Male reader as Rimuru in High...

By AndrsFernando1

735K 12K 4.7K

A man who got reincarnated in the DxD world as Rimuru Tempest.And what he what's is a family that he been wan... More

The Void Dragon God
The Rise of Rimuru Tempest
The Familiar Forest
The Tempest Family
Rimuru new subordinates
The Beginning of the Anime
The Boosted Gear
Rimuru new subordinates Part 2
The Twilight Healing user
Battle between the Fallen Angels
Return to the Familiar Forest
The Fire Chicken Riser
Rimuru vs Riser
The Storm Dragon Veldora
New Characters
Excalibur Arc
The Two Exorcist
The Mask Twins
A Day on the Beach
The Three Factions and Tempest
Battle in the Labyrinth
The Reward Ceremony
The Reward Ceremony Part 2
Veldora vs Great Red
A Visit in Kyoto
New Characters Part Two
A Trip in the Underworld
The Party
A Family Reunion
Talk Between Siblings
The Trihexa?
Everyone meet Kumoko the Spider Goddess
Family get Together
The Mask Heroes
Attack from the Underworld
Juggernaut Drive
Ciel the Truth First Wife
The Fifth Mask Heroes
The Land of the Vampires
Black Numbers
Rizevim Livan Lucifer
The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou
The Rimuru Verse
The Mirror
The Sixth Mask Hero
Kunou visit in the Labyrinth
The Mother in law
Hunting down False Shadow Hero
If anime characters become Power Rangers
Rescuing the Yokai Leader
The Hero Faction strikes again and familiar faces
The Destroyer Milim Nava
The Lizardman and fighting off a Demon army
Power Up! Mask Heroes
Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2
Agent E
The Fall of Cao Cao and the Rise of the Void Dragon Emperor God
The slime assassin Melona
The Jura Tempest Federation
Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor part 2
The Rimuru Verse 2
A Faded Encounter
If anime characters become Power Rangers part 2
The Rising of The Shield Loli
Explosion Empress
New Members of the Family

Helping a fellow Spider out

2.1K 50 16
By AndrsFernando1

Kumoko: Ooh, yeah, yeah

Mori: Modern-day killers really must hate fun
More often, people takin' lives rockin' knives & guns
The real mXrder connoisseurs in the ruins of hell
Got used to luring the audience with moe that sells, cuz To my surprise, snatchin' lives toriaezu kinshi
Nice try, stoppin' the MOtherFXXkin Da Vinci
Of human erasure, can't stop the pace, sir
Make sure when "standing off" my rhymes slay first~

Kumoko: It doesn't matter where or when there's trouble If you just call my name, Kim Possible

Mori: "Dead Beats, listen up!" It's what'cha want?
Me coming in the night for ya!
Katte ni yatteru jigoku de hanzai janai kara~

Kumoko: Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me

Mori: Bass high enough to exterminate ya
You'll dance anyway, cuz it's human nature
Demo, sono mae nantonaku issho ni tanoshimou~
Anata no shinu hi made!

Kumoko: (Kim here, so what's the sitch?)

Mori: Moushiwakenai desu, yarisugimashita.
Nande keigo de rappu shiteru? chotto hen da.
Not what you expected? Better tell you straight-forward Hear you all the way in hell, slamming on your keyboard Go ahead and BE sore, but I won't run. Cuz I'm a workaholic business-lady getting shxt done Taking souls? Not an industry for suckers, for one But it's a mistress of darkness's day in the sun~

Mori: C A double L I O P E
I really love this fake-murder shxt's eye-opening Taking words I get right off the cuff, and script my own thing "Mxrder with words ain't enough?" that was the past me!

Kumoko: Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me
When you wanna page me, it's okay I just can't wait until I hear my cell phone ring

Mori: "Dead Beats, listen up!" It's what'cha want?
Me coming in the night for ya! Katte ni yatteru jigoku de hanzai janai kara~

Kumoko: Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me
If you wanna page me, it's okay

Mori: If you take my advice, you'll get killed by what'cha don't know! But inside, I'm kinda nervous and I don't know what the word is For the other side of the gap? FXXK IT, "seiso"!! Setting out, do as I'm supposed to do, I'll get close to you... DonmaiDIEjoubu~ If it's alright with you, could I end your life? Gomen, shitsurei shimasu ga, shinde kudasai❤~

Kumoko: So what's the sitch?

Mori: Anata no shinu hi made!

Kumoko: yeahh yeah

A crowd of people clap and cheering from the performance of both Kumoko and Mori. This all started from a bet Kumoko and Mori had of which of them are a better singer and they competed, playing their favorite songs. Both Kumoko and Mori grin at each other and they shook hands in a sign of respect for their performance of singing.

Mori: Gotta say you're not a bad singer, I respect that.

Kumoko: I should say the same to you as well, you were really killing it there.

Mori: Thanks. You may not be truly a reaper but I do consider you as one in my respect. We should do this again sometimes.

Kumoko: I couldn't agree more. How about we keep doing so Fridays.

Mori: I'm okay with Fridays. Well see you around Spider Goddess.

Kumoko & Mori:

Mori: Come on Gura we're leaving, let's roll out.

Gura: Right behind you Mori!

Gura follow alongside Mori. As they left Kumoko suddenly felt someone hugging her from behind and as she look who it was she couldn't help but smile that it was her daughter Kumo. She pick her up in her arms and see Ragna walking towards them.

Kumo: Mother you were amazing you sing beautiful!

Kumoko: Aw~ thank you my little spider princess. Your mother is an amazing singer ain't I?

Kumo: Yes you are! You're the best singer and I'm lucky to have a mother like you, you're the best!

Kumoko was overwhelmed with joy and she loves her daughter so much. She felt Ragna grab her shoulder turning to see that he gave her a smile.

Ragna: Come on my popstar spider time for us to head back home.

Kumoko: Hehe I like that nickname. All right let's go but once we head back home.

She lean closer to him and covering Kumo ears.

Kumoko: I'm gonna be rocking your world by tying you up in the bed having nonstop mating until I'm satisfied. So you better be prepared my dear husband, hope you have enough energy to last longer.

Ragna entire face was all red and he won't be getting enough sleep for today or tomorrow. The family trio we're planning to leave until someone was calling for Kumoko.

Gabiru: Lady Kumoko!

They turn to watch Gabiru running up at them as he was out of breath.

Kumoko: Hey Gabiru what's up. Is there something a matter?

Gabiru: Apologies for disturbing you and your family Lady Kumoko. But I, Gabiru Kazuma have came here to inform you that someone wish to speak with you personally Lady Kumoko.

Kumoko: Someone wants to see me? And who is this person wants to see me in person?

Gabiru: It's one of your people, a spider woman came here not long ago and she ask for your help.

When he finished saying that, the spider woman that Gabiru told me made herself known, walking with her eight spider legs coming towards us as she made a small bow and greeted us polite.

Rarana: It is lovely to finally meeting you Spider Goddess Kumoko. I am Rarana Arachnera the Queen of the Arachne and I am here seeking for your help.

Kumoko: (Huh? You know there's something very familiar about her. Her face and spider part also seems familiar like I have seen her from a monster girl anime. But I'll be thinking about that later and see what she needs my help for.)

Kumoko: Nice to meet you Rarana. As you already know I am Kumoko the Spider Goddess and the two here are my family my husband Ragna and my daughter Kumo. So what is it you need my help for?

Rarana: I asked of you please help me save my people!

Time skip brought to you by

I was at the living room sitting in my chair listening to Rarana story. Apparently some spider lady name Elise took over Rarana's home and she had challenged her to take over her home back but she lost badly and now her people, the Arachne are now her minions. And if one disobey her, she would not hesitate to kill them. Rarana told me Elise order her to come here and kill me and if she fails her mission Elise is going to kill Rarana's daughter.

Hearing that got my blood boil this Elise person sounds troublesome and I can understand why Rarana has hatred towards her and I have every right to get angry as well. As a mother myself if someone tried to threatening me saying some bullshit things that they will harm my little spider princess I will kill those bastards no matter who they are. Rarana looks saddened probably think about her daughter wondering if she is all right.

Kumoko: Hey Rarana do you want me to make you some coffee for you just to cheer you up?

Rarana: No thank you as much that I love coffee I will actually get intoxicated if I drink caffeine, in other words I could get drunk by drinking coffee.

Kumoko: (Seriously I didn't know you can get drunk by just drinking coffee? Something like that never happens to me when I drink coffee, how strange.)

Rarana: I told you my story and can you please assist me Spider Goddess. I don't want my people being ruled by that damn woman and I want to see my daughter again so please I beg of you!

She lower her head and begs. I just grab her shoulder and she looked up to see I was smiling at her.

Kumoko: You do not have to worry Rarana I will help you save the others Arachne and reunite you with your daughter. To a fellow spider mother to another I'll be glad on helping a fellow spider out.

She had a look of hope as she couldn't help but smile.

Rarana: Thank you Spider Goddess Kumoko I am very grateful for you to help me.

In the cave of the Arachne

Elise was sitting in her throne watching the others Arachne without any breaks. While she was watching them work She was holding something in her hands that appears to be a purple orb.

Looking at the orb remembering the person who gave it to her.

Elise: (I will avenge you my creator Lady Izis. I'll use the orb to gain stronger to killed the one responsible for your death and I Elise the Spider Queen soon to be Spider Goddess will killed those who would dare cross my path and no one is going to stop me.)

She had a evil grin shown on her face as she laughed loud that made all the Arachne flinch from her sudden from her evil cackle. In a small cage a little Arachne that looks similar Rarana was crying, begging for her mother to return.

???: Please come back Mama, I don't want to be stuck here anymore, I'm scared.

Next part Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen

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