All Because Of A Single Stupi...

By Write_Your_Own

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English is not my first language so please excuse my mistakes Long story short: Four elite ANBU members-some... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5

chapter 4

210 10 6
By Write_Your_Own

The Team Rō manage to escape from from chase thanks to Tenzo who used up all of his chakra to make the wood wall thicker. All the way, he passed out from exhaustion. Team Rō arrived at their hideout-An abandoned building. While Yugao was talking care of Tenzo, Kakashi took care of the food and Banri organized the things they have bought and sealed them all in an empty sealing scroll.


(You can say that this chapter is like a PoV of our four protagonist!)

Kakashi was known to be cold-blooded in the ANBU, but hey! What can he say, he was going through in a traumatic experience that he was ashamed off. He only got out of his brooding-phase after meeting Team 7. Despite the fact that he knew Hiruzen's reasons why he was forced to retire—While Hiruzen had claimed it was because he wanted him to teach, but he knew the truth. He knew it was to prevent him from becoming another Itachi, another prodigy with a broken mind and stuck in the past bitching about his mistakes. They were afraid he was going to snap,—He was thankful that he didn't rebuked against Hiruzen's decisions, although, you could say that Banri was the reason why he didn't rebuke.

Not that he had the guts to rebuke against the Hokage anyway.

Because of his retirement, he meet Team 7, his not-so-little-cute-anymore-students became his everything.

"Where going to have to depart again."

Kakashi hummed at the announcement, his eyes focusing solely on his book, but he knew Banri knew that he was actually observing. "The reason?"

"Remember that League of shit or something I talk earlier." It wasn't a question, but more like a statement, Banri was just reminding them, "Appearantly." He paused for a moment, as if he was looking for the right sentence, "UA is located in the Musutafu, so its best if we all depart there right now."

"Tenzo, do you think you can still travel by foot?" Kakashi asked his kouhai, he'd consider Banri's decision but, he would have been a terrible senpai if he doesn't look after his kouhai's.

"Almost half of my chakra is replenished. I can manage." Tenzo replied, taking the water from Yugao's hands, mouthing her a quick 'thank you'.

"Then its settled!" Kakashi stood up and closed his book, tucking it through his trusty pouch. He took out an extra storage scroll, that he had personally made yesterday and sealed his bag. "We'll set out right away!"




Tenzo could never considered himself as a good person or a bad person. He was just between those two context, that's all. He had almost kill his senpai's, killed Konoha people—civilians and shinobis alike—that were actually innocent, kidnapped innocent infants and toddlers, to consider himself as a good person.

After the Fourth Great Shinobi War, he assigned to look after Orochimaru and his actions. Let's say that he had followed the Sannin 24/7, not even bothering to take a break. It intrigued him that one day, Sai came and told him he was gonna temporarily replace Tenzo.

It was confusing, really. He hadn't taken any other missions for the past years other than babysitting the bitch Orochimaru, Tenzo had a doubt at the back of his head that the snake was going mental with his mouth that woukd constantly mutter about experimental subjects and such. He headed towards the ANBU HQ and was meet with his old ANBU Team, though, some were not present, but nonetheless it was still his comrades.

Anyways, before they could even officially start the mission, the space-time seal Genma had been working on went wrong all because of a single stupid mistake. He could still vividly felt himself at that time of being sucked in a vortex, his ears felt like breaking itself from the high-pitch screech, his body experiencing nausea that was way worse than riding a carriage.

Tenzo had lost his track of time. Despite wanting to pass out already, his shinobi instict forced to keep his heavy eyes open. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he should be grateful thay he was still conscious, though he guessed that it was thanks to his Hashirama cells. He felt like he was inside of the Land of Purgatory.

Kami, he can't imagine that.


Yugao had never expected to see her former captain, who'd casually knocked inside of her dormitory and told her a long-term mission had required her presence together with Kakashi and Tenzo. To say, she was a bit shocked, but didn't showed it. Who wouldn't be shocked when her senpai had told her that a mission requires her presence, she knew that they could have taken care of the mission even without her presence.

Then, Banri said something that made her wonder if he has a mind reading jutsu.

"Don't doubt yourself. You are needed for this mission." Nonetheless, it made her courage, unknowingly, risen up. She let out a genuine smile, she hadn't smiled ever since the death of her lover. But Banri, her Captain and Commander, would always use his weird ways of words that was one of the reasons why all of the ANBU Black Ops respects him.

All in all, he was peculiar.


Banri may be an anti-social. He guessed that it was the ANBU's influence, though, despite being anti-social. Banri was not an idiot, he wasn't someone whose dense that they could not tell the atmosphere. Otherwise he would have been a terrible shinobi if he doesn't abruptly react just because he can't tell the air's atmosphere. It was how he had distinguish between allies and foes, and be able to live tomorrow from threats that occured in his life time.

Banri knew the thoughts of his comrades the moment he had dragged them onto a mission that would last eight months or so. As he said, despite being anti-social, he is not slow-witted, he had spend a quarter of his lifespan at the ANBU Black Ops, he knows everyone there, even the newbies. And by what he meant knowing, he also knows their personality.

Banri knew that Kakashi thought that he had bribed Tsunade with sakes, money and a pill he had taken from a mad scientist,—And if you think that it's Orochimaru, who he's referring to, it's not him. Banri had tooked it from a mad scientist at one of his ANBU missions. An A-rank, by the way—a pill that allows an individual to whoever swallows it, their body would changed onto thejr thirty years prior body. Much to say, Tsunade was delighted but he wasn't getting onto the point.

Anyways, this was what had actually happened:

"Tsunade-sama." Banri respectfully called out in a monotonous tone. Tsunade, who enjoyed drinking her new sake, stopped the moment she heard the changing tone of Banri's voice. She placed the sake on the the table and directly looked at Banri, "This mission we're about to perform isn't some any other S-rank mission. You could say that it's higher than an S-rank, but with our skills it's qn S-rank." Banri explains, "This mission needs," He uttered the last part in a clear tone, "This mission 'needs' a Hokage to supervise it. You're out of the option as I know that you know the reason as much as you wants to deny it." Tsunade let out a sigh, she was getting old, that was the reason, despite being in her prime, she knew that she could not take any more missions and only wants to enjoy her golden days. She doesn't wants to end up like her grandfather and granduncle who—in their entire life—only became a shinobi and honorably died like one.

"Naruto's skills can be said to be a Hokage, but he's still not suited enough be a vessel with his lack of experience and you know know rest." Tsunade let out a scoff, but didn't deny it, Naruto was still not suited to be a Hokage vessel. "Kakashi, however, is the suited one. Even if he had lost his sharingan, I made sure to train him per by your orders. His brain and skills is needed for this mission."

After that talk, Tsunade had agreed to temporary take care of the paperworks and Kakashi, who had no idea of what reasons could Banri has that he has to perform the S-rank mission together with his two kouhai's and Banri. While thinking, that Banri had bribed Tsunade while not knowing the entire reason for Tsunade's agreement.

It made him helpless on how his comrades would misunderstood something that he hadn't even explained yet. Though, Banri didn't do anything about it.




Banri could never decide himself to be good or evil. Nor could he considered himself to be in that two context middle.

Banri, was what you could say a selfish shinobi. A shinobi that only follows orders to someone he deemed respectable, a shinobi that doesn't care anyone else other than himself and his comrades.

He thinks first before taking an action, his decisions were thoroughly inspected inside of his head, running them through multiple scenarios and theories. Some may say that his strategy and the way he decides on something was on par onto that of a Nara. But Banri knew his IQ could never be compared to a Nara. His experience and hard work studies were only filling up for his low IQ.

Though, there were times where Banri didn't need to rethink his decisions over and over again and running them through multiple or many even thousands scenarios and theories.

The same could be said after Tsunade had fallen onto coma after the Pain Attack. It happened right after the Jonin Commander and himself, an ANBU Commander, was immidiately summoned at the Daimyo's council after rebuilding the quarter half of the village.

It wasn't a decision he had to think over and over again. He knew that Danzo had taken advantage about Tsunade being in a coma and could possibly died, to take the seat. He supported Shikaku's decision over picking Kalashi, but nooo! That fucking senile daimyo just have to pick Shimura fucking Danzo. As much as Banri wanted to spat on the daimyo's face and throw curses towards him, he couldn't do so as the daimyo were one of the reasons why Konoha was not facing financial issues. Yet.

Some would say that he is a noble shinobi. But honestly, all Banri could reply was a scoff to that person's face.

As much as most of Danzo's motives were noble. Banri still doesn't agree with the dead man's beliefs.




"It's you again." The man, who Kakashi had meet a few days ago, said, his eyes continously kept on looking at Kakashi.

"Maa, you say something?" Truthfully — Kakashi had already noticed the man's presence but didn't bothered on nailing the man as a threat-Kakashi was too absorbed at his favorite book that he couldn't clearly hear what the man had just said. The man, meanwhile, irked at the ignorance.

"Nevermind what I had just said," He grumbled under his breath, but it was enoigh for Kakashi to heard what he had said with his enhanced ears, "Kid, where do you live."

"In the nearby alley." He nonchalantly lied, Kakashi was confident that Eraserhead wouldn't be able to see through his lie, after all, he has years of experience about lying and such when performing undercover missions. So he doesn't really feel bad about lying since he could potentially bring his comrades in danger if he'd ever tell the truth.

He sighs. Kakashi doesn't care any of his problems-Technically, Kakashi-he has a lot in his mind right now like what happened to Konoha with their absence? His students? What if his Kamui would not work? There were many things on the list of problems yet Kakashi couldn't choose what is the most important problem of his to be solve.

"What's your quirk, by the way?" Eraserhead asked as me made himself comfortable on the ground next to Kakashi.

Right, He thought, Quirks. Another thing he considered a problem, he didn't know what to say except, 'I'm born with an energy called chakra, that is way more overpowered in this world'. So without even thinking, he said out loud, "Energy manipulation."

"Energy. . . manipulation?" He repeated hesitantly, as if he wasn't convinced.

It was at this moment that Kakashi had noticed he had said it out loud, but he only nodded slowly, "Yeah. . . my quirk is energy manipulation."

"How does it work?"

Great, another problem had occurred. He really didn't want to say how his chakra work to a stranger and it could potentially brought out his weakness. He shrugged, before he used body flicker to distanced himself.

"What a problem child."

Unbeknownst to him, Kakashi could hear his mutter.




"I'll asume that you're just also a clone?" All for One said with an unknowingly tone behind the television.

Banri let out a sigh, crossing his right leg over his left, he crack his neck. "No, this time I'm the real one." Banri confirmed, he doesn't really care if he told the truth as the information really doesn't have any of its use, "Let us not beat around the bush and get to the point." It wasn't a suggestion.

"Very well then."

"My Team and I decided that I shall be the one to infiltrate the school." Well, to be more precise. They voted that I should be the one to infiltrate. Was left unsaid.

"Excellent." Had Banri didn't deal with multiple people like All for One in his missions, he would have thought of his remark as a sarcastic one.

Banri sat on the stool, he ignored the way the purple mist guy kept on glancing from his direction from time to time as he listened at All for One's information about All Might and UA. It isn’t a particular difficult mission anyway, but intel makes everything easier.

They talk about mission specifics for 10 more minutes.

"I've also set up a house with a family for you to be with during your time at UA."

The remark got him a silent and tense pause from Banri. Turning his head towards the television, barely holding himself from pounding on the T.V screen, he said, "No." Banri twitch his mouth. Did they think thay just because Banri is temporary working with them for a while, they can now eventually convince him to stay with some random strangers—that Banri was confidently sure All for One had brainwashed them. Ah shit, reminds him of Orochimaru,—and play house?

"To avoid suspicion in any way, I suggest you take this generous offer of shelter."

"There’s no reason for me to live with them." Correct, Banri has no reason to live and play house with a stranger that could possibly be younger than him. "You seem insistent."

Banri knows this trick. It was a basic trick in the shinobi world, the play house is just a pretense when they actually wants to monitor his actions and the possibly to meet the rest of his team. Not that Banri was stupid enough to let him friends enter a house filled with people that All for One had brainwashed. He wouldn’t be surprised if the so called family were trained to subdue him.

"Just as you said. This is an undercover mission, you shouldn't be suprise that I'm also giving you a fake family."

Banri rolled his eyes behind his mask, he knows what kind of game All for One was making. If the guy is playing mind games, then he should have been a bit good at it, the Nara's and Kage's would have laugh at the man's mind games. To Banri, All for One's schemes were pitifully predictable.

Banri let out a sigh, as he finally gave in, but not before giving out a threat, "Waste my time such as this so-called family, again. I will torture you." He warned, but his instinct was telling him that All for One was taking his threat frivolously. Sure, he admit that him being underestimate by All for One irritate him but soon, time shall reveal on how intimidating he can be. That was how shinobi's, that got on his way, learned it the hard way after underestimating his skills.

"Allow Kurogiri to accompany you at the fake-family house."

Banri turned towards the misty guy, named Kurogiri. He sets the whisky glass and towel down and steps out and walk near him but kept his distance and said, "Shall we go?"

"Don't care. Just don't waste my time."

A portal of purple mist opens as Banri follows Kurogiri into it.




Funabori,  Edogawa city.

When they step out of the portal, there were two people, a man and a woman to be precise, waiting for them at a medium sized house.

"Where are we?" Banri asked taking off his mask to reveal a transformation face.

"Funabori, Edogawa city." Kurogiri replied.

"Kurogiri-san!" The woman exclaims happily as she gently lifts her long skirt to walk down the path that leads to the house. Kurogiri nodded in response as the woman turned her head towards Banri. The moment her eyes spotted at Banri, her cheeks turned into rosy pink as she beamed, her lips reached her eyes. "You must be Kenta-kun."

It seems that guy gave me a pseudonym name.

Her voice were sweet, so soft and affectionate that Banri wanted to puke in front of the woman's face.

"I'm Hagimoto Satsuki, it's a pleasure to have you in our home! Call me Satsuki or mother if you'd prefer."

Banri would rather die than call the woman, 'mother'. Ban—no, in this operation—Kenta nodded. Kurogiri nodded as if his expectations had been meet within his head. "The both of you seemed to get along very well."

Kenta wants to tightly strangle Kurogiri's metal neck with his chains

"I'll be on my way then."

Yeah, Kenta noted, I hope a lighting struck's you. Kenta couldn't careless about their goodbye's as kurogiri finally dissapeared in a swirl of purple mist..

The woman turned towards Kenta, taking his hand and dragging him inside of the house and was meet by a man, who Kenta assumed as her husband, who was waiting.

"This is my husband!" She exclaimed in he same tone.

The man stood up from the couch, walking towards Kenta and extends his hand.

"My name is Hagimoto Chizu." He introduced himself in a soft-hearted tone, the edges of his tips rose that it somehow made Kenta wonder if he was focing himself to smile, "You can call me Chizu-san or father."

Kenta monotonously take Chizu's hand and shake them before letting go. The husband and wife had taken Kenta for a house tour.

Currently, Kenta had regretted not letting his shadow clone to take his place instead.




Aizawa dull and tired eyes reads over his class list for the year. His eyes landed on a smiling boy with plain, blue hair and eyes, and a pale complexion.

Hagimoto Kenta.

All in all he seemed completely ordinary, in comparison to the other students anyway. Aizawa would have failed to noticed him if not for the fact that his registration is piled together with some of Japan's future heroes, slash students.

If Aizawa were to be honest, the boy looks like someone who doesn't have any potential.

Nonetheless, ordinary looks may can be fooled. But Aizawa hopes that Hagimoto doesn't disappoint him.

His eyes drifted to an another paper with a boy who has a grey defying hair. Aizawa's lips morphed into a grin, his eyes glinted in satisfaction.

It seems that he had accepted it.




It was now the entrance exam.

Kenta pretty much took it nonchalantly but he put up a nervous façade. The entrance exam was nothing compared to a C-rank mission, answering questions that he had purposely let some of them be failed, fighting robots which is honestly, for his perspective a shit. He doesn't get why children here are overreacting to such a huge robot, but then again, this world's views were completely different from his.

Though, he call children here shit. There was this one broccoli guy with a broken bones, a stuck-up in the rules four-eyes, and a blond idiot he recognized from All for One.

Then. . . . Then. . . .

There was this one familiar grey-haired boy.

Kenta followed the grey-haired boy inside of the bathroom. Making sure no one was inside, cameras completely gone.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Kakashi?!" Kenta hissed to Kakashi who nonchalantly washed his hands on the sink. Kenta frustratedly ran his hand over his face, letting out an exasperation sigh, he said, "Why the fucking shitty hell, didn't you tell me that you were participating on this excuse of an exam?!"

"Maa," Kakashi paused as he meet with Kenta's brown eyes, just by staring at his eyes, Kakashi knew that Kenta has no time for shits. "There was nothing to do, and then a hero I have been meeting quite sometime told me that I have a potential to be a hero so I enrolled here. Not that I wanted to be a hero, but," He paused holding out his xidnex finger, "I might help you in your mission."

He sighs, "Tell me how it happened."




Aizawa let out a grunt as he stood besides Midnight and Present Mic, while looking at the two pro-hero in from the top ten.

Aizawa didn't know why, but somehow, Nezu asked for Midnight, his and Present Mic's presence saying there's a two guests.

He didn't expect the two guests to be Mirko and Edgeshot.

"Principal Nezu." Edgeshot respectfully greeted with a bow, "Mirko and I are having a hard time lately due to four vigilantes or villains."

That statement made Aizawa rose an eyebrow, and he knew that he wasn't the only one to do so.

It was unusual for someone from the two top ten heroes to have a difficulty when it comes from vigilantes or villains. Unless it is someone beyond their skills, that is.

"We hired the best of the best hackers out there to check the surveillance camera, but not a single one of them could crack it. Both of us suspect that there is a high-level hacker from the four of them." Edgshot said making Nezu's eye glint. Aizawa could tell that the principal was intrigued at the four villains.

"And we want you to help us hack the camera and get it back to pieces so we can catch those annoying brats!"

This time Aizawa spoke, "Hang on," He paused, "Brats?"

Mirko clocked her tongue as she nodded her head, "Yeah, those brats are no ordinary one. One of them has a quirk similar to Kamui Woods, and let me tell you. It was fucking harder than metal."

Nezu giggles, taking out his laptop, "Where is the CCTV located?" He asked with a grin.

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