Sincerely, Yours (Draco Malfo...

Autorstwa raali16_heh

352 32 45

A timeless rivalry, Y/n Y/l/n and Draco Malfoy sworn enemies, locked in an unmatched discord. Forced-to-be p... Więcej

Chapter 1 ~ The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 2 ~ The Paddock
Chapter 3 ~ A Potions Parley
Chapter 4 ~ Library Liaisons and Test Ties
Chapter 5 ~Hogsmeade Haunts
Chapter 6 ~ Boggarts and Revelations
Chapter 8 ~ Quidditch in the Storm
Chapter 9 ~ Potions and Prejudices
Chapter 10 ~ Brewing Bonds
Chapter 11 ~ Whispers of the Shack
Chapter 12 ~ Astronomy Tower
Chapter 13 ~ Quidditch Plays and Patronuses
Chapter 14 ~ Charmed Misunderstandings

Chapter 7 ~ Sleepingbags & Friends

33 3 7
Autorstwa raali16_heh

In one of her study periods, Y/n sat by herself, near Cedric and his friends. Jack had a little study group with the Ravenclaws and Aura utilized this time with Professor Sprout to improve her Herbology. Luckily, Snape was covering this study period, so naturally, there was pin-drop silence. The silence was almost deafening, and by the looks of it, everyone was bored stiff.

All the year groups were mixed up in some study periods, making it easier for the Professors to supervise. Y/n was looking over her Ancient Runes notes, and well when it came to drawing them, she was not the best.

Cedric scribbled something down on a piece of parchment, passing it to Y/n, careful of Snape.

I got a letter this morning from your mother regarding multiple broken mirrors in her attic, which she thinks I this your doing?

During the summer while Cedric was staying over, Y/n broke a few mirrors in the attic after a spell went wrong and blamed it on him. She explained the situation in a low whisper.

Cedric looked mildly annoyed, "I knew it was you." Y/n smiled a little "I hate you" he mouthed, shaking his head, a tender smile on his lips.

Her gaze fell upon another piece of parchment that read: This is torture, isn't it? Snape's sharp gaze caught them, and he stalked over, his black robes billowing behind him. "Mr Diggory, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" he sneered.

Cedric straightened in his seat, not flinching under Snape's piercing stare. "No, Professor," he replied calmly.

Y/n turned back to her books, underlining things as she read. A while later, someone sat beside her, and upon turning, she was met with the unpleasant surprise of Mclaggen. She shifted to the other side, feeling uneasy and adjusted her tie. Cedric had caught sight of Mclaggen and in a low whisper, Cormaic said, "Hey, Y/l/n."

Cedric returned his attention to his Defence Against the Dark Arts book, appearing to be engrossed in its contents, but Y/n could tell he was listening in. Mclaggen pointed to her Ancient Runes textbook and said, with a smirk, leaning too close to her, "Isn't this year's material just so difficult? I can't seem to grasp it. Maybe you can help me?"

Y/n replied with a scoff, "You'd have to be incredibly dense and vacuous to think that, but I suppose even the word 'dense' might be too complex for your vocabulary."

Cedric chimed in, "Why don't you go, bother someone else you arse. I don't want to see you talking to her again." Mclaggen scoffed and hurried off after being called out.

Y/n shivered relieved to be rid of  Mclaggen's presence. She mouthed a "Thank you" and Cedric whispered, "Anything for you."

Snape thumped a book at the back of Cedric's head. Swished his wand, opening a few of Y/n's closed books, making her jump. "Miss Y/l/n, if you insist on wasting time I suppose you can utilise this time for better things. Perhaps potions?" Snape shrugged, gesturing in the air.


The next morning, the sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the common room. In the room, a collection of newly potted plants added vibrant greens to the atmosphere. Cedric descended the stairs, his arms cradling a wooden crate overflowing with clothing.

Y/n approached him as he set the crate down on the sofa, and Y/n began to rummage through its contents. "I'm donating some of my old clothes to charity," he explained. "Take anything you want."

Y/n spotted the sweaters, their rich autumnal tones a testament to the changing seasons. Y/n gasped as Y/n pulled out a sweater that she had in her sight for ages. "Thank you, Cedric," she said, holding the sweater up to admire its beauty.

"You're welcome," he chuckled. "Glad to see it going to a good home."

Y/n looked around once more and came across some black pants. "Isn't this a part of your Hogwarts Uniform?"

Cedric nodded, " You know how my father insists on having more than I need? The year has just started and these will last until my seventh year anyway. Who knows where I'll be then." Y/n ended up taking only two sweaters. One knitted with browns, dark greens, reds, and a mustard yellow, and the other with a mix of everything. She also grabbed the pants, clutching them tightly.

Y/n strode down the hall, her uniform was adorned with pants, a deviation from the typical skirt that most students wore. Her disdain for the latter was well-known. She endured the dress code for far too long, especially during the harsh winters when she was forced to wear leggings just to keep warm. Why Hogwarts had not yet altered its uniform policies was beyond her.

Potions class was on Y/n's schedule, and as she entered the room, she could see Malfoy already stationed at his desk. In all fairness, his common room was in the dungeons.

The doors swung open with a flourish and Professor Snape walked into the room, the words "Undetectable Poisons" appearing on the chalkboard. "Page three-hundred and sixteen!" he announced, signalling the start of the lesson.

Snape swiftly reached the front of the classroom, "Poisons are a type of potion meant to maim or kill. Like Muggle poisons, they can be difficult to detect if dropped in a flagon pumpkin juice or other beverages. To make the detection of poisons even more difficult, potions can be made undetectable by a skilled Witch or Wizard. There are two sure-fire antidotes known to wizards."

Y/n scribbled it all down, trying to keep up. Snape turned to her and then to the back of the class, pursing his lips "Well, why aren't you all writing this down?" and at once everyone picked up their quills.

The air in the Potions class hung thick with tension, as the students busied themselves with the task of brewing the Antidote to Common Poisons. Malfoy and Y/n were halfway done, almost ready to leave the potion to brew for thirty minutes.

Malfoy and Y/n worked in silence, their hands moving in unison to mix the ingredients. As they neared the end of their task, he cast a sideways glance at Y/n, his eyes lingering for a moment. Y/n furrowed her brow, ready for the usual sneer, but to her surprise, he merely shrugged and returned his focus to the cauldron. "I'm all for it, actually." he pointed towards Y/n, "You'd think Hogwarts was moving forward, but at any rate, it seems to be going backwards."

Y/n raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Malfoy shrugged, "I'm not as bad as you make me out to be, Mudblood."

Snape left the room and Y/n considered making her way over to Harry and Ron, Blaise interjected, sneering at her attire. "What're you wearing?" he scoffed. "The last time I checked, skirts were a part of the uniform for girls."

"Yeah? I don't recall how this affects you," she retorted.

Blaise looked entertained, "People like you should follow the rules, why don't you just do what you're told?"

Malfoy stepped forward, "Blaise, drop it," he warned. "This has nothing to do with your dim-witted arse. Go pick a fight with someone else,"

Even Pansy seemed displeased with Blaise's remark and gave him the rudest look she could muster.

Malfoy didn't seem to care, more interested in the contents of a glass vial. He tapped his finger on the glass, "Let's just finish our potion, Y/l/n"

Y/n reluctantly turned around leaning on the table and crossing her arms. She stared at the cauldron in front of her, listening to Hermione talking to Blaise, furious "She can wear whatever she wants! Especially, without your opinion." Yn smiled listening to Hermione.

It was then when Y/n was about to forget about the situation until Blaise had to have the last word, "You dirty-blooded freaks!"

Harry stood up at once, ready to do something about it.

Ron was enraged and picked up his wand but Y/n beat him to it. She flicked her want in the direction of Blaise and Pansy. The fire heating their cauldron turned blue, exploding into bigger flames. Their potion splattered everywhere, along the floor, sizzling through Blaise's books. His face was covered in smoke and burned holes through his robes.

Snape walked in not a second later, his nostrils flared, "Detention Mr Zabini, clean this up now."

"He deserved that." Malfoy whispered, and Y/n mumbled almost an inaudible "Thanks." to which he just nodded in acknowledgement. It was strange seeing Malfoy stand up for someone like that.

After being dismissed, Snape requested for Malfoy and Y/n to stay behind. Did he know what had just happened? How could Y/n cover this up? They walked up to his desk, and Y/n put her hands behind her back. "I would like to inform you two about an upcoming p—" he stopped, his gaze behind the two students. In unison, Malfoy and Y/n turned around, looking at a panic-stricken McGonagall and worried Headmaster by her side. "We shall discuss this next time. Dismissed."

As they scuttled out, Y/n wondered what that was about. Malfoy on the other hand took off in the opposite direction without a thought.


Later at night, Aura, Cedric, Jack and Y/n were clad in their pyjamas making their way down to the Great Hall with sleeping bags in tow. Professor Sprout had informed Hufflepuff House that due to rumours of Sirius Black infiltrating the castle following the disappearance of the Fat Lady, they were to spend the night there. The students were in a state of growing alarm as they rushed from their common rooms to the Hall. A threat loomed over the entire castle and its students.

As Y/n was about to enter the hall with her sleeping bag, she felt a hand pull her aside. She was pressed against the stone wall, her eyes tracking the rest of the students. Harry stepped in front of her, whispering, "Listen, I have something to tell you."

They found an empty bench away from the crowd and sat down. Harry appeared nervous "What is it, Harry?" Y/n asked, tapping her fingers against the marble bench. "You can trust me."

Harry leaned in close, speaking in a hushed tone to ensure that their conversation remained private. Harry began to spill the details of his recent activities, "So, um, Sirius Black is after me and he might even be related to me."

Y/n nodded, "Mr Weasley did mention something to you that day. But, please Harry, promise me you'll be cautious." The moonlight was the only source of light, casting half of their faces into shadow. Harry inched even closer worried someone might overhear, "I was thinking that we could go search for him tonight. I don't want Ron and Hermione to worry. I just need you to come with me."

The thought of an exciting adventure was tempting, and Y/n realized that Harry and she had not been spending much time together lately. "Yes, of course. I'll stay near the door and give you a signal when we're ready to leave. Just don't fall asleep,"

She gave Harry a tight hug, and he smiled in response. His embrace was gentle yet reassuring, and she felt safe in his arms. It was comfortable, he tugged her tightly. He pulled away, staring into her eyes before turning to the floor. The Slytherins were passing by. Malfoy looked Y/n up and down threateningly clutching a sweatshirt in his hand. Y/n had never seen Malfoy in his pyjamas and he looked quite out of place, a symbol of the strange circumstances.

"You two look cosy," Malfoy sneered, his lip curling in distaste.

Harry stood tall, his eyes flashing with defiance, "We're just catching up, Malfoy. Mind your own business. What's it to you?"

"Just making sure you're aware of the consequences of fraternizing with the enemy, Potter," Malfoy said, a smirk on his face.

Harry's hands balled into fists. Y/n placed a hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. "Don't bother, Harry. They're just trying to get a rise out of us."

Harry and Y/n turned around making their way to the Great Hall. They ignored the snickering behind them.

Midnight was fast approaching and yet Y/n was far from slumber. The imposed bedtime of ten o'clock had long since passed, yet her thoughts were fixated on The Prisoner of Azkaban. She surveyed the Great Hall, taking note of Harry's restlessness. His subtle movements betrayed his inability to succumb to sleep.

Y/n was not all that tired. Sometimes she had problems falling asleep, and not feeling refreshed in the mornings.

The silence of the castle was shattered by the shuffling of feet, and a Professor was finally on their way out of the Hall. Y/n quickly gathered her wits and slowly got up. Her steps were slow and deliberate. She pulled the sleeves of her hoodie to cover her cold palms. and her socks failed to keep her feet warm.

She flinched at the sound of a student turning. She thought of walking over to Harry but then realized she should probably have a look outside first. She stepped over students' legs, weaving between the gaps, almost waking someone up. Just as she was about to near the door, she heard a noise, and her fists clenched in readiness.

"Y/l/n," a shouting whisper called from the floor.

She frowned at Malfoy, "Where are you going?" Y/n shook her head, about to leave before Malfoy raised his voice, "Where are you going, Mudblood? At this hour."

She glowered down at him, his hair spiking in different directions, "Nowhere, go back to sleep."

Malfoy sat upright, "You know if I raise my voice just like this" he threatened, his voice louder than normal, "A teacher will come right—"

She quickly kneeled beside him in panic, bringing her hands closer to him, "Okay, okay, shut up, just shut up!" she whispered, scolding him. "It's none of your business."

Malfoy's voice was lazy and deep as he retorted "Fiesty little, Hufflepuff are we? Quite spirited, tonight?" Her cheeks turned slightly pink but she ignored him, glancing over at Harry who was shrugging his shoulders in confusion.

Her eyes darted to the door as she heard indistinct chatter and footsteps growing closer. Malfoy looked ready to rat her out. Had he not learned anything from first-year detention?

Y/n shook her head at Harry, signalling with her hand that they could not be caught tonight. The voices grew closer, and Y/n could not make it back to her sleeping bag before getting spotted halfway. She had to decide quickly. Harry pretended to fall asleep.

With a firm grip, Y/n drew the wand from the pocket of her hoodie. The voices outside stopped and she thought they were leaving, "Thanks a lot, you almost got me—"

Malfoy's indignant eyes narrowed and his freezing hands clamped over Y/n's mouth, cutting her off. Malfoy was attentive, his eyes searching the floor as he listened intently.

Y/n's heart raced, feeling the chill of Malfoy's touch and sensing an ominous shift in the air. She stared at Malfoy's piercing, steely eyes, and it took a moment for her to realise the voices grew even closer.

Y/n pulled away and Malfoy pushed away the top of his sleeping bag in an attempt to stop her. Y/n searched for her empty sleeping bag in the Hall, "Accio sleeping bag!" and it flew across the room and into her arms with great force. She stumbled backwards, her back colliding with Malfoy. "Sorry," Y/n muttered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

With no other option, Y/n placed the sleeping bag beside Malfoy and jumped inside, ending up face-to-face with him. The Professors outside walked into the Great Hall.

Y/n never thought she would witness all the students at Hogwarts sleeping together in the same room.

Malfoy pushed on, "So where were you going before I stopped you? Not going after Black are you?"

"Nowhere, forget it," she mumbled, turning around to face the other side. Y/n's line of sight followed the two professors.

Malfoy started, "Y/l/n,"

Y/n whispered, " You really ought to stop talking to me, people might think we're friends."

Y/n turned her attention to what Dumbledore and Snape were discussing. Harry definitely was.

"No sign of Black nor anywhere else in the castle" Snape informed him.

Dumbledore replied matter-of-factly, "I didn't really expect him to linger."

Snape inquired, "Remarkable feat don't you think to enter Hogwarts castle on one's own, completely undetectable? Any theories on how he might've managed it? You may recall prior to the start of the term I did express concerns about the appointment of our Professor." Dumbledore told Snape that no Professor would help Sirius Black enter the castle, and he was more than willing to send students back to their common rooms. "What about Potter, should he be warned?"

The air was cool, soft moonlight pouring from the windows. Y/n felt herself slowly drifting into sleep."Perhaps, but for now, let him sleep. For in dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own, if we swim in the deepest ocean, or glide over the highest cloud."

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