Lightning Flash Asuna

By JennyGrace2009

196 6 9

Asuna's eyes opened to be amazed by the sight that was infront of her a very vast forest. However, something... More

Eugeo The Woodcutter
The Battle At The End Mountains

Selka, Alice's Little Sister

46 1 0
By JennyGrace2009

Chapter 2

March 20, year 378 in the time of the realm of humanity.

Asuna's POV

"Forty..-Five" Eugeo-Kun counted as he struck the Colossal tree that is the Gigas Cedar. I and Eugeo-Kun would switch on chopping the tree down.

Waking up early and following the schedule that Selka told me was easy for me because of how strict my mother was before the SAO incident. I continued helping Eugeo-Kun with his job or "Calling".

"There are still things I don't understand about this world. And find out why I'm here, I'll need to go to the Central City but I will also need Eugeo-kun assistance." I looked at the Gigas Cedar "But for Eugeo-Kun to come with me and go to the Central City I'll need to release him from his Calling. I guess we'll have to maybe chop down the tree?".

"What was that?" Eugeo-Kun asked me as he approached me.

"Nothing." I replied.

"That's it for the morning, let's have lunch."

Eugeo-Kun told me as he unwrapped the bread that was wrapped in his hand.

"Thanks for the meal." I said as I started eating the same bread that Eugeo-Kun handed me yesterday. The bread was very difficult to eat because it was hard.

Eugeo-Kun looked at me and smiled "I wish you could've tasted Alice's pie. The crust was so flaky, and there was filling. And having it with milk-" Eugeo-Kun looked at the bread he was currently holding "I couldn't think of anything in the world that tasted better." Eugeo-Kun told me, that he seemed like he was remembering something.

"Was Alice's Calling a baker?" I asked him. Eugeo-Kun let out a small laugh and looked at me. "No, it wasn't". He replied.

"Alice was studying the sacred arts at the church." raising both of his hands "She was known as the greatest prodigy ever born in the town and could cast all kinds of spells by the time she was ten." He proudly claimed.

I stood up "Really? Then what about Selka, the girl living at the church now?" I asked.

"She's Alice's little sister. After Alice was gone, she moved into the church to become a nun and study the sacred arts." He answered.

"Then what about the kids that were at the church besides Selka?" I asked again.

"Those were children who lost their parents while they were young. Because of an epidemic that broke out two years ago." He answered.

"Come to think of it, many weird things started happening lately. Goblins were spotted on the south road recently, they had been abducting and hurting people." He continued.

"Goblins?"I asked as my face turned serious.

"Though I just think that they're just rumors because an Integrity Knight would have already subdued them." Eugeo-Kun stated.

"They have to." He continued, and even though his expression was calm, his body language said otherwise. He gripped the bread he was currently holding tighter.

"All Alice did was touch the ground of the land of darkness, and those goblins did was much worse." He told me.

"Eugeo-Kun..." I replied feeling pitiful about Eugeo-Kun.

He looked at me."Still, it's that after the last 2 or 3 years, there were still more graves behind the church."

I sat down near Eugeo-Kun."Isn't there a way to bring someone back to life using sacred arts?" I asked.

"I don't know." He replied.

"It's not the same. Alice did say that there's a high-level sacred art that can stop life from decreasing." He continued his answer.

"Stop life from decreasing?" I asked.

"Yeah, she was surprised to see a passage of a spell in one of the church's ancient books. Only high priests of The Axiom Church can use it." Eugeo-Kun answered.

"Axiom Church?" I asked, of course not knowing what that is.

"They're the ones who made the Taboo Index. They reside in The Central City." He explained while he took out water to drink.

"So in other words, no one else can use the spell?" I asked while he drank the water.

"Of course not." He replied while handing me the water container.

"The sacred arts' source is the sacred power that Solus and Terraria suffice the air and land with. The more elaborate the sacred art is, the more sacred power is required. There's nobody who can wield such power, not even Zakkaria." He explained while I drank water.

"I see, if only there was a sacred art that would help us chop this tree down faster." I said while looking at the tree. Eugeo-Kun gave out a laugh replying with " It would make my life easier."

"So we can only keep chopping with this ax-" I stopped myself as an idea struck me.

I stood up and picked up the Dragonbone Axe while I asked Eugeo-Kun.

"Hey, Eugeo-Kun. Does this town have anything tougher than this axe?"

"There's not." He replied while shaking his head.

"The only thing stronger than this axe is an Integrity Knight's..." he continued while stopping at the middle of his sentence.

"Well, it's not a substitute for an axe... but I have something I want to show you." He told me while standing up and looking at me. I was curious about what he wanted to show me and also a bit excited.

I waited for Eugeo-Kun as he went back to the village to get what he wanted to show me.

I then saw him carrying something wrapped in cloth and heavily panting.

He then dropped the thing he was carrying while I went over to him asking if he was okay.

Now looking closely at the thing wrapped in cloth I noticed it looked similar to a sword. I asked him if I could open it and he replied with a "yes" and "be careful" while still panting.

"If it falls on your foot you'll have more than a scratch." He warned me while I tried holding it up but it was heavy.

I made out a deep breath while holding it with both of my hands attempting to lift it.

I was able to strike it into the ground to be able to unwrap it.

I pulled the string tying the cloth around the thing. As the cloth fell I was amazed at what the thing was.

It is a longsword and its appearance is pure white and is inscribed with a blue rose at the center of its guard. For a moment I thought it looked similar to 《The Dark Repulser》that Kirito-Kun used to wield back in Sao with his 《Black Elucidator》. As I looked at the sword admiring its beauty Eugeo-Kun told me about it.

"In the fairytale, it is known as The Blue Rose Sword."

"Fairy... tale?" I asked, wanting to know the story.

"Three hundred years ago, a swordsman named Bercouli traveled to The End Mountains. And In the lair of the white dragon, a protector of the realm of humanity, he found a single sword." He told me the story while I listened intently.

"It's just a silly story. Or it would be if certain children hadn't decided to go find out if it was true." He continued while his expression showed sadness.

"I mentioned it yesterday, didn't I?" He asked me.

"That I went to the End Mountains with Alice six years ago? That's where I found the sword." He stated while he looked at me.

"Back then, I couldn't lift the sword." He told me.

"Eh... So the fairytale is true then?" I asked again.

"Well, there's nothing left of the White Dragon but bones. And then after that, Alice entered the Dark Territory..." He replied while still having a sad expression.

"When... Alice was taken away, I just watched and couldn't do anything." His expression then changed to show regret. "But it was like my arms and legs were frozen." He continued and stopped himself apologizing.

He then continued to explain how he went to retrieve the sword from the End Mountains, how it took three months, and why he wanted to get it.

"I can't swing it at all right now, but can you?" He asked me while I smiled.

"Well, it's worth trying." I answered while holding the sword.

I unsheathed the sword, but I still struggled with it because of its heaviness. I nearly fell forward while the scabbard of the sword fell.

Eugeo-Kun approached me " I guess it's too much for you to handle, huh?"

I asked something while I turned the sword around as it shined. "What material is this made out of?"

"So it's not ordinary steel, is it? It's not silver or dragonbone either." He put his hand on his chin.

"So I think it might be a Divine Object." He continued."Divine Object?" I asked.

He spread his hand out and started explaining."It's something that took shape with the Gods' help or else created by the Gods themselves. We call things like that Divine Objects."

"I see" I thought as I was thinking of using the sword to cut the Gigas Cedar down.

"Hey, Eugeo-Kun would you mind checking the Gigas Cedar's life right now?" I asked him.

He responded, "I have to ask... you're not going to strike it down with the sword are you?"

"Is there a rule in the Taboo Index that says we can't strike the Gigas Cedar with a sword?" I asked, trying to know if it was okay before I do anything risky.

"Something tells me this happened before." He told me while opening the Stacia Window of the Gigas Cedar.

"Hmm... Let's see, it's 232,315." He told me.

"Make sure to remember that number Eugeo-Kun." I stated while I took my stance. I tried performing one of the basic sword skills《Horizontal》I was able to strike the tree but was blasted away after the Blue Rose Sword was in the middle of the tree.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Eugeo-Kun exclaimed while he ran towards me visibly worried.

"Don't worry I'm fine" I reassured him while my hand was visibly shaking.

"This isn't good." I stated while I looked at my shaking hand.

Eugeo-Kun looked at me."I told you it's impossible."

Third-person POV

Eugeo looked at the sword's location. He saw that the sword had managed to make a deep mark above the already marked cut on the Gigas Cedar.

Shock visible on his face."All that from one swing!?" He exclaimed.

He approached the sword. "You actually managed to cut it." The Flaxen-Haired boy said while the Chestnut-haired girl followed suit.

"How about you take a look at its life." Asuna suggested to Eugeo.

Eugeo then opened the Gigas Cedar's Stacia Window. "232,314" He read out the tree's remaining life.

"W-What it only went down by one." Asuna exclaimed.

Eugeo then explained why that happened. "You cut it in the wrong spot. If you'd hit the center instead of the bark, it might've decreased more".

He then crossed his arms."It's true that we may be able to carve into this tree a lot faster. But that's only possible if we master it." He continued his explanation.

"I might not be able to do it, how about you?" Asuna asked Eugeo.

"I told you I can't swing it well." He replied looking at Asuna.

"If you'd like I'll give you some swordsmanship tips." Asuna offered.

"Well just once, I guess." Eugeo replied while walking to the sword.

Eugeo then took hold of the handle of the sword and started pulling. After struggling for a moment he was able to pull out the Blue Rose Sword.

"S-so, heavy." He claimed while struggling to carry the sword.

"Use your body weight more than you'd usually with an axe and use your whole body, not just arm strength for balance." Asuna advised Eugeo. Eugeo nodded in response.

Eugeo took his stance and prepared to strike the Gigas Cedar using the sword.

He tried hitting the tree in the middle but got blasted away after striking the tree, with the sword flying away and striking the grass.

Asuna ran towards Eugeo."Hey, are you okay?" Asuna asked Eugeo.

"I told you it's impossible Asuna." He told Asuna while still laying on the ground.

Asuna's POV

After trying to hit the Gigas Cedar using the Blue Rose Sword and failing miserably we continued working.

While Eugeo-Kun was chopping down the tree I had an idea. I drew an S using my Index and Middle finger on my other hand and tapping on it.

After doing those actions a Stacia Window popped out."So this Durability is what Eugeo-Kun calls life?" I asked in my thoughts.

I then looked at the bottom part of the Stacia Window, I then saw "Object Control Authority" beside it with the number 38 written below the Durability chart which was usually blank.

"Authority? Is this the Parameter of which level I can control?" I thought.

I then checked the Stacia Window of the Blue Rose Sword that was lying beside the tree, I then saw that the Object Control Authority level of the sword was higher.

A Few Hours Later

"Man this is heavenly." I said while I was taking a bath relaxing.

"So there's truly no way to get to the central city." I thought.

"I don't think Eugeo would ever think of shirking his Calling. I guess the Taboo Index is truly very important that no one dares to break. Why did the Axiom Church even make the Taboo Index? So this is a world simulation consisting of Artificial Fluctlights?" I kept on thinking.

A voice suddenly interrupted my continuous thinking.

"Huh... is somebody still in there?" A voice asked a voice which I presumed belonged to Selka.

"Sorry, I'll be right out!" I apologized.

"N-No take your time!" The voice replied.

"I'll be heading to my room now. Good Night!" Selka continued.

"Selka! There's something I want to ask you!" I exclaimed.

A Few Moments Later

I opened the door to my room because I wanted to ask her something. I entered the room while Selka was sitting on the bed.

"So what did you want to ask me?" She asked while I closed the door behind me. I sat next to Selka thinking about how I should ask about her sister.

I awkwardly asked hoping that she wouldn't react negatively."It's about your older sister actually..." She jumped a little.

"I heard about her from Eugeo-Kun. And that you had an older sister named Alice." I explained to Selka.

"Eugeo? He told you? About Big sister Alice?" She asked.

"Yeah, how Alice was studying Sacred Arts at this church, and how she was taken to the central city by an Integrity Knight, years ago" I nervously answered.

"He seems concerned for her." I continued.

"He still thinks about Big sister Alice... So the reason Eugeo no longer smiles is because of Big sister Alice, after all." She explained while her expression saddened.

"Eugeo-Kun... doesn't smile?" I asked about my concern growing for Eugeo-Kun.

"Yes, he looks gloomy and doesn't have much to say, does he?" She answered.

I replied with "R-Right." nervousness visible in my voice.

"But when my sister was here there was always a smile on his face. It was actually very hard to catch him not smiling." She continued."So he really loves Alice. To the point of him changing when she was gone." I thought.

"On most of his days of rest, he stays inside or heads to the forest, he's always alone." She explained further. I noticed her sad expression and asked.

"Selka, you like Eugeo-Kun, don't you?"

She looked at me, while both of her hands were up.

"You got the wrong idea! Geez!" She exclaimed while she waved both of her hands around in the air for defense. I let out a small laugh because of her reaction. She then lowered her head for a bit.

"Nobody ever said it out loud, but they were always sighing. It was like seeing me reminded them of my sister and I'm tired of it. Eugeo has been avoiding me all this time. Even when we do see each other, he always has a tortured look on his face." Selka told me with each sentence, her face showed grief.

"It's not my fault that my sister's not here anymore!" Her voice started breaking while she continued while tears were streaming down her face.

"Sorry for losing control." She apologized. Regaining her composure she wiped her wet eyes with her left hand.

"N-No, I think if you feel like crying then you should let it all out." I reassured her.

"Yeah, your right. For some reason, I feel a little bit better now. It's been such a long time since I cried in front of somebody.." She told me while she smiled.

"You remind me of someone older than you who has cried a lot." I responded. I then realized what I just said.

'Eh, Asuna have you regained your memories?" She asked me.

"N-No it's not like that!" I exclaimed thinking of what I should say.

"I just have this feeling you know." I explained nervously.

"Anyway, you're your own person, you can't be somebody else. Just do whatever you can and that should be fine." I stated hoping that saying that will at least make Selka feel a bit better.

"You're right." Right after she said that the bell of the church began ringing.

'I'd better get going now." She said while standing up and getting ready to leave the room. She suddenly stopped at the doorway, she turned around, and asked.

"Did you hear why my sister got taken away by an Integrity Knight?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah, Why?" I replied.

"I don't know what it was, nobody will tell me. So why is it?" She asked again.

"Well... She went to the end Mountains and entered the land of darkness." I answered.

"I see the End Mountains." She replied while holding a strand of her hair.

She then turned around to face me."Tomorrow is a day of rest but you're to get up as usual. Okay?" She reminded me as she left.

I had a strange feeling when she asked me about how her sister violated the Taboo Index. I paid no mind to it and went straight to bed.

The Next Day

After waking up early, I went outside to wash my face. While whipping my face with a towel a voice greeted me.

"Good Morning." I looked at the person to whom the voice belonged. I saw Sister Azalia approaching me.

"Good Morning" I greeted back.

"Ms. Asuna, have you seen Selka?" She asked me.

"No, I haven't" I responded.

"Is that so? I haven't seen her all morning. She didn't come to the morning service. She isn't in her room either." Sister Azalia explained while my concern was growing for Selka. Sister Azalia brought her head down.

"This hasn't happened before." She told me.

"Is that right?" I asked.

"If you happen to find Selka, please let me know." She told me while I nodded in response.

After that conversation, I ran to meet Eugeo-Kun to ask if he knows where Selka is.

After meeting with and asking him, we concluded that maybe she went to the end Mountains. We ran towards the cave entrance of the End Mountains.

While on the way we came across a plant that was slightly tilted. Eugeo-Kun looked at the plant's life and it slightly decreased, we confirmed our suspicions.

When we arrived at the cave entrance, we saw a river with some chunks of ice flowing in the river. Eugeo-Kun then brought out the same plant earlier and said something that surprised me.

"System Call, Generate Luminous Element, Adhere." He commanded and suddenly the tip of the plant started glowing.

"Eugeo-Kun what was that?" I asked him with a shocked face.

"A Sacred Art, a really simple one though." He explained.

"So you know the meaning of things like System?" I asked him.

"Meaning? There is no meaning, it's just a command. It's a phrase you use to call on the Gods to bestow a miracle." He explained further.

"Meaning it's a spell?". I asked in my mind.

We then continued further into the cave. When we went in further it became colder. I put both of my hands on my shoulders. After finding a broken Ice patch on the ground we then heard a scream. A scream that belonged to none other than Selka. We ran as fast as we could and came across an open area of the cave filled with ice. We quickly hid behind one of the ice pillars and looked for Selka.

We saw numerous goblins with weapons and behind them a cart in which Selka was laying unconscious. The moment we saw Selka Eugeo-Kun suddenly stood up and screamed Selka's name.

Because of the noise, the goblins noticed both of us.

"Hey look two more white lum brats just wandered in." said one of the Goblins.

'What now want to capture them too?" The other Goblin said and laughed while I stood up.

We then saw a bigger goblin which I presumed was the Chief.

"Even if we take the two of them we would never be able to sell them. So how about we kill them right then and now?" The chief stated as the other goblins prepared their weapons.

I looked at Eugeo-Kun and saw that he was in a very bad state. His legs were shaking I called his name multiple times but couldn't snap him out of his trance.

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