Only For You - Steve Harringt...

By WeTookAChonce1208

207 4 7

When Nicole and her family move to a new town. She doesn't know what to expect. Small town life wasn't really... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

11 0 1
By WeTookAChonce1208

Chocolate Chip Cookies

(I just wanted to grace you with this lovely photo!)

"Hi!" She heard someone say beside her. She moved her head over from in her locker to see Steve.

"Hey Steve!" She replied.

"I hate your brother." He says.

"So you have told me." She responds.

"We'll him and my old friend were teaming up on me in the showers..."

"In the showers! So y'all were having a conversation, butt naked?" She asked.

"Yep... anyways, Nancy and Jonathan ditched school yesterday and haven't been back since." Steve informs her.

"No!" She says.

"Yes! Like my theories were right. Then he goes on saying, don't worry there are other bitches in the sea and he'll leave some for me, and he told me not to touch you again. Does he know?" He asked.

"Um, while he was saying I kissed you I took off my- well Nancy's jacket revealing hickeys on my neck, so thanks Steve. Really this is your fault." She began. "Oh and I was talking to your kids, and they were like, 'why'd Steve tell you bout the monsters and shit' and 'he isn't allowed to drink again'. Those are some bossy kids." Nicole says.

"You don't know the half of it." Steve replies. "Anyways I was thinking we could hangout, after school... you know like I can pick you up from school and we hang at my house, probably no beers, just us." He says. A smile grows on Nicole's face.

"Sure that sounds good, I'll see you then!" She called heading to class.

"Spill the tea!" Robin said sitting down at their normal lunch table.

"I'm going to hang out at Steve's after school!" Nicole says.

Causing Robin to cheer in excitement. "I still don't see why you hangout with him, he's dumb as bricks, and a little rude, but good for you!" Robin says. Nicole rolls her eyes, playfully, but stopping to grab Robins hand.

"But Robin, think of this, this could be my time to finally get into a relationship, and not leave high school alone. Think of it!" She said. Robin seemed to be froze before she even started talking.

"Yo, Robin? Buckley? You good?" She ask, letting go of her hand and waving in front of her face.

"Oh yeah I'm good, just thinking you know. Homework and stuff." She laughed nervously, Nicole nods.

"Yeah, Mrs. Williams gave out a whole packet of algebra, but I finished it in class so I'm pretty proud of that." Nicole says. The two talk normally the rest of lunch, and the rest of the day goes by slowly for Nic, as her mind was stuck on her plans after school.

Heading outside of the school she found Steve's car, sliding into the passenger seat.

"Hey Nicole!" He said turning his keys the car starting up, then he began to back up out of the parking spot, driving now on the road.

"Hey, Steve! How was your day?" She asked.

"It was alright, I got a B on my Chemistry test!" He said excitedly.

"Good job!" Nicole replied. She looked at the radio when she recognized the song that came on as, Back in Black, by AC/DC.

She immediately began playing air guitar to the beginning to the song, while Steve tapped his hand on the steering wheel to the beat.

"Bow, now now, now now, chownow now now now now, bow, now now, now now du nu du nu nu nu nu. Black in Black!" Nicole sang.

"I hit sack! I've been too long I'm glad to be back!" Steve continued.

"Yes I'm let loose, from the noose, that's kept me hanging about!"

Nicole sang. The two continued jamming to the song until the arrive at Steve's house.

"Whoa." Nicole say looking at his house. "This is really nice."

"Um.. thanks?" Steve said rubbing the back of his neck opening the door for her as she entered the house.

"Whoa it's nice on the inside too!" Nicole said amazed looking around. "And there's a pool!" She added looking out the window.

"Yeah, come on let's head up stairs." He says, trying to usher her upstairs so they wouldn't have to run into-

"Steve, who is this?" His mom asked.

"Um this is Nicole, we're hanging out." He said.

"I thought you were dating Nancy?" His mom replies.

"It's complicated." Steve responds.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Nicole, are you new here? I don't recognize you!" His mom said approaching Nicole.

"Yes, I just moved from California the other day." She responded.

"Lovely, well if you want to do good and graduate, I wouldn't recommend hanging out with our Steven over here, he is all play and no goal, doesn't even have a college acceptance yet." His mom stated.

"Okay, mom, that's enough, we're going to head upstairs." He said grabbing Nicole's hand and guiding her upstairs.

"Sorry about her, she can be... overwhelming." Steve says.

"It's fine, are you okay though? She was kind of slandering you from like the under ten words I said to her." Nicole replies.

"Yeah I'm used to it." Steve responds.

"Yep. I guess people like us just don't get good in the parent department, I want a mom like Will's mom. She seemed really nice when I met her, very protective of her son." She says.

"Do you want to be a parent?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, little Nicoles walking around would be pretty weird, but Max is already like a copy of me. So maybe like a couple of kids. I might look into adopting, there so many kids out there without a family, and the thought of childbirth scares me." Nicole admits. "Sorry if I'm over sharing." She adds.

"I mean I get it, if I had to carry a kid for nine months then they would come screaming out of my privates I would be scared too." Steve said, causing Nic to laugh.

"What about you? You want kids?" Nicole ask.

"Yes. I always imagined myself with a huge family, I would teach them how to play catch and hit a baseball. They would have great hair. I just want like.... an army of little Harringtons!" Steve says.

"So how many is an army?" She ask.

"I don't know, like five or six." He replies.

"Five or Six?!? Yeah, adoption sounds great." Nicole laughs.

"Well you would still be beautiful after five or six kids.."

"Did you call me beautiful Harrington?" She asked.

"Maybe." He responds.

"Are you drunk?" She questioned.

"Not that I'm aware." He said.

"Just making sure I heard you right." She declared.

"Why do you like me calling you beautiful?" He asked.

"Maybe." She responds, saying what he responded earlier.

The two were getting closer and closer as they were talking, now close enough that their noses could touch. They could feel each other's breath hot on each other's face.

"Nicole." Steve said.

"Yes?" She whispers.

"Can I kiss you even though I'm not drunk?" He asked.

She nodded slightly before his lips collided on hers.

She grabbed the back of his neck, deepening the kiss, while his hand went to her hips.

"Steve." She said pulling away.

"Huh." He said a little upset that she stopped.

"What about what Billy said?" She said.

"I don't give a shit." He said kissing her again, pushing her back against the wall, him leaning up against her.

"Steve." She said, putting a hand against his chest pushing him back a bit.

"What?" He replied.

"What about Nancy?" She asked.

"I don't care." He said pressing his lips back on her, she grabbed at his hair running her fingers through it, causing him to smile into the kiss.

"Steve." She said again, moving her face away from his.

"Shut the hell up." He said, grabbing her legs and picking them up, putting them around his waist.

"Steve! I made cookies!" His mom said they could both hear the handle of the door turning. Steve quickly dropped Nicole, her falling on the ground and him sitting on the bed fixing his hair.

"Hey kids, Here are some chocolate chip cookies. Nicole what are you doing on the floor?" His mom asked.

"It's a very comfy floor." Nicole nods.

"Okay then, don't do anything stupid." His mom said closing the door and leaving. Both teens sigh in relief.

"Geez Harrington, you just dropped me on the floor. That hurt my ass." She laughed standing back up.

"Sorry. Would a cookie make it better?" He asked.

"Yes actually." She replied. He began to pass her a cookie and just before she could take it he took it, sticking it in his mouth. She gasped at his actions, before grabbing the cookie that he bit off of and eating it.

"That's gross!" Steve says.

"Says the one who just made out with me. More germs were passed that way then me eating a cookie you bit off of." Nicole replies.

"Touché." He smirks, grabbing another cookie.

Steve turned on the t.v. he had in his room, which Nicole thought was cool he had one in his room. They watched Footloose and ate the rest of the cookies chillin on his bed.

"So Steve, talking about the question we discussed earlier at school. Are we a thing?" Nicole asked.

"I don't know do you want to be a thing?" He asked.

"I mean, yeah." She responded.

"Okay, then there's your answer." Steve smiles, kissing her temple.

"So do people know we're a couple?" She asked.

"Well we haven't told anybody in the seconds ago we confirmed it so no." He responded.

"No I mean are we going to tell people?" She asked.

"Not Billy." Steve says, causing her to laugh. "Agreed." She responds.

"Can I tell my friend Robin?" Nicole ask.

"You can do whatever you want honey." He says. She laughs at the nickname.
"Okay, well I better be getting home before dinner."
Nicole says standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Why can't you just eat dinner here?" Steve ask.

"Do you want to explain to my dad and brother where I've been this afternoon?" She ask.

"Good point." He says. "Okay well I can give you a ride home." He says, she nods as they walk outside to his car, hopping in.

Nicole tells him her address and he pulls up to her house.

"Okay, well do you want to hang out tomorrow?" She said asks him.

"Sounds good to me." Steve says.

"Okay bye!" She says kissing him.

"Bye!" He smiles as she climbs out of the car.

As she approaches the house she can see the silhouette of someone standing outside. Once she gets to the porch she sees Billy.

"Who was that?" He ask.

"My friend." She responds.

"Well you friend looks like they have the exact same car as Harrington." Billy says.

"Well you might need to check your eyesight because it wasn't his car." She said pushing past him, going inside her and Max's room.

"Hey Max!" Nicole said, the girl looked like it appeared she had been crying.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Nicole asked.

"I thought we were meeting at the arcade." Max said.

"Oh I'm sorry Max." Nicole replied.

"My friends turned out to be assholes, they won't tell me anything!" She said.

"I'm sorry." Nicole said, hugging her sister.

"How have you been?" Max asked.

"Well I have a friend named Robin. And um... the other night I went to a Halloween party and got into a fight with Billy, then got drunk, then made out with Steve Harrington. Now I'm dating him. So yeah. But you can't tell Billy, because then he'll tell dad, then they'll kill Steve, then come and kill me." Nicole said.

"Wow, that's um... okay. I won't tell." Max laughed.

"Kids Dinner!" Susan called from the kitchen, Max and Nicole ran into the kitchen sitting at the table and eating. Billy was giving Nicole weird looks the whole time, but Nicole choose to ignore him and enjoy her food and night, remembering the day she had at Steve's.

Hey everyone! How have you been? Currently I'm sick, so yeah I'm not doing so great, but hey that means I get to chill and watch tv so that part is a plus. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it kinda sucked. But hey if you liked it make sure to vote, and besides that have a great day!

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