I Am Cale Henituse


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if you know the Ao3 fanfic where Cale stabs his heart his family goes crazy and locks him up the yeah This is... Еще

I am Cale- No Commander Cale
I shall Go- Into what now is the Unknown
Revenge Party 1
Pre Write of --- Kingdom

I can Hear You. Now Come to me

770 38 10

Cale spent all night thinking about what to do to escape.

Finally the top whip elemental suggestion won and they with some other elementals will sneak him out of here.

He also had a feeling he need not worry about the maids or butlers checking in.

The day the plan was set in motion Cale went to the balcony room. Its oddly unlocked just like last time.

Then he went on the balcony.

Climbed up and jumped and thanks to the elementals it was just like using the wind ancient power.

The elementals flew while Cale guided and the other elementals went and saw if thier was a clear way or distracted people.

Finally after 3 long days of flying non-stop they saw a cave on a what seems to be an island.

'they arw over their quick lets go'


Cale smiled a little as he looked down. He then looked straight at the cave. He knows they are in their.

'Every in of me is trembling...but not from the cold~.'

Its cold the wind doesn't stop as he is on the elementals.

Roan would usually use his magic....

But he is not cold.

'something is familiar,like a dream I can reach but not quite hold.'

'I can sense you there like a friend I have always known~'

Cale lands before the cave. He can sense them they are so familar.

He goes towards the cave.

'i'm arriving and it feels like I am home~'

'i have always been a fortress cold secret deep inside!'

His ancient powers the last home he has left of the good past.

His secret of transmigerating... It no longer is anchoring him down..

His memories of his "family" aren't either. He finally realized...Everyone leaves...But its about how long they stayed.....He knows he will miss them..So for now he will focus on the middle part of the relationships. But he will always remember what caused him to think of thier friendship as ended.

'you have secrets to but you don't have to hide'

Cale walks out into a cavern its all black.

His ancient powers have many secrets.. But so does he..

'Show yourself'
'i'm dying to meet you.'
'show yourself'
'its your turn'
'are you the one i've been looking for all these 3 years.'
'show yourself its your time'

Ahh~ Ahh~

Cale calls out to them.

A space glows and there lies a cave. He can hear him


Cale smiles
Cale runs to the cave

'i've never felt so certain all these years I've been torn.'

'But I am in this world for a reason..could it be the reason i was born.'

Cale finally sense arriving in this world felt certain.
He feels that this was ment to happen. Thought Cale could not realize it the sense he felt when he stepped an the land at first. Was a want of something More then having a slacker life

(Sorry slacket life chan you again won't be winning)
(Rip slacker life Cale found new hubby)

'i have always been so different normal rules did not apply'

Cale ran farther into the cave. Colors that represented his ancient powers followed him.

(Bet he is running on adrenaline ain't no way Cale can run fast)

'Is this the day? are you the way? I finally found out why?'

Cale runs till he stops at blocks of ice blacks his path.

The colors gather on the ice and explode it!


Yes Cale No longer fears.
At first although he didn't admit it he was scared that he would get caught again..

He was scared that he would get his ancient powers and then get caught and have them taken away again by that weird GoD

Yes Weird. His was weird. It never had that soothing melody his voice always had when he was talking to Cale.

Cale noticed that even Cage did not have the melody when talking to GoD.

It was just a voice.

He thought about it.

When Jack came barging in saying he got a message from the Sun Goddess Angelina

Jack said He didn't understand the message but angelina said I would.

Angelina answered my question saying. Gods can have favorites which can be told from the sound of the voice. One a god chooses a favorite they can not change it.

Thats why he thought the GoD was weird or fake.

Besides that he was afraid to face his children. After a long thinking he remember them looking at eachother looking guilty multiple times.

He can't believe his children.
They knew what was happening was wrong yet they let it and enjoyed and enforced it.

(So much anger towards the people here Im making them worse- or am I? Idk Im blinded by hatred to these people)

Cale sighs


'You are the answer i'm waiting for all of my life~'

'Oh, show yourself!'

'Let me see who you are~!.

Yes all this time Cale has been looking for the ancient powers. So These idiots need to show themselves!

Cale stops at a blockade of ice blocking his path.
The colors all go to the ice and bam it explodes!

Cale jumps below him is a pit

(Okay on a serious note I could of finished this yesterday but I kid you not I forget what pit is and none of the other words I thought of really fit. Fml😔)

But Rock Steps appear where his fit landed

After he got across the ravine.

He went into a cave


(Sorry I am very hyper)
(Also school field trip tommorow and we stay over for one night FML I hate my classmates they are so annoying and your telling me I have to spend a night in the same CABIN AND CAR!)

(Im Sorry I keep ranting-)

'come to me now'

Cales fire ancient power appears and to his surprise White stars fire ancient power appears to

(One thing White stars ancient powers are gonna be purely fictional besides the lighting and water shield)

'open your door'
Then His wind and White stars wind power appear

'don't make me wait'
Then both his rock ancient power appear

'one moment more~'
The power turn into crystals then go on the ground
Cale continues to call them
More appear

'OH! Come To me now!'
Cale and white stars wood ancient powers appear
(Cales shield and Annul Rings)

'open your door'
Cale dominating aura appear
Restorative of the heart ancient power

'don't make me wait'
Finally White star's Sky ancient power appears

(If I missed any powers just imagine I said them.. My brain hurts already....)

'one moment more~~!'
The ancient powers turn into crystals and form a circle in the middle thier is an empty space

Cale's feet moves on his own and he stepped in the middle where the cave glowed. All the memories of his adventured first and second life appear.

Cale could hear someone familiar sing

Where the north wind meets the sea


Full off memory

(memories memories)<ancient powers)

Cale realized it was the girl who started this... But just as she appeared she disappeared just in time to see something...or someone
Because of that Cale finally realized Why the ancient powers voices sounded the same yet so different from thier real voices....


Cale looks to a picture of a black haired reddish eyes looking and calling his name full of love

Cake tears up a bit.

He hears his mother sing

Come my darling homeward bound!


the crystals with the ancient power get absorbed into his body.

After the ancient power was absorbed the residue they left caused Cale outfit to change

A red outfitlike dress.

(Meaning it was like something eruhabim would wear but more dressy?)

(Honestly ya'll can decide)

It was bright red but not as red as Cales Hair and in the bright red was also gold.

Their were symbols of the powers all over

And Like In his commander suit instead of the badge for commanding leader their is a badge/clip with the crystals in it.

Surrounding his head is like a flower crown

The rock water and sky power mix and makes chains that go on his arms to his hands

Cale his mother and the ancient powers are singing in unison
And if ya listened well you could hear the girl and you readers sing along to

'Grow yourself'
'Into something new!'

Cales Mother looks at him with eyes much like his own

You are the answer you've been waiting for
'All  my life~'
all your life~

Oh,Show yourself!

The cave slowly disappears and Cale is left on his own but you can still hear his mother singing and calling his name

Cale~ ah-oh
Cale!~ AH-OH
Cale!~ ah-oh!

Wind blew hard mostly because the elementals were happy to see him.

You Have your scent of nature back!

all the elementals agree

But sadly calk could not hear them.... He was to busy listening to his ancient powers crying and shouting in his head...

Sigh... Will Cale ever really get his slacker life....

Welp I hope you enjoyed this part 4 coming soon

But Uh that will take longer

Like I said in my rant if you read it..
Uh I am going on a trip 2 days no electronics so yeah..cry

Hope you enjoyed this chapter which I think is slightly worse then the other two mostly because every time I needed youtube for lyrics My youtube would go to homescreen so instead I got to go back to the song and find the comment with the lyrics. Then by the time I am back to wattpad I have lost my place and idea)

(Crying inside😭)

Okay again bye!

Word Count :1693
I think more than then the last two?

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@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes <3