By Hayooniverse

4.5K 174 156

THE MAGIC AND MADNESS SERIES : BOOK NO. 1/5 "Oh my gosh... You OK?" "You motherfucker-" "Baby, I don't have... More

•1¦Obsessed to a kpop group•
•2¦The broke people•
•3¦I'm broke but don't need your help•
•4¦A famous cousin!•
•5¦Low-key simping for the new comers•
•6¦Getting back on music•
•7¦Wanna be ours?•
•8¦something doesn't feels right•
•9¦beginning of Magic•
<Author's note>
•10¦Who are you?•
•11¦What are y'all!?•
•12¦To Magic Island?•
•13¦Find the magic yourself•
•14¦Beginning or the end?•
•15¦Nature's son•
•16¦wanna do something?•
• 17¦Discovering something brand new•
•18¦Anger and Lust•
•19¦Learn about your powers•
•20¦The river•
•21¦Weapons of the elements•
•22¦Almost got exposed!•
•23¦Don't call my mother here!•
•24¦The angles and a demon•
•25¦Do what you wanna do•
•26¦Fashionista Choi Yeonjun!•
•27¦How we got together!•
•28¦Please, let us go•
•29¦Need to bring them back.•
•30¦Be careful, Ok?•
•31¦BG's weird spells and Ten's foxy!•
•32¦The nightmare of Fire•
•33¦The nightmare of Nature•
•34¦The nightmare of Ice•
•36¦The nightmare of Time•
•37¦The ending of Evil?•
•38¦Angels won?•
•39¦Palace of Darkness•
•40¦Childrens of the Ocean•
•41¦The queen and her Lover•
•42¦Be the shine for my moon•
•43¦I don't have a speech, but-•
•44¦Yes, I do!•
•45¦The Epilogue•
<Final Author's note>
Future Perfect : the 2nd book

•35¦The nightmare of Wind•

40 3 0
By Hayooniverse

TXT's pov

"Why am I here?", that what came out of Kai's mouth as he opened his eyes.

"Who's bathtub is this?", he said as he gets out of it, which was filled with plastic bottles for some reason.

The room was bright deep blue and was covered with plastic bottles, the window on the side was the only source of light.

"Where am I?", he walked towards the bathroom door and opened it.

The place looked like a hospital, walking through the long white isolated hallways, Kai felt uncomfortable.

"Is someone there?", he asked as he saw a shadow passing through there.

He ran to see who it is, just to see no one other than a door, which titled '0X1', he opened it and saw more doors.

Four to be exact.

He opened the first door he saw and was meet with Yeonjun.

He was laying on a bed with headphones in his ears.

"Hyung?", no response, the wind boy walked closer to his hyung but was blocked.

Glass wall?

"Hyung!", Kai yelled, punching the glass wall to get the elder's attention, but nothing seems to work, Yeonjun wasn't moving a inch, only thing that made Kai feel relief that the older was alive was his blinking eyes.

He again punching the glass to see if it can break, but his efforts go to waste.

Plan two : find something to break the wall.

He begin to search the little part of the room to find something, but it also goes to waste, the blonde took a deep breath in.

"Hyung. I will get you out, wait.", he said and ran outside Yeonjun's room to the one besides.

He opened the door and that room looks like a hospital room. Old hospital room, it was blue and had two windows, In the middle there was a bed and a long haired boy stood there hugging his knees.

Kai noticed that he had the same headphones like Yeonjun did, he didn't think twice and ran towards the other boy to get it but, an invisible wall.


"What the-?", Kai put his hands on the wall, "What the hell- Beomgyu hyung!, can you hear me?", again no response,  but the boy did lift his head up.

Kai was confused why the nature boy's eyes were covered with a white cloth, his body looked pale, and the younger could see the white fog coming out of the other boys mouth as he took slow breaths, indicating he was freezing.

"Yeonjun must be using his powers to take revenge on my Beomgyu hyung now, just cause he eat his cake two months ago, tsk.", Kai angry pouted and knocked on the glass wall once more, before saying.

"I will get you out of here hyung!", and ran to see the other two room, he opened the door besides Beomgyu's and was met with a old garage looking place.

He saw Taehyun, sitting on a wooden box in school uniform and....


Just like the other two, he also hand headphones.

"Let me guess.... Here is a glass wall too.", he said and walked carefully not to get hit again.

Nothing happened he walked closer and closer towards Taehyun, now he is standing right infront of the time boy.

"Wait, there is no glass! Oh nice.", he said and reached his hands to touch Taehyun but...

The moment his hand touched taehyun, the older boy's body began to crack, and little by little his body fly by the wind like a dandelion.

Kai stepped back him fear, as he saw his love crumbling and flying away through the wind, "Hyung?", a tear left his eyes, but before the drop could touch the ground.

A hand wiped his tears.

He turned his head around to see Soobin, Kai's eyes widened and he hugged the older tight, "Hyung. What is happening here? What happened to my Taehyunie hyung?", he cried onto the older's shoulders.

"Kai! This is not real! Listen, Harley told me." Soobin broke the hug and cupped the younger's face, slowly wiping his tears away.

"Now all I want you to do is.... Wake up from this nightmare."

"Wake up before Taeyong messes with your brain again." Kai was confused but as soon as he saw Soobin's golden eyes, he fell on the floor, eyes slowly closed and a wave of fear rush through his body......

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