Anokhian: Invasion

By AlunaMcKnight

72.5K 2.3K 116

Viviana Wells is nothing if not a survivor. Maybe that doesn't make her so different than the Anokhian aliens... More



3.1K 91 9
By AlunaMcKnight

Authors note: I literally ran my phone over with my car... So that's why I haven't updated in so long!!! Needless to say I lost everything! So, I had to rewrite what I already had drafted to the best of my ability! Please Enjoy!! (I think I'll update once a week on Wednesday from now on!)
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My eyes fluttered open, still feeling sluggish from the morphine coursing through my veins. I had enough rest. I needed to figure out what was going on. I needed to know what the governments plan was. I wasn't going to be handed over to the aliens. I wasn't going to sit idily by while the decision was made for me. It wasn't in me to just comply.

I pulled the IV out of my arm and sat up. My blood stained clothes were gone and I didn't seem to have any replacements. I tied the gown around me as tight as I could as to keep my body covered and opened the curtain. There were men in the medical unit with burns and bloody limbs. What happened while I was out, how long was I out for?

I found a woman who's face was seemingly melted off. I took her folded uniform from beside her bed without being noticed and returned to my private corner. I checked my stitches and was surprised to see a great amount of healing had happened. This should have comforted me but instead I felt unsettled at the thought that I had missed so much while I was under.

I dressed in the soldiers uniform, her name tag read Guerrero. I pulled my white hair back into a low ponytail and shoved it through the back of the hat that now sat low on my forehead.

The hallway seemed empty as I made my way to the doors. I had only been here a few times before and I didn't really know where I was going. When I got to the doors soldiers outside were running from here to there, ready for deployment it seemed.

"Guerrero! Get your ass to the MOU!" Someone yelled. Military Operations Unit was where war plans were made. This is exactly where I needed to be.

"Sir. On my way there now, sir." I nodded my head at attention and hurried my way forward hoping it was the right direction.

"Other way Guerrero! Get your head on straight!" He yelled again.

"Sorry, sir." I turned around and headed the other way.

I found my way to the war room, aka Military Operations Unit and snuck in quietly. I didn't want to be noticed. I just needed to hear what was going on.

"We can't give in to their demands, we can't give them what they've asked for."

"If we can't meet their demands, or refuse to, they will declare war upon us and take what they want anyway."

"You cant seriously be considering giving them our woman to save the rest of us. Nobody would ever trust the government again."

"It's not about trust, it's about survival. Our men have already been attacked just trying to gain ground on the ship itself. I say we give them what they ask for and save our own asses."

"If they take our woman we won't be able to survive. We need our woman just as much as they do!"

"I agree. I say we blow them away."


Almost everyone was willing to go to war to save our woman from whatever these aliens had in store for us. For once I had pride in our government. For once I could agree with them.

"Does everyone understand the gravity of this decision? If we send word of our refusal, we will be at war by sundown. Are we all in agreement here?"

Everyone nodded their heads as my father took in their faces.

"I will lead the front line. We attack from the flank and send in sharp shooters from every high point we can. I want air support, ground support and infantry gunners ready at my command. Let's prepare to communicate our refusal." I heard his voice, my heart quickening. Why would he do that, why would he leave me, why would he offer to go out and die? He knew the front line infantry men took the most heat. Why would he do this to me?

My stomach flipped and I felt sick. The combination of adrenaline and coming down from a morphine high was getting to me. I didn't know what I was going to do yet but I knew I couldn't stay here at the base. I needed to get as far away from civilization and this god forsaken alien ship as I could. I needed to go back to my cave as silly as it sounded, it was safe.

I stopped at the armory and filled a duffle with as many full clips of 5.56 as I could carry and slung an AR-15 over my shoulder. I fixed a 9mm into the holster on my leg and another into the holster on my opposite hip. I shoved some core dehydrated foods into the duffle and figured I could stop at the crash if I needed any more supplies.

I snuck out to the gate and realized I wasn't going to be able to walk out without alerting someone. I stashed my bag by the gate and returned to the armory for a taser to stun the man at the gate. I'm sure it's easier said than done, especially in a covert fashion. But I had to make it happen.

I couldn't stay here.

I had to leave.

I was better off alone.

At least I knew I could trust myself, I knew I could survive alone. I grabbed the bag I stashed and walked up to the gate and requested to be let out. He opened the gate for me but got a suspicious look about him and grabbed his radio so I shoved the taser in his neck under the helmet and he dropped to the ground. I hurried into the humvee garage and threw my duffle in the back. The keys were in it and I drove away.

The humvees were tracked with a gps system and I knew I couldn't keep it. I had to switch vehicles as soon as I could. I found a truck a few miles away and put my stuff inside. There were no keys so I pulled the wires out of the steering column and cut them with the tactical knife in the vest I was wearing

"Shit" I cursed as my fingers were shocked by rubbing the wires together until the truck started.

It was a while back to the crash site, so I turned on the radio while I drove In hopes that I could get an idea of what was happening. What I heard was skin crawling.

"It looks like the core is commun"-- the signal was cut off and replaced with a smooth voice.

"Attention humans of Earth. We come in search of compatible females to save our species from extinction. We asked this of your government. They were warned that if our needs were not met with cooperation, we would meet our needs by force. Your government has just informed us they will not cooperate, and refuse to meet our demands. They have declared war. If any females wish to cooperate willingly and wish to save yourselves from being hunted like animals, come to our ship immediately. You will not be harmed."

"Did everyone hear that? Did you get that? Was that live?" The radio show host spoke like she forgot she was on air. How could I blame her, this is all so crazy it doesn't even seem real. I wished it was all a dream. I wish I could wake up and it was a normal day where my parents pick me up from school and drill me on what I learned. I wished I would wake up and my mom would still be alive, and I wouldn't be alone fighting for my life by disappearing into the wilderness...

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