Gamer x High school DxD

By DestinyXDXD

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Ch.1 New world, New home Pt.1
Author note


359 12 10
By DestinyXDXD

A/n - author notes





Y/n pov

Ruku and I were walking out my room to a small hallway and there were, four more doors, checking the room closest to me, I discovered it to be a small bathe room, it had a small bathtub, toilet, and a single sink, it also had a few bathroom supplies but nothing else. I then went to the room infront of mine, entering the room. I found out it was a private study (around 11'4"x10'0"). On my right there was an empty wall mounted fish tank and a single sofa set beside it; and on the left there was a large bookshelf that covered the wall, same on the wall opposite of it which were full of books, the floor was adorned with a large red carpet and desk infront of the window with two chairs infront of the desk and plants on either side of it. Looking at the room I just sighed annoyed as I knew I had to look through all the book as there could be a few skill books.

"*Sigh* This is going to take a while."

Ruku: 'Don't worry Mr. (Y/n), I will help you!:)' he said in his usual chipper voice.

"Thx Ru, well lets finish this quickly."

Ruku: 'Okay.'

Le Time skip (cuz I'm lazy.)

After awhile I finish searching the study and found a few skill books and three items, but I quickly put them in my inventory as I would check them later after finishing searching the house. I then checked the last two rooms on the floor that I was on, which was another bedroom, that only had basic furniture and another large empty room, I soon when down stairs. I was greeted by a large living room, which had a large sofa, a two seater sofa, a recliner, and a T.V. with multiple consoles, next to the front door there was another bathroom, but it only had a toilet and sink. Next to the living room was the dining room and a open kitchen *the fridge was empty*. Connected to the kitchen was the laundry room and connected to that was a huge garage which had a beautiful motorcycle (Image above), I then went to explored the last part of the house, the basement which was huge, it had a large open area, a bathroom, bedroom, and a storage area which only had a small chest with only a couple dozen lock picks and a white mask with blue and purple eyes and black and red markings under the eyes. After I finished exploring the house I went to the living room a bit tired.

"*Huff* damn it, that took to long. "I said as I plopped on the sofa. "Well at least I got some good stuff, right Ru." I said as I took out the stuff I got from my inventory.

Ruku: 'Yes, yes'

"Okay, now lets see what we got. Observe."

[Mana shot(beginner)(Active) (E) Lv-1: Allows user to condense mana to a singular point and fire it as a projectile. Would you like to learn skill.]


[Blacksmithing(beginner)(active) (F) Lv-1: Allows user to create various objects ranging from jewelry to weapons. Would you like to learn skill.]


[CQC(beginner)(passive) (F) Lv-1: Allows user to execute multiple attack combinations from different martial arts. Would you like to learn skill.]


[Mask of ??????? (??): A mask with the ability to summon weapons that has been connected to the mask and create armor. It will bond with the owner's soul and will grow with its owner. *NOTICE: Once soul bound it cannot be lost, if lost it will reappear on the owner. Soul bound object cannot be destroyed in cases where object is damaged it will be immediately repaired.]

- Defense +20
- HP regen +3
- MP regen +3
- Stamina regen +3
- Armor absorption (E+). Allows user to absorb armor of the same rank of the skill into the mask gaining a portion of its defense and skills *NOTICE: skill rank may lower.*
- Armor creation (E+). Allows user to create armor. Armor can take any appearance the user desire or of any armor that has been absorbed.
- Possession (C+). Allows user to possess any enemy of the same level or lower.
- Weapon connection (C+). Allows user to connect weapons to the mask and summon them from any distance.
- Transformation (E+). Allows user to hide mask by turning mask into other objects.

[Revolver(apprentice) (D): A pistol with revolving chambers enabling several shots to be fired without reloading. Damage 100~130, has a small chance to instantly killing an enemy. Sell price 15p.]

[.38 special×100(common): ammo specifically designed for revolvers.]

[Knuckle Duster(apprentice) (E+): A metal guard worn over the knuckles in fighting to increase the effect of blows. +10~15, increases critical hit rate.]

[Lock pick×60(common): A tool which is used to open locks.]

[Phone (master) (S): A high quality smartphone which was made with the same materials as Nokias, it has an infinite storage and data/WiFi. Cannot be sold.]

I looked at the the stuff I had found extremely happy as now had three new skills, two new weapons, a new phone that had unlimited storage and data/WiFi and couldn't break, and a cool mask. I had a huge grin as I accepted the new skills, I then put the revolver, ammo and knuckle duster in my inventory, then I opened my phone to check it out, after a few minutes I found out it already had an email account on it, the password was in notes, but apart from that it only had the normal pre-downloaded apps. I then put on the mask on it then turned into glasses.

[Quest: Explore your new home! Completed!]

- Explore all the rooms in your new home and discover their secrets. This quest has no time limits

- Rewards 100 exp, ¥500.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." I said as I looked at the screen. "*Hmmm* If I remember correctly I had ¥40000 in my system, but how do I take it out.

[Would you like to remove money from the system]


"Convenient." I said pressing yes

[Select the amount you would like to remove: + - °°°°°.]

I looked at at the screen and decided to take out ¥10000, it then materialized in my hand, I promptly put it in my wallet. I then decided to check the rest of the settings of the system.








- 1Sp - ¥1000
- 5Sp - ¥5000
- 10Sp - ¥10000
- 100Sp - ¥90000

I bought 10Sp and then went to check out the shop. As I sorted through I found a few things that I found interesting but were to expensive. After a while I found something that seemed to useful, it was a ring that hide my magic signature and was on a 99% discount so I bought it.

[Would you like to buy *ring of concealment* (1000Sp -99% - 10Sp)]


"Yes." I said as I bought the ring. As soon as I putted on the ring it glowed for a second then dimmed, it was a black ring with a eye pattern with the eyes crossed out, I then used observe on it.


[Ring of concealment(intermediate)(B): A good quality magic ring with the ability to hide the magical signature of the user up to Lv-30.]

I looked at the ring and smiled as I would be safe and unnoticed by the supernatural for a while at least, I then decided to check the gacha.


- Common gacha 1×10Sp
- Rare gacha 1×50Sp
- Unique gacha 1×100Sp
- Legendary gacha 1×150Sp

Daily gacha (3)

"Hmm it seem I got three free gacha." I then spined the three gachas I had and got 20×bullets, a black card, and what seemed to be a handle made out of bone


[Holy bullets×20(rare): bullets infused with holy magic. Increased damage to to undead enemies and demonic enemies. damage +20.]

[Random skill point card(unique): A card which grants one skill point to a random stat.]

[Antithesis(master)(C): A weapon made from the bones of an unknown creature. The handle is a bone that can grow or shrink depending on the weapon needed. What forms the weapon is a strange black crystalline item that instantly liquefies and reforms in the desired shape before solidifying again. The weapon has the ability to morph into whatever the user desires, including a sword, mace, axe, or any number of forms. The weapon is stronger than steel once formed. 100~250 damage.]

I looked at the item description grinning wildly. I put the holy bullets and Antithesis into my inventory and using the skill point card and got +1 to strength, I then looked at my phone to check the time and I saw it was 2:30pm then felt my stomach growling. I went to the kitchen to make some food but remembered that I had no food in the fridge, so I looked up the nearest store and went to the garage and got on my bike and went to the store.

*Time skip ORA ORA ORA*

I've arrived at the store and started to look around the store grabbing what I needed as I walked around I decided to use observe on random people to compare stats.

Name: Haru Saito
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Race - Human
Fame - None
Title - None
Alias - None
Sacred gear - None
Lv - 1
Hp - 150/150
Mp - 100/100
Sta - 160/160
Str - 7
End - 6
Agi - 8
Int - 12
Wis - 10
Luck - 10

I looked at the guy's stats and saw my stats were almost double and he was Lv-2 I basically had the stats of a Lv-8~9 so what ever race I was is pretty strong, and I was quite happy. After a while I finished getting my stuff and went to pay, as I went to pay I saw someone I didn't expect to see so soon.

Name: Issei Hyoudou
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Race - Human
Fame - Pervert
Title - Member of the pervert trio
Alias - Pervert
Sacred gear - Boost gear
Lv - 2
Hp - 100/100
Mp - 10/10
Sta - 110/110
Str - 4
End - 11
Agi - 4
Int - 5
Wis - 4
Luck - 4

".................pfft" I looked at Issei's stats trying not to laugh my ass off as his stats were so low, he was even a Lv-2 his best stat he had was endurance, I guess getting beat by the keno club every day would up anyone's endurance. I quickly calmed myself down. 'Well at least I now know the plot still hasn't started.' I thought to myself. I payed for my stuff and left.

*Time skip MUDA MUDA MUDA*

After I got home I made some food I gained a cooking skill and a point to intelligence, I discovered that the food restored Hp. After I finished eating I decided to train my magic and CQC, after three hours I leveled up [magic shot] to lv-3, [magic control] to lv-5 and [CQC] to lv-3, I also learned [marksmanship](F) lv-3 and [lock picking](F) lv-1. After training I looked at my phone to the time and it was 6:00 and I decided to play some games. I went to the living room and searched through my games, and soon decided on Skyrim. As soon as I put the game in a screen appear in front of me.

[Skyrim dungeon has been found! Would you like to enter dungeon? *NOTICE: once you enter time will be slowed (1:7). Once you exit dungeon time will be slowed (7:1) in the dungeon*.]


"......." I looked at the screen surprised. Then I started to think about what I should do, I thought of the pros and cons. Pros: becoming a dragonborn, learning magic, blacksmithing, enchanting, lock picking, and fighting. Cons: death. In the end I just said fuck it and pressed yes, soon I started to feel dizzy and fell unconscious.

*Time skip TIID KLO UL*

Ralof: "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border,
right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that
thief over there."

"......" I looked at the familiar mem- I mean scene, and then I started to look around, I notice that I still had my glasses and Ruku, I also noticed that I was wearing cloth clothing.

Ruku: 'Hey Mr. (Y/n) were are we.' He asked in a curious tone.

'We're in a place called skyrim." I said mentally. Also can you do me a favor and not move to much.

Ruku: 'Okay :).' He said in a cherry voice. I then started to listen to the conversation between Lokir and Ralod.

Lokir: "Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen
that horse and been half way to Hammerfell. You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants."

"...." I didn't say anything.

Ralof: "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief."

Imperial Soldier :"Shut up back there!"

Lokir then looked at the gagged Ulfric.

Lokir: "And what's wrong with him?"

Ralof: "Watch your tongue! You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King."

Lokir: "Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if
they captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us?"

Ralof: "I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits."

Lokir: "No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening."

Ralof: "Hey, what village are you from, horse thief?"

Lokir: "Why do you care?"

Ralof: "A Nord's last thoughts should be of home."

Lokir: "Rorikstead. I'm...I'm from Rorikstead."

Ralof: "And you kid were are you from?" He asked looking at me

"...... A place outside Skyrim." I said in a quiet voice

Lokir: "Wait you're not from Skyrim!?" He asked surprised. I simply nodded

We soon approach the village of Helgen. A soldier then calls out to the lead wagon.

Imperial Soldier: "General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting!"

General Tullius: "Good. Let's get this over with."

Lokir: "Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me."

Ralof: "Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. And it looks like
the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this. This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod
is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. Funny...when I
was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe."

I then notice a man and son watching us as we were pulled into town.

Haming: "Who are they, daddy? Where are they going?"

I looked at the kid and wave he waved back.

Torolf: You need to go inside, little cub.

Haming: "Why? I want to watch the soldiers."

Torolf: "Inside the house. Now."

The wagon stops near the chopping block.

Imperial Soldier: "Whoa."

Lokir: "Why are they stopping?"

Ralof: "Why do you think? End of the line. Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us."

Lokir: "No! Wait! We're not rebels!"

Ralof: "Face your death with some courage, thief."

We soon are under the Imperials' watchful eye, and started to jumping out.

Lokir: "You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake!"

Imperial Captain: "Step toward the block when we call your name. One at a time!"

Ralof: "Empire loves their damn lists."

Hadvar: "Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm."

Ralof: "It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric!"

Hadvar: "Ralof of Riverwood. Lokir of Rorikstead."

Lokir: "No, I'm not a rebel! You can't do this!"

He was about to makes a break for it but I stopped him.

"Hey calm down I got an idea to get out of here." I whispered into his ear.

Lokir: "Are you sure." He asked whispering in a worried voice.

"Yes so just stay calm or your going to die an early death" I said in a firm voice.

Imperial Captain: "Hurry up!"

Lokir: "Okay, okay going!" He said looking calmer, he then looked back at me mouthing that I better know what I'm doing. I just nodded.

Hadvar: "Wait, you there. Step forward. Who are you?"

Hadvar: "huh your just a kid. Captain, what should we do? He's not on the list."

Imperial Captain: "Forget the list. He goes to the block." 'Bitch'.

Hadvar: "By your orders, captain. I'm sorry kid. Follow the Captain, prisoner."

I then go to stand with the other waiting prisoners by the block.

Lokir: "So now what kid." He asked me in a whisper

"Just wait we'll have the opportunity to escape soon just try to pad out for time." I said and he just nodded

Lokir: "Okay but what are we waiting for." He asked curiously

"You'll know when it happens." I simply said.

Tullius: "Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero, but a hero doesn't use a power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne."

Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak: (grunting protest)

Tullius: "You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace." A distant noise suddenly rings down the mountainside.

Hadvar: "What was that?'

Tullius: "It's nothing. Carry on."

Imperial Captain: "Yes, General Tullius. Give them their last rites."

Priestess of Arkay: "As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn, our beloved--" Suddenly one of the prisoners from the lead wagon walks forward. Rude.

Stormcloak Soldier: "For the love of Talos, shut up and lets get this over with."

Priestess of Arkay: "As you wish..."

Stormcloak Soldier: "Come on, I haven't got all morning. My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?"

They behead the Stormcloak, eliciting responses from the onlookers.

Stormcloak Soldier 2: "You Imperial bastards!"

Vilod: "Justice!"

Ingrid: "Death to the Stormcloaks!"

Ralof: "As fearless in death as he was in life."

Imperial Captain: "Next, the kid!"

Another cry rings out on the mountainside, this time much closer.

Hadvar: "There it is again. Did you hear that?"

Imperial Captain: "I said, next prisoner!"

Hadvar: "To the block, prisoner. Nice and easy."

I was then brought to the chopping block. Lokir looked at me worried, I just gave a reassuring smile.

Lokir: "Kid what ever your going to do, do it soon." He whispered yelled at me. I just nodded.

Then a large creature swoops over the southern peaks, barreling toward Helgen. The winds made from the wings of Alduin pushed me and executioner to the floor, I got up as quickly as I could and run to Lokir.

Lokir: "Kid! How did you know that a dragon would come, did you summed it!?" He asked surprised of the dragon.

"No, but this will work well as a distraction lets hide." I told him obviously lying.

Lokir: "Okay I will trust you kid." He said and I nodded.

Tullius: "What in Oblivion is that?"

Imperial Captain: "Sentries! What do you see?"

Imperial Soldier: "It's in the clouds!"

The creature, know seen as a dragon, lands on a tower, surprising everyone.

Stormcloak Soldier: "Dragon!"

The dragon uses its voice on the crowd, killing the headsman.

Tullius: "Don't just stand there, kill that thing! Guards, get the townspeople to safety!"

Ralof: "Hey, kid, thief. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! This way!"

Ralof leads me and Lokir to a tower where the other prisoners are hiding.

Ralof: "Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?"

Ulfric: "Legends don't burn down villages. We need to move, now!"

Ralof: "Up through the tower. Let's go! This way, friend! Move! Stormcloak"

Soldier: "We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way!"

Lokir and then started to make our way up the tower with Loki infront of me, as we were about to make our way to the second floor, but I stopped Lokir just before he reaching it.

Lokir: "Hey what--" He said but was interrupted by the dragon, Alduin, who broke in through the wall, blasting fire everywhere.

Ralof: "Get back! "

Alduin: "Toor shul! {"Inferno Sun"}."

"Are you okay." I asked him and he just nodded. We then survey the damage when the dragon leaves.

Ralof: "See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! Go! We'll follow you when we can!"

Lokir and I jumped into the in, encountering the list-giver with some refugees.

Hadvar: "Haming, you need to get over here now! Thataboy. You're doing great! Torolf! Gods...everyone get back!"

Suddenly Alduin then landed infront of the soldiers breathing fire but they lucky survive a blast of fire breath.

Hadvar: "Still alive, prisoners? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way. Gunnar, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defense."

Gunnar: "Gods guide you, Hadvar."

Hadvar: "Stay close to the wall!"

We took cover as a dragon perches right above us.

Alduin: "Vol toor shul! {"Horror Inferno Sun"}"

Hadvar: Quickly, follow me!"

We then reached the main gate's carnage. Soldiers are firing arrows in vain.

Vilod: "Tell my family I fought bravely!"

Tullius: "Hadvar! Into the keep, soldier, we're leaving!"

Hadvar: "It's you and me, prisoners, stay close!"

Imperial Soldier: "Die, dragon!"

Imperial Soldier: "How in Oblivion do we kill this thing? Just...die!"

Near the keep, Ralof is seen.

Hadvar: "Ralof! You damned traitor, out of my way!"

Ralof: "We're escaping, Hadvar! You're not stopping us this time."

Hadvar: Fine. I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde."

Ralof: "You, come on! Into the keep!"

Hadvar: "With me, prisoners! Let's go! Come on! We need to get inside!"

Lokir: "Kid who do you think we should go with." He asked me which confused me.

"Huh why are you asking me?" I asked him

Lokir: "Kid I probably would have died at the start without your help, so I trust you kid." I looked at him surprised, but then I grinned and nodded and we soon went with Hadvar.

Hadvar: Looks like we're the only ones who made it. Was that really a dragon? The bringers of the End Times? We should keep moving. Come here. Let me see if I can get those bindings off. There you go. Take a look around, there should be plenty of gear to choose from. I'm going to see if I can find something for these burns.

Ruku: 'Mr. (Y/n) are you okay.'

'Yeah I'm fine' I said to Ruku.

[Quest!: Escape!]

- Escape through the underground tunnels under Helgen
- Rewards: Title-Dragonborn, 100p, Katar.
- Failure: Death

I looked at the screen but dismiss it as we then started to look around. I found a iron sword, imperial light armor, imperial light boots, wine, alto wine and 5 gold

[*NOTICE: Would you like to absorber armor into the mask of ???????]


I was about to press yes but then I heard someone start talking to me.

Lokir: "Hey kid did you find any extra armor, I only found a helmet and a sword"

I looked at him and gave him the armor and boots "have this." He looked at me surprised

Lokir: "But what are you going to wear." He asked a bit concerned

"I"ll be fine." I said as I took off my glasses and turned it back into a mask surprising both Lokir and Hadvar.

Hadvar: "how did you do that."

"Magic-_-." I said bluntly.

Hadvar: "O-oh Okay"

I then put the mask back on and activate the armor creation skill. Soon a screen appeared infront of me telling me to design a armor. After a while I finished making my armor and I got to say it looks good.

After I finished designing my new armor, flames enveloped my body replacing what I was wearing with the armor

Lokir/Hadvar: "How di-" they said at the same time but I interrupt them

"Magic." I said bluntly and told them to hurry up

Both: "O-ok(°-°')"

We then went to a meatal door and Hadvar pulled a lever and the door opened, we then went through a small corridor to another metal door we then saw people on the other side talking.

Stormcloak Soldier: "We need to get moving! That dragon is tearing up the whole keep!"

Stormcloak Soldier 2: "Just give me a minute...I'm out of breath..."

Hadvar: "Hear that? Stormcloaks. Maybe we can reason with them. Hold on now, we only want to..." As he tried to talk to them they immediately drew their weapons.

Hadvar: "If you want to die, so be it." He said as he drew his sword, and thus we fought. I took out my gun and started to shot them in their legs and arms, but as I was about to end the one I incapacitated, I hesitated as I realized that I was about to kill someone I felt as I started to panic, but then I felt my self calm down, as the effects of [gamer mind] were activated and so I shot the guy in the head

[Level up×2]

Hadvar: "That's the end of that. Kid are you okay you don't look so good." He asked as saw me fall to my knees.

"Y-yeah I-i'm just not accustom to killing." I said as the effects of [gamers mind] were deactivated

Hadvar: "It okay kid just breathe in and out." He told me as I started to breathe in and out as I calmed down. There are you okay now." He asked me and I just nodded.

Hadvar: "Thats good."

Lokir: "Hey kid what weapon is that." He asked pointing to my gun.

"O-oh this is my revolver it's a weapon from which bullets are propelled via explosion, basically in the bullet there's gunpowder which is set off by pulling this trigger, the explosion causes the bullet to be expelled at a high velocity with enough force to kill a person, a revolver has six bullets in the cylinder." I explained to the both of them and the looked extremely fascinated.

Lokir: "That's amazing!" He exclaimed

Hadvar: "Interesting. Well let's see if I can get that door open." He said looking at my gun intrigued. We then looted the corps of the stormcloaks getting a few items which I put in my inventory, Hadvar and Lokir asked me about it, I just told them it was a magic I had, we then went downstairs, just in time for a collapsing roof.

Hadvar: "Look out!" He yelled. "Damn, that dragon doesn't give up easy. " he cured the dragon. We then went through another passage way. We then heard other people talking

Stormcloak: "What are you doing? We need to get out of Helgen now!"

Stormcloak 2: "The Imperials have potions in here. We're going to need them."

We then fought the stormcloaks, and I killed another one making me feel bothered, but not as much as before I then looted there bodys placing the loot in my inventory.

Hadvar: "An old storeroom. See if you can find some potions. Might come in handy."

I explored the the storage room finding quite a few potions of minor healing, Magicka, and stamina, and also wine after I finished exploring I went to Hadvar and Lokir.

Hadvar: "Done then? This way!"

We went downstairs to a torture room where the workers were fighting Stormcloaks. We helped them, I killed another person it felt uncomfortable, but it didn't bother me as much

Hadvar: "A torture room. Gods, I wish we didn't need these..." You and me both.

Torturer: "You fellows happened along just in time. These boys seemed quite upset at how I'd been entertaining their comrades." Sick bastard.

Hadvar: "Don't you even know what's going on? A dragon is attacking Helgen!"

Torturer: "A dragon? Please. Don't make up nonsense...although, come to think of it, I did hear some odd noises coming from over there."

Lokir: "He's telling the truth!"

Hadvar: "Come with us. We need to get out of here."

Torturer: "You have no authority over me, boy." Imbecile.

Hadvar: "Didn't you hear me? I said the keep is under attack!"

Torturer's Assistant: "Forget the old man. I'll come with you."

Hadvar: "Wait a second, looks like there's something in this cage."

Torturer: "Don't bother with that. Lost the key ages ago. Poor fellow screamed for weeks." Yep lo voy a matar

Hadvar: "See if you can get it open with some picks. We'll need everything we can get." He said looking at me, I just nodded.

Torturer: "Sure, take all my things. Please." He said as I looked around the room finding gold, weapons and a few lock picks.

Hadvar: "Grab what you can and let's go." He said as I picked the cell lock after a few attempts I managed to unlock it inside there was a potion, gold and a spell book and a mages robe and Hood.

[Spell book- Sparks(F): A spell which does 8 Hp and Mp of damage per second. Coast 19 mp/s. Would you like to learn spell]


I pressed yes.

Torturer: "There's no way out that way, you know..." I went with the others and went further downstairs.

Hadvar: "Right, let's see if we can find a way out. Let's see where this goes. We then open a bridge into the tunnels, passing over before a rock breaks it.

Hadvar: "Damn it. No going back that way.

Lokir: "I guess we're lucky that didn't come down on top of us."

Hadvar: "We better push on. I'm sure the others will find another way out."

We then went inside a large chamber were there a few stormcloaks and we got into a fight, where in the mix of the chaos the torture's assistant was killed when a arrow went into his head, but in the end Lokir Hadvar and I were able to win the fight with minor injuries. We followed the stream leads to a dead end.

Hadvar: "Hmm, that doesn't go anywhere. I guess we'd better try this way." We went through the other passage into a chamber full of giant spider. We killed the den of spiders, I then collect the spider's venom I also found gold and a potion.

[Level up×3]

Hadvar: What next, giant snakes? As we went into another chamber I found gold potions a dagger wine and a helmet nearby.

Hadvar: Hold up. There's a bear just ahead. See her? I'd rather not tangle with her right now. We might be able to sneak by. Just take it nice and slow, and watch where you step. Or if you're feeling lucky, you can take this bow. Might take her by surpri-" I then shot the bear in the head killing it, I then went to the bear and took the garnet it for some reason had.

[Level up]



*Time skip*

Hadvar: "This looks like the way out! I was starting to wonder if we'd ever make it." We finally make it out into fresh air.

Hadvar: "Wait!" He said as Alduin flies away overhead.

Hadvar: "Looks like he's gone for good this time. But I don't think we should stick around to see if he comes back.

Lokir: "Yeah hopefully." He said scared looking at the direction alduin went.

Hadvar: "Closest town from here is Riverwood. My uncle's the blacksmith there. I'm sure he could help you out."

Lokir: "It's probably best if we split up. Good luck kid." He said as he went to the opposite direction to Riverwood.

Hadvar: "I wouldn't have made it without your help today. Listen, you should go to Solitude and join up with the Imperial Legion. We could really use someone like you. And if the rebels have themselves a dragon, General Tullius is the only one who can stop them."

(A/n: I hope you guys like this chapter and sorry if the writing seems a bit awkward. Final word count 5383.)

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