Blood of the Trinity

By Tempesta771

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Set in Victorian Era in London, England, this follows the story of Father William AKA Priest, who encounters... More

The Transfer
Mother Superior Mary-Catherine
I Am Sorry
The Enemy's Arrival
Scotland Yard
Gained Trust
A Wicked Move
Not Safe
Trip to Italy
First Casualty
The End

Social Events

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By Tempesta771

Sapphira had to admit that even over the many years of her long life, she still wasn't fond of social gatherings. Anything that required some type of human being fawning over her youthful appearance, her clothes or unnecessary attention was infuriating. Running a business had thankfully deterred many individuals from inviting her to social events.
However, she still had to make an appearance here and there to maintain her reputation as a proper English woman. Her maid was brushing Sapphira's long, raven black hair and gushing needlessly over some empty headed individual that was to apparently make an appearance himself. Sapphira had never been more thrilled when her hair was brushed to the point of shining like glass and when she was finally dressed for the gathering. Her corset was bound to cause fainting if she were human and her dress was an elegant gown with pointless frills and lace that Sapphira wondered how it had even been considered fashionable.
Dress making was not Sapphira's specialty. She designed men's clothing; which was apparently somewhat of a scandal. In other words, Sapphira already despised the social event based on the stupid appearance of the dress she had been forced to wear. Sapphira thanked her maid and made her way to the carriage with her mother, Lucinda Delauny and her father Stephanus Delauny. Sapphira had the horrible realization that this was more than a typical social gathering. Since her mother and father were accompanying her, it was a social gathering for the Queen's closest.
"I advise you to be on your best behavior Sapphira. We cannot afford to have anyone under my jurisdiction know what we are," Lucinda said in a cold voice.
"I understand Mother. I will be on my best behavior," Sapphira stated in a meek voice. Her mother always managed to make Sapphira feel like the seven year old girl she had been thousands of years ago. Father was silent as well and Sapphira studied the fan in her hand as the carriage began their trip to the palace. Sapphira had every reason to dread this social appearance of hers. She had been dreading it to begin with, but now any sly comments would not be tolerated. Silence at this social event was probably the best option.
Eventually they arrived, were introduced and Sapphira carried out her decision to be silent. The only exception was when she was spoken to. Then politeness was essential. Eventually, Sapphira found the perfect opportunity to escape.
She had enough of this gathering and understanding why mother seemed so cold and distant. She informed both parents of her desire to leave, speaking quietly and mother reassured Sapphira that she would figure something out to explain Sapphira's absence.
Sapphira thanked her mother and slipped out without being seen by anyone. With a sigh of frustration and relief, Sapphira left the palace grounds at full speed, even with the dress and its many frills and lace trying to trip her. She found herself at the Sisterhood of Angels and wasn't sure why she had arrived here. There was a candle in one of the rooms and she cautiously made her way to where it was.
Priest was writing a sermon, sounding out the words as he wrote them. Sapphira cautiously tapped on the window, causing Priest to jump, grab what she assumed he considered a weapon and look at the window. She saw him sigh when he recognized her and watched as he put the candle holder down.
Priest walked to the window and opened it and then blinked with surprise and confusion at Sapphira's dress. "Why are you wearing a dress like that?" Priest asked, voicing his confusion as Sapphira struggled her way through the window.
"Don't ask," Sapphira said, glaring at Priest when she realized that she was stuck.
"Are you stuck?" Priest questioned.
"I told you not to ask," Sapphira spat.
"I thought that was to the... Previous question," Priest commented, even more confused than before. Sapphira hissed at Priest and he took an unwanted step back, his heart quickening slightly.
"It was in general," Sapphira explained as she struggled to go through the window again. Priest was silent as he watched Sapphira. She eventually sighed and glared at him again.
"Aren't you going to offer help of some sort?" Sapphira inquired.
"You told me not to ask," Priest reminded her. Sapphira opened her mouth to argue, realized Priest was right and sighed. "May you assist me? Sapphira asked. Priest was silent as he studied her with a blank gaze.
"Why?" Priest countered, catching Sapphira off guard.
"What do you mean?" Sapphira questioned.
"Why should I help?" Priest clarified.
"Because I asked for it," Sapphira answered.
"The last time you asked, you drank some of my blood. Why should I help now?" Priest pressed.
"I need to get away from a social gathering," Sapphira reluctantly replied. Priest was silent and then came to a decision. With a soft sigh of frustration, he helped Sapphira Delauny through the window.
They stumbled back and then toppled to the floor, Priest's breath leaving his body in a whoosh when Sapphira's head collided with the pit of his stomach. She sat on what she assumed was the floor, and then realized that it wasn't the floor.
"Oh, goodness. My apologies Priest. I didn't mean to have your breath leave you," Sapphira said as she got up and helped Priest sit. Priest caught his breath after a few winded, pained sounding gasps for air and mumbled that he accepted Sapphira's apology. He was grateful that he surprisingly hadn't broken any ribs. He stood up and closed the window.
"This is surprisingly good," Sapphira commented as she glanced over Priest's sermon. Priest jumped and turned to look at Sapphira.
"You think so?" Priest cautiously asked.
"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it Priest," Sapphira sighed.
"Father William," Priest said.
"Hmm?" Sapphira questioned. "Oh, right, of course. Your name," Sapphira commented with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I forget about that," Sapphira stated. "So Priest, why did you help? Who's to say I don't want your blood again?" Sapphira inquired. Priest was silent.
"Because you did want to leave a social gathering. Now I can't stop you if you want some of my blood again, can I?" Priest countered.
"No, you can't," Sapphira responded as she walked over to Priest and pulled him close to her, her fangs grazing his exposed neck. She realized that he was in his night clothing. "Were you headed to bed?" Sapphira asked with an underlying purr in her voice.
"I was," Priest replied, trying to destroy the urge to bring her to his bed. Her nails, as sharp as they were, grazed lightly across the part of his skin exposed by the collar of his night clothing. He couldn't help how his body reacted. It wasn't fear this time that made his heart quicken and his breath catch. She smelled so good, and not in the way she probably smelled him and her skin was so soft. Her lips looked so kissable.
He pulled himself away. "I took vows," he told her, but he knew he was talking more to himself than to her.
"Of course you did," Sapphira said with a smile, stepping closer to him again, loving how his body reacted when she carefully grazed her fangs across his neck. She felt his arousal stir again and heard the quiet catch in his breath. She knew better to bite him now. He was still conflicted. Every Catholic priest who took their vows seriously were. "I'm sure God would absolve this though if it were to occur," Sapphira whispered.
Priest was silent, his breath shuddering slightly as Sapphira carefully kissed his neck, tracing the vein with her lips and tongue.
"I took...," Priest trailed off there, unsure of why he was unable to argue. His mind was clouded, thoughts of lust swimming through it; and he wanted to experience it. Sapphira looked at Priest and saw the confusion and desire in his dark brown eyes.
"If not pleasure of the flesh, would you be willing to give something else?" Sapphira breathed. Priest studied her and nodded, tilting his head to reveal his throat. Sapphira smiled with victory and sank her fangs into Priest's neck. He gave the expected, soft cry of surprise and pain that turned into a sound of pleasure. He had been completely willing to let her feed from him this time and Sapphira savored what she took, removing her fangs from his neck when she heard a quiet whimper of pain.
She studied him as he fought the desires of pleasure and the confusion towards the pain.
"Let me help you now Priest," Sapphira said when his mind was itself again. "You aided me with an escape from an undesirable social gathering," Sapphira reminded him before he could ask. He became thoughtful and then sighed before nodding with a quiet thank you.

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