Mutants book 1 : Survival

By NathanOgrady

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Aliens were the first people to explore space. They were the first to create mutants. The first to create a n... More

The beginning

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By NathanOgrady

Since the dawn of time there was always those faster than us, stronger than us practically better in every way. They have been with us in mine body and soul. Some called them monsters, others aliens but simply put they're just mutants. Hundreds of years ago people thought these mutants were strange mythical beings such as werewolves, vampires and witches or warlocks but in reality they were anything but. The Tripes stood tall and strong and ran on all four limbs like a giant gorilla yet looking more canine like than anything. Or the wraith portrayed as a vampire for the reason of the hunter side of the ghost fed on blood which is stole by biting it's prey and draining it, catching it's prey with unthinkable speed and grace like a ballet dancer dancing a beautiful routine. Or the witches and warlocks which were actually only psychic's with the ability of teleportation, moving objects with the mind and the fabled talent of clairvoyance. These mistaken creatures however aren't as common as made out to be. Put her by an alien whose race name has long since been forgotten, the mutants were meant to take high power and control the world as an outpost for the alien race in case they ever needed to gather resources from a new source or colonise another planet. However they mistakenly put these mutants down at the beginning of time meaning there was nothin to control until a few million years later when huge beasts roamed the land. At this time Tripes were the only mutant around and were quickly becoming eradicated by these ruthless beasts. Evolution continued as hairy ape creatures started to grow in numbers rapidly, taming these huge beasts and hunting down the last of the Tripes for fur and sport. Over the course of a few thousand years the alien race watched on as these creatures advanced through technology at an alarming rate. The aliens growing weary of this as within just a few more hundred years the species would most likely become a danger to the reptile like race and must be eradicated. Over the course of the next ten earth years the alien race forcibly brought a meteor upon the life sustaining rock, big enough to wipe out the pests yet small enough to leave the planet relatively unharmed. In which was later know as the extinction of the dinosaurs. However the two legged creatures were resilient as not even a few hundred thousand years later they were back dominating the planet once more but advancing through technology at a slower pace. The aliens debated among themselves on what to do for hundreds of years time having no meaning to these immortal beings. A great warlord whose name no one knows put out the idea of using these strange two legged hairy skinned creatures as test subjects for new mutants. Going forward with this plan the aliens abducted tens of thousands of the race and conducted tests on then. But after years upon years of no breakthrough an alien reproduced with what was called a human that was abducted and the offspring was surreal. The ancient race could not have predicted this as new mutants were created from the foetuses of the alien/human offspring. Fast moving aliens with a terrible bloodlust later called wraiths, and aliens with psychic power called psychic's. However they were to powerful, to smart. They waited it out until they were stronger than the aliens. They gathered them all in one place then turned against them. It was over in hours not a single mutant lost, not a single alien remained. The mutants fed on the humans on board before crashing the ship into what we know as Bermuda Triangle. The mutants quickly divided into clans and war raged on the island. Hundreds of years passes and the mutants were sick of war they all got together and agreed to no more bloodshed but to enforce this the psychics on all sides teleported the mutants to places all over the globe. Living undiscovered in certain times yet worshiped like gods in others only to be hunted down in the next era. The ones that survived lived among the humans undiscovered until an unfortunate trio were captured by what's now knows as the U.S.A and experimented on. They didn't understand what they messed with, but that didn't stop them from continuing this in secret away from the prying eyes of the world.
----------------------------------------------Tell me what you think in the comments I read every single one, feedback is appreciated.

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