Last Hope

By AbbyPierceKnight

2.2M 45.3K 6.2K

Xavier Winston He's a ruthless Mafia lord. He doesn't care who he kills and for what, if he claims something... More

Introduction (edited)
Prologue (edited)
Chapter 1 (edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11 (edited)
Chapter 12 (edited)
Chapter 13 (edited)
Chapter 14 (edited)
Chapter 15 (edited)
Chapter 16 (edited)
Chapter 17 (edited)
Chapter 18 (edited)
Chapter 19 (edited)
Chapter 20 (edited)
Chapter 21 (edited)
Chapter 22 (edited)
Chapter 23 (edited)
Chapter 24 (edited)
Chapter 25 (edited)
Author's note (with love)
Chapter 26 (edited)
Chapter 27 (edited)
Chapter 28 (edited)
Chapter 29 (edited)
Chapter 30 (edited)
Chapter 31 (edited)
Chapter 33 (edited)
Chapter 34 (edited)
Chapter 35 (edited)
Chapter 36 (edited)
Chapter 37 (edited)
Chapter 38 (edited)
Chapter 39 (edited)
Chapter 40 (edited)
Chapter 41 (edited)
Author's note (thank you <3)
Chapter 42 (edited)
Chapter 43 (edited)
Chapter 44 (edited)
Chapter 45 (edited)
Chapter 46 (edited)
Chapter 47 (edited)
Chapter 48 (edited)
Chapter 49 (edited)
Chapter 50 (edited)
Chapter 51 (edited)
Chapter 52 (edited)
Chapter 53 (edited)
Chapter 54 (edited)
Chapter 55 (edited)
Chapters 56 (edited, mega last chapter)
Author's note<3 (important)

Chapter 32 (edited)

36K 726 101
By AbbyPierceKnight

Claire's POV:

The next morning I woke up in pain. My whole body was aching. From my head to my back, everything hurts.

Letting out a groan I tried to move, accidentally waking up Xavier and he immediately looked at me alarmed.

"What's wrong doll?" He asked, his voice raspy.

"Just need to use the bathroom" I mumbled looking at him and he released me from his arms and I slowly sat up but my headache was worse than I ever remembered.

Carefully sliding off the bed with Xavier's eyes following my every move, I was on my feet but then everything in my vision began moving so I sat back down.

Immediately I felt a pair of hands hold onto my waist before lifting me. Instinctively wrapping my legs around his waist I rested my head on his chest while he walked towards the bathroom.

Keeping me in his arms he stood in front of the sink and dropped me down so I could wash my face.

Splashing the cold water over my face I felt a slight stinging. Looking myself over in the mirror my eyes watered.

I was a complete mess. My face was half swollen, my lip busted, eyes swelled up from crying that much.

Xavier's hands rubbed my waist soothingly making me rip my eyes off myself and let out a deep sigh.

"Let me know when you're done angel, I'll run you a bath" he said before softly kissing the top of my head and walked out letting me do my business.

After I was done I dragged myself out.

"I'm done" I mumbled softly catching his attention and he walked to me before picking me up bridal style and dropped me on the couch.

"Wait here, I'll get you once the bath is ready" he instructed before walking back into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, he walked out and picked me up again.

"I'll walk" I insisted trying to get off him. He's already doing too much.

"Not while I'm here Doll" he said and sat me on the counter.

Before he began to unbutton my shirt he looked at me as if asking for permission. I was in too much pain to project so I gave him a subtle nod.

As he pulled my shirt off I realised I didn't have any bra on. Immediately wrapping my arms over my bare chest I felt my face go red in embarrassment.

Gently pressing his lips over my forehead he hooked his fingers around the elastic of my panties and pulled them off.

Not daring to look at him in this state I kept my head low until he slide his finger under my chin pushing my face up to look him in the eyes.

The eyes that I was expecting to be looking at me with disgust and hatred held nothing but care and warmth, making me get lost in his deep brown eyes.

Gently lifting me he walked towards the bath. It smelled so good.

Carefully lowering me down into the tub he ran his long fingers through my hair wetting them and I let out a satisfied sigh.

After last night I thought I'd be weary of anyone's touch because that's how I was the first time I was assaulted by him.

But surprisingly I don't seem to want Xavier to leave my side at all. His touch doesn't make me feel violated instead it's the only thing that makes me feel protected and loved.

Grabbing a loofah he put some liquid soap on it before rubbing it ever so softly over my arms and shoulders. Looking at me every now and then to make sure I was okay.

Closing my eyes I rested my head back on the tub while he rubbed me clean and rinse the soap off me before applying shampoo to my hair and massaging it.

When he accidentally rubbed the bump on my head I jerked my head hissing at the pain and he looked at me confused retreating his hands.

"What is it doll?" He asked now slowly inspecting the bump on my head.

"It hurts" I mumbled and his eyes softened before he slowly began to massage my hair, steering clear of the bump.

After he rinsed my hair he helped me out of the tub and picked me up in his arms.

"N-No I'll get you all wet!" I rushed before trying to get down but he kept walking towards the sink.

"I don't care sweetheart" he said before sitting me on the countertop and pulled a dry towel to wrap around me.

Once I was all wrapped up in a towel he yet again lifted me in his arms as if I weighed nothing, and walked into his room. before letting me down on his bed.

On his bed, there was a pair of underwear placed neatly. He disappeared into his closet and came out a couple of minutes later with one of his shirts.

Pulling the towel off my body he gently rubbed it over my body to dry me before picking up my panties causing my face to turn bright red.

Slowly slipping it on he pulled me to my feet and held his shirt above my head.

"Up" he instructed and I obeyed lifting my hands and allowing him to slip the shirt on that ended at my mid-thighs.

Gently rubbing the towel over my head he threw the towel on the floor and picked me up like a child with my legs wrapped around his hips and began walking out of the room.

"Xavier?" I mumbled to which he stopped and looked down at me with an unfamiliar emotion pooling in his eyes.

"Yes, Doll?" He asked with his eyes still on me.

"I-I can walk" I said to which he gave me a soft smile and resumed walking down the stairs.

"I know that Doll" he chuckled but didn't let me down until we were in the kitchen and he dropped me on one of the barstools by the counter.

The house was oddly quiet and empty. I haven't seen even one maid around.

"Where is everyone?" I asked him confused while he was cracking an egg into a bowl.

"I gave them a few days off" he informed and continued making breakfast.

"I can help you with that-" I began but his voice cut me off.

"Do not get off that stool angel" he ordered.

Letting out a sigh I played with the long sleeves of his shirt. An unknowing smile spread through my face when I realised that after using his products I am most likely to smell like him.

Grabbing a big strand of my hair I sniffed it a little and just as I thought my hair smelled exactly like him giving me a sense of comfort and peace.

Looking at him while he cooked breakfast I only wondered one thing. Why?

Why doesn't he seem disgusted by my very presence after seeing my scars? All he has offered me is comfort, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold in panic, and an embrace to feel safe in.

And it's none of the things I was expecting from him. I thought he would be disgusted and wouldn't want to be near me. Because those were his words when he gave me those scars.

'Every man who gets to see you bare with those nasty scars on your body will know how much of a whore you are Claire. No one and I mean no fucking one will ever love you and your sickening scars how I do, and you know that'

His words rang in my ears bringing tears to my eyes before I snapped out of my thoughts when Xavier pushed a plate of omelette and toast towards me followed by a glass of apple juice.

"Eat little one, you're lacking food" he instructed before sitting on the stool next to mine.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked him with a tilt of my head and he only shook his head with a smile ghosting his lips.

"I'll eat later angel" he assured me but I did not feel right to just eat by myself after how much he have been taking care of me.

So I put the omelette in between the toasts, making it a sandwich and lift it to his lips.

"We can eat together" I mumbled softly earning the most heartwarming smile from him that just made me melt on the spot.

He slowly leaned forward and looked at the sandwich in my hand before taking a bite from it and then looked me straight in the eyes. I don't think I remember how to breathe anymore.

Clearing my throat I brought back the sandwich to my mouth and took a bite, letting out a sound of satisfaction. I was hungry indeed.

"Eat the rest of it Doll, you need to take medicine afterwards" he said to which I nodded and took another bite.

When there was only one bite left I was full so I lift it back up to his mouth and he cocked up his eyebrow looking at me.

"I'm full" I pouted and his eyes travelled down to my lips.

Letting out a deep sigh he leaned down before taking the bite in his mouth along with the tips of my fingers as his lips grazed my fingertips softly, all the while his eyes looking straight into mine, making my heart literally stop beating.

With a smirk appearing on his lips he sat straight.

"I'm going to freshen up angel, if you want anything the door will be unlocked" he said before standing up.

"And if you just wanna join, I wouldn't mind that either" he whispered huskily making my cheeks go blaring red.

With the same sly smirk on his lips, he walked away leaving me red-faced with a crazy heart. Lord!

Once he was gone I popped the medicine in my mouth and chucked the glass of juice over it.

Getting down from the stool I walked upstairs and into my room as last night's events replayed in my mind. Letting out a deep sigh I plopped on my bed.

Soon my mind was corrupted by Xavier's thoughts. I can't deny it anymore. I'm falling for him and I'm falling hard.

Even though I know he doesn't feel the same way, I can't fight it anymore. I'm doomed.

As the medicine began working its magic I could feel my headache vanish and my eyes getting droopy so I hugged the pillow and napped.


"You'll see what I do to whores like you Claire!" He roared advancing towards me with a whip in his hand while I cried my eyes out in terror.

My begging didn't stop him. One after another hit came none stop until my shirt was torn apart and my skin sliced open. And I was on the verge of passing out.

"These are my marks on you, Claire, if I see you with another man again, I'll make sure I leave my marks on this pretty face of yours"

Gasping I snapped my eyes open, sweat and tears dripping down my face and I looked around franticly to find myself in Xavier's office. How- when did I come here?

The sound of a door opening startled me as Xavier walked in. As soon as his eyes landed on me he dropped the file he had in his hand and rushed over to me with worried eyes.

"Don't cry angel, you're safe, that fucker can never hurt you again, I promise you" he whispered holding my face in his hands firmly and I let out a shaky breath giving him a soft nod. Only if he knew it was not Tristan I'm scared of, only if he could protect me from him.

"Someone's here to see you angel" he said now rubbing his thumb over my cheek making me look at him confused.

"Who?" I asked to which he pulled his coat off me before pulling me up on my feet.

"Come on in" he said aloud and the office door opened and walked in Derek.

A huge smile spread through my face and I rushed towards him throwing my arms around him.

He let out a chuckle before picking me up and twirling around.

"I missed you" I mumbled softly and he looked down at me.

"I missed you too kitten" he said ruffling my hair before putting me back down.

Once I was standing back on my feet his eyes inspected my face and I saw anger flash through them for the very first time.

"How are you feeling kitten?" He asked holding my face in his hands gently.

"I'm okay, Xavier t-took care of me" I mumbled earning a sweet smile from Derek and he looked behind me towards Xavier, making me turn and look at him as well.

"Did he now?" He said with a hint of tease in his voice making Xavier roll his eyes.

He didn't seem too happy while he stood there leaning against his table with his hands in his pockets. Did I do something wrong?

"Anyways kitten, why don't you go get changed and we'll go have some ice cream hm?" Derek said making a big smile appear on my face before dashed out of the office and towards my room.

Ice cream makes everything better.


Xavier's POV:

"Where is that motherfucker?" Derek asked as soon as Claire was out of the office.

"I'm taking care of him" I said before taking a seat on the couch where my angel was soundly asleep a few moments ago.

"Did you kill him yet?" He asked, anger dripping from his voice.

"No" I muttered.

"Why not!? That son of a bitch deserves to fucking die Xavier, have you seen her face!?" He fumed.

"I have seen more than her face Derek, I've seen her tremble in fear, I've seen her cry in her fucking sleep, and after all that I won't let that prick die easy. That's the last thing he deserves after hurting what's mine!" I roared and a look of pure confusion clouded his features followed by a look of realisation in his eyes. Fuck.

"What's 'yours'?" He teased with a smirk. Fucking great.

"Fuck off" I grumbled getting up and pouring myself a drink.

"Oh come on brother, you really think I didn't realise it sooner that you have a thing for her?" He chuckled making me shoot him a death glare, to which he only doubled on his laughter.

"Just tell me how's Oliver and Chloe holding up?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oliver's back to work, his leg healed in the last two weeks, and Chloe is better as well, gladly she wasn't harmed" he began and took a seat on one of the chairs by the table.

"And about the attack?" I asked.

When I and Claire left for Italy, Oliver and Chloe were under attack. They managed to get away but Oliver got shot in the leg.

From what Derek has told me it's obvious they were trying to send a message and by the time Derek and my men got there they got away.

Derek pulled out his phone and slide it across the table towards me.

Picking up I glared at an unknown face but then my eyes caught something familiar.

Knitting my brows together I zoomed in on the picture and saw he had the same tattoo on his neck as Claire. Is this a fucking joke?

"Who the fuck is he?" I gritted out looking at Derek.

"After Oliver and Chloe managed to get away from the attack we had a packaged delivered at the mansion, a letter by an unknown person" he said and pulled out a folded paper out of his pocket before handing it to me.

Unfolding the paper I read the words written on it "watch your back"

"We've been searching for two weeks and Oliver finally managed to crack it, the men and the latter, both were sent by this man, Eric" he finished before running his hand through his hair.

Clenching my jaw I zoomed further on his tattoo. It's the same fucking tattoo.

"I know what you're thinking Xavier, but we haven't found any links between him and Claire, and this could be a coincidence nothing more" he spoke with hope.

Letting out a deep sigh I gulped down my drink.

"This big of a coincidence doesn't happen in our world Derek" I muttered.

"You don't think she-" He began but I cut him off.

"No, she's not one of them" I muttered more to myself than him. She can't be..


End of chapter lovelies.
I was really busy the past couple of days which didn't give me enough time to write as much.
But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
Tell me your thoughts in the comments, I love reading and replying to them!
Happy reading my loves!
Peace out✌

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