Anokhian: Invasion

By AlunaMcKnight

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Viviana Wells is nothing if not a survivor. Maybe that doesn't make her so different than the Anokhian aliens... More



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By AlunaMcKnight

Authors Note: I know I said I would update Wednesday's but someone asked for an update so.. I suppose I could update sooner. olivia_ophixlism this update is for you. 😉
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It's been three months since I left the base to disappear into the wilderness. I left the truck a mile away from the crash site. I've gone back to the crash to gather as many supplies over the last few months as I could. The body of the man.. the murderer.. Had been dragged away by.. something.

Glow sticks kept my cave somewhat illuminated, though it was still very dark. My sleeping bag is below zero rated but I still freeze every night. I finished off the survival food a month ago and since then I've been surviving off of venison.

I shot and killed a deer about a mile away from here. I've made it a point not to trap or shoot anywhere near my cave. I didn't want to call attention to my safe place. I packed the meat into dry bags. The small riverway inside the cave has kept the meat cold and preserved until I cook it.

I cook small pieces over small fires. I'm cautious about making too much heat. I don't know what technology the aliens have but if we have thermal imaging, I can only imagine they have it too, only a thousand times more advanced.

I've been alone for months now with nothing but my own thoughts. Coming to terms with my life, and my mother's lack there of has been hard, it still hurts to think about her tender ways and how I'll never feel them again.

I gathered my weapons and went out to find fire wood. I didn't have to travel far from home for that. Since I've been here the forest has grown in full force, where as before it was just spring and the foliage was still laid down from the melting snow.

I picked up an arm full of small sticks about an inch wide before stopping to listen. Pulling my dirty hair behind my ear I paid attention for any sounds that were abnormal. As an albino, my hair was nearly platinum blonde, so I've rubbed dirt and charcoal in it to darken it so as not to draw attention to myself while outside.

There was a faint buzzing. I couldn't tell if that was just mosquitos or my mind playing tricks on me. I headed back to my cave, looking around me, paranoid that I might have been followed, by whom I had no idea but the feeling of being watched was strong.

I placed the sticks down and started making a tower by laying the sticks in a row and laying the next row opposite on top of them. When I was ready to cook the tower would burn and the coals would fall into a nice pile on the inside, keeping the heat central.

My eyes snapped to the entrance of the cave as I heard the buzzing again this time louder and accompanied by small flying spheres about the size of a baseball. They seemed to be scanning the area with a green type of Lazer technology. I took the AR off my back and laid it on the ground next to the river and quickly slipped into the water way. The current wasn't strong so I held on to the rope that kept my meat in the water and waited.

The spheres scanned the entire area but never scanned the water. They left and I crawled out of the freezing river fixing the AR back in my shaking hands. I ran to the cave entrance and looked around waiting to see anything or anyone. It was dead like usual.

Where did they go?

I was caught off guard when one single sphere returned, scanning me with it's Lazer. I quickly shot it and it crumbled into sparking pieces. I couldn't stay here now. My location had been compromised.

So I ran.

I ran further into the woods, away from the highway and away from the city and further into the thick forest. I knew I was being followed. I stopped and hid behind a tree and took the cleanest shot I could and managed to take out one more of the flying spheres before I started running again. I was running out of options, I could hear the raging waters of what I assumed to be a huge water fall up ahead.

I would be stuck... Unless I jumped.

I could die.

I could drown.

I could hit my head.

I could break my leg or my back, it was all bad.

I felt like I was being chased straight to my doom.

I could see the water ahead and I was right. The mist from the falling water was clear in my vision now and I knew I couldn't jump without almost dying. I turned around and ran the same way I came, causing the spheres to go whizzing past me. I turned and went down hill as fast as I could, dodging branches and boulders as I descended as fast as I could.

Suddenly I was flying through the air before tumbling down the hill and finally after what seemed like forever I hit a tree and stopped. I struggled to catch my breath, my eyes shut tight out of pain. Either the ringing in my ears was too loud or I didn't hear buzzing at all.

At least I lost them.

My adrenaline was pumping hard as I examined my body for injury. I tried to sit up and immediately felt the pain in my shoulder.


I recognized it as dislocation, again. Dripping was felt on my cheek from what must be a gash somewhere on my forehead.

I used the strap for my AR as a sling as I continued to wonder further into the forest, the sky getting darker every minute that passed. I didn't want to be alone without shelter especially while I was hurt. I didn't want to come across another group of spheres either. I just wanted this nightmare to be over!

"Why can't you just leave so I can go home!!!" I screamed out of frustration. Groups of birds scattered at the sudden noise and I cursed myself for letting my anger get the best of me because I just gave away my position.

Like clockwork the flying orbs were back, this time they brought a friend. A large figure wearing some kind of suit was levitating above the ground on some kind of circular disk, following the orbs as they all rushed toward me. I wanted to give up.

I really did..but I knew I couldn't.

I pointed the AR at the man in the suit, or rather, alien in the suit and I took a warning shot. He seemed to understand because he stopped dead in his tracks.

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