Star Trek: The voyages of the...

By Communist123

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The year 2410. The United Federation of Planets serves as the peacekeepers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants an... More

Chapter One: The Apollo
Chapter Two: The First Assignment
Chapter Three: The Badlands
Chapter Four: The Wormhole
Chapter Five: The Gamma Quadrant
Chapter Six: First Contact with the Shalari
Chapter Seven: The Pirates
Chapter Eight: Ada
Chapter Nine: The Bounty on Apollo
Chapter Ten: The Emergency Meeting
Chapter Twelve: The End of the Reptarian Empire
Chapter Thirteen: Lost with all hands.
Chapter Fourteen: The Second Year
Chapter Fifteen: Concordia
Chapter Sixteen: The Plan
Chapter Seventeen: Operation Individualisation
Chapter Eighteen: An Old Friend
Chapter Nineteen: The Diamond
Chapter Twenty: The Horrifying Discovery
Chapter Twenty One: The Temporal True Way
Chapter Twenty Two: Contact with Starfleet
Chapter Twenty Three: Project Apollo
Chapter Twenty Four: Letters from Home
Chapter Twenty Five: New Veskana
Chapter Twenty Six: Crossing the Georgiou Wormhole
Chapter Twenty Seven: Promotion
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Acadians
Chapter Twenty Nine: Integration
Chapter Thirty: The Relic from the War
Chapter Thirty One: The Human Colony
Chapter Thirty Two: Planet Heiwa
Chapter Thirty Three: Omnipotent Beings
Chapter Thirty Four: The Stella System
Chapter Thirty Five: The Galactic Guardians
Chapter Thirty Six: Reunion with Starfleet
Chapter Thirty Seven: The Threat to the Federation
Chapter Thirty Eight: A Society of Lies and Hate
Chapter Thirty Nine: An Uneasy Necessity
Chapter Forty: The Institute
Chapter Forty One: The Supernova's Weakness
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle of Acadia
Chapter Forty Three: The Emperor
Chapter Forty Four: The Fall of the Supernova
Chapter Forty Five: The Return Home
Chapter Forty Six: A New Journey

Chapter Eleven: The Battle of Reptaria

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By Communist123

August 29th 2410

"Captain's Log: Star Date 387340.164. We have explained the situation regarding the Warp Core scans to the Shalari Republic, Drakor Alliance and Reptarian Free State. Realising the threat that the Empire could pose if they successfully reverse engineer Warp technologies from a much more advanced civilisation, the Shalari and Drakor have chosen to recognise the Free State as the legitimate government of the Reptarian people and have sent in forces to help end the war as soon as possible. The First through Fourth Shalari Defence Force Expeditionary Fleets have been deployed to Raxus V, a major Imperial shipyard and weapons production facility in order to provide a distraction for the Apollo and the joint task force consisting of ships and invasions forces from the Shalari Defence Force Ground Infantry, Drakor Alliance Mobile Tank Divisions and the Reptarian Free Army Infrantry Units. While the alien military forces will invade Reptaria and put an end to the Empire, the Apollo will recover the Warp Core scans from the space station in orbit above the planet. Hopefully we are not too late and this war will end before it get's worse."

Reptaria was the capital planet of the now collapsing Reptarian Empire. For seven years the Empire had been at war with the Reptarian Free State, a rebel movement seeking to end the tyrannical rule of Emperor Lizar and bring about freedom and democracy for their people. The Empire now only controlled a portion of their former territories and the Free State were liberating planet after planet as more time went on. It was clear that the Reptarian Free State would inevitably win thanks to both popular support from the people and the new weapons being developed by the brilliant minds of the Research and Development Services. But despite that, Emperor Lizar had stubbornly refused all offers by President Torkura to surrender in exchange for the Empire being allowed to keep control of their remaining territories. As long as no further acts of violence were taken against the people and the Free State as a whole. For two years the war had been in a long and bloody stalemate that had no end in sight. The Reptarian Imperial Guard had failed at every attempt to retake even a single planet from the Free State and the Reptarian Free Army had failed to break through the blockade surrounding what few planets the Empire still controlled. It had been official for far too long, the war was going in no ones favour... Until now.

On the edges of the solar system of the Reptarian Empire's Capital Planet was a massive fleet of thirty one ships. Ten ships were escorts from the Shalari Defence Force, ten were battleships from the Reptarian Free Navy, ten were troop transport ships from the Drakor Alliance Mobile Tank Divisions that also held soldiers from the Reptarian Army and the final ship was the U.S.S Apollo, the most advanced ship in the entire system. 

Standing at the Bridge was Captain Ethan Rivers, the Commanding Officer of the Apollo and the man intent on getting his crew home to the Alpha Quadrant. While their primary goal was to return home, their secondary was to abide by the guidelines and principles of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet. Most important the Prime Directive which forbid anyone in the Federation from making first contact with pre-Warp societies and involving themselves with purely internal affairs of alien races. But the Reptarian Civil War was no longer an internal affair. Pirates, sanctioned by the Empire, had attacked the Apollo and scanned the ships Warp Core. The Empire now had those scans and were attempting to reverse engineer the Warp Core of the Apollo in order to win the war. Now, the fleet that lay at the edge of the system had to fight a battle for the ages to stop the Reptarian Empire from achieving their evil goal: Galactic domination. Determined to stop the Empire, Ethan pressed on his Com Badge and said "Captain Ethan Rivers of the Federation Star Ship Apollo to the Allied Fleet assembled here today, let's do it."

With that simple command, the ships charged forward to liberate Reptaria once and for all from the Empire. As the Apollo and the Free Navy ships charged towards the Imperial Guard ships, the Imperial ships began firing phaser blasts in an attempt to destroy them and win the battle. As the Reptarian Free Navy ships began firing on the Imperial ships, Ethan looked over at Voq and said "How about we give our friends in the Navy a little help Voq?" Voq slightly nodded and said "Yes Sir. Firing to disable enemy shields at your command." Ethan then said to both Voq and William "Ensign Jackson, take evasive maneuverers around the nearest Imperial ship. Voq, when we're close enough, fire to disable the shields." Both of them said "Aye Captain." almost in unison as they carried out their orders. The Apollo then flew around the nearest Imperial ship at full impulse, despite the ship that well resembled a velociraptor being nearly three times the size of the Apollo, the Apollo flew much faster and fired powerful phaser bursts at the shields to disable them. After just five shots, the shields on the enemy ship was down and a Marauder Class ship from the Reptarian Free Navy fired two photon torpedoes at the enemy ship, obliterating the lower half of the front hull instantly!

After the same thing was done to two more ships, Captain Rivers said "Alright then, get us within transporter range of the space station and get ready to beam Ada aboard." In the Transporter Room was Ada, the female Changeling who had joined the Apollo a mere few days ago and Agent Talarus of the Reptarian Intelligence Bureau. Agent Talarus showed Ada a photo of a Reptarian soldier and said "This is what soldiers stationed on the Ministry of Science look like, alter your form to look like this woman and get in the destroy the Warp Core scans." Ada carefully looked at the photo of the Reptarian Imperial soldier and began to shapeshift herself to look exactly like her. In just fifteen seconds, Ada was a spitting image of the woman in the photo and asked "How do I look?" Agent Talarus looked her up and down and said "Like someone who they would never suspect. Now get on the Transporter Pad and get over there to stop those maniacs." Ada obliged and walked onto the Transporter Pad. As she stepped on, Transporter Chief Masie Sturgeon said "I'm going to transport you to the far right hanger bay on the station. It's badly damaged from a photon torpedo that was just fired from one of the Shalari ships, so there won't be anyone in there." Worried about her own safety, Ada asked "But what if the shields are down? I might get sucked out into space." Masie then reassured Ada, saying "Scans show that the shields are holding for now. You might want to hurry when we beam you aboard." Ada took a deep breath in and said "Do it." 

In an instant, Ada was engulfed in the same blue energy that transporters always engulfed people in whenever they activated and she was transported onto the station. The moment Ada arrived she found that parts of the hanger bay were on fire and could see the Apollo fighting two Imperial ships in the distance ahead of her. Knowing the importance of the mission, Ada turned around and began running towards the huge doors that lead to other parts of the station. As she passed by a burning wreck that was once a Reptarian Attack Shuttle, the doors opened and a fire response crew came running in. Ada paid little attention to them however and continued running, making it through the doors and arriving at a room filled with turbolifts. Ada looked at all the different symbols above each one, remembering the meanings of them taught to her in a quick crash course by Agent Talarus. She checked about four turbolifts, but they all lead to weapons research, crew quarters, ship design and the command centre. Ada then saw that the fifth one of the twenty lifts lead to the Priority Research Department and said "That must be it!"

Ada ran into the lift and pressed the button that lead to priority research. A voice from the small speaker then said "You require Alpha Clearance to enter the Priority Research Department." Ada then brought out the forged key card that Agent Talarus had given her and pushed it against the scanner. After a quick scan the automated voice said "Access granted. Welcome Colonel Sherixa." The turbolift doors then closed and Ada started going down to where the stolen Warp Core data was.

After two minutes she was in the Priority Research Department and exited the turbolift to see scientists and soldiers running between rooms while carrying equipment and important research that was vital to what the Empire was planning. Knowing that she had to find the Warp Core scans fast, Ada walked over to a soldier who was carrying some fuel cells and said "I am Colonel Sherixa of the Reptarian Imperial Guard. I have to meet with the scientist leading the research on the Warp Core scans of the alien vessel known as the Apollo. Tell me soldier, where are they." The soldier answered with an evil smile "He's currently designing the superweapon that will defeat those who are inferior to the Empire. It should be ready in a matter of minutes. You'll find it if you keep going forward Colonel." Ada then pretended to thank the soldier and began running towards the chamber where the device was being developed. But she was startled at what the soldier said and thought to herself "What did that guy mean by a superweapon?"

Ada then saw a room that's door said "Computer Archives" above it and realised that this was where the data was likely kept. Using the key card, Ada entered the room and saw the massive computers that housed Heaven knows how much data on them. Ada walked over to one of the technicians and said "I need to review that data on the Apollo's Warp Core, where is it?" The technician pointed to a computer and said "Right there Ma'am." Ada thanked him and headed over. Ada accessed the computer and a voice asked her "What file would you like to see?" Ada quietly said "The files regarding the U.S.S Apollo's Warp Core." The computer obliged and showed the files while saying "Drakor Pirates hired by the Empire received scans of an advanced Warp Core from an alien vessel that originated from the distant Alpha Quadrant. Efforts are underway to develop a missile that will be capable of defeating the Reptarian Free State and winning the War."

Ada was shocked and horrified to learn that the Empire were developing a missile and knew that she had to stop this from happening. Ada quickly plugged a data drive into the input and the computer asked "Are you sure you wish to transfer the data?" Ada quietly answered "Yes. Transfer now." The Computer then said to Ada "Authorisation required." Remembering the stolen codes told to her by Agent Talarus, Ada said "Gamma Delta seven four Epsilon." The Computer confirmed the code and transferred the scans to the data drive. Ada quickly puled it out and while knowing was looking, stomped on it to destroy the data within! Thus ensuring that the Reptarians couldn't reverse engineer Federation Warp technologies. Ada then exited the Computer Archives and headed further down the hallway to find the Missile and destroy it.

At the end of the massive hallway was a steel tight door that was an intimidating three metres tall! Ada pushed her forged Identification Card against the scanner and the door opened to reveal a massive laboratory the size of the shuttle bay on the Apollo. Ada walked in with a shocked look on her face to see a containment chamber where scientists were putting together a missile that contained a miniature Warp Core. The scientists wore hazmat suits to protect them form the Warp Core's radiation and were preparing to load the Warp Core into the missile. Ada then hid under a desk with a control console as a scientist went to get his suit refilled with oxygen and shapeshifted to look like one of the scientists. She then got up from underneath and began walking towards the glass dome that was the containment chamber. At the end of it was an airlock that could be opened with a simple password. Ada saw a scientist walk over with some of the equipment needed to finalise the creation of the missile and knew just what to do. Ada walked over to the scientist and said as inconspicuously as possible "I've been assigned by Colonel Sherixa to ensure that this goes well, I will be entering with you." Wanting to make sure Ada was being genuine, the scientist asked "What are your clearance codes?" Remembering the codes that the Reptarian Intelligence Bureau had shared with her, Ada said "Seven five six seven Alpha Nine." The scientist bought her story and said "Alright then. Let's head inside." 

The scientist then opened the first door to the airlock and the two stepped inside. As the scientist closed the airlock he said "Computer. Decontaminate the airlock. Clearance code Omega seven five." Small bursts of white gas filled the airlock as any germs and potential radiation were purified from the airlock. As the purification process was complete, the scientist opened the second door and the two of them walked in. As the scientist arrived he said "I see that the missile is coming along well." Another scientist agreed and said "Yes. Thanks to those scans of the Apollo's Warp Core we were able to reverse engineer a small scale one that is powerful enough to destroy an entire ship in one blast!" Knowing that this was the time to act, Ada morphed her arm into a blade and stabbed it into the missile! The missile then began to overload as one of the scientists said "It's gonna blow!" The other scientists then ran out as Ada said "Apollo, this is Ada speaking. I have succeeded in my mission. The data has been destroyed, but a missile that the Reptarian Empire created from the scans is about to explode and destroy the station!"

Concerned for Ada's safety, Masie locked onto her Com Badge and said "Beaming you aboard now Ada." Ada was then engulfed in a Transpoter Beam as she was brought back onto the Apollo. Just in time too, because the missile exploded a second later!

On the Bridge of the Apollo, Ethan was leading the attack against the Reptarian Empire from his ship, determined to stop the Empire from reverse engineering the Warp Core of the Apollo. As Ethan ordered Voq to fire photon torpedoes at an Imperial ship, T'Vrell said "Captain, I am detecting a large build-up of unstable dilithium from the space station. There is a high chance it will explode at any sec-" Before T'Vrell could finish, a huge explosion erupted from the station, destroying it and the five Imperial ships around it! A shockwave was sent out that disabled the ships further away and started coming towards the Allied Fleet! Knowing what to do, Ethan said "Evasive manoeuvres! Take us away from here, full impulse!" William obliged and turned the ship around the go to full impulse. As they went the full impulse an electro magnetic pulse from the explosion went down to the planet below. It wasn't enough to disable the main power grid, but it was more than enough to disable military communications and detection systems for the anti-star ship artillery. As the explosion stopped and the shockwave ended, William turned the ship around so that they could see the now destroyed or disabled Reptarian Imperial ships. The ground invasion force then started moving towards the planet to liberate it from the Empire at long last. Completely uncontested as they marched to war at full impulse. William looked back at Captain Rivers and asked "Your orders Sir?" Ethan then answered with an expression of victory on his face "The invasion force can take it from here. We've done our part. Now let's sit back and enjoy the end of an empire."

With that the Battle of Reptaria was won and although it would still be a few days until it was official, the Reptarian Civil War was also won! Everywhere the invasion forces would go, they would find cheering crowds of starving, impoverished and oppressed citizens, happy to be liberated from the Reptarian Empire! The Emperor himself would finally surrender, realising a truth that so many of his people had already realised: With the help of the Shalari Republic, Drakor Alliance and the brave Crew of the U.S.S Apollo, the Reptarian Free State had won the War and the Reptarian Empire was no more.

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