Tangled [Hariana]

By 1Ddisneymovies

265 0 0

The magical long-haired Ariana has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumble... More

Cast and Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 3

15 0 0
By 1Ddisneymovies

"Okay," Ariana said to Pascal, trying to be calm. "No big deal, I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to say, 'Mother? There's something I've been wanting to ask you!" Ariana's strong voice grew faint as she added, "For eighteen years." She was beginning to feel her heart beating. Maybe she wasn't ready to go outside.

Pascal took look at Ariana and arched his little body, puffing out his chest to tell her to be brave.

"I know, Pascal," Ariana said, appreciating the encouragement. "Come on, now," she said, motioning to him to hide. "Don't let her see you." Lana Parrilla had never approved of indoor pets.

Pascal nodded and camouflaged himself to look like the stone on the mantel.

Down below, Lana Parrilla yelled, "Ariana! I'm not getting any younger down here!" Ariana hurried toward the window.

"Coming, Mother!" Ariana shouted. She placed a loop of her golden hair around a pulley outside the window and lowered it down. As soon as Lana set her foot in the loop of hair, Ariana began to pull her slowly up to the tower window. It was hard work!

"Hello, Mother!" Ariana said, nearly out of breath.

"Ariana, how do you manage to do that every day? It looks absolutely exhausting!" Lana said as she climbed inside.

"Oh, it's nothing," Ariana replied, cheerfully.

"Then I don't know why it takes so long," Lana snapped, adding in the sweetest voice she could muster. "Oh, I'm just teasing."

Meanwhile, Ariana remained focused on her big question.

"Uh, so, Mother—" she began. But Lana immediately interrupted her.

"Oh, Ariana, look in the mirror. Do you know what I see?" she said, pulling Ariana into a half hug as they stood side by side. "I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady."

Ariana was puzzled, until she realized Lana was talking about her own reflection!

Ariana took a deep breath and tried to speak to her mother again.

"So . . . Mother?" Ariana began, stumbling nervously over her words. "As you know, tomorrow I turn eighteen. And I wanted to ask . . . what I really want for this birthday . . . actually, I've wanted for quite a few birthdays now . . ."

Lana shook her head impatiently. "Oh, Ariana, please stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. 'Blah blah blah' It's very annoying."

Ariana sighed. Pascal made a gesture for Ariana to keep going.

Ariana nodded and blurted out. "I want to see the floating lights!"

Lana was stunned. Ariana herself was stunned. I did it! she thought. I finally asked!

"What?" Lana said to Ariana.

"Well," Ariana answered, "I was hoping you would take me to see the floating lights this year."

"Oh, you mean the stars," Lana said, hoping Ariana was still young enough to be fooled.

Ariana shook her head. "That's the thing," she said excitedly. "I've charted stars and they're always constant. But these? They appear only on my birthday! And I can't help but feel that they're meant for me!"

"I need to see them, Mother," she said. "And not just from my window—in person. I have to know what they are."

Lana tried to appear calm. "Go outside?" she said as she gathered her wits. "Why, Ariana, you know why we stay up in this tower."

"I know," Lana replied. A shiver crept up her back as Lana described terrible, frightening things—men, ruffians and thugs, with sharp fangs and weapons.


You want to go outside? Why, Rapunzel...
Look at you, as fragile as a flower
Still a little sapling, just a sprout

You know why we stay up in this tower


I know, but—


That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear
Guess I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet




Trust me, pet
Mother knows best

Mother knows best, listen to your mother
It's a scary world out there
Mother knows best, one way or another
Something will go wrong, I swear
Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand
Cannibals and snakes
The plague








Also large bugs
Men with pointy teeth, and
Stop, no more, you'll just upset me
Mother's right here, Mother will protect you
Darling, here's what I suggest
Skip the drama, stay with mama
Mother knows best

Go ahead, get trampled by a rhino
Go ahead, get mugged and left for dead
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know?
I only bathed and changed and nursed you
Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it
Let me die alone here, be my guest
When it's too late, you'll see, just wait
Mother knows best

Mother knows best, take it from your mumsy
On your own, you won't survive
Sloppy, underdressed, immature, clumsy
Please, they'll eat you up alive
Gullible, naïve, positively grubby
Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm, vague
Plus, I believe, gettin' kinda chubby
I'm just saying 'cause I wuv you
Mother understands, Mother's here to help you
All I have is one request

Lana kept going until she felt certain Ariana understood that she was responsible for protecting her gift: her magical golden hair. Then she spoke firmly: "Ariana?"

"Yes?" Ariana asked.

"Don't ever asked to leave this tower again." Lana said firmly.

"Yes, Mother," Ariana replied obediently, slumping in sadness.

"Oh . . ." Lana changed her tone and swept Ariana into a warm hug. "I love you very much, dear."

"I love you, more," Ariana answered quietly, as she always did.

"I love you most!" Lana whispered as she kissed Ariana stop her head and got ready to leave again.


Don't forget it, you'll regret it
Mother knows best

Ariana looked up at the sky. How could she doubt her mother's love? She looked down and waved as Lana disappeared beyond the walls of the valley . . . into the mysterious world beyond.

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