Did It Feel Good When You Bro...

By SourCandies_

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A fan fiction in which Izuku and Ochako break up and soon realize they cant live without each other. Although... More


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By SourCandies_

A/N: I'll put the authors note at this start this time. Anyways, this fan fiction is just simply my take on what would happen if Izuku and Ochako ever broke up. So a lot of stuff doesnt make sense and it's infested with a bunch of headcanons, but other than that I wrote this for pain and funsies! This was initially supposed to be a one-shot that was around 4k words, but I realized I had so much stuff I simply wanted to add and it ended up being over 20k words before I knew it! O_o pls enjoy bcs I worked very hard on this!
(Sorry for making Ochako severely depressed. She's my Guinea pig and I have fun putting her in pain)

Tw//self-harm, implied eating disorder, underage smoking


Ochako was rudely woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. It was a faint sound at the back of her dream, but it was too loud for her to ignore. She lets out a groan and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. Who was crazy enough to call her at 9 am on a Saturday? Ochako was never a morning person and greatly appreciated waking up after 10 am.

She fumbles around for her cell phone and the caller id is no other than Izuku Midoriya.

She rolls her eyes and lets out a dramatic groan. Izuku was her boyfriend and she loved him dearly, but she also loved her sleep. She still answers the call. Just in case it might be something important.

"Good morning, 'Zuku." Ochako mumbles, closing her eyes, feeling her sleepiness come back.

She hears Izuku let out a nervous chuckle. She doesn't think too much about it. "G-Good morning." He stutters back. Ochako was too tired to realize he was clearly nervous and anxious about something.

"Hey, uhm. Can I come over? I need to talk to you about something..." Ochakos eyebrows furrow. She notices the difference in his tone and the way it sounds harsher, but also more nervous than usual. She gets a little nervous and hope's whatever he has to tell her isn't horrible.

She wouldn't be able to handle devastating news.

"Mmhm. Sure. My parents should be leaving for work soon, so if you wanna come over then, I don't mind." Ochako says. Izuku had met her parents before and mainly came over to her house when they were home, so it wasn't like she didn't want him to be there at the same time as her parents. She just wanted to talk to him alone.

"Alright. I'll be there in an hour." Izuku says. Ochako smiles. "Okay, bye-bye."

"Bye.." Izuku is the one to hang up the call. Ochako sighs and decides to get out of bed. She had a small gut feeling that something wasn't going to go well that day, but she told it to shut up and go away.

She was tired of having negative thoughts. And besides, she would get to see her cute boyfriend today.

After washing up in the bathroom and eating breakfast with her parents–consisting of scrambled eggs and miso soup–and wishing them a good day as they left, she went to her room to change into comfortable, but more appropriate clothing.

Izuku had seen her wearing less than her pajamas before, but she thought it would be nice to look at least a little presentable. So she decided on wearing an oversized blue hoodie that was actually her father's and a pair of leggings. The leaves were starting to change colors and the temperature was slowly getting cooler, and the cultural festival was right around the corner.

Before she knew it, a knock was on her door and she hopped up, excited to see her green-haired boyfriend.

"Hi 'Zuku!" Ochako chirps, stepping aside to let him in. Izuku awkwardly smiles. "H-Hey." He says, removing his shoes near the front door. He was simply wearing a green hoodie and black sweatpants.

"Wanna go in my room?" Ochako asks, looking up at him. Izuku nods. Ochako claps her hands and leads him down the hallway to where her room was. Her house had two floors and her parents slept upstairs.

Izuku takes a seat on her computer chair as she takes a seat on her bed across from him. The sun well lit up her room and the walls were painted a baby pink. Her room was overly childish for her age, but he didn't mind since she was happy.

Actually, she was the happiest she had been in years, and that only made Izuku's guilt grow more. He didn't want to ruin her smile, the way her eyes shone, and her bubbly personality.

But he knew that Ochako would be better off without him and he had helped her heal enough.

When they first became friends, Ochako wasn't the most mentally stable. She had bad habits that would end up with her harmed and was full of anxiety and depression, to say the least. Because of it, their bond grew and Izuku cared and helped her to become stronger and she loved him for that. She loved him because he never failed to make her feel good about herself. She hated being away from him because he made her feel whole.

And now she was better than she's ever been in years and Izuku figured that his work here was done and eventually she would get bored of him. He knew she loved him for who he was and he loved her back too. Actually, saying he loved her was an understatement.

But recently he had been getting thoughts. Thoughts that hurt his brain and harmed his mental health. He felt as if he wasn't a good boyfriend and that Ochako only loved him because he made her feel good when she was sad and not for him as a person. It was overwhelming and he couldn't seem to make them go away.

So instead of taking his own advice that had helped him before in middle school and had helped Ochako during their first few years of high school, he decided to take things into his own hands.

And his brain was telling him to leave her. For good.

Izuku realizes he's been thinking too long and they've been sitting in silence for a while. He sucks in a breath and looks down at his socks.

He had been thinking about this for ages and he was sure it was what was best for the both of them. He swallowed down his anxiety and closed his eyes.

"I...I-I want to break up with you." He says, his voice trembling.

Ochakos breathing stops and her smile fades. She hoped she hadn't heard him correctly. But from the way he was sitting slumped and couldn't bother to look her in the eye, she couldn't help but feel like what he said was what she heard.

Her breathing became rapid and she laughed nervously. "W-What?" She couldn't think and that was the only thing she managed to say subconsciously. Izuku bites his lip to suppress his tears. He knew Ochako would be hurt, but she would get over it eventually.

"I don't think I can be your boyfriend anymore. I'm not doing a very good job at it." Izuku says, his hands trembling.

Ochakos stomach drops at his words and tears fill her eyes. She hoped this was a sick dream. She hoped that she never really woke up and Izuku never called her.

Her breath was caught in her throat and she couldn't breathe. They had been a couple for almost two years and never once did the idea of Izuku leaving her ever cross her mind.

They were practically inseparable. They were known to go absolutely crazy without one another. She wanted to know why Izuku felt like this. Why did he feel the need to leave her? She thought they would be together forever. She assumed they would be together forever.

She hoped this was some kind of misunderstanding and Izuku was just currently going through something. She knew he didn't mean it. Of course, he didn't. She knew he tended to shut his feelings away and kept them deep down inside. All she had to do was get him to open up.

They would talk. He would cry. Then she would comfort him and tell him it was okay and then he would be fine and would take his words away, claiming it was because his mind was fogged and he couldn't think.

Ochako sniffs back her tears and gets up, walking towards Izuku. She held his cheeks gently and forced him to lift his head up to look at her. Izuku's teary green eyes met her brown ones and it was enough to make his suppressed tears start flowing. The lump in his throat was painful.

"Y-You don't mean t-that do you? R-Right Izuku?" Ochako asks, her voice trembling and on the verge of tears.

Izuku can't answer her and only turns his head to the side. He couldn't stand to see her looking so hurt.

Ochakos lips tremble and her hands shake as she lets go of his face. Her tears were running down her face. They felt hot and fat, as they dripped onto her clothes and on the floor.

"Take it back..." Ochako mumbles. She so badly wanted him to look back at her with a smile and say it was all just a prank and treat her to some mochi from her favorite bakery. She wanted to know that he seriously wasn't going to leave her. He couldn't leave her.

She needed him.

"Take it back! Now!" She screams. Her sobs were hysterical as compared to Izuku's calm, but definitely not quite, tears.

Her breathing was heavy and her brain hurt. She couldn't imagine living without Izuku. No. She would go crazy. There was no way her life was that bad. So bad to the point where the love of her life didn't want her.

The reason why she decided not to kill herself that night two years ago. That night they became a couple.

Izuku only shakes his head. "I-I can't. I can't make you happy. I don't think you would be good with someone like me." That only makes Ochako cry harder. He was talking out of his ass and she knew it.

"W-What are you talking about? N-No. I'm happy with you!" Ochako says, her hands tugging at her hoodie. She didn't want him to leave. She didn't want to imagine how far back her mental health would go if he left.

Izuku shakes his head and stands up. He uses his sleeve to wipe his tears away. "Don't be sad, Chako. I'll always love you, but you'll get over me eventually." he says. Ochako shakes her head rapidly.

"N-No! No, I won't. You can't leave me." She says, stepping back and sitting on her bed. The room falls quiet as Izuku doesn't respond. Ochakos sniffles alone are enough to make the pain in Izuku's chest worse. He hated seeing her like this, but it was for the best.

Ochako cries for a few minutes, hiding her head in her hands and letting the situation in front of her sink in. She was overwhelmed and everything hurt.

She looks up at Izuku, wiping her wet hands on her hoodie. "So this is it?" Ochako asks, her voice dry and worn out. Izuku can't bother to look at her. If he does, he's sure we will break down again and take his words back. "...yeah..." He says, his voice hoarse.

"I love you..." she says as he starts to exit her room. Izuku looks at her one last time and gives her a small smile. "I love you too." He says.

Ochako holds her breath and fights back her tears as she waits for Izuku to leave. Once she hears the front door click closed she lets that breath out. She pulls her knees to her chest and starts anxiously biting her nails.

She was too busy crying, she didn't even get to ask if they could stay as friends. Even if she couldn't kiss him anymore, cuddle with him after intimate moments, or wear his clothes, they could always just be friends. Like how they used to.

They were a duo. They were always known to be close together. That just can't fade away after one day, right?

It made Ochakos head hurt and she couldn't stop crying. She felt as if she was about to lose her mind. She stuffs her head into her pillow and screams. She lets out gut-wrenching screams because she can't figure out what she wants to do with herself.

She couldn't think and everything hurt. In a situation like this, Izuku would be the one to calm her down. Rubbing her back and telling her it's okay to cry. It's okay to feel weak. But he wasn't here and would never tell her those words again. She didn't want to imagine it. She didn't want to imagine him with someone else, and comforting them too. It made her feel so nauseous.

She only wanted to have Izuku's love and she couldn't even get that.


Izuku lets out a sigh and rubs the tears out of his eyes. He felt like he could breathe a little better and think more clearly. He felt bad. He felt terrible. He knew he couldn't live without Ochako, but he just couldn't stand to see her unhappy with him.

He digs a cigarette and a lighter out of his pocket as he slowly walks away back home. It was a bad habit he had, but it helped clear his mind. And he would probably be overthinking a lot.

Ochako knew about this habit, and she was the reason he stopped. The only thing Izuku remembered about his dad was that he liked to smoke a lot, and he found the smell comforting. In middle school, he found a pack that had fallen out of a classmate's jacket and he couldn't help himself.

He wasn't sure if he made the right decision by breaking up with her, but he'd be too embarrassed to go back and ask for her forgiveness after five minutes.

He took a drag of his cigarette and gently blew it out his mouth. Ochako would slap him if she caught him smoking like she did the first time. Well, Ochako isn't here to stop me and she won't. He tells himself. He had to stop thinking about her. Even if he loved her so dearly.

Izuku lets out a sigh. He could have taken the train to get home quicker since there was quite a distance between their houses, but he decided that the long walk would help him calm down.


Ochako wakes up to the sound of someone knocking on her door. She was confused and her room was almost dark as the sun had almost fully set. She didn't remember falling asleep, she had only remembered crying until she couldn't anymore.

"Ochako sweetie. It's time for dinner. You've been sleeping all day." Her Mother says through the door, worry laced in her voice.

Ochako groans and sits up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Her head was pounding and she felt so dizzy. Nothing felt real and she felt weird. She had never cried so much for so long. Her heart physically hurt.

"Mnh. Okay. Just...give me a minute." She mumbles, her voice hoarse. She sighs as she hears her mother walk away. She was hungry, but she didn't want to eat.

She was gaining all the weight she had lost in middle school. Is that why Izuku broke up with her? Because she was getting fat? She wasn't as cute as she was during her first year of high school. her stomach was pudgy and had rolls, and her acne was red and noticeable. She didn't blame him.

She sighed again and got up. The lights of the dining room and kitchen blinded her and she felt like a vampire. She took her seat in front of her food after greeting both her parents. She hadn't seen them all day after all.

The small conversation her parents started went in one ear and out the other as she blankly stared at her food. If it were any other day she would have started eating instantly. But today she felt too sick. It's like every thought she had added to her nausea. Every swallow she took to suppress her tears only made the lump in her throat more painful.

"Sweet pea, you okay?" Ochako snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of her dad's voice. She looks up at him, his face full of worry.

She can't stand to see her parents upset, so she avoids his gaze and looks down. She shakes her head no and keeps her head down. "I don't feel that good today.." she mumbles quietly.

She didn't want to tell her parents what happened today just yet. It would overwhelm her. Her mother would start crying along with her because of her fondness for Izuku, and her father would start planning Izuku's death right away. It was a mess she didn't feel like being in.

Her Mother puts her hand on her forehead, checking her temperature. "You do feel a little warm." She says. "Why don't you go lay down? I'll bring you some leftover soup." Ochako nods and excuses herself from the table.

She sniffs back tears as she closes the door to her dark room. She tosses herself onto her bed face first and starts crying again. She needed someone to talk to without feeling like she was being a burden. Her parents weren't an option. No matter how hard they tried to get her to open up, she couldn't do it. She couldn't put more stress on their shoulders. She'd hate herself even more if she did.

She could hear their muffled voices coming from in front of her door. She covered her ears so she couldn't hear what they were saying. She didn't want to hear them once again talking about how unstable she was and how she needed to start taking her meds more. She hated taking her medication. It made her feel like she couldn't heal on her own and she didn't want to be dependent on them for the rest of her life.

Her Mother knocks gently and opens her door. Ochako sits up and quickly wipes her tears. "I brought you some tea." She says gently, sitting next to her on her bed.

Ochako takes the hot mug and thanks her quietly.

It's silent for a few minutes before her mom speaks again. "You're not doing too good today, are you?" She asks, turning her head to look at her daughter. She wasn't dumb. She was her mother and she knew when Ochako was sick physically and sick mentally. And she knew that today was an off day for her. She never spent her days with a cold or fever sleeping all day, and no excuse could change her mind.

Ochako sighed. There was no use lying to her mom so she told the truth. "Y-Yeah..." she says quietly. Her mother wipes away the new tears that had started running down her cheeks.

"Want to talk about it?" She asks. She loved her daughter dearly, and even if she didn't want to open up to her, she wouldn't stop trying until she did.

Ochako pulls her knees to her head and shakes her head, her sobs increasing. She felt like if she talked about what had happened that day, she would go crazy. "I-It's not that I don't want to...it's just that...I can't." Ochako sobs. "Not r-right now."

Her mother pulls her into a hug and rubs her back gently. "It's okay. You can tell me whenever you're ready." She says, giving her a kiss on her forehead. Ochako nods and cries on her shoulder a little longer. She wasn't sure what was troubling her daughter that badly, and she wanted to know so she could help her.


When Izuku got home, his Mom was just getting ready to leave for work. She usually worked long shifts at night and slept during the morning so they would have the afternoon and some of the evening together. But today she was called in early. Izuku slipped off his shoes and went down the hallway that led to the living room.

"Oh! I thought you'd still be out when I left. I thought you were going to Uraraka's house?" Inko questioned, noticing the bags under his eyes. Izuku smiles awkwardly. "I did go to her house, I just needed to get something from her real quick. She's busy this weekend." He says, lying through his teeth and avoiding her gaze.

Inko's eyes narrow and she gets a feeling that something is wrong, but she won't pry into his business. Not yet.

"You look tired. Why don't you go rest? I'll save some breakfast for you." Inko says, giving him a small smile.

Izuku nods and heads to his room. His anxiety was high and it caused his body to ache. He let out a huff as he laid down on his bed.

He stared at the ceiling blankly and tossed his stress ball into the air, letting it fall back into the palm of his hand. He was trying to think of anything but Ochako, but she still managed to linger in his brain.

He had checked one thing off his list, which was breaking up with her and having to witness her reaction–which hurt him a lot, to say the least. But he also then had to tell others that they weren't dating any longer and he had to sit through their reactions. He had to sit through them telling him he was dumb for breaking up with her and that he messed up.

He sighed and dug his phone out of his hoodie pocket. He needed someone to talk to and wanted to tell the person who would give him the harshest reaction about what had happened.

He anxiously waited for Bakugou to answer his call. He secretly hoped he wouldn't, but his dream was crushed when he heard the familiar and aggressive greeting he gave him every time he called.

"What?" Bakugou growled. He and Izuku were on good terms, but he still didn't like when the fucker bothered him.

"Kacchan I messed up really badly..." Izuku groaned, using his free hand to rub his forehead.


"So let me get this straight. You broke up with pink cheeks because you're a fucking pussy and you can't grasp the fact people care about you?" Bakugou says, crossing his arms and leaning back onto the backrest of Izuku's desk chair.

Izuku grimaces and looks up at him. "Ouch. So harsh." He whines.

Bakugou throws a pen at him with full force. "I'm being fuckin serious because I don't think you realize how much you just hurt her." Bakugou snarls.

Izuku looks down and rubs the red mark on his forehead from the pen. "I didn't hurt her. She'll get over me eventually. I wasn't that important to her. She's only known me for a small fraction of her life." Izuku says.

And that's how he felt. He was easily replaceable. And he didn't feel bad. He knew it was true and he was only accepting it.

Bakugou stares at him and then sighs, rubbing his hand over his head. He wouldn't be surprised if they once again had to stop Ochako from committing suicide in a few weeks from now.

"You're a fuckin idiot." He says. "You clearly don't know how much you mean to her." Izuku stays silent. What was he supposed to say? He didn't understand why Bakugou was so mad at him.

"You're the reason why she's not dead right now. She literally depends on you to live. She can't live without you, she won't live without you. I assumed you knew that, but I guess I assumed fucking wrong." Bakugou snarls.

Izuku takes long blinks, forcing his tears back. He didn't believe that. Yeah, he saved her that night and gave her a reason to live, but he couldn't be that special. He knew she loved him, and that was reasonable. But was he really her reason for living? That was kinda hard to grasp.

She was mentally unstable before they met and she lived just fine. What did he do that could possibly make her so attached to him?

"Ow!" Izuku whines as another pen is thrown at his face. "You're doing that mumbling shit again," Bakugou says.

"Yes, you dumbass. I have no fuckin idea why she's so obsessed with you because you're a dumbass nerd, but clearly, you did something to make that girl so damn attached to you." He says.

"So you have two options." He starts. "I beat your ass for being stupid and then you go apologize to her because I know you still fucking like her. Or you apologize to her, then I beat your ass." Bakugou says.

Izuku looks up at him and raises an eyebrow. "That's literally the same thing- ow! Stop throwing pens at me!" He whimpers.

"Shut the fuck up and choose one." Bakugou says. Izuku looks down. He heard everything Bakugou said, and let it all sink in, but he just couldn't believe it. And he didn't want to go and talk to Ochako about it. He didn't want to talk or think about her for a while. He was sure whatever Bakugou was saying was a thing of the past and by Monday she would be happy and smiling like earlier that morning.

"I choose neither. I want her to be happy, so I won't talk to her anymore." Izuku says.

Bakugou stares at him in disbelief at how fucking stupid he was. He couldn't tell if he wanted to get up and leave or punch him in his face so hard he would lose consciousness for god knows how long.

He only sighs. He knew that he was simply too stubborn to actually think outside the box that was his brain.

"Y'know what? Take everything I said back. I'm glad you broke up with her. She doesn't deserve a selfish dumbass like you." Bakugou says. He wasn't disregarding his feelings. They were valid and he had the right to feel like that, but he also wanted to let him know they were just thoughts and none of it is true, but that was for another day. His head already hurt.

Then he gets up and leaves. Izuku doesn't talk to him for the rest of the weekend. He stays shut in his room, crying, sleeping, definitely not eating, and sneaking out his window onto the fire escape stairs to smoke a cigarette until it's Monday and they have to return back to school to finish preparing for the cultural festival on Wednesday.


Shortly after Ochakos mother left her room, she got up to go to her closet. She dug around in a pile of clothes until she found the hidden object she was looking for.

She had been self-harm clean for four months and was improving every day, but in a matter of minutes, all that progress went to waste.

If Izuku didn't love her anymore, she was going to cut all the bad things about her body so that she would know what needed to be changed and work hard to get them to be fixed. And then Izuku would love her again. He'd see her new and improved body and wonder why he dumped her in the first place.

She took off her leggings and hoodie quickly as she was craving the burning feel her cuts left. It had been a while. Even if she might get caught hurting herself or crying while doing it, it was worth it and the start of becoming the best Ochako she could be.

It would also be the start of her practically slowly killing herself.


Once she had finished and wrapped up all her bleeding cuts, she stood in front of her full-body mirror, staring at herself. The gauze wrapped on her lower stomach sucked in her fat and she already looked thinner. She smiled. All she had to do was make sure she didn't eat. And to do something about the acne that made her face look more red than tan.

She still remembered the names she got called in middle school due to her body and face and she couldn't help but repeat them to herself. It wasn't to harm her, it was to make her stronger. That's what she told herself and that's what she wanted to believe.

She was so spaced out, she barely heard the knock on her door and the voice that came after.

"Hey, Ocha. It's me. Your mom called and said you weren't doing too well today, so I came to check on you."

Besides Izuku and her parents, Mina was someone who meant so much to her. They were more than just best friends. They were practically platonic girlfriends. Mina checks on Ochako when she's not doing good–even when Izuku was there–and she did the same in return.

She wasn't surprised her mother called her. Ochakos home was Mina's second home and she was close to her parents as well. She even had a copy of the keys to her house. Her parents adored her and were grateful she had someone who cared as much as she did.

Ochako looks down and realizes she's naked and still hasn't responded to Mina. "Uhm. One second, I gotta put on some clothes!" Ochako yells, struggling to put on some baggy pajama pants and a baggy white t-shirt.

That doesn't stop Mina from invading her privacy. "I've seen you naked several times. No need to freak out." She says, closing the door behind her. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt that clearly belonged to someone else and a pair of Jeans. Her hands were occupied with two cups of hot chocolate and strawberry pocky.

She walks to her desk, puts the items down, then turns back to look at her. She was pretty tall for a girl, so Ochako had to look up to see her face.

Ochako watches her eyes look down at her wrapped-up arms and then back at her face. Her face is blank and she lets a sigh. A disappointing one.

"You're cutting again." She says, not as a question, but more of a statement. Ochako suddenly feels horrible. She can't stop the tears that blur her vision. She's wrapped in a gentle but firm hug. "Shh. I'm not mad. I'm just worried." Mina says, listening to her hiccups.

Mina never got mad at Ochako. She loved her too much. She just wanted the best for her. Even if she seemed a little strict at times. It was only because she wanted the best for Ochako. She had only known her for three years, but she loved her so much.

They stay like that. For as long as Ochako needs to and her sobs quiet.

When Ochako finally seems to calm down, they take a seat on her bed. Ochako sniffles and hiccups every few seconds, but she calms down.

"What's wrong? Why did you relapse?" Mina asks, holding her smaller and colder hand in her bigger and warmer hand.

She had never seen Ochako so happy. In the last few months, she had a smile on her face every single day. The only time she cried was when watching sad movies or reading mangas. So she wanted to know, desperately. What had happened so badly she needed to harm herself again?

Ochako sucks in a breath and looks down. She's quiet for a few moments, trying to collect her thoughts. Telling Mina would be easier than telling her parents.

Her lips tremble and twitch uncontrollably seconds before she bursts out onto sobs. Loud, obnoxious sobs. She was sure her parents could hear her, even all the way from upstairs.

She was just so...overwhelmed. The thought of telling someone what had happened that morning and having to remember Izuku's hurtful words was eating her alive and it made her heart physically hurt. They never left her brain and only made her cry harder. Each breath hurt to take and she was sure she was dying.

Mina was a little shocked, to say the least. She hadn't seen Ochako cry like this in months. The painful cries, hiccups, and breaths that left her mouth and made it seem like she couldn't breathe. The way her cheeks become red and wet, her tears soaking her shirt and getting on her pants.

"I-Izuku broke up w-with m-me!" Ochako yells, crying into her hands. Her heart hurt and she couldn't take it. Just saying those words made her so nauseous and she desperately fought back the feeling to throw up.

Mina hugged her once again and let her cry into her shoulder. She wanted her to calm down. Talking to Ochako while she was in tears was difficult, to say the least. She would be able to think better and express her feelings so that Mina could figure out how to help her.

It pained her to see her like this. She was also shocked. Out of all the couples she witnessed get together over the years, Izuku and Ochako was the one she least expected to break up. Ever. She assumed they would be the type to get married right after high school, not part ways on a random Saturday in the middle of September.

Ochakos sobs decreased, but her small tears didn't stop. "D-Do you think Izuku ever really loved me?" Ochako asks, removing herself from Mina's embrace and hugging her knees to her chest.

Mina's eyebrows furrowed with worry and she let out a small sigh. "Of course he loves you. He always has. If he didn't love you then he wouldn't have put so much effort into making sure you were healthy and okay." She says, resting her hand on Ochakos knee.

Ochako only sniffles and more tears run out of her eyes. "So then why did he leave me?!" Ochako practically yells, her voice cracking.

She was hurt and confused. Yesterday they ate lunch in the secret nook under the stairwell at school, laughing and saying cheesy flirts with each other. And last night they spent almost three hours talking to each other on the phone. Izuku told her how much he loved her and how proud he was of her for improving so much. So she was confused about why he threw all of it away that morning.

She rubs her hands over her face in an attempt to clear her mind, but it doesn't work. She feels as if she's going insane.

"It's because I'm fat isn't it? Or because I'm too short for him? What if he likes taller girls? Maybe my breasts? They are embarrassingly small compared to everyone else. Or because I'm fucking crazy and need ten people watching over me to make sure I don't kill myself? Did he change his mind? Maybe because I can't please him well? He always told me I was good at making him feel good, so that wouldn't make sense. Or-"

Mina puts her hands on Ochakos shoulders and grips her firmly. "Ochako!" She yells to get her to snap out of it. Ochako is breathing heavily and on the verge of a panic attack when her eyes meet Minas. "Calm the fuck down." She says slowly.

Ochako only cries more, her breathing becoming more rigged. "I-I can't stay calm! He broke up with me because he felt he wasn't making me happy, but that isn't true! I'm the problem!" She sobs.

Mina shakes her head and wipes Ochakos tears. "Listen. It's neither you nor Midoriyas fault." She says, shaking her gently by her shoulders. "I'm sure whatever caused Izuku to break up with you is not because of you specifically."

"The best thing you can do is grieve for a little bit, then work on forgetting him. And if he eventually wants to talk to you again, then let him come to you first." She says. She didn't want to beat around the bush or baby talk to her and give her false hope that Izuku would come back to his senses tomorrow and plead for her forgiveness.

Ochako looks down and nods, wiping her tears and snot away. She appreciated the fact Mina was honest and straightforward with her, but sometimes her words made her chest hurt even more. She was sure she just needed to suck it up and accept it.

"But you wanna know my opinion? I think that this won't last long or be permanent. You and Izuku being separated. I've never seen two people so clingy in my life. You guys wouldn't get that far without each other." Mina says, trying to give her some type of hope.

She'd hate to see Ochako sink back down deeper than she's ever been before. Ochako picks at the cracked nail polish on her nails and doesn't respond. She doesn't believe Mina, and she hates to admit it. As much as she wants to believe that Izuku and her would get back together, she's already started accepting that they won't. He broke up with her. Why would he want her back?

Ochako closes her eyes and leans forward to rest her head on Mina's shoulder. Mina lifts ochakos head up and kisses her cheek, hugging her gently. "Can we just stay here like this for a little bit?" Ochako says, groggily. All that crying wore her out and she was tired. Mina lets out a hum and they lay down, snuggling together.

Mina stays over that night and Sunday night. Ochako couldn't bear to be alone and needed someone to motivate her to go to school on Monday and make it to class. It was important that she attended school that week since she was a part of their class's concert for the cultural festival. 

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