National School Prince Is A G...

By ZelineJohnson

130K 3.2K 926

Author: Warrying Young Seven On the surface, she's a gay high school boy. In reality, she's the hacker known... More

1781-1782 (End)


1.4K 34 19
By ZelineJohnson

Chapter 541: Gay Conversion

Regardless of Fu Jiu's intelligence, she wasn't able to guess Qin Mo's thoughts.

Especially when the Almighty radiated a restrained yet noble air as he did in this moment.

If the scene had been captured by somebody, it would seem as though Fu Jiu was the one seducing Almighty Qin, rather than the Almighty attempting to kiss Fu Jiu.

Because appearance wise, Fu Jiu did resemble a bewitching devil.

But even up to this moment, she wasn't entirely sure whether the Almighty had believed her words or not. Hence, she had to pay more attention to the situation.

Qin Mo hadn't told the youngster though that he was certain the laptop had been used.

He had noticed before that the base of the laptop still had traces of warmth, which meant that someone had just been using it a while ago.

It was obvious who had used it, even though the laptop couldn't be switched on any longer.

"What circumstances could have led a hacker to intentionally destroy his own laptop?" Qin Mo speculated. He then opened his eyes, glancing over at the youngster's retreating back. "What exactly is he trying to hide this time?" he thought.

"He won't stay here for long," he reminded himself before following him to the dining area.

Both Movie Queen An and Wu Zhen were already there.

Wu Zhen was chatting with Movie Queen An, who enjoyed having guests over at her place and thus had even invited her to stay for dinner.

She had not objected her suggestion. In fact, she had chosen to arrive at this very hour in order to spend more time with that person.

To her surprise, however, there was an additional person at the dining table.

This made the atmosphere completely surreal.

Qin Mo sat on the right side of Fu Jiu and was dressed in a pure white sweater, his dark wispy hair falling downwards, emitting a restrained but charismatic demeanor. Just his deep gaze had hints of an almost undetectable warmth while he gazed at Fu Jiu.

As Wu Zhen looked at the pair, she saw something she had never witnessed before.

Movie Queen An sat across Fu Jiu on the other side of the table.

Ever since the first dish was served, her chopsticks had never stopped placing food on the youngster's plate. "Jiu, try this wrapped meat. It's really good!"

"Alright." Fu Jiu was the kind of person who ate everything she was served. Her dashing face was then fully stuffed, her cheeks resembling an adorable, well-fed hamster. But such a handsome hamster was indeed a rare sight.

Qin Mo's lips arched into a charming smile. Feeding the youngster gave him a sense of comical entertainment.

Fu Jiu noticed the endless supply of food, which was continuously placed on her plate.

She gave up on stopping Movie Queen An.

But why was the Almighty joining in as well?!

The moment she cleared her plate, it would immediately be filled up with all sorts of delicacies.

Are they treating her as a pig?

Witnessing this scene, Wu Zhen tightened her fingers around the bamboo chopsticks before her lips curved into a smile as she spoke, "The Nationals are in a few days right? Your actions would most definitely send the fans into a frenzy. To them, just the presence of you and Qin Mo would already be a gratifying sight."

Movie Queen An seemed delighted by her words. "They are indeed compatible with their dashing looks. Once the Nationals are over, I'm going to kidnap Jiu. He will then become my companion for a month and I will boast to everyone that he is my godson."

Fu Jiu: "..."

She never knew that Movie Queen An enjoyed flaunting her 'godson' in such a manner.

"Auntie An, why don't you target the Almighty instead, his kind is more popular amongst the ladies."

Movie Queen An lowered her voice. "I tried in the past, but I can't..."

"Mom," Qin Mo interrupted her midway, "the next time you intend to poach someone, don't do it in front of me, the Team Captain. Otherwise, I would be forced to restrict your interaction with the members of my team, and that includes carrying you in Hero."

Movie Queen An glanced at her son, flushed red, and seemed to prepare her complaints for her husband to hear later.

Qin Mo then pulled the well-fed youngster upstairs because he wanted to start on the youngster's so called 'physics lesson', which masked his intent for a gay conversion...

Chapter 542: The Next Time Z Was Active

That's right, Qin Mo's intention hadn't been pure as he allowed Fu Jiu into his home.

Although giving up had once crossed his mind, he still couldn't come to terms with this uncontrollable feeling, which he had for the male.

He wondered how it would play out if the youngster found out about his thoughts.

Right at that moment, Qin Mo's heart skipped a beat.

However, it was clear from their recent interactions that the youngster wasn't gay.

Instead, he could be using the gay persona to conceal his identity as a hacker.

Furthermore, the youngster treated females with warmth and care. If Qin Mo didn't hold on to him right now, he might never be able to grab hold of him again.

He never wanted to experience that—especially since the masquerade party had ended.

He couldn't bear to see anyone other than him kissing the youngster, regardless of their gender.

That line of thought only led to one conclusion.

As Qin Mo couldn't tolerate the loss, he had to make him his.

He knew the difficulties in trying to convert a straight guy.

He would feel disgusted if someone other than the youngster were to approach him.

And that was even the mildest level of intimacy.

Probably due to his upbringing, Qin Mo possessed an innate desire to control within him.

Hence, even if the chances were slim, he had to try and convert this person in front of him.

Fu Jiu's heart wasn't on learning physics as well, but the flash drive in her pocket.

Although time was tight, she couldn't head back immediately.

If she left so abruptly, her actions in the study room would look too obvious.

So she had to stay until the end.

This time, she was indeed on high alert.

The best police team resided in Jiang City.

If the Almighty was the legend from the previous case, it meant that the crime unit resided in Jiang City as well.

From her knowledge, under uncertain circumstances, the police would first do a mass scan of all the hackers to sieve out those with similar methodology.

In order to prevent being scanned, she had to conceal herself well before her next move... As for her plans, it all depended on whether the Almighty would return to the crime unit.

"The answer won't come to you even if you continue to space out," a familiar low voice sounded.

Fu Jiu tilted her lids, replying decisively, "It's difficult."

"I'll explain it once more." Qin Mo was upright, his arms circling around Fu Jiu, his fingers tapping the question on the book. It seemed like a back hug. The scene was captivating. "You should use the second formula here..."

The view outside started to dim gradually, the sight blurred amidst the dark fog.

Wu Zhen sat in the dining area with a cup of tea. When the tea had finally chilled, she clutched onto her palms and stood up, directing a slight smile to Movie Queen An. "I won't stay any longer since Brother Mo is busy. Auntie An, you should rest early as well. I'll be heading back to work since the cases have been piling up recently. Also, could you let Brother Mo know to consider my offer, Auntie An? I'm sure you would agree for him to re-enter the crime unit since that is the only way he would be able to come to terms with his past."

Movie Queen An remained silent before adding lightly, "The decision lies with him, as long as he is alright, the past doesn't matter."

"I understand." Wu Zhen fastened her police cap, the smile still etched to her face.

Even if Brother Mo wouldn't return now, the next time Z was active, he wouldn't just sit back...

Chapter 543: Almighty Qin's Gay Convertion (1)

"Why can't the formula be more straightforward, why does it have to be so complex?!" Fu Jiu had the habit of chewing the ends of her pen whenever she was learning physics; she would also become increasingly talkative, a stark contrast from her usual aloof silent style.

Qin Mo lowered his lids to glance at youngster's fluffy head and in that instant, this usually infuriating person seemed rather adorable. He suppressed the urge to pull him into his arms. The sides of his lips were curving upwards faintly.

They were in close proximity.

Fu Jiu lifted her head and caught sight of the Almighty's smile. She couldn't help being mesmerized by the beauty of it and had to shake her head to clear her mind.

Qin Mo frowned at her actions. "Why are you shaking your head?"

"Brother Mo, don't you feel any stress from being so handsome?" Fu Jiu tried to divert him from the hated physics book.

Qin Mo's eyes swept over the youngster. "Well, you don't seem to stress about physics."

Fu Jiu: ... Such a conversation killer.

"Do you want a break?" Qin Mo straightened his back, a trace of indifference could be found amidst his dashing good looks.

Fu Jiu casually put her hands onto the back of the chair, her position became enchanting. She agreed coolly, "It's late now, shall we continue tomorrow?"

She wasn't really tired, she just needed to find a place to check the information she had copied.

Qin Mo tapped his long, slender finger onto his wrist, indicating for the youngster to look at the time.

It isn't even 8pm, how could it be late?

Qin Mo glanced over, an aristocratic air washing over him. "It's still early right now, is there something you wish to do?"

"Shower and sleep," Fu Jiu replied seriously.

Qin Mo replied faintly, "Do you even believe your own words? You're a wall-climbing, night owl scholar."

Fu Jiu: ... What's with the night owl!

Fu Jiu didn't want to move, the Almighty had struck again.

"Get up." Qin Mo shut the physics book.

Fu Jiu frowned at this. "What are you going to do? Are we eating again? I can't eat anymore."

"I guess your entire mind is filled with food and rest."

Fu Jiu pressed her lips into a tight line at this ridicule. Wasn't it a natural instinct to think of this after being stuffed so full a while ago?

"You can rest if you're tired."

Qin Mo then brought Fu Jiu over to another room.

"Let's watch a movie."

Fu Jiu glanced at the equipment, there was a projector and a large screen. Everything was installed in the room.

That was why capitalists were the worst, even watching a movie had to be done to such an extent.

Qin Mo settled into the centered seat, his long legs were hanging lightly. Due to the night sky, his pupils appeared unusually deep. "The films are over there, go grab one."

"Okay." Fu Jiu couldn't understand how they ended up watching a movie, but according to the Almighty's personality, he would probably be into psychological or mystery films, which would serve as a learning opportunity.

She randomly picked one and slotted it in before heading over to the Almighty's side. With one hand supporting her chin, she was prepared to watch attentively.

At the beginning, Fu Jiu didn't think much of it as the plot unveiled nicely.

Once the person appeared, Fu Jiu started to realise that the film had nothing to do with psychology or mystery.

The main question was—where was the female lead?

Chapter 544: Almighty Qin's Gay Convertion (2)

After a look at the screen, Fu Jiu turned to glance at the Almighty.

His perfect profile materialized in the darkness, his dark eyes were clear as though nothing was out of the ordinary.

Could she be overthinking?

Fu Jiu patted her cheeks. After taking a sip of tea, she was shocked by the next scene.

"Cough, cough."

She couldn't help choking. One second, they were enemies and in the next, their lips were locked.

No one would be able to accept this easily.

The main point was that they were two guys.

Two guys...


Gay film...

If it was someone else watching it, he would have bolted up from the shock.

Fu Jiu swept a side glance over at the Almighty.

The Almighty had beautiful brows, darkening further when furrowed, eluding sexuality.

Before Fu Jiu could speak, Qin Mo beat her to it, sounding calm and at ease, "Are you going to insist that the film choice wasn't intentional?"

Even though she had no intentions of picking this film, he seemed to suggest otherwise.

"From about a hundred movies." Qin Mo didn't glance over at the youngster. Instead, he tidied his sleeves, his tone leisurely. "Your choosing ability is indeed commendable."

Fu Jiu ... She was stumped.

"It isn't like that, Brother Mo. Why would you even have such a film when you are straight?" Where was the logic?

Qin Mo lowered his lids to take a sip of his tea, responding, "The director is from the Qin Group. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have known about the film."

This meant he was just supporting his own business?

Fu Jiu was at a loss for words.

She didn't seem to have much luck recently.

Everything she did would strike a blow at her.

"I'm going to stop it." Fu Jiu felt as though something more extreme was going to happen after the kiss. It would be better to stop now to prevent further aggravation.

That was why a dark past could never be erased.

"Why would you stop?" The melodic voice came from behind. "Feeling guilty?"

In order to clarify herself, Fu Jiu readjusted her mid-raised position, adding with a mischievous expression, "Not stopping anymore, let's resume."

In reality, putting on a front would always backfire.

The subsequent kisses after the first kissing scene were successful.

Fortunately, there wasn't anything more extreme.

Even so, every time they showed a kissing scene, Fu Jiu would be reminded of the masquerade party.

She couldn't help downing another mouthful of tea.

If she had turned to look at Qin Mo, she would have seen the upturned corners of his lips. All of the hundred over films were of gay couples.

The first step to converting someone was to subconsciously normalize the act and watching movies was a good starting point.

The movie had to be specially picked as well, it couldn't be too explicit as that might steer up negative emotions.

Fu Jiu aside, even Qin Mo wouldn't be able to stomach such films.

In reality, as Jiang Zhuo had mentioned, it wasn't possible for Qin Mo to be gay.

But... Qin Mo titled his head to glance at the youngster, who was still struggling to watch the movie. He just happened to like this one.

Chapter 545: He Didn't Want to Let Him Go

The movie went on for a long time.

Fu Jiu wasn't sure how the Almighty felt, but she had been watching the movie intently.

She endured it. Finally, at the last scene, the screen fixed on the male lead's face, which had traces of tears visible.

Qin Mo frowned.

If possible, he would have wanted the youngster to watch a movie with a happy ending instead of one with such heaviness.

Fu Jiu felt otherwise. "It would indeed be difficult for two people of different backgrounds to come together."

One is a policeman and the other a bandit. Even if the bandit treats the policeman exceptionally well, to the point of breaking his own principles for the other—the dark will always remain dark.

If only one of us can survive, I wish for it to be you.

This was the ending of the movie.

Fu Jiu watched as the bandit headed for execution silently.

Even until the end, he still kept a firm grip on the crucifix in his hands.

A warm smile spread across his face, the bright sun rays blurring his handsome features.

After that, the policeman's memories were shown.

He had known him since young.

They had wreaked havoc, fought and smoked together, but their separation afterward had led to differences in their lives.

Nothing could rival the kiss he planted on the other while he was asleep.

It was a romantic movie after all.

In reality, though, it was basically impossible between a bandit and a policeman.

Fu Jiu supported her chin, looking slouchy. "Brother Mo, I'm going to head back to rest now, the film is messing with my mood."

"You seem eager to head home today," Qin Mo replied nonchalantly.

Fu Jiu felt as though she had been delivered a fatal blow while she was fighting beasts. Was the Almighty suspicious of her?

She wasn't certain at this moment, allowing a wilful grin to spread across her face. "No, I just don't wish to face the dreaded physics book again."

"I won't be teaching you physics," Qin Mo replied faintly. "Let's play some games to determine your current condition. Besides, you probably haven't seen Xiangnan Team's combat video yet."

The Almighty had more extensive equipment than the one she had in the temporary 'office'.

It was true that Fu Jiu had not watched it. For the competition and to not invite suspicion, she followed Qin Mo to the gaming room.

Three computers, one laptop, and a large screen were hanging overhead.

As expected, once they started playing, their chemistry was perfect, especially when they were in combat.

Qin Mo could observe the youngster while defeating the beasts.

It was getting late, but he didn't want to let him go.

Hence, he kept coming up with excuses to prolong his stay.

But in his eyes, this wasn't the ideal situation—which would be to see this guy the instant he wakes up. He wanted this guy to be his.

This definitely wasn't a brotherly feeling.

Qin Mo tilted his head, his gaze brushing past Fu Jiu's profile, darkening as it landed on his bruised lips.

He had to let the youngster go because he wasn't certain he could restrain himself.

After a game, Fu Jiu was still watching the video, her expression was growing increasingly serious.

She realized that the attention the Xiangnan Team had wasn't without rhyme or reason.

Regardless of the formation or operation, they were unparalleled. They killed swiftly, shifting positions and ambushing flawless.

The captain, in particular, seemed hard to tackle...

Chapter 546: Ulterior Motives

"This person has a pretty good technique." Fu Jiu pointed towards the screen.

Qin Mo' gaze swept over the screen before replying slowly, "Really?"

Fu Jiu caught his disapproval instantly, breaking into a quick smile. "You are definitely better, Brother Mo. Is he your ultimate rival, whom the media has been reporting about?"

"It's just a game, nothing to that extent." Qin Mo lit a cigarette, his pupils darkening. "But it is necessary to defeat Sakura Stream Squad in order to be top in the nation, so you'll have to smarten up and spend more time on your training. If nothing goes wrong, they would be our final opponent."

Fu Jiu nodded, keeping his user ID into mind – 'Sun'.

It was indeed striking.

This person seemed to repost the Almighty's posts quite often.

Did that mean they knew each other?

Fu Jiu stopped her thought process, reaching out an arm to rest on Qin Mo's shoulder. "Brother Mo, their leader seems to have ulterior motives, he is constantly forwarding your posts. Why don't you strike him with a seduction attack?"

"Just because you aren't straight doesn't mean everyone else is as well." The ends of his lips curved up faintly as he reached over to pat the youngster's face. "If you try to push me away again, the seduction attack would be directed towards you."

Fu Jiu: "..."

The Almighty was getting increasingly dangerous since the kiss.

He kept using her sexuality to threaten her.

"I might not be around during the first two rounds of the National League," Qin Mo added faintly. "When I'm not around, you are to take the lead and take charge of the situation, understand?"

Fu Jiu frowned, taken aback by his words. "Why won't you be around?"

"I have some private matter to tend to." Qin Mo stood up, his gaze avoiding the youngster's lips. "It's getting late, let me send you back."

"Cool." Fu Jiu remained silent after that.

The moment the Almighty had mentioned that he had private matters to take care of, Fu Jiu already guessed what he was up to.

The case.

The case linked to the major crime department.

Fu Jiu eyes dimmed, remaining silent even when Qin Mo called for her.

Qin Mo misinterpreted that, assuming the youngster was worried about the competition. He strolled over, pressing his finger onto the youngster's forehead. "Don't worry, no private business is as important as our competition. My absence for the first two matches is because I'm confident you would win even without me around. Everyone in the troop is required to possess an independent combat ability, even if I'm not around, understand?"

"I understand." Fu Jiu smiled. This seemed more like the Almighty, always certain of his goal.

But, even so, she had to be prepared.

Because one day, she would face the Almighty.

Her mind would always stray at that thought.

She wasn't afraid of being caught, but she didn't want him to look at her with disappointment.

So she had to be a worthy opponent.

If they were destined to be rivals, they should both put up a good fight.

The Almighty should like such an opponent.

In fact, she did as well.

She had once mentioned, if she hadn't be found out too quickly, she really wanted to know which of them is stronger.

Were her words materializing now?

Fu Jiu tugged her pockets, glancing at the person walking ahead.

Regardless of all that, she was fortunate to have such an opponent.

Despite being strong, he never picked on the weak and remained righteous despite being born with a silver spoon.

This was the main difference...

Chapter 547: Z Is on the Move, Female Disguise

If she continued to take action, there was no way she could turn back.

So once she arrived home, she immediately entered her temporary hideout.

To prevent being recognized, Fu Jiu had prepared a disguise.

But rather than calling it a disguise, it would be more appropriate to call it returning to her original state.

A tall and slender figure reappeared in front of the mirror. She wore a black windbreaker, paired with discolored jeans and knee-high military boots, eluding a handsomeness that seemed to shine from within.

On her left ear, she wore a single black earing. Her delicate and pretty features complemented her slightly curved lips, and flowy chestnut hair was inching towards her lower back. Even her eyes were concealed with beauty lenses.

She arrived at the Internet café at 10:10 pm.

It should be packed at this hour.

The chosen location was crucial because she couldn't be near both her house and Uncle Yin.

Moreover, the lack of a fixed location was the key to confuse the police.

Thus, the location had always been chosen at random.

It wasn't different this time.

Standing in front of the cashier, she unzipped her wallet.

As opposed to other wealthy people, Fu Jiu's wallet contained a diverse selection of identity cards and work permits.

In order to protect her traces, she would destroy an identity card after each use.

And her mission today was the same.

"Sir, please turn on a computer."

Those who reached the café at this hour would always stay overnight.

Since it was a weekday and the school holidays had yet to start, there weren't many people on the Internet. Still, there were some students who skipped school to play Hero.

The cashier didn't even bother to lift his head. "Overnight? If you're playing overnight, I'll open one now."

"No, just an hour," Fu Jiu replied, passing the money over.

The cashier then moved his mouse while searching for her change.

This meant he never once paid attention to her appearance. Therefore, the surveillance camera would be the only source of evidence.

Taking the camera's angle into account, however, only her back view could be captured.

After Fu Jiu had switched on the computer, her first course of action was to hack into the café's surveillance system. Next, she checked the contents in the flash drive.

It was empty, which made the situation even tougher.

This was a sign of Teacher Yang's cautiousness because even the slightest weakness couldn't be found on his computer.

But, this was after all the computer he used in school, not the one he had at home.

In order to obtain information, she needed his residential address.

Fu Jiu narrowed her eyes, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she tried to hack into the school's network. It wasn't difficult. After locating his residential address, she could attack using the connection.

But something unforeseen happened.

His complete residential address wasn't recorded in the records.

Fu Jiu paused, leaving the network swiftly.

She scrutinized the contents in the flash drive once more.

There was indeed nothing inside.

But a particular QQ chat caught her attention.

It was a conversation between Teacher Yang and an unidentified person.

The person asked, "What's wrong? It isn't done? The buyer is getting impatient."

Yang Ming replied, "Don't worry, you receive the fresh goods in a few days ."

Fu Jiu read the conversation several times; something was definitely wrong.

It was impossible for a teacher to sell food as a part-time job.

Moreover, there weren't any traces of Taobao records on his computer. This could only mean...

Chapter 548: Fu Jiu Targeted

He wasn't selling food, which led her to the conclusion that it could only be people...

Fu Jiu tightened her fingers, the light in her eyes dimming; the darkness resembling the night sky, fierce and tumultuous.

The situation was much more complicated than she had imagined...

And she couldn't affort to alert the enemy in the slightest.

This tiny evidence she had obtained wasn't going to be of much use. Therefore, it would never end until the buyers are exposed.

Fu Jiu used QQ to search for Teacher Yang's account.

The information was vague, consisting only of his age and occupation, but the occupation column caught her eye.

She froze and felt the sudden urge to smoke.

She didn't bother hiding as she headed out, grabbing a box of Marlboro from the counter.

She lit a cigarette. Unlike Qin Mo, Fu Jiu eluded an air of indifference whenever she smoked.

Her indifference seemed more prominent as she smoked alone in the empty streets.

"It makes sense." Fu Jiu carried a smoky breath when she spoke. "That explains his arrogance. This matter has to be dealt with carefully."

The result of the case could be reversed due to the buyer's identity.

Thus, until she secured definite evidence, she could only protect Li Mengran.

How could she ensure that everything was fine?

Almost instantly, Fu Jiu came up with a solution.

Before she could execute her plan, however, Teacher Yang came looking for her in school the next day.

"Student Fu Jiu, come out for a while."

He stood at the entrance of class D, scanning the students with a serious expression.

If she wasn't aware of his real personality, she would definitely be suspicious of his intentions.

But to be honest, who hasn't lived under a mask before?

Fu Jiu placed the laptop onto the table, standing up stoically.

The other students seemed to have quietened; no one understood why a teacher from class A was looking for a student from class D.

Yang brought Fu Jiu into the office, pointing to the skateboard at the side. "Is this yours?"

Fu Jiu turned over, pretending to scrutinize the skateboard. "It looks like mine, but I marked mine with my name. This doesn't have my name on it."

Yang narrowed his eyes. "Oh really?"

"Mr Yang, if you are interested, I can bring mine over. It's in the classroom." How could her skateboard be here at this hour?

He seemed to have expected her response. Yang was indeed intelligent, he was using the skateboard as a decoy to determine if she was the one in the corridor.

Heh, how could she get exposed so easily?

If she would, she didn't have to be a hacker any longer.

Yang took another look at the student in front of him.

He knew about Fu Jiu, but his information wasn't useful at all.

Fu Jiu used to be the rotten apple of the school, but had somehow risen to become a school hunk.

He had a presence that could shake up the entire school.

Yang had also seen the youngster's interview.

Unknowingly, he felt resistance towards any contact with this youngster, but the skateboard forced him otherwise...

"That's good." Teacher Yang broke into a smile. "The National League is starting soon and the result should be important to you. Those results would all be placed with me, so you should really work hard. It would be better if students are a little simpler..."

Chapter 549: Be My Girlfriend

How could the intelligent Fu Jiu not hear the underlying threat? The one thing she hated the most was being threatened.

Teacher Yang obviously believed her words.

"That's very true, it'll be good if students were simpler..." she slurred.

Yang Ming couldn't understand the wariness he felt against Fu Jiu; he is just a second year high school student, so what if he is popular?

Regardless, he would be in control of the papers when the time came.

"You can go back now since it's not yours, but do let the teacher know about the skateboard so that it's easier for everybody."


Fu Jiu had never been one to reveal her dangerous side to such people.

This was the way of a hacker, always taking action in the dark.

Meanwhile, Li Mengran heard that Yang Ming had called for the youngster and immediately bolted to class D. Her eyes started to falter when she couldn't spot him.

Xue Yaoyao sensed her abnormally and reached out to hold her. "Mengran, what's wrong?"

"His Highness Jiu-his Highness Jiu really went to Teacher Yang's office?" Horror and fear splashed across her face.

When Xue Yaoyao nodded, Li Mengran grabbed her arm.

"Yaoyao, we have to save him. Teacher Yang must have found out that the person who trespassed is..."

Li Mengran wasn't able to say his name because the youngster's light laughter came from behind. "Mengran, why are you here?"

Li Mengran tilted her head, heaving a sigh of relief after confirming his safety. She noticed the stares of the other students and forced a smile. "I-I came to find Yaoyao."

"You don't have to use Yaoyao as an excuse to find me." Fu Jiu stuffed a hand into her pants pocket. She wore a pure white shirt under her school jacket. Reaching out, she tapped Li Mengran's head affectionately, as though the girl was putting on a performance. "Dummy."

Li Mengran wasn't able to comprehend the situation.

The youngster lowered himself, pulling her into his embrace as he coaxed. "Are you ready to give me an answer?"

"Wh-what?" Li Mengan felt her ears numbing and her legs turned into jelly.

The youngster curved his lips, lighting up. "Of course if you agree to be my girlfriend."


Time stood still!

The entire classroom seemed to have exploded.

The females reached out to cover their mouth!

The guys drummed the table, supporting Fu Jiu.

Basically... girlfriend?!

His Highness Jiu actually got a girlfriend!

And he was the one doing the pursuing!

Oh, no!

They couldn't accept this cruel news!

Many of the girls could feel their heart shattering, but the guys seemed unusually happy.

Especially those in class D. With Fu Jiu around, there was no way they could stand out.

Simply put, they had lost hope in this superficial world.

Just give it a thought, every time someone confessed, the girl would reply them bashfully, "It isn't that you aren't good enough but I already have someone I like."

"Who? Who is it?!" They would go crazy with curiosity!

"I'm not going to tell you."

She would glance at the silver-haired youngster behind.

Did the girls think they were ignorant?

Even if you aren't going to say, your thoughts are clear!

Chapter 550: News Sending No.1 Middle School Campus Forum in Freazy

The other type of boys were those, who had a girlfriend.

"Get lost, don't block my view of His Highness Jiu playing Hero. Ah, why is this video so short, forget it, since His Highness Jiu isn't here anymore, I'll go play Hero by myself. His Highness Jiu seemed to have been an assassin, I'm going to take on that role."

This meant that they didn't just have to compete with their partner's male god, they also had to compete against the game.

Did that even make any sense?!

Now that Fu Jiu was taken, it was definitely worth a celebration!

Li Mengran wasn't the only one with a contrasting mood, Xue Yaoyao felt differently as well.

Xue Yaoyao knew about His Highness Jiu's real identity, for which it wasn't appropriate to have a girlfriend.

Why did she suddenly pop such a question at this time and in front of such a huge crowd?

What exactly was she up to?

Li Mengran widened her eyes, her pupils shaking. "No, you, I,...."

"Hurry and agree." Fu Jiu bent forward, lowering her voice so that only both of them could hear.

Li Mengran paused slightly, before nodding her head.

At this, Fu Jiu broke into another smile and the crowd erupted into a boiling cauldron of voices.

Almost at the next moment, the campus forum exploded.

"Do you know? Do you?"


"His Highness Jiu actually got a girlfriend!"

"Hey there, stop lying. I saw him rejecting a girl's gift yesterday."

"It's real and His Highness Jiu was the one taking the initiative, he confessed in front of his entire class. My dreams are officially shattered!"

"Am I the only one that finds him dashing? He actually confessed in front of such a huge crowd, if I was the girl, I would definitely faint from bliss."

"Let me add this: This doesn't seem like much since His Highness Jiu has confessed a countless number of times."

With that, everyone seemed to have recalled His Highness Jiu's past when he would confess often — but those confession methods weren't as epic and instead brought trouble for others.

This time was different; there was tenderness, patience and a slight smile when he asked her out.

That peaceful face, which was almost as enthralling at the moonlight, had been captured and uploaded to the campus forum.

With such a photo on there, the views skyrocketed.

As one of the main character of the incident, Li Mengran was caught off guard.

She knew the youngster had his reasons.

It was definitely because of her.

Even though she wasn't exactly sure, she had a gut feeling.

She was worried that the youngster would be embroiled into her trouble when the time came...

Li Mengran lifted her head towards Fu Jiu.

He gazed into her eyes, a slight smiling spreading across his face.

After a frenzied state, the two of them, oh no, the three of them were left on their own.

Together with Xue Yaoyao, the three of them headed to the campus library.

Even though it was the campus library, there wasn't much of a crowd.

There was a wide space, so they chose a quiet and tranquil spot near the window.

Of course, that wasn't the reason Fu Jiu chose the spot.

The main reason was the bottom window at the corner of the library, which provided them a clear view of the teacher building and everyone around that area.

Fu Jiu didn't mince her words when she faced the two girls. "I apologize for the abruptness, but you have to pretend to be my girlfriend."

"This-I understand." Li Mengran's face darkened. "I'm just afraid it would affect your popularity. I heard from Yaoyao that you have a huge fan base. If you were to suddenly announce a girlfriend, would they turn into anti-fans?"

"It doesn't matter, it won't affect me. You don't have to overthink. I'm focused on my game, not the popularity." Fu Jiu reassured her as he moved an image, seemingly unruffled.

Li Mengran turned towards Xue Yaoyao, who pat her back reassuringly. "Listen to His Highness Jiu."

At that moment, Li Mengran felt gratitude wash over her.

She understood how troublesome her matter was and how no one would be willing to step in.

For instance, some teachers had seen her entering Teacher Yang's classroom multiple times, but due to his strong backing, they could only help her a few times with no intentions to blow up the matter.

But now, there was someone who was willing to jeopardize his own popularity just to take action and face Teacher Yang directly.

Li Mengran couldn't explain her current state of mind, but she was suddenly reassured that she wasn't alone.

Behind her was a supporting strength; be it the youngster or her best friend Yaoyao, who was looking on with a caring gaze.

"Take a look first, do you know this person who has made a transaction with Yang Ming?" Fu Jiu turned the phone, allowing Li Mengran to read the chat on the screen.

Li Mengran shook her head, muttering, "I don't know Teacher Yang very well."

As such, Fu Jiu decided to try another approach. "What is the address for the additional lessons you mentioned?"

"A-a high-end entertainment club," Li Mengran forced out, taking an unconscious glance towards Xue Yaoyao. As expected, horror and shock filled her best friend's gaze.

But since they were already at this step, she wasn't concerned any longer.

Li Mengran inhaled deeply, before continuing, "Teacher Yang didn't bring me over initially. For the first three days, our additional lessons were held in a cafeteria, but subsequently, I was asked to head over to the entertainment club."

Fu Jiu lifted his lids. "What's the name of the club?"

"Pure Color." Afterwards, she added, "It's a famous entertainment paradise in Jiang City that many people patronize, some of our schoolmates go there as well. But Teacher Yang and the others are never on the dance floor, instead, they would only be in a private room."

Fu Jiu drew a circle with her pen, writing the words Pure Color followed by the words 'address'.

"Do you know where Yang Ming lives?"

Li Mengran shook her head. "I haven't had any contact."

"Alright, I understand." She had to get his address elsewhere.

Fu Jiu closed her laptop, turning towards Li Mengran. "Get Yaoyao to accompany you for the next two days. Regardless of where Yang makes you go, don't go, and let him know that you are taken, going to extra lessons won't be any good."

"I understand..." Li Mengran hung her lids, she didn't tell the youngster what the consequences would be if her mother were to hear of this. His Highness Jiu had already done enough for her, she could settle the rest on her own.

Fu Jiu placed the pen down. "Endure it another two days, it'll get better after that."

Two days later would be the day of their final exam.

The exam result wasn't just important to Li Mengran, it weighed equally to both Fu Jiu and Xue Yaoyao.

Meanwhile, the post about His Highness Jiu on the campus forum was still gaining views.

Other than students, there were also teachers posing undercover.

Fu Jiu confessed in front of so many people to ensure that there was enough hype for the forum because the campus forum was high on the list in Yang's browsing history...

In order to catch a prey, the first step was to lure it in.

Besides, she didn't have much time.

Fu Jiu glanced at her watch, it should be about time.

Yang Ming would definitely be alerted by the post.

The demands on the chat specifically requested for 'fresh', the meaning obvious in that circumstance.

This was the only way she could protect Li Mengran and prompt Yang Ming into action.

As the supplier, if his 'fresh' good got herself a boyfriend, it would send Yang Ming into a tricky situation.

Fu Jiu's prediction was right; the moment Yang Ming caught sight of the post, a fire blazed within him.

He warned both Li Mengran and Fu Jiu to behave and act accordingly.

Isn't Li Mengran aware?

He tried to control her, preventing her from interacting with other boys in order to ensure her 'freshness', so that the higher-ups would award him a high price.

This couldn't do, he had to hurry and ask when the higher-ups were free.

He was going to send Li Mengran out in the next few days before anything could happen between her and Fu Jiu.

The main concern was that girls with boyfriends tend to be fiercer and if they were too aggressive, something might happen.

Thus, he decided to give Li Mengran's mother a call.

Upon receiving his call, Mother Li hurriedly stopped her tasks.

Yang Ming pretended to hesitate. "Mrs Li, I don't know if I should let you know about this, but as Li Mengran's teacher, I feel that it would be better for her to talk with her parents about such affairs. She has been getting closer to a boy from class D, which I suspect prompted her to skip two extra lessons, but of course, that is just my assumption since..."

"Teacher Yang, you don't have to explain any further." Mother Li interrupted, her expression hard and cold. "I will watch over her, other than extra lessons, I will not give her any chance to go out."

Yang Ming sighed. "Parents like Mrs Li are the best, you understand our views and aren't overly agitated, focusing primarily on the child's education... "

Mother Li took his word for it and wasn't the least bit doubtful.

She even felt that the reason for this phone call was that he hadn't given up on Mengran.

Mother Li's resolve strengthened at the thought — when her daughter returned home, she was sure to teach her.

On the other end, Yang Ming reached for the car keys in his drawer as he submitted a leave form stating an excruciating headache probably from an upcoming cold.

Yang Ming had pretty good relations with the other teachers, hence, it didn't take him much effort to get a substitute teacher.

Just like that, Yang Ming left the teacher building, having a clue that his actions are being monitored by a youngster in the library...

Chapter 551: Z Never Leaves Traces

Fu Jiu still wore her uniform as she skated over from the field to chase after Yang Ming.

She knew she had to leave the school grounds before him.

Fu Jiu paused, one hand in her pocket, as she scanned the imposing security guard, before turning over to survey the walls surrounding the school.

She then instantly made a decision: Climb!

If the Almighty were to hear about this, he would surely nag about it.

She definitely wouldn't chase Yang Ming on her skateboard. Instead, she hailed for a cab and scooted into the passenger seat. The entire time, she kept her eyes glued to Yang Ming's car.

"Sir, please follow that Volkswagen Golf in front."

The driver was instantly intrigued, asking interestedly, "Are you working on a case?"

Fu Jiu rushed when the driver hadn't moved an inch. "Yes, so hurry and don't lose him."

"No problem!" The driver must have watched too many crime dramas. "Would his comrades be nearby? Does he have a gun with him? It's fine even if he has a gun, if he dares to burst my tire with it, I'll run him over!"

Fu Jiu: "..."

"Sir, calm down."

The driver replied seriously, "I absolutely detest evil people!"

Fu Jiu agreed. "I can tell, but this suspect isn't the same, he holds an important clue on him, so we can only follow him without arousing his suspicion."

"Aish, I understand. Why didn't you mention it before?!" The driver maneuvered as he added in a familiar tone, "I can get help from my bros to corner him, regardless of where he goes, we will have his tracks under control!"

Fu Jiu smiled, sending him a thumbs up.

Midway, there was a horrible traffic jam.

After the driver confirmed the Golf's brief location, he disregarded the traffic regulations, allowing her to alight and give chase.

Having her skateboard with her, Fu Jiu was able to unleash her potential during this jam.

Before leaving, she didn't forget to give the driver a thousand-dollar note.

Fu Jiu did the math; the driver hadn't just run a red light, he had even violated other traffic rules.

Yang Ming wasn't heading home.

Don't ask how Fu Jiu knew about it.

On a certain page, on a certain station.

Fu Jiu scanned the building and pulled her bag forward to begin her 'disguise' while Yang Ming was occupied by a call.

She changed swiftly. In just a short minute, she transformed into another person.

By then, Yang Ming was still on the phone, completely oblivious to the person behind him.

It was only after Yang Ming entered the elevator, that he noticed the food delivery boy behind him. He continued his conversation. "Yes, I'll be there soon."

Next, he hung up the call, inching backward slightly.

Yang Ming had always despised delivery boys; they often carried a stench. Although this one didn't, he tried to keep a distance.

Actually, he would have taken another lift, but unfortunately, they were both heading to the same floor.

He never expected anyone from this floor to order takeout.

Yang Ming frowned, taking big strides out once the lift door opened.

At this moment, the delivery boy lifted his head. Who else could it be with those crystal clear eyes that reflected the black earring on her left ear...

Chapter 552: Almighty Qin Found Out

3 pm, the top floor of Qin building.

The members of the Supreme Alliance were all focused on their phones.

"Is it real?"

"It should be, it should be Little Spade in the photo and he seems to be confessing."

"I don't believe this, Little Spade is taken?"

"Wait a minute, Little Spade is the first member to leave singlehood?"

"Didn't we all agree to be monks? I'm upset!"

Yun Hu was the only one who kept silent, his lids clear as he glancd at the posting.

Fu Jiu was like him, it wasn't possible for him to be taken.

How could this be explained?

Feng Yi walked in with the proposal, catching sight of the group that had their heads lowered. His brows lifted in curiosity. "Hurry and practice, aren't you worried about being punished? If you don't start practicing now, you won't be allowed into Pure Color."

"Fox, come over!" Lin Feng tugged Feng Yi over to his side, his fingers tapping the photo. "Look at this, isn't it explosive news!"

As expected of the Supreme Alliance's manager.

Feng Yi struggled to maintain his intellect image, pushing his spectacles up his nose bridge as he replied nonchalantly, "How explosive..."

Before he could finish the question, he snatched the phone over from Lin Feng's hands, his eyes dimming. "When was it posted?"

"Three hours ago." Lin Feng took another glance at the photo. "She's a beauty, a pure one."

In the past, Feng Yi had never bothered about the member's relationship, but it would be best if they remained single in order to maintain their popularity.

But Fu Jiu wasn't the same.

After the incident at the ball, he wasn't sure of Boss Qin's feelings towards Fu Jiu.

"Don't let Boss Qin find out about it."

Lin Feng was confused. "Why can't he find out? It's good news! Little Spade rejected all the confessions from before, but this time, he actually accepted it and she happens to be a beauty. From the reviews, Little Spade was exceptionally cool at that moment, prince charming material."

The moment he finished the sentence, a familiar voice replied from behind, but the voice seemed unusually cold, sending chills down their backs.

"It is indeed good news." The sentence dragged slowly, adding an unexplainable pressure.

Silence fell over the room.

The group lifted their heads towards the doorway.

There, Qin Mo stood tall, his face expressionless and his eyes a pure shade of black, which resembled a pool of ice, glowing faintly.

Lin Feng couldn't explain the chill that ran through him.

The chilliness seemed to amplify when Qin Mo reached out to grab the phone from his hands.

Before he entered, Qin Mo was still plotting on how to convert that person today.

After he entered, Lin Feng's words seemed to drown out his entire mind.

The photo on the web forum made things worse. The youngster had a faint smile as he glanced over at the young girl, his eyes warm and clear.

Qin Mo lowered his lids, his lashes falling slightly. His grip tightened around the phone, a whiteness forming from the pressure...

Chapter 553: The Most Dashing Delivery Boy

While Feng Yi watched with trepidation, Lin Feng could also sense the pressure by their captain.

Should he remind him that it was his phone — and a new one at that?

But before he could speak, Qin Mo lifted his lids, his voice clear. "Are you so bored that you can gossip in the training room? If so, let's increase the training schedule."

Lin Feng: ... Did he just get shot?

"Vice President Feng." Qin Mo pointed towards the photo, his eyes freezing up. "Call this person over."

Yi Feng coughed. "Do I call now?" Since he just confessed, he should be with the girl. If he were to call now, what if he heard the girl's voice?

Qin Mo glanced over silently, which made Feng Yi feel a chill run through him. He hurriedly dialed for Fu Jiu.

Inside a certain building, Fu Jiu was dressed like a delivery boy, she lowered her cap and was about to follow Yang Ming.

But suddenly her phone started ringing.

Liu Ming paused midway while opening the door, turning over abruptly. He glanced over at the delivery boy with the lowered head, frowning slightly.

Fu Jiu knew that not picking up would seem unnatural. So with a plastic bag in one hand, she used the other to hook onto her phone, pressing it onto her ear. "Qin building, right? I'll head over immediately after making this delivery."

Liu Ming wasn't interested in a delivery boy's conversation, but the call seemed to have alleviated his worries about being followed. Once at ease, he pushed the door open.

A the moment Liu Ming left the elevator, Fu Jiu hung up the call.

On the other end of the phone, Feng Yi wore a face full of confusion.

What did he mean by he would head over after making this delivery?

Qin Mo glanced over at Feng Yi's expression. "Pass over the phone."

Feng Yi listened to the prolonged buzz, coughing once more. "He hung up, he should be busy right now."

"Busy?" Qin Mo smirked. "Busy dating?"

Lin Feng nodded nonchalantly. "It's possible!"

All of a sudden, all members of the Supreme Alliance froze.

The atmosphere chilled.

Qin Mo seemed to be covered by an icy layer, warning them away.

In the same moment, Fu Jiu was met with her second problem.

"You, I'm talking to you." A high heeled woman around thirty years old came walking over. "No one here ordered delivery. What are you doing? Unauthorized people aren't allowed in."

Fu Jiu lifted her head, shrieked and tapped her head lightly. "I got the floor wrong!"

The woman paused slightly when she caught sight of Fu Jiu's face; it wasn't common to see such a handsome delivery boy!

Fu Jiu bent down to apologize hurriedly. "I'm extremely sorry, Miss. Today is my first day at work, so I'm still a little confused with the area."

"It's alright, it's alright." The lady wasn't one to make things difficult. Moreover, who could bear to reprimand such a charming little prince? "Take note in the future, hurry down!"

"Mmh, mmh, mmh." Fu Jiu nodded, smiling as she walked towards the lift.

The lady stared at the lift door closing shut, mumbling to herself, "Aish, how can I forget to get a photo? Such good looks don't come by often! But since he is in charge of this area, I can always get the shot next time."

Unbeknownst to her, there wouldn't be a next time...

Chapter 554: The Almighty's Phone

Even though she appeared stationary in the elevator a wall away, she already held onto her black earring.

After she had caught sight of the building, she knew a network attack wasn't possible.

First, there wasn't enough time to hack into the system because the firewall was exceptionally secure.

And there were also surveillance cameras at every corner.

If she took out her laptop, it was bound to raise suspicion since it wasn't logical for a delivery boy to carry a laptop to work.

The police weren't dumb; they would pursue even the slightest suspicion.

Besides, the country's tightest defense system was located here.

As long as something went wrong, someone would report the matter.

Hence, she had to take the risk and approach Yang Ming so closely, just to install a tapping device.

She placed the tapping device while they were both in the elevator.

Even if there were surveillance cameras capturing the scene, the police wouldn't be suspicious of a delivery boy.

She knew how the police operated.

As there wasn't any reception in the lift, Fu Jiu could only hear static noises.

It wasn't the same, however, after she exited the lift.

Even though the volume wasn't loud, it was enough to listen clearly.

"Don't worry, no one knows I'm here."

The voice belonged to Liu Ming. They must have already begun the transaction.

The other party was on high guard, which had always impressed Fu Jiu.

"What's the reason behind your rush?" the unknown person asked impatiently.

Liu Ming lowered his voice. "Recently, the girl, which caught Deputy Liu's eyes, isn't that easy to control."

"Why is she hard to control when no action has been taken yet?"

"She just doesn't seem as compliant and has recently gotten a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" The voice was tainted by a slight hint of anger. "Don't you know that Deputy Liu likes them untouched?"

"Of course I do, the more tender the better." Liu Ming added, "Why don't we send her over to Pure Color today? It'll save the trouble of her being tainted in the future."

He was still hesitating. "Didn't you say she is stubborn and unlike the other students that sold their body? The matter might blow up if she is really unwilling."

"The girl is afraid of her mum, she would start to ponder after it ends. If the situation blows up, it won't be good to either party's reputation. We can offer to pay more when the time comes, and as long as the money is accepted, the situation would be different. Moreover, her results are still with me. What can a student like her do? Besides, it's common for high schoolers to sleep around in order to pursue branded goods. No one can be certain whether there was consent given."

"Alright, I'll do as you say."

Fu Jiu clenched onto the zipper of her jacket as she listened to this.

She was certain that even if she had recorded the entire conversation, it wouldn't be information that could be used in court.

There wasn't any video or image, thus, they could pass it off as trap.

She had to head over to Pure Color.

The phone rang once more.

'The Almighty' appeared on the screen...

Chapter 555: Almighty Qin Is Jealous

Fu Jiu paused slightly, before accepting the call. "Hi, Brother Mo."

"If you are not in school, where are you?"

She couldn't hear any trace of anger in his voice, which heightened her senses even more. "Outside."

"Together with Li Mengran," Qin Mo added harshly.

Fu Jiu broke into laugh. "How did you know, Brother Mo?"

"What do you think?" Before Qin Mo could finish the sentence, the line went dead.

At that moment, there wasn't anyone around to see the menacing expression on his face.

He never felt this way before.

The moment he shut his eyes, the image of the youngster confessing would pop up.

What exactly was he doing?

Was he on a date?

Have they held hands or... kissed?

The thought of the latter gave him a sudden urge to smoke.

That was exactly what he did; he single-handedly tugged his collar as a sea of cigarette buds surrounded him.

Shrouded amidst the sea of smoke, only this deep pair of eyes was visible.

The moment Director Huang entered, he was swamped the smell of tobacco. He was slightly taken aback; this youngster always carried a cold and distant persona and had never smoked to aggressively before.

But the seated youngster still seemed nonchalant and dignified, which threw even the experienced Director Huang off guard, confusing his thoughts.

"I never expected to hear from you voluntarily." Director Huang seated himself in front of Qin Mo. "What's up? Have you agreed to return?"

Qin Mo hung his legs, replying dismissively, "No."

"No?" Director Huang wanted to exhale deeply again, it has been years since he had been infuriated to such an extent. He invited the honoured bureau chef over just to say no?

"Then why did you send for me?" Director Huang asked with widened eyes.

Qin Mo titled his head and lit another cigarette. "I'm just interested in Z. I can help out, but there is a condition."

"What is it?" As long as Qin Mo was willing, he could make concessions.

Qin Mo replied faintly, "I won't appear personally, I will activate you guys when necessary and lastly, I won't share information in matters I participate in."

"Why?" Director Huang couldn't help asking.

Qin Mo replied with just one word, "Burdens."

Director Huang...

"Pass me the information." Qin Mo straightened, but there wasn't any warmth in his eyes.

Director Huang lifted a brow. "What information?"

"Since you are already here, you must have predicted I would return to the unit. It isn't possible for you not to bring the information." Qin Mo tugged his collar once more, he needed to do something to distract his attention or he would find youngster right this moment to strip him off his clothes and impose his authority.

Even though it wasn't right, he couldn't help himself.

Director Huang didn't like being seen through so clearly and having his thoughts revealed. But as this case was of utmost importance, he opened his briefcase. "Here is all the information we could get our hands on."

Qin Mo lowered his lids to scan the photos and recording.

Director Huang couldn't help asking, "Can you tell me the reason for not returning to the unit?"

Qin Mo scanned the information, asking instead, "Have you played hero?"


Chapter 556: Almighty Qin Investigate Z

Director Huang shook his head. "That's a game my son plays."

"Well, burdensome teammates are the worst thing in Hero. If there is a primary schooler in the team during a 5v5, you won't be able to depend on him to help out and would even have to protect him at all times, so that he doesn't end up digging his own grave." Qin Mo's eyes shifted. "It's the same when solving cases."

Director Huang: ... Was he referring to them as primary schooler? Where exactly did he get such a mean spirit from?

"The tracks are complicated, with many useless ones." Qin Mo placed the photo down. "If the person really is Z, you should consider her initial actions. The scheme arrangements would be done at the beginning with subsequent actions used as a disguise."

Director Huang pushed his beer belly forward. "What do you mean by if the person really is Z? You don't think he's the one?"

"No one can be certain until the very end." Qin Mo used a pen to draw a question mark. "Have you investigated all the various Internet cafes?"

Director Huang coughed lightly. "Not yet."

Qin Mo placed his pen down, an enigmatic expression crossing his face.

Director Huang was on the edge. "I was going to arrange for it before heading over. You should really stop talking."

Qin Mo kept silent as he continued to flip leisurely.

Director Huang coughed once more. "That, why don't you tell me what to investigate, the staff movement?"

"The staff movement won't be useful." Qin Mo drew another circle. "There are thousands of Internet cafes in Jiang City. Besides, the cashier would not notice the customer's appearance, hence, it would be useless and a waste of time to investigate that. You should instead be asking if there were any problems in the cafes. For instance, there might be numbers jumping while the customers are playing; this means that the computer has been struck by a virus. Other times, the computer may start to move by itself. Inform me immediately if any of those circumstances had occurred."

Director Huang was smart enough to understand the underlying reasons; it was obvious to target the hacker's activities.

But ... "How can you be sure that Z has been acting in Internet cafes?"

Qin Mo lifted his lids. "I'm 80% certain. First, that is her personal habit and would aid in concealing her real identity. Furthermore, there is a large volume of different Internet cafes out there, which is sufficient to exhaust the police's strength.

Director Huang: ...

"But it might not be." Qin Mo's eyes darkened as he read the last line ' I'm back'.

Director Huang wasn't all that slow as he grabbed his phone. "I'll get them to start the investigation now."

Qin Mo acknowledged with a slight 'mmh'. After the analysis, his attention returned to his phone.

The screen was dark.

This meant that person had no intention to explain.


But there wasn't anything for him to explain.

After all, in his heart, they were just close brothers. Where was the need for an explanation?

He had even tried to push him away to someone else.

That was a telling sign of their relationship.

He was clear about youngster's ability to attract people.

If he actually tried, no one would be able to reject that face and smile.

Besides, he carried a sweet tasting kiss.

So the two of them probably...

Chapter 557: Locating Fu Jiu

Qin Mo tightened his fingers, using his connections for the first time. "One more thing."

"What?" Director Huang asked agitatedly, assuming it was a new clue.

Qin Mo wrote a phone number on the paper. "Help me trace this person, I need to know where he is right now."

"A suspect?" Director Huang's eyes lit up.

Qin Mo replied faintly, "No, it's the payment for interfering in this case."

Which meant, it was a private matter?

Director Huang objected instantly. "No,

"Oh, really?" Qin Mo pushed the document forward. "Then get someone else to work on the case."

"You... you..." Director Huang was infuriated. "No, what did he do for you to go to such extent? It's an infringement of privacy!"

Qin Mo tapped his fingers on the table, replying slowly, "It's just to locate him, there won't be any violation."

Director Huang was struck speechless, he knew that Qin Mo was being serious, but he couldn't figure what the telephone owner could have done to be targeted by him.

"I'll help you locate him, but you can't inflict any harm on him."

Qin Mo lifted the ends of his lips but there wasn't a hint of warmth in his eyes. "That depends on the stage he is at."

"What stage?" Director Huang tapped with his fingers. "Don't be rash."

Qin Mo extinguished his cigarette, an enigmatic smile on his face. "Director Huang, you are thinking too much. He is my teammate, what could I do to him?"

Other than chaining him at home and tire him until he can't leave the bed.

Much less to say, confess.

Possessiveness surged under his perfect looks.

A pity Director Huang couldn't spot it, but under normal circumstances, this boy wouldn't go to such an extent.

Honestly, the only time he had requested the police to trace someone was to locate a criminal.

Other than this criminal, this was really the first time...

In Fu mansion, Fu Jiu wasn't aware she was being traced.

Buton thing didn't sit right with her, the call with the Almighty still bothered her.

She had always known that the Almighty wasn't an easy opponent.

From the start, he had already represented a challenge for her interference.

This led to her becoming Li Mengran's 'boyfriend'.

Even if the day came when the Almighty found out it was her doing, she had an excuse; she had done it out of anger because Li Mengran was her girlfriend.

This was the only way to conceal her identity as Z.

Fu Jiu glanced at her reflection in the mirror, she wore a female school uniform — a white top and skirt that went past her knees. She was the epitome of youth, but she had a seductive vibe, which didn't look the least bit pure. At the very least, she would be able to blend in.

At 6.40 pm, Pure Color was about an hour away.

That was if the traffic was smooth.

This meant she could reach about 8 pm.

Fu Jiu lifted her lids, her long fingers tying a butterfly knot on her collar, which concealed a tiny red video camera.

She confirmed the time once more.

Similarly, the network attack location would still be in the rented vehicle. Her long, slender fingers flew across the keyboard, her profile casting a shadow on the car's window as only one word appeared — Z.

Chapter 558: Coincidental Meeting with Almighty Qin in Pure Color (1)

Videos, regardless of their clarity, were not allowed as evidence in court if they had been taken under abnormal circumstances.

Besides, Fu Jiu already knew her target; it would be ridiculous for a hacker to go the legal route.

After all, wealthy people weren't scary, rather those with both wealth and power were.

Regardless, Fu Jiu didn't deny the existence of justice, but there were too many disturbances in this world.

Young ones could put on a pitiful mask after scolding someone; those with power might seem righteous and upright, but no one could actually be certain.

No vulnerabilities could be exposed.

If that happened, Li Mengran's reputation would be at stake.

Yang Ming knew that even if the matter fell through, he had a backup.

That was probably the case in this country.

If a girl had been attacked in that manner, there would often be people who would jump out to question her behaviour.

The worst had yet to come; according to statistics, those insults and discussion would often be from females themselves.

The words they used were simply unimaginable.


Fu Jiu had never been kind and had always been clear about human's nature.

This clarity urged her into taking Li Mengran as her girlfriend because if anything were to happen, no one would associate it with money as her boyfriend was both handsome and wealthy.

Fu Jiu lifted her head to glance at the rear mirror, mmh... she wasn't handsome right now; pretty would be the more appropriate term.

Finally, the data started to run.

Live stream sites weren't that hard to infiltrate; on the contrary, these network programs contained many loopholes.

This provided much ease for Fu Jiu's operations.

In general, recordings would be broadcasted on several live stream platforms and the accounts were managed by rising broadcasters.

Hence, after the recording was played, a buzz was swiftly stirred up.

"F*ck, am I on the wrong channel? Doesn't seem like it though! Isn't my goddess supposed to be on live broadcast? Why is there no image and just a voice recording of two males!"

"The one upstairs, stop talking and listen!"

"F*ck ,f*ck! That's disgusting! Where is this recording from?! Who exactly is the person in the recording?"

"That person mentioned a young girl and her results?! He said that he controls her results, which means he is a teacher!"

"F*ck, he is such a bast*rd! Tell me who exactly is he, I'm going to kill him!"

"What's the result? How did the situation play out? Why is only half the recording played? Will the girl be alright?"

"After listening to this recording, I feel a need to ask my sister if she has been bullied in school recently."

"I will not place so much emphasis on my daughter's results from now on."

"Wait a minute, look at the comments!"

"If you wish to know more, watch live stream 009 at 8 pm tonight." Everyone would be shown this line after listening to the recording.

That night, no one had appetite. So instead of eating, they were heading straight to channel 009.

In an instant, the channel's interview volume skyrocketed and was continually increasing, even though it was still 20 minutes before the live broadcast.

In this short 20 minutes, the main leads of the recording weren't aware and even the police hadn't noticed anything.

Yet, at this moment, Fu Jiu had already arrived at Pure Color...

Chapter 559: Coincidental Meeting with Almighty Qin in Pure Color (2)

At the same time in the Qin building.

Director Huang received a phone call just as he was about to leave. "Live stream?" He frowned. "That's weird, trace the location it's being dissipated from right now and send me the link to the live stream."

"Yes sir." He hung up.

Director Huang turned towards Qin Mo. "I'm afraid I have a favour to ask before we begin searching for Z."

Qin Mo lifted a brow.

Director Huang lowered his voice. "An hour ago, a recording was released on the Internet, you should listen to it."

He pressed the screen on his phone.

Qin Mo listened to the recording, his profile ever so perfect. "Play it again."

"Eh?" Even though he was skeptical, he did as he was told.

"Stop." Qin Mo pushed himself up with his left hand. "If I were you, I would first investigate all the deputies in Jiang City with the surname Liu. Afterwhich, zero in on their activities for today."

Director Huang caught on instantly. "The person in his recording is called Deputy with the surname Liu?!"

"Mmh," Qin Mo replied nonchalantly but his words were impactful. "The term deputy is only used in government jobs."

Director Huang was certain this wasn't a wasted trip.

This guy in front of him was born to do this!

Regardless of whether it was in the past or right now, as long as he was around, the case could be cracked swiftly!

This explained the high number of cases that was solved in those few years.

But no one would have expected him to be a high school student.

Director Huang was ecstatic and ordered his subordinate immediately.

In contrast, Qin Mo wasn't the least bit affected. "It's too late."

"What?" Director Huang turned, arching a brow.

Qin Mo listened to the recording as he opened his laptop to search for the live stream.

The views skyrocketed...

Qin Mo scanned the flooded comment section before glancing up. "There is less than 20 minutes left, by the time you trace them, the live stream would probably be over."

"Then-then, what should we do?" Despite his vast experience, this was the first time Director Huang had come across such a situation.

Qin Mo tapped the screen, his gaze clear. "Go down, board your car and watch the live stream. Once it begins, activate the police in all areas to clear the road. This would be the most time efficient method."

"Alright! I'll get them on standby!" Director Huang was starting to panic.

The contents of the recording couldn't just be ignored because no one would have the courage to fabricate such things.

If the contents were fake, the vlogger would face at least five years of jail time.

Hence, it wasn't just a publicity stunt.

It was very likely to be real.

That was the tricky part.

If the contents were real, it would be a human trafficking case involving students by a mastermind who seemed to possess an influential background.

Even though Director Huang was greedy, he would never commit such immoral acts.

Who exactly is this bast*rd!

And who exactly recorded their conversation?

Chapter 560: Coincidental Meeting with Almighty Qin in Pure Color (3)

"The person that released the video isn't a rookie," Qin Mo spoke, "The police probably won't be able to trace her."

Director Huang coughed. "We are still working on it."

"Working till it ends?" Qin Mo arched a brow, pressing the intercom. "Get Fatty over, this isn't training, let him know it's his favorite activity, tracing a hacker."


Director Huang eyes shot up at that word. "Did you just say hacker?"

"Only a hacker would be able to broadcast the same recording on over thirty platforms in one day."

Qin Mo stood up, his long slender fingers fastening the button on his coat, eluding a strong sense of abstinence.


15 minutes before the start of the live stream.

Fu Jiu took another look at her watch on her wrist, then lifted her lids towards the luminous building ahead.

Countless luxury cars drove in, but no one noticed the 24-hour convenient store in front of Pure Color, which had a good view.

If they took a closer look through the window towards the sitting area, they would definitely catch sight of the silver MacBook which lay open beside an ordinary bowl of Oden.

The MacBook concealed the user's face.

The ten fingers which flew across the keyboard produced repeated but clear typing sounds.

It sounded like she was playing a game, but with just one look at her screen, you could tell that she wasn't playing. Rows of data ran through her deep-set eyes, hinting at the attack she was engaging in.

Pure Color might seem to have tight security, but their network was extremely insecure.

The more people connected to the network, the more loopholes would appear.

Therefore, the security room, in particular, was the best place for an attack.

Fu Jiu's fingers landed swiftly. In less than three minutes, the virus was planted.

Of course, this type of virus required a follow-up.

Laptops couldn't be carried conveniently, but tablets could.

Thus, the laptop was the main engine and hence, had to be left here to conduct the live stream while she would take the tablet with her.

After preparing everything, she stood up and ordered another bowl of Oden before asking directions for the washroom.

It was to put on an act, so that the cashier would leave her laptop alone.

The cashier found her familiar, but it was probably due to her beauty. When she smiled, her eyes turned into crescents.

"Washroom? The washroom is behind, turn left after exiting."

"Thank you."

Fu Jiu curved her lips again. After she left the store, she didn't turn left but headed in the direction of Pure Color instead.

In five minutes, the live stream would start playing, but she couldn't just enter; she had wait for her bait — Liu Ming.

Time started to trickle past.

Liu Ming glanced at the endless traffic before turning towards the passenger seat. "We won't be able to drive in, you can alight here."

Ever since the call from her mother, Li Mengran's heart had been in a knot. She never would have expected her mother to force her to this man.

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