You saved me

By sadanne101

25.4K 773 370

Meredith Grey, double board certified surgeon in both neuro and general. She is a child prodigy and has been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Part 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 23

625 17 19
By sadanne101

Meredith was currently sat in her office chair slightly moving it from left to right as she thought about earlier. Just remembering herself waking up, crying and screaming made her want to shrivel up from embarrassment. Then having to think about how Derek felt and what he probably now thought of her was making it worse. She needed to worry about this another time though or she would be late for her surgery. There was so much going on in her head she had no time to even think about the phone call earlier in the morning.

She decided that after her first surgery she would call all the department heads in for the exciting news she wanted to share. Though that would involve seeing Derek. She needs to be professional, hopefully Derek won't want to speak to her. She wouldn't blame him after this morning.

The surgery that is scheduled for this morning is simple enough and so she decided to have the help from Dr Stevens assisting. Her second surgery was at 9:20 more complicated she was doing the surgery alongside Teddy to which she was thankful for as she didn't really fancy dealing with Burke. No one really did.

Meredith changed into her scrubs and headed down to the O.R. She loved the fact that hardly anyone was there. The quietness at this hour always brought her great comfort, she felt as though she was in her own little world.

"Chief Grey"

"Good Morning Dr Stevens" Meredith smiled.

"Morning. Thankyou for allowing me to help assist in this surgery it really is a pleasure" The blonde beamed.

"Morning person I take it?" Meredith chuckled.

"Not really. Surprising I know. I'm just very excited" Izzie stated as they walked into the scrub room.

"I can tell but this is just a plane Jane surgery nothing interesting till later which you will also be helping in on."

"Oh I ummm"

"What's the matter Stevens?" Meredith questioned.

"It's just that Burke is doing this really cool surgery at some point today and he said I could be in it, though I dont know what time it's being scheduled." Izzie looked at the sink then back up at Meredith.

"That's fine, I'll get someone else to replace you" Meredith politely smiled as she tied her mask.


The surgery flew past with no complications which is always great to have. Next on her list of things to do was get the news out to all the department heads so off she hurried to the conference room.

Once arriving she went to the head of the table to face everyone when they came in. She was ten minutes early so decided to just take a seat and wait. There was no need to set anything up which is probably her favourite part as she would always hate setting up or preparing for presentations. So as she sat down she mentally went over everything else she had to do today such as what meeting was first and with who. There was a knock at the door before it opened and she found herself now staring at Derek who had just walked in wearing that cheerful smile of his. It was so dreamy, a dreamy smile. That was then when a cog went in her head. Dreamy, Mcdreamy why on earth had she now just given Derek the nickname of Mcdreamy.

"You left rather early this morning" Derek said sitting in the chair directly next to her.

God was he trying to gather some sort of attention.

"I had an early surgery scheduled and like I said earlier I have a very busy day" She said trying to end the conversation.

"Meredith what happened last night. What got you so upset?" He asked genuinely concerned for her. She looked at him with worried eyes debating to share with him her dream. No it wasn't fair to lumber that on him.

"Nothing." She said leaning back in her seat.

"Meredith" Derek softly spoke moving his hand towards her.

"I said it was nothing." She snapped. "Now leave it alone"

He looked hurt by the harshness in her voice and sat back in his chair. He saw how upset she looked but that face soon disappeared as someone came in. It's like she put on a mask.

The room was then soon full as everyone had arrived.

"Thankyou everyone for taking the time to come to this meeting. I called you all here as I have been discussing that one and only one of the departments will be given $3 million to help expand their speciality. I will choose which department the money will go to and in order to decide you are all to come up with a presentation explaining to me why this should only go to your department. Now I will email you all with more details on the matter but I do need to get going now." Meredith grabbed her bag and headed out the door looking around the room and seeing smiles on all faces even those including Burke.

She hurried off to her next meeting which was going to last around an hour, just stuff explaining or introducing new hospital investors. All something Meredith found rather boring, but its part of the job at the end of the day.

"Chief Grey, brilliant to see you again" Ian said. Ian was one of the new investors to the hospital he had come to a few of the meetings prior and was always the first to say a hello to Meredith when she walked in.

"Lovely seeing you as well Ian, as well as everyone else here" Meredith laughed.

"Well lets crack on shall we?" Ian pointed to the free seat that was waiting for her beside him.

She nodded her head and sat down ready to hear what was going on and she could now mention that she just told the department heads about the funding.

"Dr Grey did you manage to spread that exciting news you fought long and hard to get approved yet?" Lesley one of the board members questioned looking down her glasses.

"Funny you mention that as I was just about to bring that up, everyone seemed to be smiling so lets hope we see some interesting presentations" Meredith chatted away.

The meeting lasted another half an hour just going over the same old same old. Once it had finished Meredith hastily walked off as she had her surgery to attend. As she began to speed off Ian caught up to her.
"Chief Grey, hey" He said catching up to her.

"Oh hey, what's up. Also you know you can call me Meredith?"

"Oh yes, Meredith. Can I ask you something?" He said going slightly red.

"Make it quick I have a surgery to get to I cant be late" She said sweetly.

"Well I - I was wondering if you were free Thursday?" He asked running his hand on the back of his neck.

"Chief Grey!" Another voice caught her off guard as she heard it from down the corridor.

"Yes I'm free schedule a meeting" She said quickly turning her attention.

"It's not for a meeting it's actually for a uhh" Ian was then tripping over his words but Meredith didn't hear any of it as there was shouting from down the corridor still.

"Chief Grey! Chief Grey!" Two nurses were trying to grab her attention. She looked up to them and saw them pointing at Dr Burke and Dr Altman, who were causing a scene.
"Ian I'm so sorry, email me the meeting details or ask Lesley to I need to handle this." And with that she headed over to Altman and Burke.

"Tough luck man" Mark said placing a hand on Ian's shoulder. Mark had popped out of no where but overheard the whole thing of Ian trying to invite Meredith out but her innocently ignoring it. Ian just looked at Mark with an annoyed glare before strolling of his separate way. Leaving Mark in hysterics.

"What in God's name is going on here?" Meredith said furiously but kept a low voice she had had enough of Burke and she just hoped this was not blown out of proportion.

"She's stolen my surgery!" Burke pointed Teddy.

"I did not this is my surgery you just presumed it was yours when it never was. If you read any emails or just spoke to others around here other than believing everything is yours you would know. Now get off your high horse." Altman spat.

"What surgery?" Meredith sighed.

Both Burke and Teddy said " Mrs Karringtons" they then both stared at Meredith waiting for a response.

"Well that is actually my surgery and I do believe if I remember correctly on the O.R. Board" She started walking to the board. " Ah yes I was right, my surgery and... Dr Altman is in there as well as my cardio consult. Which it clearly states on the O.R. Board. Now Dr Burke if you could excuse us we are both running slightly behind on a surgery." Meredith then walked away followed shortly by Teddy.

"God Grey I cant put up with him I don't know how you are able to" Teddy giggled.

"If I didn't have to put up with him I wouldn't, but at last I need to give it some time as I am new in this position, cant just get rid of the staff I dont like. That's why I got you to come along and try share the department with him. How is that going by the way?" Meredith mocked knowing it wasn't going too well.

"Very funny" She nudged her arm into Meredith.

"It's been a while Grey we do really need to catch up" Teddy suggested leaning on the scrub door to open it.

"We do I'm pretty busy this week but you could come over maybe this weekend? Come see Ellis I know its been ages, you don't have to though if you don't want to."

"Of course I will" she grinned.


Meredith's surgery was going well she was half way through now and she had forgotten about how great it was to be in the O.R. With someone she liked such as Teddy. Everything would just work a lot better and smoother.


Mark , the hospitals man whore thought that the conversation he had heard earlier was extremely funny between some guy and the Chief and wanted to share it with his best friend Derek Shepherd.

He saw Derek walking down the corridor and waved trying to grab his attention. "Shep"

"Oh god Mark what do you want?" Derek looked up.

"I just came from upstairs there was this poor guy trying to get with the Chief it was funny to watch. Maybe I'll see if she wants some of this" Mark then done a spin.

"What did she say?"

"What do you mean?"

"To the guy." Derek said bluntly.

"She didn't even realise she thought he was talking about scheduling a meeting for the hospital. Maybe I'll share some of my moves with him, you know give him a little helping hand" Mark laughed.

"No you wont" Derek said more sternly as his mood shifted something that didn't go unnoticed by Mark.

Derek was annoyed he didn't know why, she didn't agree to go out with the guy but still he had this feeling in his chest that wouldn't go away. The way Derek's mood had changed was shown in the way he was standing and his now more grumpy looking face and that's when Mark put two and two together.

"Oh man.."

"Shut up."


"I'm leaving."

"Oh come on Shep why didn't you tell me."

"I just ...didn't."

"When did this thing for Grey start?"

There was no reply Derek just walked off at a quicker pace to finish checking in on some of his patients. He then planned on going to see Meredith once he had finished, he wanted to check in on her as he presumed she was ignoring him and he wasn't going to let her do it.


"See you later Mer" Teddy smiled before running off to do something.

Meredith looked at her watch on her wrist and realised she had no time to change if she wanted to make it to her meeting with Ellis' teacher but even then she would be cutting it close. So instead of going to change she was going to have to show up in her scrubs. Thank god there was nothing on them such as blood or any bodily fluids that would not be a great look. She went straight to her office to quickly grab her handbag and then headed out to her Jeep.

As she was doing this she thought to herself what Mrs Kingsley could possibly be wanting to meet with her about. She then thought that most parents who were called in like this would dress smart , respectable and this embarrassed her as she knew she would never be one of those parents. Yes she wore smart outfits to work when absolutely needed but she was still someone who preferred to wear casual as much as she could. No one seemed to mind this recently though when she came to work so guess that was a good thing.


She was currently walking down the corridor of the school, she had checked in at reception and they sent her down this way towards Mrs Kingsley's office. This slow walk reminded Meredith of when she use to get into trouble at school which wasn't very often but when it happened these few odd times this walk filled her with anxiety.

She finally reached the office that read 'Mrs Kingsley' and so she knocked twice out of respect and waited for a voice to allow her to come in.

"It's open."
Meredith took that as a yes to come in so she opened the door and saw Mrs Kingsley sat there.

"I feel like I'm in trouble you calling me here" Meredith laughed.

"Not you Dr Grey don't worry" Mrs Kingsley said without any emotion.

She took a seat opposite her and waited for her to say something.

"Ellis is sat in her class at the minute which is currently being covered by our class teaching assistant whilst I sit in here."

There was a moments silence as Meredith didn't know what she was meant to reply back to that.

"Ellis has been refusing to work with anyone in her class, everyone else is able to do it except her. Because of this she then refuses to participate so she needs to stay with you until she is able to join in and cooperate with others. Once she is able to do that she is welcome to come back to school."

"She's 4. You cant expect a 4 year old to always want to cooperate etc"

"Dr Grey I told you what needs to be done now I suggest you go collect her from class and then leave."

"You want me to take her now?"
Of course Meredith wanted to take her but she also didn't want to take her back to the hospital but she neeed to go back. She felt awful she never wanted to be like her mother. Her mother was a top class surgeon but always forgot about her daughter . Meredith when she was younger would just wander around the hospital not knowing what to do or knowing where her mother was. Sometimes her mother forgot that Meredith was even at the hospital and so she would be there until someone reminded her that she had left her child.
Meredith told herself she wouldn't become anything like her, that was one of her deepest fears. She had decided there and then that she will go to the hospital and reschedule her meetings that were in the afternoon and then go home with Ellis, even if that meant damaging her career.

"Where's her class?"

Mrs Kingsley then got up and held the door open suggesting Meredith to follow her in which she did.

The classroom was only a few doors away and as Mrs Kingsley opened the door Meredith heard a little boy gasp at her. Oh god did she have blood on her scrubs that she hadn't noticed? This is not how she wants children to see her.
"Are you a doctor?" The little boy asked.

"Yes I am, I'm Dr Grey what's your name?"

"Daniel. Where do you work?" He asked inquisitively.

"At a hospital."

"What one."

"Seattle Grace."

The boy gasped again "My mummy went there when she went to have my baby sister, I really wanted a brother but they gave me a sister" he stuck his tongue out causing Meredith to giggle.

"Maybe you might get a brother next time."

"I hope so. Why are you here is someone ill?"

She loved the fact that this little boy had such a big mind that was curious on asking her so many questions.

"I'm here to pick up my daughter. Do you know a girl in your class called Ellis?" Meredith smiled.

"Hmmm ... yes I do she's over there." The boy pointed to Ellis sat in the corner reading a book.

"I'm her mummy."

"Wow I wish my mummy was a doctor."
Mrs Kingsley then cleared her throat looking at Meredith almost trying to push her away from the little boy and just get her out of her class as quick as possible. Meredith then stood up and walked over to Ellis.

"Hey sunshine what you reading?"

"Biff an Chip" She smiled showing her teeth. A grin that always melted her heart.

"Let's go read it in the car your coming to work with me" She gleamed picking up Ellis.

"Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Yep now lets grab your bag and lunch box then we can get a wiggle on shall we?" Ellis nodded her head in response.


Meredith arrived back at the hospital ready to go change some plans around with Ellis sat on her hip. The whole hospital was about to see her and her daughter, that realisation scared her. She quickly headed to the elevators and as the door opened she saw Derek. She couldn't avoid him, now what was she going to do. Surely he won't ask her anything with Ellis by her.

"Meredith I need to talk to you." Derek said. Guess she was wrong.

"Not now." She tilted her head at Ellis. Derek then understood that she didn't want to talk about it with Ellis being there.

"Hi Ellis" He chose to just move on with the topic.

"Hi" She gave out a quiet giggle. He smiled at her and she returned one back, then sticking her tongue out at him. The two then began imitating each other and pulling funny faces something Meredith couldn't help but laugh at.

"So how come little miss Grey is here?" Derek asked.

"Silly reason. She wasn't participating in tasks at school so until she does she doesn't go back." Meredith shrugged.

"That's stupid. So what are you to up to?"

"I need to go reschedule some meetings then we are going home as I have no one to look after Ellis."

"I can look after her... if you want that is."

"I couldn't ask you to do that. Your probably very busy and its the last thing you want to be doing."

"If I didn't want to I wouldn't have asked. I don't have any surgeries scheduled for the rest of the day so I'm more than happy to."

She didn't reply back clearly unsure so Derek spoke again. "I have four sisters, very girly I grew up with them picking on me, they have kids who I look after. I'm more than happy to look after her there's nothing she could do that I haven't already been through or anything I can't handle. She's only four." Derek laughed.

She held back for a moment "Ellis do you want to hang out with Derek for a while?"
Ellis looked at Meredith and nodded, looks like she did want to go with the man who was pulling silly faces.

"Okay then. If your sure?" She then looked at Derek again.

"I am" He held his arm out to take Ellis' bag, which Meredith then gave him.

"So please stay in my office don't go anywhere else" Meredith said to them both waiting for confirmation from them both before handing over the key to her office. They then nodded at her.
"Good. Also Derek could you just pop my bag in there as well I only need my laptop."

"Yep, good luck we will see you later." Derek smiled.
Meredith placed a kiss on Ellis' head and waved goodbye, walking out of the elevator.

Derek and Ellis were now in there together when he asked her "What do you want to do?"

"Can I read you my book?" Ellis said then grabbing hold of Derek's hand. He looked down at her hand seeing it enclosed in his, how tiny they were.

"I'd love to hear it" They then stepped off the lift and walked towards Meredith's office, still holding each other's hand.

Thankyou for reading :)
I made this chapter rather long to hopefully make up for them recently being shorty and long waited on.
Leave a like and comment for me :)

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