Lost in the Fog

By The_Nocturnal_Raven

92.6K 2.6K 460

A broken, powerless soul is lost to an unnatural fog. A cycle of pain and torment allows him to eventually be... More

A Fracture of Pain
New Struggles and Saviours
Respite From the Dark
A Chill Wind Over the Night
Death is Not An Escape
Frenzied Thoughts
Darkness Among Us
The Path Less Travelled
Tormented Without Choice
Reinforced Resolve
Cursed with New Power
Cursed with Empathy
A Glimpse of the Other Side
The Doctor is IN
Misplaced Trust
The Mentor's End
The Twisted Masquerade
The Twisted Masquerade Continues
A New Path Ahead
What it is That Came Before
The Alchemist's Workshop
The Spider's Nest
A Glimmer of Hope
The Gamble
Not so Smooth Sailing...
"What happened to you?"
Projected Impacts
A Date of Importance
Beginning of Resistance
First Day
Home Away From Home
Finally Catching Teachers up to Speed
How Tragedy Bleeds Reality
Capture a Lullaby
Izuku's Report
Burnin' Questions
The New Glyph
Flight of the Fugitive
Looming Darkness
An Average Saturday
Stalkers in the Shadows
Lost and Found
Sports & Slaughter
Test of Intention
The Truth
Three Lost Kids
Why am I here?
Brought to the Light
An Edge for Victory
Forged by Fog
The Impact of Choice
Punching the Pack
Missing the Little Things...
War on the Horizon
From the Fog
War of the Fog
Final Embers of Hope
THE Decisive Strike
Humanity's Resilience
Entity's Aftermath
Birth of An Imperium

Trickster's Paradise

1.5K 47 1
By The_Nocturnal_Raven

As Izuku walked through the town, it became more urban than before... turning from an American style town, to a full blown city with skyscrapers and less recognizable lettering. It switched from English to gibberish... and then to an Asian calligraphy he didn't recognize at all. It was hard to tell where he was, as the Entity had a habit of just mashing together environments that did not belong. But, there was some logic this time. That being said, he couldn't afford to stay here long...

But that was when he heard the screams. Two girls screaming in agony. He couldn't just let that slide. Carefully navigating the buildings, he was confused. Their voices seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. It was then that he noticed a billboard advertising a can of drink, and there was music. When the ad cycled through again, he heard the screams. It... it's in the music... oh god... that means I'm in a killer realm. I have to get out of here as soon as possible... Carefully navigating north, he was almost past the largest building when he was forced to stop. A man, not the tallest in the world, stepped out from the building. He wore a black trenchcoat with white and gold designs. It was open, exposing his trim and fit torso. On his head was a head of smooth, medium length hair, dyed sky blue. He held a weapon in his hand, a bat made from four metal beams, similar to a mace, and glowing blue. On the inside. His smug smile was highlighted by the nearby buildings neon signs, and his vibrant pink eyes darted around, searching for anything to amuse him, as he was clearly bored.

I don't know who that is... I should just avoid them... as they're the killer...

However, as he stepped back, he accidentally stepped right on an aluminum can. Eyes widening, he whispered to himself, "Shit!"

The man instantly looked in his direction. Killers were well known for their enhanced senses, provided by the entity. This was no different as he walked over. Meanwhile, Izuku started to walk away, until he realized he wouldn't make it far enough. The man would know if Izuku ran. The only hiding place was a dumpster, and so he hid behind it. If this works... I'll be shocked. I have to make a plan if this doesn't...

Ji-Woon Hak was a man of many talents. A charismatic singer, a man very adept with knives... and with an ego to match. So when he heard the can get stepped on, he knew there was a person there... and when the scratch marks were noticeably absent... then he knew they were still there. Walking down the street, he spoke in his native Korean: "I know you're there..." he giggled, before continuing, "Come on out, I won't hurt you... much..." This is too easy...

Izuku heard the man voice something in a singing tone. He couldn't understand it, however, because it was in another language. One he didn't understand. And so, he waited... until the man stepped to the other side of the dumpster. Holding his breath, all he could do was wait... and then the man angled his head towards him and looked in his direction. He analyzed the boy, just like how the greenette would analyze others. He seemed to be interested in his hair. And spoke again. Not understanding, Izuku asked in his native Japanese, forgetting for a moment that most people in the fog spoke English. "What?"
It was then that he was surprised to find that he too, spoke Japanese. "Ah, so you're from Japan..." He fully turned to the kid. "So, why are you here...?"

Panicking, Izuku stuttered. "I'm... I'm just passing through! I didn't mean to disturb you..."
The man laughed, benevolently, unlike the Doctor. It was surprising... but a little unnerving, given the circumstances. "No, you are the highlight of my night... need a place to rest?"

"You're... offering me help?" The boy couldn't believe it.
"You're already interesting... and I don't need anything from you." His smile was reassuring, but Izuku still wasn't convinced.

"Who... who are you?"
"Ah, you don't know who I am?! Of course that's why you are wary. Very smart, kid. I'm Ji-Woon Hak, lead singer of No-Spin. I'm a musician."

Musician. The music... Izuku held his tongue on that part, trying to see how everything fit together as he asked, "How did you end up here?"
"There was a terrible fire... I had no way to escape... and then..." He gestured around him. "Here I am." It was a very plausable story. The greenette had been taken from near death as well.

It was then that he 'addressed' the elephant in the city. Right next to him. "Why do you have a weapon?"
"Because this place is dangerous. Killers all around, I've been staying safe. Out of reach. That thing hasn't bothered to look for me. I doubt it'll be after you as well."

"Well, I'll accept your offer... for now..." He had no choice in case things turned violent. As long as he doesn't go too far...

When they arrived back inside the building, Izuku was surprised by the luxury of the place. "You like it? This was my apartment back in Seoul."

If Izuku wasn't wary, he would have been fully lulled from suspicion by the place he was brought to. Gasping in a mix of real and fake surprise, he stated. "I've never seen anything more extravagant! How popular were you?"
"Very." The Ji-Wook smiled, giving an affable gaze to the young man. He liked the positive attention, and wondered, "Is your hair naturally green?"
"Yeah... I got it from my mother."
"Interesting... in my world you have to dye it to get that level of color. I'm kinda... jealous."

Izuku didn't know what to say to that. "But you've got all of this! I don't know why you'd be jealous of me..."

He shrugged before walking to a bar in the kitchen area. "Want anything? I've got a stockpile of drinks."
"Um... what are the options?"
He opened the minifridge. "Let's see... Watermelon, Orange, Lemon, Cherry, or Grape soda."
"I'll take the Watermelon. I don't think I've ever had one of those before."
"Good choice." He pulled out two. One for himself, and one for Izuku.

"So, what is your life like?" If he was a genuine survivor, he wanted to know more about survival tactics in the area. It could save his life, in a pinch.
"Well, before I got taken here... I was just a bullied boy going to school... I did everything I could to support mom, but..."

Ji-Woon's eyes turned sympathetic. "I know the feeling. I had to give up schooling to help my parents in their restaurant... performing tricks for it... but then I got a lucky break. One thing after another, and I'm a top korean idol. Then tragedy strikes... the fire... and then..." He opened his arms, gesturing to himself. "I'm here."

"I see..."

Izuku didn't know what to think of the man. He was affable, charismatic, but there was something off. He just couldn't tell what it was. However, he took the can the man offered him. Looking at it, he saw a picture of the guy. "No wonder you like watermelon..."
"Oh no, they asked what flavors we liked best. And then matched us accordingly." He smiled, again, this situation seemed so... wrong. It was too peaceful.

"This place lets me make more music... and I see the same potential that I had within you. Would you like to help in the production of my newest song?"
It was then that he realized why the man was being nice. The women screaming were in his music... and he wanted to lure him in just as he did with them.

Pocketing the can of drink, he started to get ready to leave. "Um... I'm sorry, but I'm a bit busy... I do appreciate your kindness, though, but could I try later?"

While outwardly, he didn't seem bothered by Izuku's response, his body language tensed up, "Why the rush?"

"My journey is time sensitive..." He got up, backing up towards the elevator, the only way in or out, and pressed the button. "I would love to visit again, I just don't wish to outstay my welcome..."

"Nonsense..." His smile turned slightly more sinister as Ji-Woon spoke.

However, when Izuku heard the elevator ping, and turned to see it open, Ji-Woon acted. As Izuku leapt within the elevator, he flung a series of knives at the elevator, and they all stuck within the cushioned wall of the box Izuku now hid in. 

He leapt over the sofa, and charged with his blue neon weapon from before already in grip. He didn't hide his intentions any more, and his smile was manic as he ran to the elevator. Izuku frantically pressed the "ground floor" and repeatedly pressed the "close door" buttons... watching as the elevator closed. For the descent, he was safe.

Ji-Woon didn't realize that Izuku had noticed something until he was going to the elevator. He'd tried to persuade him to stay, but it didn't work. Now came the fun part. The hunt. When the door closed, he was momentarily enraged, hitting the bat into it and kicking the now closed door once... but that wouldn't help. So, he turned to the emergency fire escape right next to it. Smiling, he flung it open and began his multi-story descent.

After the elevator door opened, Izuku ran out of the building, before walking into the alley next to the building. This was because he was absolutely certain that killers had a way of detecting if people were running. Nancy and Hadie Kaur both seemed to be able to see something when they, or others ran near them. They described them as "Scratch marks". And that was probably what the killers saw. Not a perfect trail, but something to indicate where they went. 

There weren't any hiding places nearby except for two dumpsters. He could hear a drone in the background.

He's on the hunt now, so now I'll hear him coming! But he'll see me if I don't hide... Ugh, this is going to suck...

Ji-Woon had a rough idea of where Izuku would go. He would go into a nearby alley. He was smart enough to realize running wouldn't help, but that also limited his options. When he saw the faded scratch marks stop outside the building, he knew... Looking to his right, he saw the alleyway. Looking down, there were only two dumpsters. Nowhere to hide. I know you don't like getting dirty... so you will not be in there... When he looked behind each, he considered his options, and then left. He must've taken the other route. I have to find him before he gets out of the city...

As soon as the trickster left the alley, the closest dumpster to the main street opened slightly, glittering emerald eyes glinting through, before the Terror Radius went away. Opening it carefully as not to create a lot of noise, he got out. If this were actually Seoul, he wouldn't've have minded nearly as much... but this is the Entity's realm, and what filled those trash bins... the greenette shook his head, not just to get rid of the memory, as much as he could, but also bits of flesh and gristle. Bubba Sawyer would love that. I don't. Looking both ways, he continued the direction he went, eventually leaving the city behind.

Wesker and the Dredge both arrived at Fazbear's Fright. "This is where we are to go? Absolutely pitiful. Either way..." He gestured to the door, in which the Dredge moved over and burst through. It was dark, and filled with props. But clear.

Wesker walked through the doors, and carefully took off and put his sunglasses inside his coat pocket. "Find this... Attraction. I want to keep moving as quickly as possible."

It roared before teleporting away. There were lots of dark places here, and lots of lockers to travel between. This would also allow him to get a proper look at the place. The man's eyes glowed as he scanned the environment. Walking a few steps, he heard a small noise behind him before speaking, "So you're what she calls the Attraction."

The entrance door was shut roughly, and Wesker turned around. A giant, withered mechanical rabbit greeted him. His voice was irritating to listen to, but the god complex listened, because he had no choice but to. The robot explained, "And so you're who she sent... haha..."

"You encountered a green haired boy?"

That got his attention. "After him, eh?" He gestured for the man to follow.

He followed. "Affirmative."

"Yeah. Bastard arrived, talked to Henry, then left out a door. I think it was the one at the other end." He led him to the exit. "No idea why he came here. Seemed to know..."

They both heard a man shout in the basement of the building. "Don't mind him, Henry's a... guest." The machine seemed to smile at that.

"I understand."

"So, yeah. He slipped out and away. No idea where. Slippery Bastard."

"Well, you've been invaluable in a general direction." The locker on the wall behind the two of them shook, and the Dredge burst forth. The Attraction turned, not used to the new arrival. Wesker spoke, not turning back. "We have a lead. Time to go."

Looking outside, there were two possible directions he could've gone. Northeast or Northwest, or the estimation of such within the realm. 

"We can't cover enough ground without splitting up. I'll head Northwest." He pointed to the left.

The Dredge nodded, and then melted into shadow. Wesker put his sunglasses on and went the other direction. The hunt was now truely starting.

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