Chaotically Kicking Devil Ass...

By Cheese_Bread32

64.9K 1.9K 779

Our protagonist, Y/N, gets isekai'd to the world of CSM after getting his ass beat by his mentor. Now he need... More

Prologue - Devils, Hunters, Chaos
Chapter 1 - New Home, New Work
Chapter 2 - Endless Hotel (Pt. 1)
Chapter 3 - Endless Hotel (Pt. 2)
Chapter 4 - Endless Hotel (Finale)
Chapter 5 - A Bad Taste of a Kiss
Chapter 6 - Gunpowder and Swords
Chapter 7 - Training
Chapter 8 - Mission: Possible
Chapter 9: New Buddies (Short Chapter)
Chapter 10 - Explodin' Time
Chapter 11 - For Enoshima
Chapter 12 - Hell-o, Darkness my Old Friend
Chapter 13 - Exit Light
Extra 1 - Spooktober
Chapter 15 - Revelation

Chapter 14 - A Light in the Sea of Darkness

3.1K 109 16
By Cheese_Bread32

"Power, for the love of- calm the fuck down!" Y/N regrew his arms and knocked her out by tapping her on the neck "You, male version Medusa" 

Kukasabe, the only one that's currently conscious, looked at Y/N who was loading his Revolver. 

"Watch Power out for me, if she dies, I'd have to endure Denji's bitch ass cries. Got it?" Y/N asked, Kukasabe nodded. 

"H-Hey, I don't think it's legal to fire a gun without per-"

Before Kukasabe could finish his sentence, Y/N turned around and leave "Good. Now I gotta find Beats" 

Y/N soon found him lying on the ground face-first, it wasn't that hard to spot him due to his unusual head. 

Denji turned into his hybrid form and began clashing with the puppet, who was called 'Santa Claus' as he heard Makima say that name. 

Y/N shook him "WAKE UP!" 

No answer. Y/N decided to take things further and slapped him, though it made Y/N hold his hand in pain. 


Beats slowly opened his eyes "W-Wuh?" 

"Oh good, you're finally awake. You alright? Feeling sick?"

Beats groaned, which sounded like static "Yeah, I'm alright. Just, let me lay here for a bit"

Y/N left Beats alone and was about to join in the fight, but he was stopped by Makima calling his name. 

"Y/N, don't think I forgot about you" shivers went down Y/N's spine as he heard Makima's emotionless voice. 

"...Hi" Y/N responded. 

"I turned a blind eye to what you tried to do during the Gun devil cult raid since it was minor" Makima said. 

Y/N went wide-eyed 'She knows?!'

"However, attacking a fellow hunter is something I cannot turn a blind eye to. From now on, you will be under supervision by a devil hunter veteran, and the association will forfeit any of your paychecks. Normally, I'd have to put you down, but since you're special, I'll go lenient with you" Makima continued. Y/N opened his mouth to respond, but Makima shut him up "We'll discuss more of this tomorrow after things calm down. For now, help Denji" 

Y/N said nothing and he sprinted towards the fight, he felt tears forming in his eyes 'I'm fucked, utterly screwed. My 700,000 monthly income...'

'Ah, don't be a baby, there's always mugging and robbery'

'If I do that, then I'll get fired! If Makima somehow knew what I did during the raid, then she'll surely know that I robbed a goddamn person or store!'


Y/N saw Denji getting swarmed by the dolls. Y/N unloaded the Revolver and replaced the ammo with piercing rounds. Y/N thought it to be an appropriate action since these dolls seem to be made out of wood, though they bled. How that works is beyond me.

Y/N fired a shot, and the bullet pierced 4 dolls. And another, and another, and another, until there were no longer dolls dog-piling on Denji. 

"Hey man, you alright?" Y/N asked as he looked around for any more dolls. 

"Yeah, a little scratch here and there" Denji grunted as he stood up. 

"Hey," A voice behind them said. They turned around to see a new female hybrid with spikes on its shoulders. Her arms seem to be a crossbow, or at least it looks like it "Truce, clearly, we have a common enemy"

"Yo Chinese girl, no clothes?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. Denji was sticking his tongue out while respectfully looking at her assets.

"Torn apart" she replied. Soon, the defeated dolls stood up, both headless and half-destroyed ones. "The dolls have been enhanced. Seems like they won't stop until the main body gets destroyed" 

"Speaking of, where is it?" Y/N asked, but he received no answer "Hey I asked a-" 

'She's gone, dude'

"-Question. Wait, seriously?" He turned around, and what Alt said was true. 

"SOMETHIN' HAPPENED?" Denji also turned around to see Quanxi nowhere in sight "DID SHE SERIOUSLY LEFT US WITH THESE-" 

A doll rode Denji's back "ARGH! GET IT OFF!" 

Y/N chuckled and kicked the doll away from Denji. 

<--/// Underground Parking Lot ///-->

A tall doll with multiple sets of limbs, who is identified as Santa, was walking down until a barrage of sharp arrows broke her into pieces. 

It did nothing, as her wounds regenerated. It was fast, on par with Y/N's. 

"I didn't expect you to come. It's an honor to meet the person said to be the first devil hunter" Santa said. Quanxi replied with more arrows. Again, it only slowed Santa down as she stood up again "That stings. Hmm, how should I hunt an invisible hunter? I wonder if fire boy and saw boy can kill these puppets" 

"You babble too much" Quanxi then unleashed another barrage of arrows. 

<--/// Surface, Streets ///-->

The dolls' faces began to be alive, and by being alive, I mean they regained consciousness. Y/N couldn't tell if it was the real people reacting, or it was some cheap trick from Santa. 

"Huh? My arm? My arm! W-What happened-" 

"Argh! My legs! Why are my legs missing?!" 

"My body is m-moving on its own!" 

The dolls began panicking as soon as they saw their bodies getting toward the duo. 

"THIS IS SOME EVIL VILLAIN SHIT RIGHT HERE!" Denji then ran away with a horde of dolls following him. 

Half of the dolls stayed and fought Y/N. Y/N just stared at the disappearing figure as he dodged the Dolls' attacks. 

"...Eh, it's not like there's a geneva convention for puppets" and then, he started blasting.

'Maybe there's one in this realm?'

"No! No! Don't kill me!" Y/N then shot the screaming doll in the head. 

'Eh, too late to tell me that, Alt'

He parried an attack with the dagger, then dodged another attack. He ran around as he tried to group them up. 

"Hey! Nothing personal guys, I don't think there's a way for turning you lots to normal!" Y/N breathed deeply and unleashed a sea of flames from his mouth. 

As most of the dolls got burnt to a crisp, one managed to survive.

"Murderer! Devil! I-It hurts!" the doll yelled. Y/N raised his leg and bought it down on the doll's head.


"Oh great, now my pants are stained" Y/N looked around, and noticed the sun setting "I'll guess that's a bad thing"

'Remember, we're fighting a crackhead with darkness powers. If my gamer knowledge serves me right, light beats dark and vice versa

'That means I can light everything up? Finally, an excuse so that I can cause arson'

As the sky darkens, the street lights fail to light up. Y/N did a thumbs-up sign, and his thumb was set aflame, acting as a candle of sorts.

From a distance, he heard loud crashes and even louder chainsaw sounds. Looks like he doesn't have to walked through the whole city to find them. 

As Y/N arrived at the location, he saw Denji soaking himself in what Y/N could guess is gas. Denji saw Y/N and pointed at himself.


"This is dumb" 

"DO IT!" 

"Alright then" Y/N flicked his finger, and a small bolt of fire shot out and hit Denji by the head. 

As the flames spread over his body, he roared in pain and charged toward Santa. 

"THIS IS THE POWER OF LIGHT!" Denji then severs Santa's limbs, and jumped away before Y/N could unleash his attack. 

"And this is the power of love and friendship!" Y/N said jokingly. He inhaled deeply and let out a stream of flames. 

Y/N observed any signs of regeneration as Santa burned. As Alt said, light beats dark. 

Santa turned into a pile of ash, Y/N sighed in relief as soon as he saw Santa didn't regenerate. It had been a weird and tiring day for him. Scratch that, it had been a tiring day for everyone in general.

"Kinda anti-climactic, but I'm glad that's over" Y/N put back the revolver in his holster and his dagger on the sheath.

Denji looks ecstatic, excited about something "Yes! Now ms. Makima's gonna--"

Before he could finish, his head was sliced off his body and hit the ground with a large thud. 

Y/N turned around to face Quanxi and the other 2 freaky-looking fiends. He unsheathed his weapons once more. 

"Truce over. Time to work Cosmo" 

"Halloween!" The fiend, Cosmo, then crouched down "Haaaaallo- Haaaaallo-..."

Y/N aimed his revolver and fired, but no bullet came out, and a loud 'click' was heard. Not wasting any more time, Y/N dashed forward with his dagger set ablaze. 

"[Firebird Sla-!


<--/// Cosmo's Mindscape ///-->

"Halloween" Cosmo looked away from the book she was reading and stared at the newcomer "That's strange, you're not Y/N. I am sure that I used my attack on him"

Instead of Y/N, there was a tall woman with jet-black hair that reached down her hips. She wore a black fur cape with a straight overcoat underneath, with the only color being the golden trims of their hexagonal patterns.

(Longer fur)

The woman bowed "Greetings, my name is Asil, or as what Y/N would call me, Alt" Alt looked around the large library "This is inside your mind, I presume? Reminds me of that one library in Nest L"

 "...You're not from around here, am I correct?"

Alt let out a small menacing smile "Yes. At least, not in this realm

"Hmm, I suppose this is the first time I've met the likes of Y/N and you. Speaking of, what is he? There's this strange aura that's surrounding him, it's familiar, yet quite unknown"

"Now why would I share information with an enemy?"

"I crave knowledge, Asil. If you share it, then I'll share information as well. This library of mine holds all information in this universe"

Alt's professional facade almost wore off as she let out a small frown, but soon returned back to her smiling face. 

"Which one of us shares information first?"

"I suppose I will as I had invited you here. Now, what would you want to know?"

"Where, what, and who is the hero of hell?

<--/// Japan, Kyoto Streets ///-->

Y/N was on the ground, shaking. Bubbles formed on his mouth and his eyes rolled on the back of his head. Soon, he gasped and held his head in pain. 

Cosmo collapsed to the concrete floor and also held her head in pain.

"Did it not work, Cosmo?" Quanxi asked. 


Y/N sat up. He groaned and shook his head 'The fuck happened?'

'That fiend over there, Cosmo, used a psychological attack. It was too powerful for your mind to handle so I redirected the attack to me. We shared some info, and after that, I punched her in the face' Alt then sighed 'Dude, keeping that professional persona was tiring. Anyway, we're going to ask Makima something later, for now, beat them up

Y/N nodded and stood up. His eyes glowed blood red as he tightly gripped his dagger.

"Got no one else to back me up, everyone's either dead or unconscious, and I'm facing someone dangerous as you" Y/N cracked his neck "Looks like I need to be a bit serious for this"

Beats, still armless, arrived. He was panting and gasping for air, he looks like he ran from Tokyo to Kyoto "N... Need help?" 

"No" Y/N then grinned "Let me solo them" 

Quanxi and her fiends readied themselves. Y/N grinned widely as his dagger got ignited.

As Y/N crouched low, he launched himself at Quanxi with extraordinary speed, demonstrating a level of agility that surpassed human capability. With impressive reflexes, Quanxi managed to grab hold of two other fiends and hurled them away, as Y/N cleaved her in two.

In a last-ditch effort, Quanxi reached for her eye patch and inserted her hand into the socket before losing consciousness. Just as Y/N prepared to unleash a fiery blast at Quanxi, Cosmo intervened and tackled him, causing him to release his dagger, which slid out of reach.


"Argh, get off!" Setting his foot ablaze, he kicked Cosmo off of him. As she landed on the ground, Y/N kept stomping her head until it turned into a pile of mush. 

'Should've kept her alive, Y/N. She's the only one who has all of the information about this realm'

'Should've told me sooner' 

The other unknown fiend perished the same fate as Y/N slashed his dagger, and unleashed a wave of flame, which burned her alive.

A hail of bolts was fired at Y/N, but he evaded them all with remarkable agility. While keeping an eye out for any sign of Quanxi, Y/N surveyed his surroundings, but his reconnaissance was interrupted by yet another volley of bolts.

'How can she change positions so fast?! Alt, help me out here' 

'I thought you were soloing them?'

'C'mon, make fun of me later'


A ghostly projection of Alt appeared. She held her hand up as a glowing orb began to form. A shockwave exploded and halted every movement that it hit. After a second, all movements began to resume. Alt blasted another one, and Y/N found Quanxi, who was hiding in the shadows and is about to shoot bolts.

"There she is. Thanks for the assist" 

'No problemo. Treat me to HamHamPangPang next time we get back to the city'

Alt disappeared, and Y/N continues his ass-whooping. He quickly dashed towards Quanxi before she moved. 

Y/N pinned her down and continuously stabbed her in a Bri-ish-like fashion. Seeing that she isn't dying from his stabbing, he decided to tear off her head with his flaming bare hands. After he succeeded in the brutal action, he wiped the blood off his cheek. 

He stared at the body, making sure she'd stay dead, before turning around as he heard footsteps behind him. As he turned around, he saw Makima, Yoshida, and Kishibe coming this way. 

Kishibe was looking the other way, and Yoshida stared at Y/N in surprise with his eyebrows raised. 

Makima only stared at Y/N in the eyes. 

"That was impressive, Y/N, I did not know you were capable of dealing with the Crossbow hybrid, seeing that you were easily defeated by the Sword hybrid" Makima said, giving Y/N a small smile

"Indeed, that was pretty surprising" Yoshida said. 

Kishibe didn't say anything. Unusual for him to do, Y/N expected him to give him harsh criticism about his skills.

"Thanks for the cool compliments, but I think Makima should say that to Denji instead. Once he knows you said that to me he'll be all jealous and stuff" Y/N scratched his head "So, what now?"

"You all may return to your homes until further instructions given" Makima said.

Y/N beamed in joy "Alright! Sweet bed here I go!"

"Ah, wait" Yoshida said, but it was already too late as Y/N already left "...So, who's Chainsaw boy?"


Surprise, longer chapter.

Anyway, yes, Asil's outfit is Binah's from lobotomy corporation or library of ruina. When I get a chance, I'll draw her own original Arbiter outfit. 

Also, yes, HamHamPangPang is an actual restaurant in South Korea and in the Project Moon universe.

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