My Hero Academia: Batman Beyo...

נכתב על ידי RenegadeComics

16.3K 473 105

Izuku Yagi only ever wanted to be a hero despite being Quirkless but it seemed the whole world was against hi... עוד

Character Descriptions
Crushed Dreams/Rebirth
Myth No More/ Questions
A New Friend/ Jealousy
Attack at the Mall/ Falling
Exam/Admittance/ Understanding
Battle Training/ I am The Shadows
USJ/ Discovery

Revelations/ Training

1.8K 58 18
נכתב על ידי RenegadeComics

3rd POV

Over the last 4 months something strange has happened at the Yagi household.
Izuku Yagi had been barely seen by his family who had hardly noticed except Izumi, every day Izuku would leave early and not return until late if at all, Izuku had also been avoiding nearly everyone at school, most people had not been aware of his presence most of the time, and he would just disappear after each class like a ghost, much to the annoyance to the Bakugou twins and suspicion of Izumi the few times she's been able to see Izuku he looked different taller, more muscular, but also he glared at her with a look of disgust and loathing, it made her more concerned that he disappears for long hours each day to the point he's barely at home.

What has Izuku been doing these past four months, training under Bruce Wayne of course he had been given a grueling and intense training regimen as well as rigorous mental conditionings, he was also using a special machine designed to transfer Knowledge and Skills to another person Bruce had been giving Izuku all his know how and Skills to aid and speed up his training out of all of Bruce's protege's he felt Izuku was the only one capable of pulling this off main because of his extreme analytical mind that absorbed information like a sponge. Izuku was now as skilled as Bruce was in his Early days as Batman Izuku was almost ready to go into the field and use what he has been taught Bruce had also made some modifications and upgrades to the Batman Beyond suit it was now made of nano machine fabrics so it could self repair, as well as have a near endless arsenal of weapons and gadgets and could be housed in a special watch from Wayne Tech that was indestructible and keyed to Izuku's DNA signature only no one was use his suit but him.

Izuku was just finishing training and was heading home when he used his new parkour skills to enter his room from the second floor window he immediately knew someone was in his room and had got into a fighting stance only to see Izumi sitting on his bed looking shocked at not only his response but how he got into his room.

Izumi: Where were you, How'd you get in here,why did you look like you were ready to fight?

Izuku glared at her, she felt a shiver go down her spine when he looked at her like that.

Izuku: Get out of my room now!

Izuku's words were calm but threatening. Izumi trying to be defiant and brave decided to tell him no.

Izumi: No, Not until you answer my questions.

Izuku: Why the hell do you care!?

Izumi looked genuinely shocked by what he said, and did her best to answer her brother.

Izumi: Because we're twin and we're supposed to look out for each other.

Izuku looked at her incredulously and realized she actually believes that.

Izuku: Look out for each other huh, then name one time you actually did anything to help or protect me Izumi?!

Izumi: What are you taking about?

Izuku: You have done nothing to show me you give a damn about me, only the opposite.

Izumi looked at her brother trying to understand why he was saying this

Izuku: All you do is bully and turn a blind eye to my suffering and it makes me sick just looking at you!

Izumi: Is this about you trying to be a hero?

Izuku: No it's about how to helped your friends beat me to a pulp, knowing that I couldn't defend myself, and spreading the news of my quirklessness for years while you get nothing but love and attention from our parents while I get nothing!

Izumi was starting to see her actions had finally shown their consequences , her revelations on Izuku's experiences with her, their family and her friends has led her to believe Izuku had had enough and maybe going down a dark path.

Izumi: I'm sorry, but how did get into your room we're on the second floor there is no way you could have gotten in without a.....,.


Izumi had wrongfully assumed Izuku had some how acquired a quirk according to her father there was only one man who can give and take quirks his greatest enemy "All For One" Izuku Looked at her like she was stupid.

Izuku: No I don't have a quirk now get out now!

Izuku then shoved his sister out of his room. She immediately went to her parents room and told them she thinks that Izuku may have been in contact with AFO and may have gotten a quirk from him. This had scared her parents who immediately went to Izuku's room to confront him on the matter went they knocked on his door he opened it with a look of annoyance.

Izuku: What?

Toshinori pushed passed Izuku and entered his room following him was both Inko and Izumi. When they were all in his room they noticed all his All Might and Magnetic merchandise were gone which made them worried.

Izuku: What has gotten into you people, barging in here like I'm doing something wrong?

Toshinori: Izuku I want you to be honest with me have you been in contact with a man called All For One?

Izuku: What kind of name is All For One?

Inko: Izuku this is serious, Do you have a quirk now?

Izuku was getting annoyed by the second.

Izuku: No, I have Not been in contact with AFO and No I don't have a quirk!

Toshinori: Then why did you get rid of all your All Might and Magnetic merchandise?

Izuku: Why would I keep those reminders that they aren't the heroes I thought they were?

Inko looked slightly hurt and confused by his statement.

Inko: What do you mean Izuku you love All Might and Magnetic?

Izuku stared straight into his mother's eyes and said.

Izuku: But they don't love me!

Inko: How can you say that?

Izuku: Because I am staring right at them!

The heroic duo looked shocked by his statement and asked how he knew their hero identities. He told Them he heard them when they revealed themselves to Izumi and that was the day that they destroyed any chance of a relationship between them. Izuku asked them to name a time that they spent with him or when was the last time they told him the loved him they couldn't remember, Inko looked heartbroken, Izuku then revealed how Izumi treats him much to their horror All Might looked extremely disappointed in his daughter but he still wasn't sure if Izuku was being truthful about AFO so he took him to see Recovery Girl And Detective Tsukauchi to find the Truth Recovery ran every quirk detection test she could and The Detective had asked him any and all Questions referring to AFO both test came back with nothing, it confirmed that Izuku did not have a quirk and That he did not know anything about Anyone called All For One, his family looked so ashamed because Izuku left without them heading to Wayne manor they followed him not knowing he was aware of their presence the whole time he had texted Bruce to warn him of their arrival so they could use their cover story.

Izuku entered the manor and a few minutes later the door was knocked on the family was surprised to see the old man answer the door.

Bruce: Yes, can I help you?

Inko and Toshinori both knew who this man was Bruce Wayne Billionaire and CEO of Wayne Tech the most wealthy man in the world.

Inko: Excuse me Mr. Wayne we saw our son walk into this mansion and we were curious on why he was.

Bruce: You mean Young Izuku, Ah well yes, he works for me, In fact I owe the young man my life, He saved me from a group of hooligans once, I tried to offer him a reward but he absolutely refused, so I asked him if he would like to work for me as a personal assistant, he has met every one of my expectations and beyond, I've been told I can be a difficult task master but he has never once complained, he truly is a kind and selfless young man you all must be very proud.

With each bit of information they became more guilt ridden they thanked Bruce for his time and returned home, All Might was beginning to think with all these new Revelations if he made the right choice in choosing Izumi to take OFA she's barely made any progress with it and after learning how she treated Izuku and accused him being in league with AFO when in reality he was just helping a old man live his life. For the first time in a long time Toshinori felt he had failed big time.

Only Time will tell if he can fix this mess.


Stay savage my friends.

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