Side by Side

By JoyfulMinnie

357 9 2

Maxi arrives like Gandalf at Helms Deep to provide the Remdragon Knights with much needed aid in battle. He... More

Side by Side

357 9 2
By JoyfulMinnie

Riftan honestly couldn't remember if he had gotten any sleep in the last five days. 
The battle was constant, give and take and give again. 

He knew his own stamina and knew that if he was growing tired then his men must be utterly exhausted. 

The air reeked of death and nauseating decay. Blood stained their armor, which was theirs and which was the enemies, they could no longer tell. 

For all their strength the Remdragon Knights had held their own but were now at a standstill. Both sides had fought hard, bitterly hard but neither side never yielded as the days of battle progressed. 

The knights were backed into a corner, at the base of the junction of two mountains, too steep to climb quickly if a retreat was needed. They only had the remains of a small fortress to protect them. They were running low on food, water, and energy and though morale was strong amongst their brotherhood, even it began to dwindle slightly. 

This would be their last stand. 

If they could not breach the enemy lines, they would not be able to get out and food would run out soon. 

One last time they decided they would ride out together to face their enemy, a legion of orcs, more than 10,000 strong.

As Riftan began to prepare Talon's saddle for their last ride his mind, as it always did, wandered to thoughts of his beautiful wife, Maxi. 

As he thought of her, his heart grew lighter than it had been in months. Where was she, he pondered. A ghost of a smile graced his lips as he thought of the fun his wife was having as she was traveling on an expedition with her wizard friends to study the history of ancient ruins somewhere in the northeastern portion of the continent. 

Riftan knew Maxi enjoyed being lady of the house and went above and beyond to fulfill her role, but he also understood that she was passionate about magic and wanted to explore and gain knowledge every chance she got. He couldn't deny her and had agreed to let her attend a short trip with her comrades, even if they would miss each other terribly. At least it would make their reunion all the more sweet.
If he survived to have a reunion, he thought darkly before mentally shaking himself of such thoughts. No, he would fight like hell to get back to her and hold her in his arms again. Failure was and is never an option.

The men charged out of the fortress on horseback in full armor. The men yelled and cursed as they charged into the thick of the battle. 

Just as they were about to be overwhelmed by the sheer size of their enemy's army, a brief but powerful burst of light shone from the top of the lip of the valley, hundreds of yards away. The occurrence was so distracting and captivating that both knights and orcs stopped to see what the source of light was. 

Riftan's heart soared while simultaneously dropping into his stomach. It was her, his Maxi. She was dressed in her wizard's robes and had a few pieces of armor on as well, protecting her vital organs. She had added a few personal touches and Riftan felt utter joy and pride because even at the great distance between them he could make out the emblem of the Remdragon knights branded on her chest plate. 

His heart lurched painfully as he saw her kick Rem's side urging the horse onward. The pair picked up speed as they raced down the hill towards the battle in the valley below. 

The orcs paid her little mind as she charged. After all, what could one little wizard possibly do against an army of thousands?

As she got closer, Riftan saw a look on her face he had never seen before, unbridled rage barely contained by a mask of focus and determination. She held Rem's reins tightly within one hand and the other outstretched to her side, her palm facing backwards, with the bright glow of a powerful spell emanating from it. 

What was she waiting for? 

She got closer and closer to the front lines. Though the noise of a battle continued to echo throughout the valley the only thing Riftan could hear in that moment was the thundering beat of his heart as he watched his beloved wife draw closer to the enemy lines, her blue eyes blazing. 

Right before impact, Maximilian raised her open palm and clenched her fist closed, ending the spell. It was like a blanket he had not known was there had been thrown off the steep hill behind her. She was not alone. The cloaking spell had hidden hundreds of knights along with some of her fellow wizards who had charged into battle just behind her. Maxi had rallied the knights from Balto, Lavidon, Osyria, and Dristan to come to the aid of her husband and the Remdragon Knights. 

Waiting until the last moment to reveal the massive army behind her completely blindsided the orcs, who barely had time to scream before they were overrun by swords and powerful spells. Maximilian, the knights, and her fellow wizards charged into the battle and were soon in the thick of the fray. 
As the battle in the valley intensified both the wizards and the knights dismounted from their horses. 

There are always a million different things going on in battle, and usually Riftan tunes them out and focuses on the task at hand. Not anymore. Now he was entirely focused on fighting his way over to his wife so that he could fight by her side and protect her when necessary. 

His sword cut through the orcs like butter, as he moved quickly to where he had last seen her distinct red hair. He yelled in frustration as he felt he was still not moving fast enough. He needed to get to her, now. He needed to see with his own eyes that she was okay and that she was truly here with him. 

When he finally reached her, he soon realized she didn't need his help. She was holding her own in battle using her magic and her daggers to protect herself and her fellow wizards.
He was so focused on Maximilian that he barely had time to deflect an orc's Warhammer that came far too close to his throat. As soon as he blocked his attackers advances the orc was swallowed up by the earth. The creature screamed as it was buried alive and before long there was nothing but a small pile of disrupted dirt at Riftan's feet where the horrid creature had once stood.

He looked to his left to see who had cast the spell, and there she stood with the red glow of her spell softly fading from her outstretched palm. Her face was a mixture of worry, determination, and relief. Pieces of her fiery red hair had freed themselves from a braid where she had confined them and now flew around her wildly. 

Rifton quickly looked over her trying to find any visible sign of injury and was relieved to find none. She did the same and said a quick prayer of thanks that he appeared to be unharmed.

In that single moment in time as they looked into each other's eyes they said all that needed to be said without breathing a word. 

Thank you.

I missed you.

Be careful.

I love you. 

With small knowing smiles gracing their faces the Lord and Lady nodded ever so slightly at each other before turning around. Their backs now faced each other as they guarded their spouse's blind spot. Maximilian had his back as he had hers. 

Riftan armed with his sword and Maxi with her advanced magic, they fought together in perfect harmony. They had an underlying understanding of one another that is only shared by a husband and wife. A perfect balance. 

There was a loud roar, louder than the hissing of metal around them as the battle continued. It was a roar of shouts and celebration as the knights witnessed their lord and lady fighting side by side as equals on the battlefield. 
With the wizards' aid the knights swiftly overcame and defeated their enemy. There was no time for celebration as the wounded needed to be attended to. As a healer Maximilian was needed in the infirmary immediately to see to those who were in critical condition.

Thankfully, the reinforcements had arrived early enough in the battle that there weren't many who were in dire need of medical attention. 

Maxi and the other healers quickly saw to the injured and before long were nearly done with seeing about all who were hurt in battle. 
As the sun began to dip behind the mountain peaks, Riftan watched as Maxi hurried about seeing to the last of the needs of those who were injured. 

He had finished his duties as Commander after the battle and now sat around a small campfire with his comrades as they drank a little and rested from five long days of nearly nonstop battle. 

As he watched her, he noticed how much she had changed. She was not the frail woman he had married all those years ago. Exploring the world had made her tougher, stronger, and more independent. He had seen her steal a few sparing glances at him, but she had been unable to hold his smoldering gaze. He saw her cheeks turn a delicious shade of red each time she looked away. Her hair was done up in a loose bun to keep it out of the way while working with her patients. She had changed out of her armor and now wore a simple cotton shirt and trousers that while modest showed off some of her curves. A thin layer of sweat from working in the hot afternoon sun settled on her skin, making it glow slightly beneath the haze of the setting sun.

Heavens, she was so beautiful.

He watched her pause and take a deep breath. She then walked swiftly over to a table with supplies and grabbed two empty pails. She walked over to him with a determined look on her face that sent a small quiver of excitement down his spine. 

"Could you help me fetch some cold water for the injured?" she asked sweetly, with a hint of mischief dancing just behind her eyes. 

She could have asked anyone else to help her or delegated the task to someone else, but the well was in a secluded area that might give them the moment alone they had both been longing for. 

"Of course," he replied with a small knowing smile.

Hebaron was about to make a vulgar remark, but Maxi anticipated it and shot him an icy look that made him hold his tongue and simply nod. 

The well was in an isolated area located on the outskirts of the fortress walls along the edge of the forest that stretched from the edge of the valley of the towering mountains behind them. 
Riftan was burning and it became worse as they grew closer to the well and farther away from the camp. A fire only Maximilian could help him control. His breathing became faster and heavier as they walked side by side. Maxi occasionally brushed up against him, sending chills down his arm. 

After what had felt like an eternity, they reached the well. The camp was so far away that the chatter amongst the men sounded like an inaudible mumbling. They put their pails down and for a while Maxi stared ahead at the well. 

He stared down at her and eventually she slowly looked up at him. Her small mouth opened and closed a few times as though she were struggling to find the right words to say. Riftan gave her a small smile. He would stand here all night just to hear her speak to him. 

"" she began but was still unable to properly put her thoughts together. It fully hit her now just how much she had missed him. The intensity of that longing hit her like a tidal wave and threatened to overwhelm her.
Riftan's body tensed as he saw the desire in his wife's silvery blue eyes intensify. She was panting slightly as though she had overexerted herself on their walk. He couldn't help his eyes wandering to her chest that heaved as she breathed heavily. 

He closed his eyes for a moment to try to hold onto the very last thread of self-control that he had, the only thing keeping him from pouncing on her and kissing her with wild abandon. 

"Riftan," she choked out in a breathy voice that sounded like a mixture of a cry and moan. 
Hearing her say his name in such a way quickly shattered the last of his self-control. His eyes snapped open and bore into hers. Instead of shrinking back from him, she held his gaze and looked back at him with a hunger that could rival his own. He closed the small distance between them, sweeping her up into his arms and lifting her off her feet. He crashed his lips onto hers and devoured her. 

She threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly to her, grabbing fistfuls of his cloak. He quickly removed the pin that held her hair up and cradled her head in one hand as he tangled his hand in her fiery curls. Deep growls answered soft moans. Hands eagerly roamed over one another, caressing tenderly, and holding on tightly allowing for no room between them. Riftan squeezed her bum with his large hand causing his wife to squeal in surprise as he chuckled slightly at her reaction. She broke the kiss when she cried out and looked at him with a shocked expression on her face. 

Riftan felt his warm blood turn boiling hot as he watched the shocked look on her face change into an expression of pure mischief, complete with a wicked smirk. Before he had time to inquire about that look on her face, she ducked her head down and began kissing his neck hungrily, nipping and biting his copper skin. 

It nearly brought him to his knees. His breathing became more ragged than before. 

"Maxi," he said breathlessly, as softly and sweetly as a prayer. 

He squeezed her hips. She moaned in response and her lips vibrated against his neck sending an intense shiver down his spine. 

He gently but firmly pulled her head away from his neck, knowing if she continued at this rate, he wouldn't be able to resist making love to her here and now on the edge of the forest.

He had not yet satisfied his hunger for her and quickly brought her lips back against his own. His warm tongue caressed every part of her mouth, and he held her tightly against him almost willing them to become one. 

When they broke the kiss once more, the pair panted heavily to gain some much-needed air. They rested their foreheads against one another, eyes closed and held each other close. 
When their breathing settled, they opened their eyes and stared at the person they loved and had missed more than they realized. 

"Are you okay?" they asked at the same time before, both chuckling, faces glowing as they basked in the beauty of the rare genuine smiles each of them rarely shared. 

Riftan expected her to say, "I'm alright" or "I'm okay" in her typical Maxi way even when she wasn't okay, but she said something that surprised him and warmed his heart. 

"I've never been better, especially now that I am back in your arms." she said gently. "I didn't realize just how much I missed you until we fought side by side today. I am relieved beyond words that I made it in time. If I hadn't I...I..." She bowed her head and her voice trailed off unsure of what to say because she truly had no idea what she would have done had she not arrived in time. 

Seeing her begin to spiral with negative thoughts of what could have been, Riftan gently lifted her chin with his right hand and made her meet his gaze. 

"You made it Maximilian." he said in a stern yet loving voice. "You saved not only my life but the lives of my men, my brothers. You were brave, strong, and courageous, and I am so proud of you."

He leaned down to kiss away the tears that had begun to fall from her eyes as his sweet words washed over her. Once her tears were gone, she rested her head against his chest and basked in his warm embrace. They continued to hold one another for a long time, their two empty pails long forgotten, as they simply hugged their spouse, never wanting to let go. 

Even when the time came for them to be separated again, whether Riftan had to go off to war or Maxi was called to another expedition, they could always find peace by thinking back to moments like these when nothing else in the world mattered but the two of them and their love for each other. Their own little slice of perfect serenity, together, always.

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