Wounded Spark

By NorthWindsOfArk

140K 5K 447

"There was thirty seven Primes, only thirteen survived the battle against Unicron. Now only two Primes remain... More

Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter X1/2
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Dear Sparks,
Chapter XIX
Predacons by Sparks
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Dear Sparks
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Dear Sparks
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Dear Sparks
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX

Chapter I

11.6K 224 14
By NorthWindsOfArk

Starscream covered his audio receptors and turned over on the berth. Like every morning, a bell sounded throughout the Nemesis to wake every Decepticon. Starscream groaned and sat up. He shivered at the coldness of the room. He climbed off the berth and looked angerly at the sleeping dragon. "Wake up ice bucket!" Starscream said kicking her bluish hide. Aileron's optics snapped open and she turned her helm. "Well good morning to you too." Aileron said. "Cut the scrap and get me some fragging energon." Starscream commended. His helm was still pounding from the lashings Megatron had given him recently. Aileron stretched and gave a lazy flap of her wings making a gust a cold air. Starscream scowled as frost formed on his pedes. "Get going." He snapped whacking her helm. Aileron growled and stood up. "As you wish, Master." Aileron said sarcastically. Starscream didn't notice. She turned and exited the room. This early only a few vechions were wandering around on patrols. They gave her cautious looks but stuck to their routes. Most Cybertronians didn't like cold. Aileron turned a corner, her claws making soft clinking sounds. She reached the energon storage and nudged the door open. All along the walls were stacks of energon cubes. Aileron inhaled the sweet scent. She raised her helm and took a cube with her jaws, careful not to freeze the energon. After she removed the energon cube she placed it securely under her wing. Aileron turned her helm and reached for a second cube.
"Let me go!!"
Aileron jumped at the scream, the energon cube falling from the shelf. She quickly caught it in her jaws. Her fangs pierced the cube and the energon froze within seconds. Aileron groaned and turned to look at the source of yelling. Her optics widened with curiosity as two vechions dragged a youngling down the corridor. It was a femme with a blue and silver helm her body was a mix of red, silver, and blue. There were also wounds and scrapes all over her body. The femme jumped and kicked one of the vechion's helm. Aileron cringed when the vechion smacked the femme hard across the faceplate. "Behave yourself ,Little Pax." The vechion growled. Aileron left the energon storage and slowly followed. "Guess Prime ain't so tuff as he thinks." One of the vechions sneered. "Don't mock my creator!"
Aileron paused when she heard the vechion strike the femme again. Aileron poked her head around the corner and saw the vechions force the femme into the brig. Aileron took a step towards the door then stopped.
Fool! You'll bump right into them! Aileron thought. She tilted her helm upwards. The Nemesis had been damaged and undergoing repairs. Thick beams crisscrossed below the ceiling. Aileron stretched out her wings and leaped upward. Her claws racked against the beam and held fast. Her helm whacked against the ceiling. Aileron grunted and shook her helm. She wrapped her tail around another beam and hauled herself against the beams.
It feels like I forgot something She thought looking down. Aileron groaned. The two energon cubes lay on the floor. She released her hold and dropped to the floor. Aileron quickly tucked the energon cube under her wing. As she gripped the frozen cube in her jaws the sound of pedes reached her audio receptors. She ran/flew back around the corner, her claws screeching as she gripped the floor to slow down. "-thing dies, little piece of slag." One of the vechion said coming out of the brig. The second laughed and followed. The two walked in the other direction away from Aileron. "Security here is lacking." Aileron muttered. She came back around the corner and approached the brig door. She gripped the door handle with a fang and pulled. The door opened and she backed in careful to release the handle before the door pinched her helm. It shut with a creak. "It reeks here." Aileron said exhaling. A faint pattern of frost formed on the floor. She moved down the rows of cells eyeing each carefully. The stories of prisoners and their fates you hear on this ship could send a sparkling screaming mad forever.
Her audio receptors detected a faint squeak. Aileron whipped her helm to the left and saw the femme eyeing her cautiously. She set the frozen energon cube on the floor. "You hungry?" Aileron asked slowly untucking the other cube from her wing. The femme blinked. "Right, you're in a cell." Aileron said. Aileron narrowed her optics at the lock.
Why am I doing this? Aileron thought. She glanced back at the femme. Closer up, she looked barely a youngling and had clear azure optics. "Why are you here?" The femme asked. "Making Starscream wait for his order." Aileron said. "You work for Starscream?" The femme said. Aileron snorted. "Sadly it was decided after I hatched. Don't get a lot of options here." Aileron said. The femme turned towards her. "What about you Creator?" The femme asked. Aileron shrugged as best a dragon could. "If I have one he must hate me."
"I'm different. I breath ice instead of fire."
"That's not different."
Aileron blinked her crimson optics. "Then what?" Aileron said. The femme gave her the 'isn't it obvious' look. "You're special." The femme said. "You're nice. And probably hungry." Aileron said. The femme wearly nodded. Aileron blew a cold breath over the lock. Instantly a layer of ice covered it. Aileron raised a claw and smashed the lock. It broke and fell. Aileron carefully picked up the energon cube. "Here." She said setting it down by the femme. "Could you move it closer." The femme said shyly. Aileron glanced down at the femme's pedes. A large ugly bruise covered her the metal on one. She nudged the cube closer with a claw. "I've got something cold you can but on that." Aileron said turning back and grabbing the other cube in her jaws. She placed the frozen energon by the femme's pede. "That's cold. I never saw frozen energon." The femme said. "It's what happens with my abilities." Aileron said. "I'm Primaltone." The femme said. Aileron blinked.
"Primal phone?" Aileron said mischievously. Primaltone looked at her weird. "Primaltone." The femme corrected. "Pri moan ton?" Aileron said. The femme shook her head.
"Primal known."
"Primaltone!" The femme said placing a digit on Aileron's snout. "Pri. Mal. Tone." Primaltone said poking her snout. Aileron snorted and a few flakes of snow blew onto Primaltone's faceplate. Primaltone paused for a moment and then giggled. "What's your name?" Primaltone asked. "Aileron." The metal dragon said. "Ale-er..." The femme said making a face. Aileron smiled. "You can just call me Ail." Aileron said. Primaltone smiled. Aileron glanced back at the cell door. "I need to go. Starscream is probably fuming." Aileron said. Primaltone's optics grew sad. "Don't worry I'll be back and I'll bring some more energon." Aileron said. Primaltone looked at her. "Promise?" The femme said. Aileron's optics softened. "I promise, not like I have anything else to look forward to." Aileron said. Primaltone nodded and watched the dragon leave. "If you see my Creator can you tell him I'm okay." Primaltone asked. Aileron turned to look at the femme. "If I see him, I don't get out much." Aileron said. Primaltone nodded. "I'll tell him though. What's his name?" Aileron said. The loving light went into the femme's optics, "Optimus Prime".

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