voice still chocked up from  his crying

"You said he would like me" He said craddiling the cod in his arms

Lizzie looked up at him sadly and rested her arm on his shoulder "i- im sorry, things where going well yesterday so i thought-" lizzie said before jimmy cut her off by throwing the plushie at the wall past lizzie "you shouldn't have said that he would like me" jimmy cracked as another tear escaped his eyes. "Jimmy-...listen" she said softly rubbing his shoulder "your going to go through break ups, okay? And you have to know that not all of them are your fault okay? Things happen for a reason..."she said trying to explain how love broke all the time and how it would probably break again in the future. " and scott weren't ment to be?" He said softly and lizzie shook her head wiping her little brothers face "if he said no..probably not, I'm sorry jimmy" she said as he hugged her and she rocked him.

"No im sorry, i shouldn't have taken it out on you" He said hugging her tighter to stop himself from crying again. He loved scott but listening to lizzies words made him realise even if you love someone but they don't love you back you can't do anything about it. He couldn't change the fact scott didn't want to be with him and that wasn't lizzies fault nor his or Scott's, it was just that they weren't meant to be. They weren't soulmates. "I really wish we where meant to be though" He whispered sadly as his eyes began to flutter and become heavy.

(The next day at school)

"You going to be okay?" Lizzie asked on the bus to school. Jimmy had a  rough night and sadness still sat in his stomach making a lump in his throat as he bobbed his head in a yes. Lizzie gave him a concerned look as the bus stopped as she put her arm behind her brothers back as they got of the bus and walked into school. "Are you going to tell the others?" She asked as they started there way over to where grian and tango where talking , in there usual meetings spots.

"Yeah, if i don't they'll just be asking me about it all they derseve to know" He said slowly. He loved grian and tango, they where like his extra brothers, he didn't want to have to hide anything from them expecially since they knew about the date and other wise would be thinking scott said yes.

Soon enough they reached them and they all greeted each other and hugged. Of course they sensed something was up with jimmy just from his greeting "what up?" Tango said worriedly. Grian put his hand on Jimmy's forehead "are you feeling ill?"before removing it as it felt the normal temputare just a bit sweaty so he wiped his hand on his sweater. Of jimmy was In his usual mood, grian would have made a joke but he could sense a joke right now wouldn't make jimmy laugh.

"I- I" jimmy stumbled on his words scared that if he told them he would start crying infront of everyone In the corridor, he couldn't do that. Grian put his arm around Jimmy's back and lizzie put her hand on his shoulder while tango gave him a soft supportive look to carry on "you know about that date yesterday.." Jimmy said gulping as tango and grian nodded there faces not showing any change in emotion waiting for jimmy to continue. "He said he doesn't love me...." Jimmy said rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't crying as his tummy flipped over the words, doesn't love me.

Grian and tangos face dropped as they both hugged him "I'm sorry" they both said realising the hug. Tango tried to find him in the crowd of people in the corridor "that rat I swear if he-" Tango whent to say but grian put his hand on his cheek and shook his head giving tango a look before he removed his hand. "Jimmy you'll be okay" grian said softly "Where here for you" He said. Jimmy smiled a little, the corners of his mouth turning up but his eyes still looked full of sadness "Thanks" jimmy said "I really appreciate you guys" He said sniffing trying to get rid of the lump in his throat, he couldn't stop thinking about scott and the stupid "I don't love you" that he had shouted at him "we can just be friends though...." that other sentence came in his head making him wince, yeah just friends, he didn't think his heart would let him do that...

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