Enchantment of Sorrow

Par moonofmorrigan

585 41 8

Modern AU: Cold and lost in a dark, unfamiliar wood during a snow storm you are led by a white stag to an unk... Plus

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

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Par moonofmorrigan

THE farmer's wife stared at you with wide, frightened eyes. Her hair was wet from an apparent shower or bath. She seemed to be in her late 40s, and was getting ready to go to bed.

"Harold...?" she called to someone within the house, and a tall, overweight, but kind looking, middle-aged man came to the door.

"Who is it Mattie?" he asked before looking down at you. His eyes flashed a similar fear before being masked with a cautious air. "Can I help you, dear?"

You held yourself in a hug, attempting to not shiver from the cold. "I need help. Please. My car broke down. I have nowhere else to go."

The couple looked at each other, and the wife lowered her head and nodded as she stepped out of the doorway. The man held the door open for you, and you re-climbed the steps to enter into the blessed warmth of the house. The man led you to the kitchen table and asked you sit down.

"I'll get you something warm to drink." the woman said as she went over to a cabinet and pulled out a mug, placed it on the counter, then grabbed a kettle from the nearby stove and ran water in it. As she set it down on the table you seen her grab at what appeared to be a rosary around her neck and make the symbol of the cross just before she turned it on.

You rolled your eyes as you turned your attention to the man who was pulling a chair out and sitting opposite you now. "You said your car broke down? Where abouts is it? Our house is, very far off from any main road."

The lady bustled past grabbing a box of tea bags and pulling one out with some honey as she muttered something.

"I'm not sure exactly. I... I got lost in the forest for a time trying to find help."

You could feel the wife turn around and look at you then. "You came from the forest?"

You turned around to face her. Her eyes were wide, and scared once more.

"Through the forest, yes... not from it." You clarified picking up on what may be the issue with these two people. It wasn't the total truth, but considering their reactions it was best.

The husband looked at the wife and both seemed to relax at the same time. The wife came over with a smile, "How on earth did you make it through that dark, creepy forest in this weather? God was definitely watching over you, child."

You looked away and bit your lip. Maybe God led you where you could be saved and to him? Your heart ached. Thranduil's eyes filled your thoughts at that moment. "I guess so..."

The kettle whistled and the woman got up and poured it into the cup, then presented it to her. "I'll get you some leftovers from the fridge."

"I'm sorry... um...?


"Yes, sorry. I know we are probably acting strange to you. But things happen in that forest that are no normal. We've seen things and people in there too. Faeries if you will."

"Faeries?" you asked taking a sip of the tea afterward. It had no flavor. You tried to ignore it and focus on the warmth it gave you.

"Yes, not little Tinkerbell things... but tall, and lean... and they can be deadly. We've seen them take out a whole pack of coyotes once. We know it probably sounds crazy to you... but you don't live here. Everyone who lives along here will tell you the same thing." Harold elaborated.

You heard a microwave bell ding and couple moments later a plate of food with a fork was placed before you. Meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes. You thanked them and began to dig in. After a few bites you stopped, and took a swig of the tea. The food had barely any flavor as well.

"You see hon," Mattie began obviously embarrassed, "we thought you might be one of them. They've been known to come up to doorsteps and ask for things. If you don't give it to them they'll enchant you sometimes. "

You stared at her incredulously. Then your thoughts drifted to the kingdom you had just left. Yes, that seemed plausible. You felt a heat on your finger and spun the jewel on it to the right, and hid the jewel on top in the palm of your hand.

"They took a young teenager once. Killed her. All because they were jealous." Mattie said clearly in thought.

Something unsettling hit the pit of your stomach at this.

"That was a long time ago Mattie. Before you and I were born even." Harold replied looking from his wife to you.

You eyed him, hoping he would elaborate. He picked up on it and shifted in his seat, with a brief glance at his wife. You took in a couple more forkfuls of the tasteless meal in front of you. What was wrong? Were you sick?

"Back in the early 1900's a man moved into this very house with his young daughter. She was a pretty little thing. We even have a picture of her." His wife got up, went into a room beyond her sight and came back in with a black and white photo of a young teenage girl, an extremely beautiful one to be honest, with dark hair and lovely, big eyes wearing the lacy, frilly dresses of her time sitting on a chair with her arms crossed over the top.

"The newspapers and records said she had hair black as ebony, deep, brown eyes, and lips red as blood. Her skin was supposed to be milky white. That was the thing back then you know." the wife said looking at the picture with you.

You chuckled a little as you gave the picture back to her, "Sounds like Snow White."

Both of them chuckled too. "I suppose it does a little. But all the sources say a woman kept visiting her from the forest who had the look of the faerie folk. Poisoned her. Even says it on the girl's death certificate. We looked it up. When we moved in we thought the place was haunted because of it." Harold laughed.

You stopped eating for a moment, and with fork aloft you asked, "Is it?"

Both of them laughed at that, "No, no."

The wife turned serious though when she caught sight of your eyes and looked away.., "But that forest is, and my dear... you... " she did not continue. She merely smiled and got up to put the photo away.

"What was the girl's name?" you asked putting your fork down and starting to fill a little sick from both the heartache and the suspicion growing in your mind.

"Elizabeth." Harold answered with a smile, "Elizabeth Smalls."

You nodded.

The wife returned and eyed you, "Are you feeling okay dear? You've barely eaten."

You forced a smile on your face. "I think I am just tired and everything. Um, can I use your phone? Mine died or I wouldn't have been bothering you at all."

"Of course."

Harold got up and retrieved his cell phone. "Who do you need to call?"

"My sister." You rolled your eyes as you said it. "I was on the way to see my mother. She's very sick. I want to let her know I'll be coming as soon as possible."

"Where is it?" Mattie asked.

"Um, Blue River Bottom."

"Tell her you'll be there tomorrow afternoon. We'll take you." Harold said getting up. "I'm going to bed. You can leave my phone on the counter. I'm Harold, and that's Mattie."

Mattie smiled at her.

"I couldn't possibly impose..."

"Nonsense. We don't get many visitors anyway, Go ahead and call honey. I'll go get your room ready." Mattie left then.

You sat in silence for a moment. You thought about Elizabeth. You thought about Thranduil, and your thoughts also wandered to his bouts of "madness." Was it really madness? Why did you feel like there was a connection with it and Elizabeth? You shook it off and began to dial your sister's number.

After a brief, and rather annoying conversation with your sister you followed Mattie upstairs to a modest room that overlooked the snow covered forest on the horizon. She said good night to you, and after taking off your shoes and socks, jacket and the wrap from the kingdom, you settled into the covers. You closed your eyes, only to be met with his blue ones behind your lids.

In your ears you began to hear a call... one you had heard each night for what seemed all your life... his call to home and safety. You found yourself answering it in a whisper as you had done, then turned on your side and tried to settle into the covers. However, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror near the bed.

You realized then why they had been frightened of you. Your eyes had a gleam. Your skin a silvery glow. Your lips were fuller and your hair... when had it became so lush and long? You looked away for a moment, then back at it, before turning over and closing your eyes. The kings tune and face forever in your mind and dreams.

HAROLD and Mattie stayed exclusively in the front seat as the car made it's way down the road ever closer to your hometown. There was a brief stop at your car literally 10 miles away from their farm to pick up your cell phone and suitcase. The couple still puzzled over your ability to get to their home, but at least did not accuse you of being something otherworldly anymore.

Oddly enough, you had caught a glimpse of something in the trees early in the morning before you came down to breakfast. You seen the wolf pack at the trees edge. You asked aloud, "why are you here?" not expecting a reply.

"We guard you, our queen." floated an answer to you on the wind. It had made you pull back from the window for a moment, then look out again with a small smile.

With the obvious human surroundings about you, a part of you began to think you had just awakened from a dream. A beautiful, melancholy, heartbreaking dream. The wolves confirmed otherwise. You told them to be sure to stay in the cover of the forest so that the farmer would not shoot at them. They replied with assurance that they understood and thanked you for your concern.

You had pulled your hair into a loose french braid that morning after your encounter with the wolves and taking a look at your doll like hair in the mirror as you got ready. You made sure your hair covered the tops of your ears. They looked different in shape, as if they were slightly pointed. Something which further proved to you that you had not been having a mere dream, and that the couple who was taking you to your mother were partly right.

You opted for sunglasses as well when you got to your car. Not only did the snow in the sunlight cause a glare but the sun seemed even brighter than normal as well. You had been living under the realm of twilight for so long that it seemed painful almost to your eyes. On top of it, you had caught glimpses of your eyes in the mirror, they had a sheen to them like those in the king's.... YOUR king's realm. If you had stayed there longer... you realized at that moment, you would have become one of them.

'Our queen' the wolves called you. It was something which kept echoing in your mind as the ring upon your finger seemed to generate it's own heat.

In about an hour you would be home. To your bickering sisters and ailing mother. You did not bother pretending to look at your phone as they drove on. You merely looked out the window, seeing the passing trees. They forced a terrible longing within you. This mechanized world was not where you belonged anymore, was it?

You felt it to the core of your being, and the further away from the king's forest you traveled the more the ache within grew. It was deeper than the longing for your king and lover. You were drawing farther away from the first place you have ever really considered home.

Such were your repeated thoughts when Harold finally pulled into the driveway of your mother's suburban home. She and your father moved into a community of seniors, all pristine and white, with the usual touches that people from time's past enjoyed as decoration. All were single story homes. All were large enough for a couple, and a single visitor. It had been built on a large field, and your mother lived on the edge of it all. You got out and sighed. You missed your father. He was the only element that could control the hell-storm that was about to ensue.

Your eldest sister came out, followed by your other one. Harold and Mattie did not get out of the car. They greeted them with sugary smiles and manners that made you want to gag as you retrieved your suitcase from the trunk.

Harold and Mattie seemed to pick up right away on your sister's false niceties, and just planted fake smiles on their faces as they cast worried eyes on you.

As your sisters turned away to return to the house seeing they would not be able to pretend to be hostesses, Harold 'psst-ed' you over. When you came to the rolled down window, he held out a piece of paper.

"I know it's a family situation and all, but here's our number. We'll arrange to get your car towed here, but ah..." He looked up at the open door your eldest sister was standing in front of, "if you need to get out of there sooner just give us a call."

You wanted to laugh at their discernment of your situation, but merely smiled. "Thank you... you've done enough. Though I'd rather you left my car to me."

"It's no problem at all. My brother has a tow truck, and lives around there. I'm sure he won't mind coming to town and dropping it to you, or where ever you need it to go to get the hell out of there."

"Harold..." Mattie hissed.

"Sorry... I just know a bad situation when I see one."

"Towing it here is fine."You said with a smile and leaned down, "Yes, it's not a great situation, but I promise to be leaving it as soon as I spend time with my mother."

This seemed to satisfy them and Harold nodded. "See you in a few days then."

You stepped away from the car and watched them back out and drive away. An eerie silence seemed to loom in the air before it was broken by your sister's voice, "Are you coming in or what?"

You rolled your eyes and made your way in.

After you stepped in you immediately took note of all the dishes that needed cleaned, the EVERYTHING that needed cleaned and your mouth dropped open at it. Your sisters were always pigs, but seriously... this was ridiculous.

You sighed and pushed your way past your eldest sister Michelle, and only briefly looked at your sister Christine before stepping into the open area dining room and living room.

"We expected you two days ago. MOTHER expected you two days ago." Michelle snarled behind her.

"I know, I'm sorry." you replied without looking at her, and instead out the window towards the snow covered meadow.

"That's it? No explanation? Just I'm sorry?" she continued, and you could feel her standing directly behind you now.

You turned and set your jaw, "Yes, Shelly, that's it."

Christine snorted from the kitchen and commented, "I told you didn't I?"

You reined in your mounting temper, and asked through thin lips, "Where is mom?"

"In there..." Michelle nodded her head to her left at a closed door. She shook her head and stomped back to the kitchen.

Christine came in at that, she gave you a more sympathetic smile. "Everyone's edgy right now."

"We aren't doing that Christine! If she can't show up when she says she is going to it's her damn fault!" Michelle yelled from the kitchen.

"Mom has been talking about you these last couple of days. Only she's been saying strange stuff about you. She's not herself. She's talking crazy to be honest. Just thought I'd warn you before you went in." Christine whispered and led you to the door. "Just prepare yourself. It's not pleasant."

You nodded, and began to open the door.

"It's dark in there. Why don't you take your sunglasses off?"

You smiled embarrassed, and slowly removed them, briefly glancing at your sister.

"Woah..." she grabbed your chin gently and tilted your head to look at her. "Cool contacts." She lifted her hand to your hair and touched it momentarily before you pulled away.

"What are you doing?" you asked drawing yourself in.

She opened her mouth to say something and then just smiled as she answered, "You look very different. You're taking better care of yourself. You look very pretty this way."

You gave her a suspicious look, then not seeing any hidden meaning behind the words thanked her.

You put your hand on the doorknob once more and began to turn it when your sister exclaimed again. You looked up startled.

"Who are you engaged to?" she asked pulling your hand to her eyeing your ring.

"Engaged?" you heard Michelle ask, and she came running in. She eyed the ring as well, then gave you an expecting look.

"He... he... is a businessman. In the forestry industry." you answered in a small voice trying to figure out the right words.

"Oh... explains a lot." Michelle replied in a snotty manner before letting out a huff and going over to the couch to flop down. You seen Christine roll her eyes, and then she turned back to you with a smile,

"Congratulations. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." The words felt strange on your lips. Then with a grateful nod you went for the door handle and opened it and went into the darkened room before you could be delayed again. The only light in the room came from her bed stand lamp, illuminating your mother's withered figure in a golden glow. The scene looked exactly as it had in your dream. Exactly like it.

Your mother opened her eyes and gazed at you confused and then a smile came to her face. "You're finally here to take me away with you?" she asked.

You gave her a confused look and came to her side, and sat down next to her on the bed. You took her hand in yours. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's okay. You were with him... He had to let you go first. He had to make you an angel first." your mother said in a happy and kind voice.

"Mom?" you asked taken back, "What do you mean?"

She chuckled, and it led to a some coughing, "The king in the forest. The angels in the forest. You're one of them now."

Your eyes widened.

"Your sisters think I'm crazy... but I already died once." You grew rigid at this, "but he turned back time, so here I am again. Dying again." The smile left her face for a moment at that. You stared at her incredulous and horrified. "It's not so bad... but I seen you. You came to me that night too. Dressed as an angel. Dressed like a queen."

"Mom, how do you know about... him?" you whispered.

A kind smile came to her face, "Because you see him before you die. Just as you see him when you are born. Don't stay here. Go back." she whispered.

You swallowed hard.

She smiled again and squeezed your hand very weakly. "Sing his song my dear, let me rest."

Your eyes began to fill with tears, and a song you had heard him sing before while at the harp came to your mind. As you began to sing your mother's eyes closed and she seemed to be at peace.

Your sisters came in at that moment and stood in the back. For once they didn't interrupt you.

Slowly her breaths seemed to come less frequently and an unmistaken rattle was present. The death rattle. Near the end of the song, you heard her take one last breath and then there was no more. She was gone.

Christine let out a sob behind you, while Michelle made no sound. You merely heard her walk out of the room and was evidently calling someone to inform the proper authorities. As you heard Michelle's quiet talk outside the room and Christine's clear crying behind you, you felt oddly detached.

As if the balance of the world was set right again, but oddly you felt a cold... Presence for lack of a better word on the far side of the room. It was the same feeling you had at times in Thranduil's kingdom. As if something was hiding and watching from the shadows.

You slowly put your mother's hand to rest on her chest, and looked over at the area. You gasped then covered it with a fake sob when Christine looked up at you. She took it upon herself to gather you in her arms and cry. But no tears were coming from you at the moment. Merely, a sickening horror settled in your stomach as you looked unwavering at the dark area on the other side of the room.

A pale, wispy figure stood there, beautiful and terrible. Her arms were crossed over an ample bosom and the eyes seemed to burn with hate into your soul. But it was her face that was the most unsettling. Beautiful and pale, with waves of hair much like your own, only pale and white about her, and a horrible, wide, mocking grin rested on her face.

After they had taken your mother's body away and Michelle had made calls to people in the family, then posted some things about it on social media, food was ordered and the three of you sat in silence around the table picking at your food.

Your stomach was unsettled. Not just because of the loss of your mother, but because there was something stalking you in the shadows. Something... or rather someone that you had a deep suspicion where it had come from and why it seemed to have it out for you in particular. You did your best to not look in to any dark corners, for she would undoubtedly be there. She said nothing. Merely stared at you with those hate-filled, pale, deathlike eyes, and with that horrid grin on her face. It was the first time you can remember ever wanting your sisters around. You feared what would happen when you were alone.

However, at midnight your sisters had grown tired and headed off to bed. Leaving you alone to sleep on the couch and stare at the growing darkness around you. The creature waited for the door to shut and your sisters to definitely fall into their fitful sleeps before she began to approach you.

"What will you do now?" she asked.

You did not answer but instead turned over to face the print on the couch.

"Ignoring me will not get rid of me... whore." she casually said snarling the last word. Your eyes grew large at that. "He tried that too when he found out his spell didn't go the way he wanted. The reason why is because I am no ghost...." she told you right in your ear. You then felt an ice cold hand on your arm.

She chuckled when she seen you shiver, and you felt her hand go under the blanket , over your belly and begin to head for your groin. Your eyes widened, and you grabbed her wrist. Another chuckle. She drew her hand slowly back. "Understand this... I will never stop following you. Sleep well. I go back to MY husband."

The coldness slowly crept out of the room, leaving only a peculiar feeling in the air. You swallowed hard a couple of times. Shaken, and wide-awake, you flung the covers off and sat up breathing hard.

"He's not mad. Dear god..."

You got up and got some water and then sat around for a while contemplating what to do. Or rather when you should do it. You needed to return as soon as possible. The question was timing. If you left now, this night in fact, you'd be torn with the grief of your mother. On the other hand, what was that... thing planning on doing to him?

You realized you could not leave that night. After all, the night was nearly gone anyway, and the day would begin. You had to help with some things... You knew that. You also knew if you went back... you would probably never return. But what was there to return to?

You glanced out the windows looking up at the moon, then in the snow covered meadow you seen the shapes of wolves. They followed you even to here? "You must go back. Guard your master." you whispered to them.

"As you wish..." came a reply and the pack set off.

You settled back down into your make-shift bed. You would leave tomorrow night once your sisters go to sleep. You had some calls to make yourself. You looked down at the ring on your finger. "Tomorrow... I promise." You say and felt your eyes growing heavy as the familiar voice faintly whispers its call to rest. "I am home. I am safe." You answer it, then fall asleep.

You were awakened a few hours later by rough shaking. Christine was hovering over you panicked, and screaming at you to get up.

"What is wrong with you?!" you shout at her.

"I tried to stop her, but she took it! She hasn't left yet. You have to go get it!" she pulled you on your feet and began dragging you to the door.

"Wait!" you shrugged out of her hold and stopped at the entrance of the kitchen, "Who took what?"

She gave you an exasperated sigh, then pointed to the kitchen door where Michelle was getting into her car. " Michelle! She took your ring!"

Your eyes grew large, and you looked down, suddenly noticing the weight and warmth from the ring was gone. You immediately bustled into action, and ran to the door, opened it, and practically flew down the steps catching Michelle before she put the car in gear. She gave you an aggravated look and then shot her middle finger up at you, put the car into gear and without caring that you were still near the car, backed out of the drive way and drove off.

"No! Nononononono!" You yelled at her and began running after her like an idiot until the car was out of sight.

A car pulled up beside you with Christine inside "Get in now!"

You ran to the other side and slid in and you barely shut the door before she sped off after Michelle. You were panicked and kept repeating "no..." under your breath.

"There's only one pawn shop in town -yourname- . It's the only place she can go! Don't worry!"

"I can't believe she did this! Why in the hell did she do this?" you said more to yourself than her.

Your sister made a turn and Michelle's car came into view. "Something about paying for the bills. You know how Michelle is. She gets something into her head, and she just does it."

You closed your eyes and shook your head. "And she says I'm the bitch of the family."

Christine had to stop at a light, and sighed. "We all are. I'm sorry for the way I treated you when we were teenagers. Okay? You did some pretty fucked up shit... but looking back, we all did."

"I just got mixed up with the wrong crowd is all." you muttered in response to the age-old reason they gave about treating you like crap.

Your sister just nodded and smiled and began driving again when the light changed. "I know. But I know you've changed. I knew it from the moment I seen you. Even if you hadn't, what Michelle just pulled is just pure bullshit. No better than what you did. You at least had the excuse of being a stupid teenager."

"That ring is very important. I HAVE to get it back Christine." you tell her changing the subject.

"I know baby, I know!"

No, you don't know... You take a long, deep breath and try to collect yourself. A couple moments later Christine pulls to a stop in front of the local pawn shop where they see Michelle's car a couple of spaces ahead of them.

"Oh no... I hope it's not too late." Christine whispers as you both get out and begin sprinting to the door.

You fling the door open and seeing Michelle at the counter, you dash towards her, yelling, "What the fuck is wrong with you!" and raise your hand to slap her, but stop yourself realizing you're in public.

Michelle gives you a nasty look, and turns back to the stunned broker.

"Is there a problem here, miss?" he asks.

"No, where do I sign again?" she says politely.

"YES THERE IS!!" you scream at the top of your lungs. Everyone inside turns to look at you. You quiet your voice and try to control your temper as you begin to explain. "The ring she just pawned to you, is mine. She STOLE it from me." you tell the broker while staring daggers at your sister.
You turn to look at the poor broker finally and he just blinks a couple of times before looking back and forth at the two of you, then purses his lips. "I can't take stolen property ma'am."

"She's lying. It's my ring."

Your eyes narrow at this and you look at her with cold eyes, "What is the name of the person who gave it to you?"

She gave you a hateful look and said her husband's name. You scoff at her.

"May I see the ring, sir?" you ask calmly turning to the broker.

"Of course... if you can describe it to me."

You give him a half grin and continue without hesitation, before your sister can open her mouth. "It is gold, with a thick band, and a blood-colored jewel with hints of orange in it."

The man sniffed and leaned down under the table and pulled out a black box He opened it up and pulled a ring, your ring, from the velvet interior. He snipped the little white label off it, and handed it to you. He turned to your sister.

"I must ask you to leave before I call the police." He grabbed a white piece of paper, the sales receipt, from under her and ripped it up. He turned to you, "I'm glad you were able to come before this person forced us into a terrible position."

You smiled graciously at him, and nodded, putting the ring back on your finger. You gave your sister a vile look, and turned around with Christine in tow, and left.

A few moments later you heard Michelle calling from behind you. "We need it to pay for the funeral!"

You spun around and faced her. "The funeral? I don't believe you." You shook your head and stopped in front of Christine's car. "We will discuss this at home."

You got into the car and settled in with huff. Christine got in next to you and started the car. "It is true, we do need money for the funeral."

You turned to look at Christine. "I said, we'll discuss this at home." Christine bit her lip and nodded and drove home. Michelle was visibly following.

When you arrived home and got into the house you didn't speak. Instead you went straight for your wallet and pulled out all of your credit and debit cards. The two sisters shuffled in, and you met them in the kitchen and flung the cards on the table. "There! Use these!" You exclaim as you sit down opposite of Michelle.

She shook her head and looked away, sitting back in her chair with a huff.

Christine chewed her lip for a moment before meekly saying, "Thank you. I have a little savings as well. I can put that in."

"That's for your kids college Christine." Michelle spat out.

Christine eyed her and then slammed her hands on the table. "Well, what are you contributing? All you have done so far is steal your sister's engagement ring and try to pawn it! Why don't you use some of your precious money?! Lord knows you obviously have some!" Christine tugged at Michelle's shirt which was apparently a designer brand.

"I spent all my savings on our mother's care you jackass!" she retorted.

"What happened to mom's savings for her funeral?" you ask blatantly.

They both turn towards you and look away.

"We had to spend it on nurses and doctors." Christine answered looking down. "There's nothing left of that."

You let out a sigh and lean forward and rest your head in your hands. You look up and at Michelle. "Why did you decide to just take my ring instead of asking? Or if you need to pawn something, why not that damn purse of yours? It's gotta be worth a couple thousand."

She gave you a horrified look. "Because I know you. You never do anything but steal other people's stuff, then backtrack and lie to get out of trouble. I thought it was time you put something in for a change."

You simply stared at her for a long moment. You did not know what to say. Nothing you could say would make any difference to her. Finally, you collected yourself and with a hard look replied as you tapped on the cards, "This one has $1300 left on it. This one has $2300, and my bank account has I believe $1256.98. There you go. Zero them all out. I don't care. You grabbed your third credit card off the table, leaving the two credit cards you indicated on it, along with your debit card.

You went into the living room and unzipped your suitcase repacking everything you have taken out.

"What are you doing?" Christine asked coming into the room followed by Michelle.

"I thought it was obvious. I'm leaving." you retort and finish the last of it and zip the suitcase back up and grab your phone and charger from the stand. You bring up the rideshare app you use and begin changing your credit card information to the card you were keeping.

"Where will you go?" Christine asked.

"To a motel, and then back to the depths of hell where I apparently came from." you sarcastically reply as you finish, and then tap in for a ride.

Christine grabbed your arm as you passed her, "Please."

You sigh and give her compassionate look. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay here. To be honest I don't know how you can either. It was nice to see YOU again." You turn to Michelle. "I wish I could say the same about you. Don't worry,  you won't be seeing me again. Ever."

You turned and left out the door, pulling your luggage behind you.

Christine ran out meeting you at the curb, "What do you mean? You're not even going to come to the funeral? Forget Michelle! Think of mom!"

You turn towards her, and give her a sad smile, "No. I'm not going. The first reason I can't explain in a way you will ever understand. But the second is because I AM thinking of mom. She wouldn't want us sitting there arguing and poking at one another. Which you know as well as I do, that is exactly going to happen. "

"What is the first reason?"

You bite your lip, and thought how to answer, "I have to help save someone else that I love."

She gave you a perplexed look but dropped it. "At least wait in the house. Or let me drive you."
You smile, and shake your head. "No, but thank you."

The words 'thank you' felt alien on your lips. Forbidden words uttered at another time.

Christine, defeated, just gave you a weak smile and nodded. "Good-bye then."

You returned it and watched her disappear in the house. A few minutes later the car pulled up for you. The driver helped you put your bag in the car, and you got in. You had typed in the address to the nearest motel, which you seemed to arrive at in record time. You thanked the driver, and retrieved your luggage and went inside. Minutes later you were checked in, and heading through the hallways to a room that you knew was going to be dark and musty smelling.

After you found your room and went inside you opened the window, then looked online for food delivery. Your body was hungry, but the food still had little taste. Once you ordered it you sat down on the bed and looked at the mirror. As you looked at yourself, you sighed.

You began to look away yet stopped when you seen the edges seem to mist over. Your own image faded and another took it's place. It was Thranduil... but he was not himself. He was raging. Throwing things across the room, appeared to be screaming at the top of his lungs and constantly grabbing the sides of his head. His hair was disarrayed... his clothes torn. The room around him was filled with darkness.


You get up and go to the mirror and see him turn his head to look straight at you, before clasping his fist with his other hand, bringing it to his lips and seeming to bite down, before he fell to his knees in anguish.

"THRANDUIL!!!" you scream at the vision in the mirror and reach out to touch the glass. You whisper his name again as you watch him draw up into a fetal position on the ground.

Suddenly, your room felt a cold creeping in, and you instinctively knew she was there.

She snorted when she seen the image on the screen. "He can not hear you. Even if you stood before him. I doubt he can hear anyone now but me."

You turned around and shot her vicious look. She snickered at you, then moved closer to you. "It's funny how fragile the mind is. Your sister's had no resolve whatsoever. All I had to do was whisper it in her ear, and she was off." She sat down in the chair near you, closest to the shadows.

Your brow furrowed at this, then you stood straight, and purposely turned away from her.

"A little spirit, I see." she mused. "You definitely are the pick of that bunch you were bred from. The only one worthy of my lord." She snorted at the statement.

You stood and faced the window where the blazing day was going on around you. A moment later you felt her icy body near you, and out of the corner of your eye watched as she reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. You refused to look. You refused to pull away. You could feel her smiling at your resolve. She turned her head to the vision in the mirror, then back at you.

"He is mine." she hissed, then she retreated back to the area behind you.

When you turned to look at her you seen her bent over the bed leaning towards you with a snarl. "I will only tell you this once. Do not go back. If you do I promise you this, I will kill you."

A chill went down your spine when she said it. She drew herself up to her full height, only slightly shorter than the king himself. "I vow it."

You had been avoiding her eyes all this time, but for this moment you looked in them, and seen her wince. You broke contact and looked at Thranduil in the mirror, continuing on in a mad haze. Your heart broke even more. Something else inside you panicked as well. With that, despite the threat that you knew she would keep, you felt a flame burn inside you that kept mounting, cancelling out her chilly presence. She began to retreat, the coldness began to leave the room.

You kept your eyes on Thranduil as you spoke, "Death is a blessing if I must be without him."

She returned and appeared before you, a perplexed look on her face. "Pardon?"

You swallowed hard and set your shoulders straight as you turned to look at her. "I said, death is a blessing if I have to be without him." You stepped toward her, and she stepped back. "I love him, and if I have to die so he can live, so be it. But there is something you need to understand... " You felt the ring pulse on your hand, and a light begin to envelope you, which made her retreat far into the room. You held the ring up so she could see it. "He is not yours anymore. He is mine."

She screamed in protest just as you lifted your fingers to your hand and began to turn the ring to the left. "Turn it thrice to the left, and the path will appear." Once. Twice. The phantom before you screamed and retreated in haste as the light mounted around you. Three. There was a roaring in your ears, and golden light everywhere. Things seemed to slow down and speed up at once, before the light disappeared, and the power you had just felt knocked you to your knees.

Breathing heavily, you looked around you slightly dazed. Nothing seemed different. You looked at the mirror and the vision was gone. Exasperated you let out a frustrated yell, and went to the window to look out.

You did not notice at first. But there was a rippling in front of you. Suddenly with purpose again you unlocked your door and ran outside. Before you was a strange phenomena - the view to the road was rippling as if you were looking through water. You smiled and went directly up to it and looked at it through squinted eyes.

You seen a white stallion pawing at the ground and snorting impatiently. You smiled and without closing your eyes leaped through the portal. You landed on a grassy plain where a demon of a storm was raging . You flinched at a bright lightening streak, that was followed by a loud thunderclap. "What the hell?!"

This storm was not normal. You could feel it. The image of your love appeared in your head, and you said to yourself, "I hope I'm not too late."

You moved towards the horse and it laid down on the ground allowing you to mount. "I am by no means a great horsewoman, but please take me to our king!" Once mounted the horse stood back up.

The horse wasted no time and took off at a blinding speed. You could tell this horse was much different than Mystic had been. He was more powerful, wilder and faster and cared little if you were stable upon him or not. He dodged falling branches, jumped over obstacles and left you hanging on for dear life.

Despite this you watched the world about you changing in a blur - light and day, trees born, trees and decay... Vegetation coming and going. Seasons changing around you until finally you seen the bridge you had crossed and before long the horse stopped in front of the very doors you had first entered from. The storm continued to rage overhead, and the shadows and darkness of the kingdom seemed to have swallow the castle.

"Go! Go! Find shelter!" you yelled at the horse, and it took off in a different direction as you ran to the doors. They opened without resistance, and at the bottom of the steps that led to the second floor was Legolas.

He ran up to you and with incredulous expression remarked, "You came back. We had come to believe you would not. It has been so long!"

"What are you talking about? I've only been gone two days." you tell him.

He looked down and forced a smile on his face before looking at you again. "It's been three years here."

"WHAT?" you shout with large eyes. Three years... ?

You want to fall to the ground. What would have happened in a week? You try to calm yourself and remember your priority... "Where is he?"

Legolas shakes his head as he answers, "I do not know. I have searched everywhere. Even the forest and the farm he took you to."

You can not help look and feeling of defeat. Then an idea comes to you. "Smaug... Where is Smaug?"

Leoglas looks at you confused for a moment then the realization hits him. "He... he was in the library last time I seen him." You take off running up the steps and down the labyrinths of hallways you had come to know, and burst into the library. There on the pedestal was Smaug. Who was visibly agitated.

You come into the room and offer your arm to the creature. It hesitates at first before flying over to you and landing on your outstretched arm. You wince back the pain from his claws which were digging into you as he balanced himself.

"Do you know where he is?"

Legolas appeared behind you as the dragon left out a puff of fiery smoke in confirmation. "Lead me there." you command and the dragon lifted itself in the air and took off. You ran after it Legolas trying to trail behind, but you yell at him, "Find lamps and torches. Make it as bright as you can in his rooms!"

Legolas stopped running, and though obviously confused by the order he took off shouting orders. People were running past you as you rushed past them trying to keep up with the speedy wings of the dragon. He led you finally deep down unto a familiar path that Thranduil had taken you to before. The dragon finally stopped in front of the hallway that led to the dragon's chambers, and the cave with the moonlit pool. The dragon waited for you to catch up, then flew forward, the torches flickering to life as you followed him. The doors to the chamber were open and once you were inside, you realized the wooden doors that led to the cave were as well.

Smaug blew a puff of fire at them then flew to his perch. As you approached the doors the icy climate you had come to know as his former queen engulfed it. You hesitated before stepping through. Was he dead? You turned to look at Smaug. No, he is not. Smaug would be either asleep or calling Legolas as master otherwise. Reassured, you stepped within.

There was no light save for the flashing of lightening up ahead.

"Thranduil?" you called out. Your voice echoed off the walls. "My king?" you called out as you stepped further within.

You studied the darkness and then when a flash of lightening crossed over the walls you seen him. He was in the pool and unconscious, leaning against the rocks on the other side.

"Thranduil!" you screamed out and began to run for the pool. You did not know how deep it was, nor did you know how to swim, but you had to try. You were shoulder deep when you reached him, and pulled yourself up on the rocks. "Thranduil..."

You gathered him close to you and took his hands all at once realizing that he was bleeding at the wrists. Your mouth opened in horror, and you shook your head. "No, no...!" You tried to rip fabric from first your own clothes then his, but unable you just gathered them over his head, out of the water, and began screaming as loud as you could. "Help me! Help me! He's here! Somebody help me!"

While in the shadows you heard a hearty, familiar laugh. "You're too late, and soon he will be with me forever."

"No..." you spat back her. "I will not let you win. You will not take him." The laugh filled the chambers as you began to cry out again, "Help me! Somebody please help!!!"

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