Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

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Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 17

681 11 2
By Silver-Tigress

Pic above is Toran, a member of the Panther Demon Tribe—->

Sakura's P. O. V:

Shinobu asks as we ride towards our castle on the sea cliff, Karina on Miyu's head, "It feels like it's been forever since we were home, hasn't it?"

I nod as I reply, "It has."

I convinced Sesshomaru to let us return home for awhile as we've missed it so much. At first, Sesshomaru was hesitant, but he'd relented and stayed behind with Rin and Jaken.

The guards at the gate now and let us through with no problem. Shinobu and I take the horses to the stables and rub them down before putting them in the stables.

We then go inside the castle and I go to the cherry blossom tree in the back courtyard with Karina. I perch on the bench and she purrs as I stroke her fur.

As I do, a memory returns to me.

"Now, do you remember which herbs do what?" Mum asks six year old me.

I nod as I point out each herb, "This one is good for stomach pains, this one is used for illnesses and ailments, and this one is used for cuts and lacerations, but it sure does sting!" I pull a disgusted face at the memory of having used it one time.

Mum laughs before she scoops me up in her arms and upside down, making me squeal in fright a little, but we were both quickly laughing as mum spins me around.

I sit with dad as we watch the sun set with Shinobu.

"One day, Sakura-chan, this castle will be yours to rule," Dad says.

"What about Shinobu-kun?" I question.

"His too, but only when your time as ruler ends," Dad explains.

"I don't know if I'll ever be as good as a ruler as you or mum," I say uncertainly.

Dad reassures me, "You will, sweetheart. If you just believe in yourself and your abilities, the same for your brother, then you will be a great queen."

Daddy hugs both me and Shinobu.

"I sure hope to be a great king just like you, father," Shinobu says.

"You will, my son. You will."

Mum and I return from purifying demons when I was eight years old and my brother runs over to us with father not far behind, cosmos flowers in his arms.

"I picked these for you, Sis," Says Shinobu, making me blink.

"For me?" I ask, taking the beautiful pink and white flowers from him. Shinobu nods his head.

"Uh huh! I hope you like them."

"I love them, itotou," I say as I ruffle his brown hair affectionately. Shinobu grins up at me.

I bring myself back into the present only to see that the sun has set, the sky filled with twinkling stars.

"It's that late already?" I say as I get up with Karina in my arms. "I must've lost track of time." I head inside to have dinner with Shinobu.


Later that night, I go to tuck my little brother in bed.

"I miss mother and father, nee-chan," Shinobu tells me, sadness lacing his tone.

I kneel beside him while stroking his hair as I say softly, "So do I, itotou-kun. But you must know that they're both in our hearts always and are always watching us."

Shinobu nods his head. After a pause, he says, "I really like Sesshomaru-sama. I'm glad that we met and went with him."

I say in agreement, "Me too."

Shinobu asks, "Can you sing something, onee-chan?"

I murmur, "Of course."

"Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart always

Why can't they understand the way we feel?
They just don't trust what they can't explain
I know we're different but deep inside us
We're not that different at all

And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know (what do they know)?
We need each other
To have, to hold.
They'll see in time
I know

When destiny calls you
You must be strong (you gotta be strong)
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Believe me, you'll be in my heart
I'll be there from this day on,
Now and forever more

Oh, you'll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart)
No matter what they say (I'll be with you)
You'll be here in my heart (I'll be there) always

I'll be with you
I'll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there always."

When I finish the song, Shinobu was already fast asleep. I smile softly before I lean down and plant a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"Sweet dreams, itotou-kun," I murmur, running a hand down his cheek, before I go to my own room and get in a sleeping kimono.

I get under my blanket with Karina curled on top and fall asleep with thoughts of my parents.

The next morning, Shinobu and I were just getting ready to leave when a familiar voice calls to us.

"Hey! It's you guys!" We turn to find Mutt, his friends with him.

"Inuyasha!" Shinobu says.

"Hey, guys, Mutt," I greet, causing the half demon to scowl.

Sango asks, Hiraikotsu strapped to her back, "Are you leaving?"

"Yes. We were only staying for the day," I reply, nodding. "What are you guys doing here?"

Shippo says, "We decided to stop by to rest and restock supplies for a few days."

Kagome says, "I hope that's okay, even though you said we could visit anytime."

"Sure. I don't mind," I say. "Just ask the servants for anything you want. It is the least I could do after you helped with Akio."

Miroku says politely as he inclines his head, smiling, "We thank you for your hospitality, Sakura." Shippo hums in agreement.

"Anyway, we have to get back to Sesshy-kun and the others. It's good seeing you."

"Oh, before you go, Sakura, Shinobu, here! I have some snacks for you," Kagome says, holding out a small bag.

"Thanks, Kagome! You're the best," I say gratefully as I accept it. I tuck it into my saddlebag before Shinobu and I mount our horses. I spare Mutt's team a smile as I turn Miyu around, the mare snorting. "Goodbye!"

"See you guys next time!" Shinobu calls before we kick the horses into a trot, waving back to Mutt's team.

"Goodbye! And good luck!" Kagome calls, waving back.


The sun was already down by the time Shinobu and I return to our group, in a forest clearing.

Rin turns around and gasps happily at the sight of us, gaining Jaken's and Sesshomaru's attention.

"You're back!" Rin exclaims. Shinobu and I dismount.

I hug my daughter as I ask, "Have you been good while we were away?"

"Uh huh!" Rin replies, nodding her head. "We waited right here for you to come back."

I hug Rin again before I set her down. She then hugs Shinobu who blushes as he returns it. I smile at them. They're so cute!

I go over and hug Sesshomaru, before I smile up at the dog demon. "Did you have a good trip?" Sesshomaru asks.

I nod as I reply, "Yup! We really needed to return home for awhile. Thank you for allowing us to do that, Sesshy-kun."

I rest my head on his shoulder at hug Sesshomaru from the side as I say that. Sesshomaru smiles tenderly at me as he hugs me back.


A-Un growls as Rin sits side saddle on Seiji in front of Shinobu, and I ride Miyu towards a cliff in a dark, foggy area. Sesshomaru and Jaken walk with us.

We stop at the top of a cliff as Shinobu questions, "Where are we now?" Before us is a cliff that's been utterly demolished along with the destroyed body of a dragon yokai.

Jaken answers, "The place where a giant demon known as Ryukotse was sealed into a dormant state. Strange, though. That it was completely destroyed like this."

I ask my lover, "Sesshy-kun, do you honestly think this was Mutt's doing?"

Sesshomaru replies, "It's anyone's guess how he might've accomplished this."

Squinting his eyes with a finger to his chin, Jaken muses, "Indeed. Imagine Inuyasha defeating such a formidable foe!" I start to walk Miyu next to Sesshomaru as the kids and A-Un ride behind us. Jaken was too busy talking to himself to notice we were already leaving. He gazes about in astonishment. "It took everything in your father's power to send Ryukotse into dormancy." When the imp finally notices we had started leaving, he cries out frantically. I laugh inwardly as Jaken hurriedly catches up to us. "DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND, SESSHOMARU-SAMA!!"


The following morning, I laugh with Rin and Shinobu as we stomp about the ride river that goes up to our ankles as we try to get fish. Sesshomaru lounges against a tree with A-Un, Karina on his lap, and the horses, a distant expression on his features.

Sesshomaru and I went at it again last night, and this time he left marks on the left side of my neck, which I did my best to cover with my hair.

Fish swim about as the children, Jaken and I disturb them.

Rin praises, "That's the way, Jaken! You can do it!" Jaken swipes his hands into the water in an attempt to catch fish. "Now to the right!"

"I'm not leaving any of you behind!" Jaken huffs as he scurries about to try to catch fish.

"Now, left, right!" Rin instructs.


"On the side. Over there!"

"Which side?"

"No there!"

"Over there!"

Jaken jumps up and down happily as he holds up a fish above his head, exclaiming, ."I got one! I caught it with my bare hands! Did you see that?!"

He laughs as Rin places her hands together and praises, beaming, "You were so amazing, Jaken!"

Shinobu adds, "You're the greatest!"

"I am great!"

I turn my head and gaze after Sesshomaru as I see him walking away, Karina now stretching out on the stones in the morning sun. I scurry out of the river and tug my boots back on as I go after Sesshomaru, Karina trailing behind me.

I suggest, "We we're having fun back there, Sesshy-kun. Jaken actually managed to catch a fish."

"..." I glance to Sesshomaru when he remains silent. Before I could say anything else, I turn my head when the river freezes and fog creeps over us. Karina growls warningly but doesn't transform. Sesshomaru and I pause to look up, recognition glinting in his gaze. "If it isn't Toran."

I ask wearily, "Do you know her?"

Sesshomaru answers as a cat demon woman with long icy blue hair and deep blue eyes, wearing a blue kimono with the left sleeve being long and the right short and bits of armor steps into view," She belongs to the Panther Demon Tribe that once fought my father and I when they attempted to invade the eastern lands. They lost, and haven't been seen since." On her left waist is a katana. She wears forearm length gloves and has two blue stripes on her right upper arm. The woman smiles at us.

"It's been a long time, Sesshomaru," The woman says in a deep voice. "Who's this?"

I immediately blush at being called Sesshomaru's wife, and say seriously, "I'm his lover, Sakura Shinguji."


"I thought you were dead," Sesshomaru states bluntly as the woman stops.

"That's a fine way to greet someone," The woman returns. "This time, I'm going to settle things once and for all."

His eyes closed, Sesshomaru counters, "We'd settled things a long time ago. But if you insist..." Here, Sesshomaru looks back at the blue haired woman. "... you won't be as lucky as you were fifty years ago."

"You're still as boorish as ever, I see," Toran muses. She closes her eyes briefly, hand on her hip. "I agree that things will be different from how they turned out fifty years ago, though. Our master is waiting for you."

"Master?" I reiterate.

"Yes. The one who leads the Panther Tribe." She points to Sesshomaru. "I realise that your dear father is dead." She places her hand over her heart. "But our master is going to be resurrected at long last!"

Sesshomaru and I hood our eyes as I question, "Resurrected? For what purpose?"

"To attack the lands on the east once again, but more importantly..." She looks back at us as her tone darkens a little. "... to get our revenge! On all your kind!" That last part was directed at Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru promises, "I will personally see to it that he never breathes again."

"I'm glad to hear you've accepted my challenge," Says Toran, prompting Sesshomaru and I to grip our sword hilts. "Come now, don't be so hasty! We won't battle it out here! Come to our castle." She throws out her hands and wind blows out as ice rises up around her. "Then you can bring all the reinforcements that you require."

Toran disappears behind a wall of ice and both the ice and the Panther Demon vanish.

I gaze at Sesshomaru wearily as I hear Rin calling to us, "Mummy! Sesshomaru-sama! Look at how many fish Jaken, Shinobu and I just caught!"

"Don't leave me behind!" Jaken cries as A-Un faces behind them.

"Onee-chan! Sesshomaru-sama!" Shinobu calls.

"See?!" Rin and Shinobu exclaim as they reach us and hold up a strong with several fish hanging from it. My brother now has his boots back on. I should really buy Rin a pair of shoes the next time I'm in town. I don't really like the idea of my daughter wandering about barefoot.

"Jaken," Says Sesshomaru as we turn to the imp, hands on his knees as he catches his breath. "The Panther Demon Tribe is back." This causes Jaken to jump up as he cries out.

"Aaahh! What are they doing here again?!" He exclaims.

Sesshomaru says to Rin, "Rin, listen."


"You are to wait here with A-Un."

Rin smiles as she promises is, "Alright. I won't move from here."

"Shinobu, let's go," I say as I as I tug off my pink kimono to reveal my priestess attire and pink armor beneath, leaving my kimono with Rin. I then turn to go after Sesshomaru.

"Right. Coming! Bye, Rin-chan!"

"Good luck, Shinobu-kun!"

Jaken exclaims, "Wait, My Lord! Sakura!"

Rin calls after us, waving, "Don't forget to come back and get us! We'll be waiting!"

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