Potters and Hogwarts watch mo...

By grindedloreitscanon

64 0 0

In a desperate attempt to discredit the twins, Umbridge contacts a powerful witch who provides her with films... More

Characters as I see them

Philosopher Stone

21 0 0
By grindedloreitscanon

A/N: I decided that Bella would have her friends who would worry about her, and Harry would have his own.

DUMBLEDORE: I should have known you'd be here Professor McGonagall.

"We knew it!" the twins shouted.

"No one doubted you," Harry laughed.

PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: Good evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true, Albus?

DUMBLEDORE: I'm afraid so, Professor.


DUMBLEDORE: Hagrid will bring them.

PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: Do you think it's reasonable to trust Hagrid with something so important?

"I would trust Hagrid with my life," Harry said.

Hagrid smiled.

Umbridge looked on with disgust. A dirty half-giant.

DUMBLEDORE: Oh Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.

Several people laughed.

At that moment, a large motorcycle landed in front of them.

HAGRID: Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.

DUMBLEDORE: No problem, Hagrid?

HAGRID: No, sir. The little ones fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake her up. That's all.

Hagrid handed the baby over to Dumbledore, who carried them to the door.

"Oh, it's that night," Harry said grimly, and Ginny squeezed his hand reassuringly.

PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: Albus, do you really think it's safe to leave her with these people? I watched them all day. The worst Muggles you can imagine! They really...

DUMBLEDORE: It's the only family she has.

"Thanks for trying, Professor," Bella said.

DUMBLEDORE: She's much better off growing up away from it all until she's ready.

HAGRID: (sobbing)

DUMBLEDORE: That's it, Hagrid. After all, it's not really a goodbye. Good luck.

"Thanks, we'll need it," Bella and Harry muttered.

Scars zoomed in and suddenly the frame changed to show a boy and a girl at ten years old.

AUNT PETUNIA: Get up! Get up! Right now!

Tonks stopped the movie in shock. Bella stared at the screen in horror as the frame froze on her aunt unlocking her closet door. Harry looked at the screen grimly, waiting for a reaction. There was complete silence until Sirius startled everyone with a shout:

"What the hell are you doing in the closet?!

Fudge looked stunned, even Percy was shocked.

Maybe that's why they lie, Percy thought.

However, Umbridge had a smug expression on her face.
These two finally got what they deserved, she thought cruelly.


"I CAN'T BELIEVE NO ONE CHECKED IT!" Mrs Weasley screamed.

"Oh Harry, why didn't you tell us?" Hermione whispered softly, shocked at what her best friend had kept from them.

"Sorry, it just didn't seem important. I didn't mean to bother you guys." Harry shrugged.

"Oh Harry! Hermione and Ron hugged him. "You're our best friend, you should have told us, especially something like that!"

"I know," Harry said in shock, hugging them back. - Sorry. Now I have my own room, so please don't dwell on it.

"Fine, but from now on, you don't need to hide anything like that from us. Hermione pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes.

— I won't. Harry smiled.

The rest of the Weasleys were furious. Arthur turned purple and his hands clenched into fists.

— Oh, Harry! Molly called out, hugging him after finishing a tirade for Dumbledore.

"It's all right, Mrs. Weasley, I'm all right now." Harry tried to calm her down.


Why didn't you say Bel? Draco asked.

I just didn't have anyone to tell. Perhaps our neighbor Figg, but what could she do? Bella answered.

You could have told someone at Hogwarts! Theo exclaimed.

Merlin, when will you stop hiding everything about yourself? Pansy asked and the boys nodded.

I guess I'll take my secrets to my grave. Bella said.

IDIOT! All four exclaimed and hugged her.

Narcissa watched this with tenderness, while Lucius was disgusted.

Besides, I thought everyone at Hogwarts already knew.

What do you mean, Miss Potter? Snape asked. Not that he cared about the fate of James Potter's brats, but she was one of his students, she was in his house.

My letter indicated a closet under the stairs. She answered.

These letters are written by a self-writing pen. Minerva replied with a rather sick look.

OK, WE CONTINUE! Tonks roared.

Bella came out first, Dudley shoved her roughly back into the closet.

AUNT PETUNIA: Oh! Here he comes, birthday boy!

UNCLE VERNON: Happy birthday, son.

Bella entered the kitchen behind Dudley.

AUNT PETUNIA: Why don't you just make breakfast and try not to burn anything.

BELLA: (dryly) Yes, Aunt Petunia.

Were you forced to cook? Pansy asked in a menacingly calm voice.

Bella tried to nod as best she could while her head was pressed against the table.

- Since when? she asked calmly.

— Since seven or eight years? came a muffled reply from under his tousled, tangled hair.

Draco and Theo frowned as Pansy's cheeks turned red with anger.

I hope you're not... Hermione began, glancing at the Slytherin table, but the answer was written all over Harry's face.

I would be glad if my sister didn't have to do this. For that, I'd do everything myself. Harry said dryly.

Bella groaned.

— What did you say?

She didn't say anything! Cho growled.

No, actually, I said fuck off. Bella snorted, but she was pleased with Cho's attention.

Molly gave her a disapproving look.

Is she always like this?

Nearly. Harry answered.

AUNT PETUNIA: I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!

UNCLE VERNON: Faster! Bring me coffee, boy!

HARRY: Yes, Uncle Vernon.

AUNT PETUNIA: Aren't they lovely, dear? Oh!

Showed a large mountain of gifts that Dudley received.

DUDLEY: How many are there?

UNCLE VERNON. Thirty six. I counted them myself.

Draco Malfoy sighed.

"Thirty six?" he asked. "Even I don't get that much. Not that I need much," he added quickly, noticing the surprised looks from the other Houses.

Bella suppressed the urge to laugh.

DUDLEY: Thirty-six?! But last year I had thirty-seven!

UNCLE VERNON: Yes, but some of them are a little bigger than last year!

DUDLEY: I don't care how big they are!

Bella frowned as she remembered how many times she had seen this scene.

"Spoiled brat," Severus growled, before he realized he was referring to Harry.

AUNT PETUNIA: Now, now, here's what we're going to do: when we go to town, we'll buy you two more new presents. How are you, pumpkin?

"And he'll get two more?" said Professor Sprout disapprovingly, shaking her head. - The child will get even worse!

"They don't think Dudley will grow up as smart as a slug?" Pansy asked.

"For them, I'm more like a slug," Bella replied.

"Yeah, you look more like a Flooberworm," Draco grinned.

"You don't look like a slug to me," Cho said.

Her friends laughed, but Bella didn't care. She just received a compliment from Cho.

The scene changed and the four left the house, heading for the car.

AUNT PETUNIA: A day at the zoo should be great.

Vernon abruptly pulled Bella and Harry aside.

UNCLE VERNON: I'm warning you. Any weirdness, anything, and none of you will eat for a week! Get in.

Does he mean? Hermione asked, becoming dangerously calm again.

"No, he just had a habit of empty threats," Harry replied indifferently, waving his hand slightly.

This didn't calm anyone down.

- This is violence! shouted Arthur.

Dumbledore looked very grim with all the looks he was taking on himself.

Bella, I have to apologize. I should have listened to Minerva. You will not be returning to Privet Drive this summer," Albus stated firmly.

Amelia spoke:

"After we get out of here, I'll talk to you about a possible charge against them.

"There's no need for that..." Harry began, but Sirius cut her off.

- Yes it is. Harry, I've only been watching your life for five minutes, and I've already seen several acts of child abuse.

He remained silent and returned to the film.

Bella watched this darkly. She was a black sheep and used to it, and even though she didn't trust Sirius, something inside her turned over. Luckily no one noticed her grim expression.

Now they were in the zoo watching a big snake.

DUDLEY: Make it move.


Vernon knocked on the glass.


He was screaming and banging on the glass.

"I hate that kid," Sirius muttered.

HARRY: He's asleep.

DUDLEY: He's boring.

The Dursleys left, leaving Bella alone with the snake.

HARRY: Sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like to lie like this day after day, watching people press their ugly faces against you. Can you hear me?

The snake looked at him and nodded.

Are you talking to a snake? Ron asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged.

"I was lonely, and the snake seemed to be bored," he replied as if nothing had happened.

HARRY: Bel, get over here!

Do you think she'll hear too? Sirius asked.

Yes, it did. Harry answered.

Bella smirked, it was her first friend. Despite the fact that they talked for five minutes.

BELLA: What's wrong, Harry?

HARRY: Say something to that snake.

BELLA: What? You are crazy?

HARRY: Just tell her something!

BELLA: Okay, okay. *rolls eyes* Hello.

The snake rises, now it is at the level of their eyes.

Parseltongue! Umbitch Dolores exclaimed.

That doesn't make her a dark lord! Theo screamed.

This woman is just ridiculous.

BELLA: It's just that I've never talked to snakes before. Do you often talk to people? Are you from Burma? It was good there? Do you miss your family?

The snake poked its head at a sign that said Captive Raised.

HARRY: We understand. We never knew our parents either.

"So you're talking to the snake about Brazil?" Hermione asked weakly.

"Technically, he's allowed to talk to snakes about anything. Ron pointed out, trying to suppress a smirk, but to no avail.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

DUDLEY: Mommy, daddy, come here! You won't believe what this snake is doing!

Dudley pushed Bella to the ground before pressing himself against the glass. Harry rushed over to her in a frightened manner to help her up.

Many angrily looked at the screen.

Petunia and Vernon went to see Dudley. He started banging furiously on the glass.

Suddenly, the glass disappeared and Dudley fell into the aquarium.

The snake slithered past Dudley and, escaping, collided with Bella.

OTHERS: Snake!


SNAKE: T-T-Thanks.

Did the snake thank you? Ron laughed.

"I don't know if she made it to Brazil. She seemed to think she could," Harry said thoughtfully. "I hope she did well.

"Wait, why do we hear that snake at all?" I mean, we can't speak snake language," Blaise asked.

"I think you hear it in English, because for me it sounded like this." Bella answered.

BELLA: Anytime.

Then she (the snake) slipped out of the building.

Dudley stood up and braced himself against the glass, which reappeared.

"GREAT!" shouted Colin and Dennis Creevey.

Flitwick looked at Bella.

"Impressive, Miss Potter," he said. - Why can't you do it in my lessons?

"You don't have any snakes to talk to in class, professor," Bella replied with a smirk.

Bella was surprised. She was never praised by professors or students from other houses. Only close friends knew that she was extremely intelligent, but for some reason she hardly used her brain for her studies.

DUDLEY: Mom! Mommy! Help! Help! Help me!

AUNT PETUNIA: My dear boy! How did you get there! Who did it? Is there a snake there? There is a snake?

Bella was still on the ground when her uncle turned and glared angrily at her. Harry glared at him.

"If he touches you with his finger, he will pay!" Cho said.

Then they were in the hallway of the Dursleys. Vernon slammed the door behind him. Bella was scared. Petunia held Dudley in a blanket and the two left the room, leaving Vernon and Bella alone.

AUNT PETUNIA: It's all right, honey. We'll rid you of those awful clothes.

As soon as Petunia and Dudley left, Vernon grabbed a large piece of Bella's hair and threw it against the wall.

The bastard who...

— SIRIUS! There are kids here," Remus stopped him.

Bella looked to her left and saw that Amelia and Poppy were writing something. She knew that after the movie she would meet both of them, whether she liked it or not.

"I wonder how, with such relatives, you haven't become the new Dark Lord yet?" Tonks asked.

"She just confirmed here that Miss Potter wants to be the new Dark Lord!" Umbridge screamed.

"SILENCE!" said Dumbledore, and then continued:

"Actually, that's a good point, because that's what motivated an innocent boy to become Voldemort in the future. His father left his mother when she was still pregnant, and the poor thing no longer had the will to live, so she gave birth to a son and died. Perhaps the boy's father and a good childhood would have saved us from what is happening now."

"What do you mean by a good childhood? Isn't Voldemort..." Tonks began.

"I am sure that in the future fragments of his life will be shown," Dumbledore interrupted her.


"You are so brave." Gently said Ginny. Harry kissed her on the corner of her lips.

Bella faked vomit and laughed with her friends.

VERNON: You can't do anything, boy!


"Thank you, Harry." Bella said, but the dark memories of the fear of being beaten still overtook her.

UNCLE VERNON: What happened?!

BELLA: I swear I don't know!


Vernon roughly pushed her, but after Harry's statement, he was afraid to do anything more.

"I'll kill him," Remus muttered, but Harry heard him.

- No, you won't.

BELLA: There was glass, and then it was gone like magic!

UNCLE VERNON: There's no such thing as magic!

- How long were you there (in the closet)?

Bella shrugged.

- Not for long.

- How long is it? Sirius asked.

- Two and a half weeks.

Sirius growled.

The scene changes to a closet.

HARRY: *hugs Bella and pats her head* Hush, hush. Everything will be OK!

BELLA: I don't want any more...

HARRY: I know, I know! Someone's coming for us, I promise.

Remus felt like someone had stuck a rusty dagger in his heart. That offer alone was finally too much for Sirius. He was so devastated that he stood up, went to the wall and started punching it while his body was shaking with sobs.

"Sirius!" Amelia screamed.

"It's all my fault! I should have gone to Dumbledore that night and told him who the Secret Keeper was. I was an idiot for not telling him!"

"Sirius, you never knew that Peter would betray us." How could you know?" Remus asked.

"But still...if I had only told Dumbledore...Harry and Bella might never have been sent to this house. I might not have been sent to Azkaban! I could give them a better life in a home where they would be loved and taken care of like a son and daughter! This is all my fault!"

"Sirius," Remus said, "calm down." Look at you, you're so flustered. Stop it, it won't help you. He tried to lead him to one of the chairs by the fire, but Sirius remained where he was.

"You don't understand, Moony," he said, stepping away from him roughly, "maybe Harry isn't my son and Bella isn't my daughter, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. If there's anything I can do for him, to make them happy, I would do it immediately... and yes, I haven't been able to do it in 12 years of their lives, but I'm trying to make up for the absence, Lunatic, really... - he stopped, sighing heavily. "It's my fault that they ended up in this situation... I know..."


Sirius ran out, and Harry and Bella followed him. (Bella with obvious reluctance)

Harry walked up to him and said:

"It's not your fault, Sirius! And you did a good deed when you went looking for that rat Peter. You tell him, Bel!"

"I think it's his fault." Bella said dryly.

"See... What? How could you?"

"Got it and did it. What the hell was BLACK doing while we were being taken to these horrible people? That's right, he was thinking about James, about Lily, but not about the fact that our parents would like a better life for us! He thought about revenge, not the godson, I despise him!He is the most greedy man I know!

The fact that she called him Black pierced his heart. But at the same time he understood everything. He needs to wake up, stop thinking about James and live in the present. Give these kids the life they deserve!

Let's just keep going! He said as he entered the room with Harry beaming with happiness and Bella walking as if she had been forced to sit there and comfort Black. (Even though she didn't)

A/N: I want her to end up dating Theodore Nott))


After a while, Bella checked her mail. She looked through the letters. There were four: two for her uncle, two for her and Harry. She went into the kitchen and handed the letters to her uncle before sitting down. She began to open her letter when...

UNCLE VERNON. Oh, Marge is sick. Ate a shellfish.

HARRY *whispering to Bella* : Too bad she didn't die.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Hermione exclaimed.

"If you knew what kind of woman she was, you would say the same thing." Bella responded coldly instead of her brother, and her tone made everyone's skin crawl.

"What's the difference? You can't wish for death!" She stood her ground.

"Don't argue with a mudblood!" Draco whispered to her, but in a way that Hermione could hear.

Hermione turned away resentfully, and Bella nodded, giving Granger a look of disdain.

A/N: Not that she has any prejudice, Bella is a half-breed herself. She agreed only because she considered Hermione unworthy of her attention. And she ignored the insult, because Draco always says that, and she's used to it. (Although she didn't know the meaning of the word until her third year.)


DUDLEY: Dad! Look! Harry and Bella got the letter!

Dudley tore the letter out of her hand and handed it to his father.

"You should have opened it in the hallway," said Ron, pretending to give sound advice.

Harry rolled his eyes and before Bella could say something sarcastic, he replied:

"I was ten years old, the first time I received a letter in my entire life. How was I to know that it was from the school of magic that I was invited to study at?"

Bella turned to her friends and whispered:

"Are they really smart?"

Draco shook his head, and Blaise and Theo rolled with laughter.

BELLA: Hey, give it back! This is ours!

UNCLE VERNON. Yours? Who will write to you two?

"I will! exclaimed Colin and his brother Dennis.

"Me too," said Neville.

"So do we!" shouted George, Fred, and Lee.

(These people are Gryffindors, of course, they only talk to Harry)

"I will write to you." She whispered Cho into Bella's ear and then moved to Marietta.

Vernon turned the letter over in his hands and saw the Hogwarts logo. The Dursleys looked at them in horror.

UNCLE VERNON. Good day Sunday. in my opinion the best day of the week. Why Dudley?

Dudley shrugged dumbly.

HARRY: Because there's no mail on Sundays? Bella rolled her eyes at his words, mentally saying he was an idiot.

UNCLE VERNON: You're right, boy. There is no mail on Sunday. Ha! No damn letters today! Not! Not one damn letter! No one! No, not a single damned, wretched...

Vernon was interrupted when a letter flew out of the fireplace and hit him right in the face.

A few chuckles broke out over Vernon's goofy expression.

Suddenly, hundreds of letters rained down from the fireplace.

"Whose idea was it?" Harry asked, and Minerva raised her hand.

Harry nodded proudly at the dean and turned to the screen.

"By then you could have sent someone to check on you rather than write a hundred letters." Theo said.

Draco nodded and replied:

"But there was no logic in this school, and there won't be."

They laughed again.

"This is true." Bella said.


UNCLE VERNON. Stop it! Stop doing that! Ahh!

DUDLEY: Mommy, what's going on?

Bella jumped up and grabbed the letter and nodded to Harry to run after her.

UNCLE VERNON: Ahh! Give me that! Give me this letter!

Vernon grabbed Harry by the collar and Bella tried to kick him. He snatched the letter from her hands and threw the two of them out of the room.

"Don't touch her." Cho growled.

A few seconds later the door opened and Dudley flew out of the room just like they had before.

UNCLE VERNON. That's it! We're leaving! Long away! Where they can not find us!

DUDLEY: Daddy's crazy, huh?

"Dudley, daddy lost his mind a long time ago," Lee declared, making several people laugh.

The scene changed and the family found themselves in a cabin on a large rock in the middle of the sea on a stormy night. Dudley slept on the couch while Bella lay on the floor with a small blanket. Harry came over and lay down next to her. She took off the covers and put them over Harry, who was huddled in the cold.

Laughter died instantly.

"It's so sweet, and so sad." Lavender said.

They drew a cake on the ground together.

HARRY: Make a wish, Bella.

BELLA: No, you're the first one.

Harry blew out the candles. Bella quietly sang the song "Happy Birthday" to him.

"It's really sad," Hermione whispered.

"Are you kidding? It was my best birthday and the first time I celebrated it." Harry said and winked at Hagrid, who smiled slyly as the others stared at the screen in bewilderment.

Not for me. Bella said.

Draco and Pansy nodded.

A/N: You might think that Bella treats Hagrid badly because he's not liked in Slytherin, but that's not true. She has no prejudices about who to be friends with, but she has reason not to trust him.

Someone was knocking on the door.

UNCLE VERNON: Who's there?

Vernon and Petunia entered the room with a shot gun.

"He has a gun!" Hermione shouted.

"There are children in the house!" Justin added.



The family screamed as the door came crashing down. Haley hid around the corner and Dudley pressed himself against the wall.

A giant man entered the building.

HAGRID: Sorry abou' that.

Several people laughed as Hagrid put the door back.

UNCLE VERNON: I demand that you leave at once, sir. You are breaking and entering!


HAGRID: Dry up, Dursley, yeh great prune.

Most people breathed a sigh of relief when Hagrid destroyed the gun.

Where are little Bella and Harry?

Harry shyly walked out and motioned for her to hide behind him.

"That's so cute," the girls cooed.

BELLA: I-I'm Bella.

HAGRID: Of course! There is something for you. "I'm afraid I might sit on it at some point, but I think it will still be delicious, ah. Ahh, baked it myself, words and all.

Harry cautiously took the box and opened it to find a real birthday cake.

HARRY: Thank you!

"Oooh, I remember how cute you were the first year." Katie said.

"No. I was not." Harry objected.

"Oh yes, you were." Angelina confirmed.

"And when Wood brought you to practice we thought you were his brother because you were so cute and small we couldn't believe he let you play." Alicia added.

"And we called you kitty when you weren't looking." Fred and George laughed.

"At least I was fucking great." Harry growled.

"HARRY!" Ginny squealed and slapped him on the back of the head for swearing.

Bella rolled her eyes. She cursed constantly. And most of the time it's obscene.

HAGRID: It's not every day your baby girl turns eleven, now it is? Eh?

Hagrid sat on the couch and pulled out his umbrella. He used it to start a fire.

"He is not supposed to do magic! He just broke the law!" Umbridge shouted.

"Hagrid had permission to use magic when collecting Haley," Dumbledore stated.

Bella stood up and Tonks paused the movie. "Besides in the second movie you learn that Hagrid was wrongly accused of what had him expelled. He never should have been kicked out! The ministry should be apologizing to him and begging his forgiveness for wrongfully expelling him and sending him to prison. Not trying to send him back to that horrid place! Did you even give him a chance to prove his innocence? I know for a fact that you didn't with Sirius! And you tried to expel me for defending myself without hearing my story! Maybe if you did your jobs right the world wouldn't be as fucked up as it is!"

Bella sat down after her small speech. Hagrid smiled at her in thanks while everyone else stared in shock at the fact that Haley just swore at a ministry worker. She didn't return Hagrid's gaze, because she wasn't doing it for him. She was simply infuriated by the invisibility of the ministry.

Tonks quickly started the movie again.

Bella set the cake down and turned to him.

BELLA: Excuse me, but who are you?

Sirius chuckled, "You're so polite."

"Thanks, I didn't give a damn about that..." Bella replied sullenly looking at the screen.

"At least she's not so polite to you." Harry laughed.

"Does that mean I'm special?" Sirius asked.

"No, that means you're like everyone else. After that night, she was never polite, or at least I didn't see it." Harry grinned.

Molly gave her another unkind look.

The others had long been accustomed to the fact that his sister was like that. And only her friends knew what she really was.

HAGRID: Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course, you'll know all about Hogwarts.

HARRY: Sorry, we don't know.

"Oh, Hagrid's not gonna like that!"

"I know ,Ron"

HAGRID: No? Damn, Harry, do you ever wonder how your mom and dad learned all this stuff?

HARRY: What did you learn?

HAGRID: You're both wizards.

BELLA: Who are we? (looks at Hagrid in disbelief)

"My reaction too," Hermione stated.

"And mine." Justin said.

"Ours too." Brothers Colin and Dennis exclaimed.

Of course, we are interested in the reaction of Mudbloods. Draco whispered.

HAGRID: A witch. And a thumpin' good un, I'd wager, once you're trained up a little.

HARRY: No, you've made a mistake. I mean, I... can't be a, a, a witch... I mean, I'm... just... Haley. Just Haley!

HAGRID: Well, "Just Haley", did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry... or, or scared? Um- hum.

Harry thought about it for a minute before nodding.

DUDLEY: Oh, huh, huh...

Dudley stole cake while she was distracted.

"Did I mention I hate that kid?"

BELLA: "Dear Ms. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"You finally got the letter!"

UNCLE VERNON: She will not be going, I tell you! We swore when we took her in that we'd put a stop to all of this rubbish!

Dumbledore exuded strength. Several teachers moved away from him.

After what his sister had gone through, after what she'd been through... He'd be damned if he let anyone else live that life.

All the adults in the Hall were talking.

"What, what is it?" Harry asked.

"Let's put it this way, if magic is suppressed, a child can become an obscurus." Said the pale Fudge.

"That is, the black cloud that appears inside a child if he suppresses his power." Amelia explained.

"So what?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore came to his senses and replied:

"The only Obscurus to reach adulthood was Credence Barbrown. Most Obscurus children die before the age of ten."

The memories began to torment him again, this time about his nephew. After they rescued him, he lived a few happy years and died. He and Aberforth never managed to expel the obscurus from his body.

He firmly promised himself that in his lifetime there would be no more child obscuras. It turned out that the children who were almost grandchildren to him almost became them, because of him.

A/N: At least Harry was 100% like a grandson to Dumbledore, and Bella isn't sure. There was rarely direct contact between them, due to distrust on Bella's part. She approached the matter logically, because they ended up on Privet precisely because of Dumbledore.

BELLA: You knew? Yоu knew all along and you never told me?

AUNT PETUNIA: Of course, we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was? Oh, my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. 'We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful?' I was the only one to see her for what she was- a freak! And then she met that Potter, and then she had you, and I knew you would be the same, just as strange, just as...abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up, and we got landed with you.

"That's how you found out?!" Snape shouted. "I need to visit, Tunie!"

Everyone stared at Snape.

"Did you just call my aunt 'Tunie'?"

Snape gave an awkward nod. "You know my aunt?" Another nod. "You were friends with my mother?" A large sigh before another nod. "Will you tell me about her sometime?"

This question surprised him so much that he actually looked at him.

"Yes, Mr. Potter," Snape finally answered against his better judgement. Harry just smiled at him.

Sirius nearly had a heart attack, his godson smiled at Snivelles!!!

HALEY: Blown up?! You told me my parents died in a car crash!


HAGRID: A car crash? A car crash kill Lily and James Potter?

AUNT PETUNIA: We had to say something.

"How about the truth?" Molly asked sarcastically.

HAGRID: It's an outrage! It's a scandal!

UNCLE VERNON: She'll not be going.

HAGRID: Oh-ho, ho, and I suppose a great Muggle like yerself is gonna stop 'er.

HARRY: Muggle?

HAGRID: Non-magic folk. This girl's had 'er name down since he were born. She's goin' to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. And, she'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore...

UNCLE VERNON: I will not pay to have some crack pot old fool teach her magic tricks!

"Ooo! He shouldn't have said that!"



HAGRID: Never... insult... Albus Dumbledore... in front of me...


Hagrid saw Dudley pigging out on Haley's cake. He waved his umbrella and suddenly Dudley grew a pigs tail.

Everyone started laughing.

Snape's face even showed slight amusement, but it quickly faded.

Bella smiled at the memory.

Dumbledore shook his head cheerfully. "Oh, Hagrid." he thought lovingly to himself.

Even Percy struggled to keep a straight face.

Umbridge wanted to say something, but after Bella's speech, she decided it was best to remain silent. After what she told her, Bella will (no, you'll be in Azkaban for the rest of the year) serve a sentence for the rest of the year.


DUDLEY: Ahh! Ahh! Take it away! Take it away!

The Dursleys ran out of the room in a panic.

HAGRID: Oh, uh... I'd be better off if you didn't tell anyone about this. I'm not allowed to swear.

BELLA: Okay.

HAGRID: Oh, ah... we're a little behind schedule. It's better to leave, unless, of course, you want to stay. Hm.

Bella and Harry quickly followed him.

"Like I was going to stay there," Harry chuckled.

Bella, Harry and Hagrid were walking down a London street together, and she read her shopping list.

BELLA: All students must buy... one standard size tin cauldron... and they can bring an owl, a cat, or a toad if they want. And this can be found in London?

HAGRID: If you know where to go.

They entered the Leaky Cauldron.

TOM: Ah, Hagrid! As usual, I take it?

HAGRID: No, Tom, thanks, I'm on business at Hogwarts. Just helping young Bella buy her school supplies.

TOM: Jesus, it's Bellatrix Potter. And this? Harry.

"Oh, Hagrid, you shouldn't have drawn attention to them. Sirius groaned.

"It was the most embarrassing moment of my life."

"Sorry, Harry." said Hagrid.

He nodded and looked at the screen.

The room fell into deathly silence. Everyone stared at her.

Now I understand what you mean, it's really embarrassing. Hermione admitted.

WITCH: Welcome back, Potter! Welcome back!

DORIS CROCFORD: Doris Crockford, Miss Potter. I can't believe I finally met you!

PROFESSOR QUIRREL: Bellatrix, Harry P-P-Potters. I-I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you.

"I forgot that bastard was there.

"BELLA, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed.

"What's wrong with him? He seems rather nice," Sirius asked, ignoring Molly's outburst.

"Oh, nothing. He was just a terrible teacher," Harry lied, not wanting to tell the story.

HAGRID: Good afternoon, Professor. Bella, this is Professor Quirrell. He will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

HARRY: Oh, nice to meet you.

Harry extended his hand to Quirrel for a shake, but he didn't take it.

PROFESSOR QUIRRELL: Terribly fascinating topic. N-not that you need it, eh, P-Potter?

"Oh, of course, the fact that I didn't die means that I already know everything about protection."

HAGRID: Yes, we've got to go.

HARRY: Goodbye.

Bella simply bowed and walked towards the exit.

"Oh, you are so polite. Ginny smiled.

Yes, you already said.

"Strange, very strange." Theo said.

"What? What's strange?"

"This is a gesture from the aristocrats. Children in pureblood families are taught this from childhood, and it is strange that a person brought up by Muggles is familiar with it."

HAGRID: See, Harry? You are famous!


Everyone (except those who were close to them) stared at him in shock.

Some people did not understand how fame could not be liked, and some did not believe that he did not revel in fame.

"That's a lie, of course." thought Umbridge. "Like we're going to believe he doesn't take advantage of his fame."

"Maybe he's not lying? If he doesn't like fame, then he doesn't want to draw attention to himself." Could he really be back? thought Percy.

Bella looked at him with mixed feelings.

"Oh Bel, are you serious? Harry groaned.

She didn't answer. But it was true. They both could speak Parseltongue (which meant they were both Horcruxes), but it was Harry who was perceived as the one who defeated the Dark Lord. She was also famous, because she survived the murderous curse, but the glory of her brother always overshadowed her.

HARRY: But why am I so famous, Hagrid? All these people back there - how do they know who I am?

HAGRID: I'm not quite sure I'm the one to tell you this, Bella. Welcome to Diagon Alley.

Hagrid led them down the alley.

He had a dazed expression on his face that made several people laugh. While Bella's face was completely impassive.

Although she was stunned, she chose not to show it.

"Actually, I looked the same." said Hermione.

-"And I." Dean admitted.

"And we." Colin and Dennis added.

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